At this time, Yang Mi couldn't help but feel a headache.

She really didn't expect it.

Without paying attention, that silly girl Reba caused so much trouble for her!

For a moment, she didn't know how to deal with this trouble!

This cannot be solved in one or two sentences! on the Internet.

As long as one thing is recognized by netizens, it doesn't matter whether it is true or not, whether there is evidence or not.

In the end, this thing will definitely become true!

Today's netizens don't care so much, they don't even care about the truth.

In the beginning, a few netizens with bad intentions will guide them, and then most of the remaining netizens will start to follow suit crazily.

This is the so-called following others' opinions.

That's how the rumors came about.

Even for celebrities, it can be very difficult to face such rumors.

After all, no one believes the explanation, and sending a lawyer’s letter is painless.

The only way is to dilute it with time.

How long it will take depends on how popular and discussed the matter is.

Very unfortunately.

RomanceRumors are the most discussed among all rumors.

The popularity will last for a long time, and it may even continue to circulate, directly giving the celebrity an expression of being in love.

In the entertainment industry, such lessons are not unheard of.

There are many celebrities who are in trouble because of scandals.

As a result, it spread more and more widely, and in the eyes of netizens, it means that she has a boyfriend (girlfriend)!


Reba's matter is even more troublesome.

To a certain extent, the rumor Reba is facing now is actually not completely a rumor.

That's right.

Reba and Ji Yun are indeed not in a relationship yet, and there is no such thing as exposure of the relationship.

This is completely a blind analysis by netizens.

But it cannot be said that everything analyzed by netizens is false.

Because the photo of Reba was indeed taken by Ji Yun, which is correct.

This is the key factor that gives Yang Mi a headache

"Sister Mi, what should I do now?"

At this time, the phone screen suddenly lit up, and Reba sent a message.

Seeing this message, Yang Mi sighed helplessly:"Reba, what do you think we can do now? Reba thought for a moment:"

Then I delete this scarf?" Yang

Mi couldn't help but feel speechless:"Delete the scarf?" Do you think it’s too late to delete the scarf now?"

"Look, the topic about your relationship exposure has rushed to the third place in the hot search list. It’s only a matter of time before it reaches the first place in the hot search list."

"If you deleted the scarf at this time, doesn't it mean you feel guilty? It means that there is no problem with those netizens’ analysis!"

What Yang Mi said is actually not correct.

Now the topic of Reba's relationship exposure is no longer the third issue of scarves.

It has become the second issue of scarves...

How should I delete it at this time?

After deleting it, I issued a statement saying that my hand slipped. ?

"Then let me explain? After Reba finished typing this paragraph, she felt it was inappropriate for some reason:"But it's probably useless to explain now, right?" They won't believe it either.

Yang Mi replied:"There is really no use in explaining now.""

"Netizens insist that you are in love, but if you tell them to show your heart, they also think that you are in love."

"But, having said that, even if it doesn’t make any sense, you still have to explain it."

"An explanation may not make netizens believe it, but not explaining it is acquiescing to netizens’ conjectures."

Sometimes, some things are done not necessarily to get better.

But to not get worse.

Reba was curious:"Sister Mi, how should I explain it~.?"

Yang Mi:"If you want to explain, you don't need to come forward yourself. We at Jiahe will help you explain.""

"However, there is something I want to say up front, Reba, you have to think about whether you want to explain"

"And you have to think clearly about what Ji Yun will think after you explain!"

Reba was silent.

Reading the text sent by Yang Mi, a heavy feeling hit her face across the screen!

Reba naturally knew what Yang Mi meant.

Netizens speculated that she had a boyfriend.

At this time, if she Stand up and explain that you don't have a boyfriend.

To a certain extent, it can be regarded as pushing Ji Yun out.

You know,

Ji Yun is not a popular little guy in the entertainment industry, or someone with a little bit. Money's little rich man.

Ji Yun is the senior executive behind Ji Sining, the big boss who can talk directly to Ma Yu!

He is a person who stands at the top of the world's pyramid, and he is a rich man among the rich!

In the entertainment industry, some female stars are They fell in love with an actor during a drama.

Some female stars met young rich people worth over 100 million through parties, or rich second-generation people in their families.

In this case, if they are photographed by the paparazzi, or Fans have guessed it.

They can cover it up and send a lawyer's letter to warn them.

But have you ever seen any female star fall in love with a wealthy person?

After being discovered, she still hides it?

The reason is very simple!

Because her identity is There's a huge difference!

Falling in love with an actor is just for the sake of freshness.

After being exposed, both parties will cover it up because they don't want to delay future development.

Falling in love with a rich young man, both parties have their own agenda.

But. In the end, I know whether I should break up or break up, so I still need to hide it.

But when you fall in love with a wealthy family, no matter whether you have different plans or not, and whether you can get together in the future, you can't hide it.

Because if you hide it, you will not be able to hide it for the wealthy family. It's a humiliation for people!

And that's why Yang Mi asked if she had thought it through clearly.

It is true that Ji Yun is different from those stereotyped wealthy families.

But Ji Yun is still a wealthy family.

There is someone who belongs to Ji Yun What dignity!

At this time, Reba couldn't help but fell silent, not knowing how to answer Yang Mi.

At this time, Yang Mi sent a message:"Little Reba, if you ask me to explain, I actually don't suggest you explain it."

"I know that you and Ji Yun are not together yet"

"But I know better that you will definitely be together in the future"

"Don't tell me that you don't like Ji Yun at all."

Seeing this news, Reba couldn't help but blush.

