this moment.

Reba was stunned.

Before she finished speaking, she saw Ji Yun getting up from the sofa and lying down.

The breeze brought by when the quilt fell was also accompanied by the fragrance of Ji Yun's shower gel.

Smelling this smell, Reba gradually came back to her senses.

No... what's going on?

Why did Ji Yun suddenly lie down?

Reba blinked, feeling that something was very wrong.

Logically speaking, Ji Yun shouldn't agree so quickly.

She was already considering whether she should persuade Ji Yun again if Ji Yun refused again.

As a result, Ji Yun lay down on his own.

This is not in line with the character of the boss!

"sleep early."

At this time, Ji Yun's calm voice came over

"Ouch, good. Reba nodded repeatedly, and then quickly lay down.

The light switch was on her side, and she asked in a low voice:"Then should I turn off the light?""

Ji Yun hummed.

"With a click, the lights went out.

The room was instantly plunged into darkness.

Only a little bit of moonlight spilled in from the gap between the curtains.

In this invisible environment, a quiet atmosphere instantly enveloped the entire room.

I don’t know if it was What's the psychological effect?

​​Reba can actually feel the presence of another person beside the bed.

It's so embarrassing~

Reba feels that she can dig out the three bedrooms and one living room with her toes.

Ever since she was a child, Reba has never She has never slept in the same bed with a boy.

Although the man sleeping next to her now has a child with her, strictly speaking, she has not had much close contact with this man.

At least when she is awake, she has not even had a child. They didn't even hold hands.

They were sleeping together now. Is the progress a little too fast?

A strange emotion spread in Reba's heart.

She didn't know how long it had been, but the room was still as quiet as ever. 890

Ji Yun seemed to be asleep, there was no movement at all.

Reba wanted to confirm whether Ji Yun was really asleep.

But she did not dare to get up, fearing that making a sound would wake up Ji Yun.

In the end, she also I closed my eyes, feeling sleepy gradually coming over me.

I fell asleep before I knew it.


The night passed quickly.

Yesterday night was Christmas Eve.

The next morning, Ji Yun was the first to wake up from his sleep.

Turning his head, Ji Yun found that Tuantuan was also awake.

The little guy looked around with his big eyes open. It looked like he had just woken up.

"Baby, you're awake. Ji

Yun smiled softly and hugged Tuantuan:"Can dad take you to wash up?""

Reba is still sleeping.

Therefore, Ji Yun's movements were very gentle. He didn't want to wake up Reba.

But unexpectedly, he just picked up Tuantuan, and Tuantuan's little face shrank and started crying.

The cry started. At that moment, Reba opened her eyes instantly.

Then she saw Ji Yun sitting next to her holding Tuantuan in her arms.

Reba was stunned for a few seconds, and a blush appeared on her face. She quickly pulled up the quilt to cover her face.

But. After a few more seconds, Reba seemed to realize that she slept with Ji Yun last night.

So she slowly poked her head out of the quilt and said with a blushing face:

"Ji Yun, good morning. Ji

Yun hummed and said calmly:"It's still early. If you're sleepy, just go back to sleep and I'll take care of you.""

Ji Yun is also a little helpless.

Since Reba moved into Yangyiju, he has not slept with Tuantuan.

Unexpectedly, Tuantuan will cry when she wakes up and sees him now.

It seems that she should sleep with Tuantuan more if she has the chance. Only then

"It's okay, I'm not sleepy anymore."

Reba shook her head.

Ji Yun was sitting next to her. How could she sleep?

"Ji Yun, please give Tuantuan to me, I will take Tuantuan to wash up. Ji

Yun thought for a moment, nodded and said,"Okay, then I'll go and make milk for Tuan Tuan.""

When making Tuan Tuan milk yesterday night, Ji Yun had already brought all the tools into the room.

It didn't take long for Ji Yun to make the milk, and Reba just finished washing Tuan Tuan's face.

Reba fed Tuan Tuan and drank. When breastfeeding, Ji Yun went to the bathroom to wash up.

Then Ji Yun took Tuantuan out first and made time for Reba to wash up.

Washing up is more troublesome for girls.

Not only do they have to wash their faces, they also need to do various skin care.

So it is necessary longer.

At this time, in the living room,

Ji’s mother happened to buyCome back for breakfast.

Seeing Ji Yun carrying Tuan Tuan out of the room, a kind smile appeared on Ji's mother's face

"My baby woke up so early."

Ji's mother came up, opened her hands towards Tuantuan, and said with a smile:"Come on, let grandma hug you."

"I haven’t seen you for a whole night. Grandma almost misses you."

"Grandma specially cooked an egg custard for you today. Can grandma hold you for breakfast?"

However, Tuantuan, who had just woken up, still recognized someone.

He turned his head aside coldly, unwilling to be hugged by his grandma.

