After putting down her phone, Reba turned to look at Ji Yun.

With such a big thing happening, she naturally wanted to tell Ji Yun.

Although she didn't mean it, this incident might not have any impact on Ji Yun.

But no matter what, this incident also caused an uproar on the Internet. and.

This matter cannot be concealed.

Don't look at Ji Yun's mobile phone, which doesn't even have any entertainment software.

But Ji Yun was not slow at all in accepting the news.

Wait until Ji Yun knows about this.

If she told Ji Yun again, the meaning would be completely different.

And at this time.

Ji Yun is still working.

However, Ji Yun's work has come to an end.

His long and beautiful fingers tapped lightly on the keyboard.

Soon, after typing the last character, Ji Yun stopped.

After closing the computer, Ji Yun slowly turned to look at Reba and said calmly:"Do you have something that you want to tell me?"

Reba couldn't help but be stunned by the question:"You, how did you know?"

She Before she even spoke, Ji Yun knew that she had something to say?

Ji Yun said calmly:"Is it difficult to guess?"

After all, they lived under the same roof and had been together for several months.

Reba knew something about Ji Yun.

How could Ji Yun not understand Reba?

In many situations, Ji Yun can know what Reba wants to do just by looking at her expression.

Just like just now, Ji Yun had noticed Reba looking at him.

There was a complicated look on Reba's face, and she was hesitant to speak. It was obvious that she had something to say.

But at that time, Ji Yun was about to finish the work.

That's why Ji Yun didn't ask immediately and waited until the work was done before speaking.

"Tell me what happened."

Ji Yun put the notebook aside leisurely.

Then he looked at Reba quietly.

Reba was silent, thinking about how to tell Ji Yun about this matter.

I have to say, it was quite embarrassing. …

Having caused these things, I don’t know what Ji Yun will think.

After hesitating for a moment, Reba still felt like answering honestly

"That... is... just now while you were working, I posted an update on the scarf."893" The content is the photos you took for me at the garden party."

"I promise, I really just want to run my own scarf"

"But I didn’t expect that the trustworthiness of netizens now is so outrageous. From those few photos, I could tell that they were taken by boys."

"You also know that netizens like to eat melon the most, and then...then they said that I have a boyfriend"

"Until now, the matter seems to have become a big deal, and it has already appeared on the hot search list of scarves."

After saying this, Reba looked at Ji Yun nervously.

Ji Yun frowned slightly and couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

Ji Yun really didn't expect that such a thing would happen.

"So what's going on now? Did someone take a photo of us?"

After a moment of silence, Ji Yun asked.

Reba shook her head repeatedly and said,"This is not true."

"So far, there is no strong evidence on the Internet. It is all based on netizens’ own imagination."

"But that’s how netizens are, they don’t care about the evidence, they just want to see what they want to see, and now it’s like it’s real."

Three people are like tigers, and everyone agrees. Ji Yun is not surprised by this.

He has always understood the Internet. He just hummed softly, and then stopped talking.

Seeing that Ji Yun didn't speak, Reba couldn't help but become more nervous Got it

"I just chatted with Sister Mi for a while and already thought of a solution."

Reba said:"That scarf has been out for a while, and it may have topped the hot search list now."

"If you want to delete that scarf now, it will definitely be too late."

"All the netizens who should have seen it have seen it, and the whole Internet is also discussing this matter. Even deleting the scarf cannot calm this matter."

"And there is a possibility that this matter will become more and more serious, and netizens will become more and more convinced that I have a guilty conscience."

After a pause, Reba said:"But if you explain, it is not a good idea."

"First of all, netizens just want to eat melon. Even if I explain, netizens won’t believe it."

"There are too many examples of this in the entertainment industry. Statements and lawyer letters no longer have any credibility in the eyes of netizens."

"Secondly, my explanation at this time will also have a certain impact on you."

"It's as if I am eager to clear up the relationship with you, and you will be embarrassed."

Speaking of this, Reba's face turned slightly red and her expression became unnatural.

In fact... there is a third reason.

That is to explain at this time is tantamount to pushing Ji Yun out.

Ji Yun has Ji Yun's Dignity.

It is her own right to push Ji Yun out to talk.

But if she wants to bring Ji Yun back in the future, it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Listening to Reba's words,

Ji Yun's face is still very calm

"Well, I get it.

Ji Yun said calmly:"You can just solve this matter on your own.""

"If you need help, I can help you. I can still talk in the bib."

"It would be too conspicuous to directly remove the hot search, but it is still a simple matter to slowly drop you from the hot search."

Hearing this, Reba was slightly shocked.

What does Ji Yun mean...

He has shares in Bibo!?

Reba couldn't help but be shocked!

But at the same time, Reba felt that it was natural!

Sure enough, Ji Yun's real The energy is not limited to Ji Sining!

You know.

Although Bib is not as good as Ji Sining, it is still a listed company with a market value of tens of billions!

Especially in the Internet, Bib plays a decisive role!

Ji Yun actually has shares in Bib...

Is that possible? Maybe.

Ji Yun also has shares in some other familiar listed companies?

This thought flashed in Reba's mind.

But Reba quickly came to her senses.

Now is not the time to be curious.

Reba Said:"Ji Yun, I appreciate your kindness, but Sister Mi and the others will handle this matter well.""

"However, there is one thing I want to tell you. The solution that Sister Mi and I came up with is to pretend to be stupid."

