After Aunt Xiaozhen left.

Xu Qingya looked at Reba intently.

Various emotions appeared in her eyes, including surprise, disbelief, dissatisfaction...

Reba was a little numb when Xu Qingya looked at her with such eyes.

His expression also became unnatural.

What happened to Xu Qingya?

Why do you keep staring at her?

"Reba, come and sit."

After a while, Xu Qingya finally spoke.

The title of Reba also changed from Dilireba to Reba.

Although it sounded a lot more cordial and polite, she still didn't call her Reba as Aunt Xiaozhen said. Reba is my sister-in-law.

After sitting down, Xu Qingya still stared at Reba

"Do you have anything to say to me?"

Reba was really not used to being stared at like this, so she finally couldn't help but ask.

Xu Qingya was silent for a few seconds.

Then she asked as if she was determined not to give up,"Reba, are you really Brother Ji Yun's wife?

Reba was paused by the question, thought for a moment and said,"Well... I really don't know how to answer this question.""

"However, I think I should not be counted as Ji Yun’s wife."

Xu Qingya's eyes lit up, but then she suppressed her eyes and asked in confusion:

"Since you are not brother Ji Yun's wife, why does my mother say you are my sister-in-law? Reba

's face turned slightly red and she said,"That's because Auntie and the others misunderstood."

Xu Qingya was curious:"Misunderstanding?"

Reba explained:"I came to Ji Yun's house as a guest.""

"I was walking outside with Aunt Ji and the others just now, and happened to meet several other aunts"

"Then several aunts misunderstood and thought I was the wife Ji Yun brought back."

Xu Qingya suddenly realized.

Her eyes became brighter and brighter.

However, before she was happy for too long, Xu Qingya felt that something was not right.

"Are you here as a guest at Brother Ji Yun's house?"

"But why would Brother Ji Yun invite you to his home?"

Xu Qingya asked with a frown.

Although she didn't have much contact with Brother Ji Yun,

Xu Qingya knew very well that Brother Ji Yun had a cold personality and was taciturn. He was used to being a loner and didn't even have many friends.

This is the festival. It's totally against common sense to invite someone of the opposite sex to your home.

"That's because..."

At this point, Reba paused.

That's not right.

Why did Xu Qingya ask so many things about her and Ji Yun? Even if she reacted slowly, she was gradually realizing that something was wrong. Xu Qingya was slow to respond.

Qingya seems to be a little too concerned about her relationship with Ji Yun.

Is she Ji Yun's wife?

Why does Xu Qingya care so much?

"Qingya, what is your relationship with Ji Yun...what is your relationship?"

Reba narrowed her beautiful eyes and asked suspiciously.


Xu Qingya was originally lively and cheerful, and even had a bit of a social personality.

But when faced with the question of Reba, Xu Qingya was momentarily speechless.

Then she said with a somewhat awkward expression:"Brother Ji Yun and I... have nothing to do with each other.."

It doesn't matter, you still become like this... Reba chuckled:"Really? I do not believe."

Xu Qingya gritted her teeth and closed her eyes:"Okay, okay, since you have told me so much."I won't hide it from you anymore."

"Actually I like brother Ji Yun."

Reba's expression changed.

Although she had already guessed that the relationship between Xu Qingya and Ji Yun seemed unusual.

After all, when she heard that she was Ji Yun's wife,

Xu Qingya almost didn't write the word"unhappy" on her face.

And when she heard her say it was a misunderstanding, the curve of the corners of Xu Qingya's mouth became harder to suppress than AK.

Doesn't this mean that Xu Qingya has different feelings for Ji Yun?

Of course, now that Xu Qingya takes the initiative, Admit it, Reba still couldn't help being surprised.

"Qingya, you actually like Ji Yun?"

Xu Qingya's face changed and she defended:"What does it mean to be unexpected? It's normal for me to like Brother Ji Yun, okay?"