She... does she have a crush on Ji Yun? She should have... after all, she has been living with Ji Yun for several months.

Ji Yun is so good, no matter what It was perfect from every aspect.

She felt that there was no woman in the world who could not be moved by Ji Yun.

Yang Mi continued to send a message:"I know what you are thinking. You think it is impossible for you to follow Ji Yun." Ji Yun is together"

"In other words, you feel that you are not worthy of Ji Yun"

"There is no need to feel inferior. This is normal. If I were in your position, I would feel unworthy of Ji Yun."

"But it doesn’t matter whether you are worthy or not. What matters is whether you have feelings or not."

"I feel... Ji Yun should also have some feelings for you in that way."

"Otherwise, how could someone as aloof as Ji Yun be willing to take you home and take photos of you?"

Reba's face turned even redder.

Her mind also became blank. What does

Ji Yun mean to her? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The so-called authorities are obsessed with it, but bystanders can tell.

She is really She didn't feel it, she just felt that Ji Yun was willing to treat her better than others because of Tuantuan, or because of Ji's mother.

But looking at the message sent by Yang Mi, she actually felt that.

Sister Mi, maybe, maybe... what she said makes sense?

Yang Mi:"So, in this case, I don't recommend that you come forward to explain"

"As long as you don't explain and continue to develop with Ji Yun step by step, you might really become Mrs. Ji one day!"

"As for netizens, they can think whatever they want. There is no evidence anyway."

"And when they really find the evidence, you will be with Ji Yun"

"With your character, they don’t need to confirm it when the time comes, you can just make the official announcement yourself!"

"What I said is not wrong."

Reba nodded lightly.

If she and Ji Yun are together, then on the first day they are together, she will announce it to the entire network!

Yang Mi:"So, let them guess, and I can also give it to you. To increase the heat?"

"You don’t need fans. Anyway, with Ji Yun here, you don’t lack resources at all."

"To say the least, being together will only make your fans more and more."

Female stars are no better than male stars.

In the entertainment industry, those who like to chase stars are basically girls.

Therefore, most of the fans of male stars are CP fans.

Therefore, male stars will lose most of their fans when they fall in love.

But female stars are different , fans of female stars are not CP fans.

The reason why female stars do not officially announce their relationship is just because they can’t find a suitable partner.

Because fans of female stars will look at who the female star’s partner is and what she looks like.

Entertainment Circle Here, there are many female celebrities who lose their fans just because they are dating average partners.

However, there are also some female celebrities who have found a partner who is handsome or has a good personality. As a result, they have gained a large number of CP fans without any reduction in popularity.

In this way Although there are not many cases.

But Yang Mi believes that Ji Yun can definitely conquer Reba’s fans!

How good and handsome Ji Yun is.

There is no need to say more!

What’s more important is that Ji Yun and Naha The general temperament.

For girls, especially young girls, that is simply too attractive!

Ji Yun’s hot search for [young and early marriage] some time ago.

Of course Yang Mi also saw it.

While Yang Mi found it funny, she was also deeply moved by it. I fully understand Ji Yun’s charm!

Maybe after getting together with Reba, it’s not impossible for Ji Yun’s popularity to surpass Reba!

"Okay, having said all that, I won’t go on talking to you anymore."

Yang Mi said:"Xiao Reba, I will tell you all the pros and cons."

"Next, it’s up to you how you choose"

"To explain or not to explain" other side of the screen.

Seeing the message from Yang Mi, Reba put away all the shyness, confusion, disbelief and other emotions on her face.

A look of seriousness appeared on Reba's face.

After thinking for a moment, Reba gave her answer:"Sister Mi, I think... I'd better not explain it."


Reba never wanted to explain!

Reba didn't even want to delete the photos.

She didn't think about it that much, she just didn't think about it from the bottom of her heart.

Yang Mi:"Xiao Reba, I knew you would choose this way."

"Now you can finally admit that you think about Ji Yun, right? See if I tease you in the future, how dare you deny it. Reba's face turned red:"

Sister Mi, you can't do this. We are talking seriously now.""

Yang Mi:"Okay (Nuo Zhao's), okay, now I'm starting to get shy."

"I won’t tell you anymore, you caused such a big thing, and now you want me to wipe your ass!"

"I still have to talk to Sister Li about this matter about you. Sister Li is almost blowing up my phone number!"

While chatting with Reba just now, Li Ya didn't know how many calls she made.

However, Yang Mi didn't answer any of the calls.

Because Yang Mi knew that if she answered, she would have to talk to Li Ya for a long time. She might as well first Calm down Reba.

Reba was concerned:"Isn't Sister Li going to be so angry? Sister Mi, please don’t quarrel later."

"My problems are my own."

Li Ya is Jiahe's agent and also a shareholder of Jiahe.

Her status in Jiahe is not much lower than that of Yang Mi.

Sometimes they disagree and the two people will have disputes.

Yang Mi:"Don't worry, Sister Li. I won't be angry for sure"

"Now, as long as it's about you, Sister Li is very calm."

Reba was slightly startled.

But she quickly realized that it was because of Ji Yun.

After all, Sister Li also works to make money.

However, as long as Ji Yun is around, she will definitely make money.

As for her stars, Cool or fire, it doesn't matter.

"You go to bed early. Sister Li and I will discuss how to calm down this matter and minimize the negative effects on you."

If you don't explain, you can't explain.

However, we can't let Reba be blackened by the whole Internet because of this.

Being scandalized and being blacklisted are two different things.

"Thank you, Sister Mi."

After Reba finished speaking, she put down her phone.

Then, Reba turned to look at Ji Yun.

Ji Yun...

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