Ji Yun couldn't help but smiled bitterly and said,"Mom, I can just hold Tuantuan for breakfast. She has already got used to"

"That's OK. Ji

's mother gently scratched her nose, and then asked:"By the way, Reba hasn't gotten up yet?"

Ji Yun said calmly:"Get up and wash up in the bathroom.""

Ji's mother said:"Then wait until Reba comes out and then have breakfast."

"Your dad has already gone to the company. He has been a hands-off shopkeeper for so long, and tomorrow happens to be the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday again."

"Your dad is very busy today and probably doesn't have time to come back for dinner."

The Ji family is already very wealthy. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Because Ji's father runs a large-scale company.

Although compared with Chuangji, there is still a big gap.

But if you look at it , Even in the whole world, it can be considered a big company.

As for this trip, Father Ji has not been in the company for several months.

So now that he is back, there are naturally many things waiting for Father Ji to deal with.

After a while, Reba After washing, she walked out of the room.

Reba still wore a set of good-girl-style clothes today, and she didn’t put any makeup on her face.

So she looked (bjec) as delicate as Xiaojiabiyu

"Good morning, aunt."

After coming out, Reba said hello to Ji's mother.

"Reba is up. Are you hungry? Come on over for breakfast."

Ji's mother opened the breakfast she bought, and a smell wafted out.

While putting all kinds of breakfast on the table, Ji's mother said:"Reba, I don't know what you like to eat, so I just Bought a little of everything"

"But these things are very delicious. I buy breakfast from this restaurant every day and I haven’t gotten tired of it for several years."

"Give it a try and see if it suits your taste."

Reba nodded, picked up a small steamed bun and started eating it.

"How is it? Does it taste okay?"

After Reba finished eating, Ji's mother immediately asked

"Well, Auntie, it’s delicious.

Reba said:"You should eat it quickly. The taste will not be good after it cools down.""

"good. Ji

's mother also sat down.

Then she seemed to think of something and asked,"Reba, how did you sleep last night?" Can you get used to the bed here?"

Reba blushed.

She actually doesn't recognize the bed. She can sleep anywhere as long as she's sleepy.

However, it's a different matter if there's someone next to her.

"Auntie, it's not bad."

Reba glanced at Ji Yun secretly and whispered.

Although she was a little embarrassed that Ji Yun was sleeping next to her.

But for some reason, she didn't fall asleep last night.

On the contrary, she slept quite comfortably.

Ji's mother smiled He said:"That's good, I'm afraid you won't be used to sleeping."

"Come on, eat breakfast. Let's go out for a while with the group."

"Tuantuan, do you want to go out and play?"

As soon as Tuantuan heard that he was going out to play, he immediately became energetic.

He cried out:"Wow! (Go and play)"

Ji's mother couldn't help but laugh:"You little rascal, you become happy when you talk about going out to play?"

"Grandma wanted to hug you just now, but you didn't want to."

Tuantuan said that the baby could not understand these words, and the baby only knew that he could go out to play later.

So even the speed of eating breakfast became faster, and he finished the bowl of egg custard in a short time.

Tuantuan finished breakfast After that, Ji's mother took her from Ji Yun's hand.

Then Ji Yun quickly finished breakfast, and the three of them went out together.

They played in the park downstairs for a while and didn't go too far.

Time As expected, Ji's father didn't come back at noon.

It wasn't until about seven o'clock in the evening that Ji's father got home.

So Ji's mother didn't go out to play mahjong today.

When Ji's father came back, Ji's mother took out the dishes and heated them up. Let Ji's father have a mouthful of hot rice.

At this time, Ji Yun and Reba were bathing each other in the bathroom.

Then... they will sleep together again tonight.

Fortunately, they have the experience of yesterday night.

So Reba is not so nervous tonight.


Time flew by.

Come the next day.

And this day is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

In China, the Mid-Autumn Festival symbolizes the reunion of relatives.

At noon, after eating.

Ji's mother is going out to buy some fresh ingredients. She is going to make a sumptuous meal tonight.

Reba suddenly wanted to go with Ji's mother

"Auntie, how about I go shopping with you?"

"Reba, are you going too?

Ji's mother asked with a smile:"What's wrong?" Do you want to cook tonight too?

Reba nodded and said a little embarrassedly:"Yes, Auntie.""

"However, I don't know what to cook, so I want to ask my aunt for her opinion. Ji

's mother smiled and said,"Okay, as long as you want to cook, auntie will teach you all the dishes she knows how to cook.""

"Then let's go. It happens that the two of us are with each other, so we can leave the house to their men."

At this time, Tuantuan has fallen asleep.

He only needs someone to accompany him in case there is no one around when Tuantuan wakes up.

"Ji Yun, then my aunt and I are going out.

Reba asked Ji Yun.

Ji Yun hummed:"Go ahead.""

When Reba wants to go out, Ji Yun naturally won't say anything.

He will never restrain Reba.

As long as there is no conflict in time, what Reba wants to do is her own business.


Then, Reba went out to buy groceries with Ji's mother.

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