"Brother Ji Yun is so outstanding and good-looking, so it would be abnormal not to like Brother Ji Yun, right?"

This is true.

There is no need to elaborate too much on Ji Yun's excellence.

And Ji Yun's appearance is of a level that can instantly become a top-notch level in the entertainment industry.

But... at this time, Reba felt in her heart It's very awkward.


It's normal for Xu Qingya to like Ji Yun.

Just like boys like good-looking girls.

Girls will naturally like good-looking boys.

However, Xu Qingya told her that she likes Ji Yun, then It's a bit abnormal!

Although she has nothing to do with Ji Yun, she and Ji Yun have a child anyway.

After two seconds of silence, Reba followed Xu Qingya's words and continued to ask:

"Qingya, from what you say, you are very familiar with Ji Yun? Xu

Qingya's face turned red, and then her eyes became disappointed:"I am very familiar with Brother Ji Yun, but Brother Ji Yun is not familiar with me.""

"In fact, Brother Ji Yun and I have only met a few times in total."

"However, when I first met Brother Ji Yun, I already liked Brother Ji Yun!"

Love at first sight!?

Reba was immediately silent.

Ji Yun's charm is so great... love at first sight actually happened

"So that's it."

Reba nodded slightly, feeling inexplicably relieved.

"Reba, I have said everything, now it is your turn to speak. Xu Qingya asked:"

I didn't ask you just now, why did Brother Ji Yun invite you to his home?""

Reba thought about it for a moment and stopped hiding it from Xu Qingya.

"Because Ji Yun and I live together, Ji Yun invited me back when he came back for the holidays."

Hearing this, Xu Qingya's eyes widened and she was dumbfounded.

", you actually live with brother Ji Yun?"

"What is your relationship with Brother Ji Yun?"

Xu Qingya became nervous again.

Reba said:"Qingya, my relationship with Ji Yun is rather complicated, and I don't know how to tell you."

"Ji Yun and I are indeed not husband and wife, but Ji Yun and I have a child."

Reba originally didn't intend to talk about this matter.

But Xu Qingya said that she liked Ji Yun.

Reba suddenly had an idea in her heart.

She must tell Xu Qingya about her relationship with Ji Yun.

Xu Qingya:"???"

Listening to Reba's words, Xu Qingya wondered if there was something wrong with her ears.

"You and Brother Ji Yun have a child? Xu

Qingya asked in disbelief.

Reba nodded and said,"Yes, the baby is outside, and those aunties are taking care of her.""(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xu Qingya was silent.

Her whole body seemed to be hit hard and she was speechless.

But the next moment, Xu Qingya seemed to have thought of something and said quickly:

"No, I know your situation"

"Many people on the Internet say that there is a big boss behind you, that’s why you became famous so quickly."

"Does Brother Ji Yun know about this? Does he know there is someone behind you?"

Reba sighed.

Seeing that Xu Qingya was so low, she felt a little ashamed and didn't want to hit Xu Qingya again.

But she didn't expect that Xu Qingya insisted on coming up.

"Well, Ji Yun knows about this.

Reba said:"Because the person behind me that everyone talks about is Ji Yun.""

Xu Qingya was stunned.

Then she was completely speechless as if she had been hit by a double blow.

Isn't it...sick?

She has children. She came back this time to meet her parents.

So whether she got married or not is still important. Isn't it?

Isn't this just rushing to get married?

Feeling Xu Qingya's resentful gaze, Reba touched her nose. She could only laugh twice awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

…… after awhile.

The time came to nine o'clock in the evening.

A"ding-dong" sound came from Reba's cell phone.

When I took it out and looked at it, I found that it was a message from Ji Yun.

"I'm at the door, it's time to take the group home. Seeing this message, Reba immediately replied:"Okay, I'll go find Auntie." Putting down her phone, Reba glanced at Xu Qingya, who was still in an eom state, and said,"Um...Qingya, I should go back.""

Xu Qingya nodded in despair.