"As long as there is no response, let the netizens say whatever they like, and the popularity may gradually decrease."

"However, if I don't respond, to a certain extent, it will be equivalent to acquiescence in my relationship with you. If some of your friends see..."

At this point, Reba stopped talking.

Because her face had become He became more and more rosy.

He was too shy to speak.

Ji Yun raised his eyebrows, how could he not understand the meaning of Reba's words.


Netizens didn't know that Reba's rumored boyfriend was him, so they were still speculating. stage.

However, just because netizens don’t know it doesn’t mean that everyone doesn’t know it.

At least, there are many people around Ji Yun who know that he and Reba are together.

For example, Chen Ning.

For example, Ning Wei. (Read Baoshuang novels, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Or Ji’s father and Ji’s mother.

These people all know their affairs.

By doing this, Reba is equivalent to admitting to these people... that they are indeed in love.

Ji Yun raised his eyebrows slightly, Reba looked at Reba with interest.

Reba was a little frightened by Ji Yun (dbab), and turned her face aside unconsciously.

However, from the corner of her eye, she was secretly paying attention to Ji Yun's expression.

Looking at Reba looked so stupid.

Ji Yun raised a slight smile at the corner of his mouth and looked away.

"It's still the same as what I just said, you can solve this matter yourself"

"If you need my help, let me know"

"As long as Tuantuan is not involved, Tuantuan is still too young and I don’t want her to appear in the public eye."

"Other than that, even if you want to admit it to others, I have no problem with it."

Ji Yun said calmly.

His tone was also very calm.

But these words fell on Reba's ears.

They were like a bolt from the blue and made Reba hold back!

Reba's eyes were a little confused. , looking at Ji Yun stupidly.

What did Ji Yun just say?

There are no problems with the first few sentences.

But the last sentence, even if you want to admit it, I have no objection.

Ah... what

Ji Yun means is that he is not worried about being Others misunderstood that they were in a relationship?!

"Ji Yun, you..."

Reba hesitated to speak, but her face was already covered with blush. It was like the sunset smearing in the sky.

Just when Reba was still in shock and couldn't extricate herself,

Ji Yun made another bold statement.

"By the way, there's something I want to tell you first."

"A few of my friends just sent me messages asking me to go out and get together tomorrow."

"This time the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day are held together, so most people are back"

"We are both classmates and friends, and we have not seen each other for many years. We rarely have such an opportunity this year."

"I plan to take the group there with me, and the others will also bring their families."

"It has been agreed for many years that everyone will see whoever gets married or has children in the future."

"If you are interested, you can go with me tomorrow."

Ji Yun said to Reba.

Just now, when Reba and Yang Mi were chatting passionately,

Ji Yun also received messages from several friends.

Ji Yun doesn't have many friends.

People of the same age, and they are still there. There are even fewer contacts.

And those few friends all studied in the same school as Ji Yun from childhood to college.

Although they went their separate ways after graduation, their families were in the same city. , we will get together when we have time.

So after all these years, although the relationship has faded a bit, it is still there.

Listening to Ji Yun's words.

As expected,

Reba was stunned again.

The shock just now has not subsided. , actually come again?

And... it's Ji Yun's friend's party!

Does she want to attend?


At this moment, Reba can only put those strange emotions in her head behind her.

Answer Ji Yun's current question

"Well...if I don't go, can you take care of Tuantuan by yourself? Ji

Yun hummed and said,"There should be no problem, Tuantuan shouldn't cry." Reba thought for a moment, but said:"Then I'd better go.""

Ji Yun was slightly startled.

Since he is going, why would he ask Tuantuan if he can take care of Tuantuan by himself?

Reba touched her nose and blushed and said,"When the time comes, I will stay here alone, so I might as well stay with you. go"

"Moreover, I think my aunt will definitely not let me stay at home."

That's true.

If Ji Yun takes Tuan Tuan to a friend's gathering, then Ji's mother will definitely encourage Reba to go with him! Ji's mother wants to make Reba and Ji Yun more angry. , I wish I had such a good opportunity!

Ji Yun nodded lightly:"Then it's settled, tomorrow is for dinner"

"Of course, it's getting late now and it's almost time to go to bed."

I was shocked if I didn't look at it.

Before I knew it, it was now half past two in the morning.

Compared with usually going to bed around 11 o'clock, this time can be said to be quite late!

If you don't sleep, it will be daybreak!

Reba He nodded repeatedly:"Okay, I really need to go to bed."

"good night."

Ji Yun hummed and lay down.

"With a click, Reba turned off the light.

The whole room fell into darkness instantly.

Only a little moonlight shone in through the gap between the curtains. It was quiet all around.

In the moonlight of the Mid-Autumn Festival tonight, A sense of tranquility will arise spontaneously.

But... at this moment, Reba's mood is not peaceful at all!

She is still immersed in Ji Yun's words just now, and she can't extricate herself!

A heart is also Bang bang.

Even if you admit it to the outside world, I won't have any objection.

This sentence... Why does it sound like an official announcement?

It's as if they are already in love!

And at Ji Yun's friend's party,As agreed many years ago, everyone must bring their families.

So, except Tuantuan.

Is she also a member of the family?

Reba tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

As he was thinking wildly, the blush on his face became redder and redder.

Listening to the slight breathing coming from Ji Yun's side.

Reba has only one idea now. heat.

My whole body is hot...

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