Seeing this, Reba said nothing more, for fear of hitting Xu Qingya again.

Xu Qingya is still very young, and it seems that she should still be in college, or just graduated from college.

Her eyes are still shining A trace of clear stupidity, fearing that she could not withstand the blow.

At this time, Ji's mother was holding Tuantuan and playing happily in the lounge.

Tuantuan was not afraid of strangers, nor was she crying for her mother.

But Reba As soon as Tuantuan showed up, he immediately opened his hands to Reba.

Reba hugged Tuantuan and said,"Auntie, Ji Yun sent me a message saying that he was waiting outside."

"It's getting late. It's time for me to take the group back. Do you want to go back together or play here a little longer?"

".Is that guy Ji Yun here?"

Ji's mother was stunned for a moment and glanced at Reba meaningfully.

But she didn't say anything. She looked at the time and said,"It's really late now."

"Reba, let me go back with you."

Ji's mother stood up and waved to the other aunts:"Then we'll go back first and you can continue playing."

The other aunts didn't say anything. They smiled and waved goodbye to Ji's mother. When they came to the door,

Ji Yun stood quietly in the corridor.

"I didn't expect that your boy would come to pick us up specially."

Ji Yun said in a joking tone:"Reba, you may not know that I have come out to play mahjong so many times, and Ji Yun has never come to pick me up even once."

"This time he brought you out with him. Ji Yun immediately took the time to pick you up. Reba

's face turned slightly red and she said shyly,"Auntie, it's mainly because Tuantuan is here." Ji

's mother smiled and said nothing.

Ji Yun came over and scratched Tuantuan's nose:"Do you want daddy to hug you?""

Tuantuan thought for a moment and fell into Ji Yun's arms.

Ji Yun hugged Tuantuan, and then they went home.

The first thing they did after arriving home was naturally to give Tuantuan a bath.

Ji's mother originally wanted to come over to help.

But when she saw the heat Ba and Ji Yun bathed Tuantuan very skillfully.

So Ji's mother did not interfere.

"Reba, then I will go back to the room first."

"Okay aunt, you go to bed early."

Reba said good night to Ji's mother.

After a while, they finished bathing Tuantuan and feeding her milk.

The time came to 9:50 pm.

Tuantuan had a lot of fun today, so she was also very tired. After drinking milk She fell asleep immediately.

Reba put her on the bed.

Then she found that she was now faced with a very embarrassing problem.

That was how to spend the night today.

Ji Yun was sitting on the sofa (Wang Li Zhao) , and had no intention of leaving.

So the room was still not tidied up, and the two of them were going to sleep in the same room tonight.

Reba glanced at Ji Yun secretly, thinking about what to do next.

But Ji Yun seemed to have something After noticing it, he said:"Look what I do? It's getting late, you go take a shower."

Reba quickly withdrew her gaze.

Then she took her pajamas and quickly walked into the bathroom.

By the time she came out of the shower, it was already past ten o'clock.

Ji Yun leaned on the sofa, as if ready to do it at noon. Sleeping on the sofa.

However, Reba felt that this was not an option. She just slept for an hour or two at noon and squinted on the sofa for a while.

But sitting on the sofa like this all night would definitely make her back sore when she woke up the next morning. pain in neck

"Ji Yun, um...why don't you come and sleep on the bed?"

Reba mustered up her courage, but still said in a low voice.

"are you sure?"

Ji Yun neither agreed nor refused, but asked calmly.


Reba said,"I can't let you sleep on the sofa, right?"

"Sleeping on the sofa for a night will be too much for your body"

"I think this bed is quite big. We can put the bed in the middle. You sleep on the left side and I sleep on the right side."

"You said..."

Before Reba could finish her words, she saw Ji Yun standing up and walking over from the sofa to get naked.

Then he lifted the quilt and lay down directly:"Then just sleep like this."

Ji Yun's voice was calm, as if this was a normal thing.


Although, are you moving a little too fast?.

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