Reba returned to the room with stomach-warming soup.

Open the door and walk in.

I saw Ji Yun sitting on the sofa just after taking a shower, wiping his hair with a towel

"Finished chatting?"

Reba nodded.

Thinking of what Ji's mother had just said to her, Reba was a little afraid to look directly into Ji Yun's eyes.

"This is the stomach-warming soup that aunt made for you. Drink it while it's hot."

Putting the stomach-warming soup on the table, Reba walked to the bed and looked at Tuantuan.

At this time, Tuantuan had fallen asleep.

The temperature had dropped in the past two days, but Tuantuan didn't sweat much.

So she didn't take a shower for a day. Not a big problem

"What did my mother talk to you about?"

At this time, Ji Yun's voice came from behind.

Reba was stunned for a moment.

Unexpectedly, Ji Yun would be curious about the conversation between her and Ji's mother.

"No, we didn’t talk about anything, we just talked about some things. Reba hesitated for a few seconds and said,"Auntie told me that you often drank alcohol because of social activities, which caused a bad stomach.""

"Let me make some stomach-warming soup for you when I have time in the future."

As for the other words, Reba still doesn't plan to tell Ji Yun.

After all, it's too embarrassing.

Especially the last words of Ji's mother.

What about marriage, mouth mom...

She is really embarrassed to say these words...

Ji Yun He nodded lightly, not doubting anything.

Because, this was like what his mother said.

Although Reba looked embarrassed, she must have hidden some of the conversation.

But it didn't matter.

Ji Yun just asked casually, without thinking about it. Let Reba say it all.

Ji Yun picked up the stomach-warming soup and took a sip.

The taste was still so familiar.

Although it was not delicious.

But after drinking it, a warm current gradually spread in his stomach.

Ji Yun was drinking. It was time for the stomach-warming soup.

Reba took a set of pajamas, walked into the bathroom and took a bath.

When Reba came out from the bath, Ji Yun also drank the stomach-warming soup and went to bed.

It is now ten forty in the evening It was more than ten, and it was actually quite early.

Reba was not tired.

Just at this time, Ji Yun wanted to reply to a few messages from friends.

Reba also took out her phone, ready to see what the scarf looked like now!

Speaking of which, At this time, Reba was also very curious.

During dinner today,

Cao Wei, who was wearing a scarf, called Ji Yun and told Ji Yun that the matter had been resolved.

So Reba also wanted to see how Cao Wei solved the problem..

As soon as she turned on her phone, Reba saw that her message bar was almost exploding.

News popped up one after another.

Among them were those with scarves, some with funny sounds, and some with chopstick hands...

In addition, there was Yang Dozens of messages from Mi.

Six messages from Zhao Liying.

And some two or three messages sent at the same time.

Seeing this situation, Reba became even more curious.

Reba had a hunch that Ji Yun gave the order to the bib The handling method may be more exaggerated than she imagined. She ignored the messages sent by Yang Mi and Zhao Liying for the time being.

Reba immediately logged in to the scarf.

First, she opened the hot search list and took a look.

At this time, [Dilreba The topic"Suspected Love Affair Exposed" is no longer visible on the hot search list.

Not only that.

From top to bottom on the hot search list, there is no hot search with the topic"Dilraba"!

Seeing this, Reba couldn't help but be surprised.

Ji Yun's method of handling it was really simple and crude!

Wouldn't it be more efficient to remove the hot search directly than to let the popularity gradually decrease?

At the same time, Reba was also a little confused.

Because she saw The number one spot on the hot search list turned out to be [Official Statement on Bibs].

What kind of statement did the bib make?

And it even ranked first on the hot search list!

However, it’s not like the official statement about bibs has never been issued before.

But it was on the hot search list It was the first time that the search was the first!

Driven by curiosity, Reba clicked on this hotly searched topic.

Then Reba discovered that what was discussed in this topic had nothing to do with the official statement of the scarf.

Instead, it was completely We're talking about her!

"Awesome! This should be the first time that a scarf has made such a big splash because of a certain celebrity, right? ~!"

"The bib official personally ended it, what else can be said? One word, convinced!"

"I tried it, and the official scarf only targeted Dilireba. Except for Dilireba’s comment section, the other comment sections were still the same as before."

"Doesn’t that mean that I can continue to post my Xiao Huang pictures?"

"What is a boss? This is called a boss!"

"The capital in the entertainment industry instantly seemed inferior compared to the big boss behind Dilraba!"

"Hahaha, go check out Dilireba’s current comment section, it’s so harmonious!"

"No, if you dare to comment in Dilraba’s comment section, that’s a real account ban. I’ve reported several of them today!"

"Ah, this... report?"

"Yes, you don’t know, right? Report and there will be prizes! I even made a hundred yuan today by reporting users!"

"Let me ask, is Dilraba the background ceiling of the entertainment industry?"

"There is only one sister in the entertainment industry, and that is me, Sister Reba!"


Watch the discussions among netizens.

Reba was completely confused!

What entertainment background ceiling.

What the hell is the first lady in the entertainment industry?

Does this have anything to do with this hot search?

However, Reba still reacted.

It should be Ji Yun's handling method that scared netizens.

Combined with the discussions of these netizens.

In addition, Reba saw a screenshot of the official statement of the scarf.

Reba distilled a useful message.

That is, bibs are now beginning to pay attention to the quality of users.

Take vigorous action against some malicious comments and sensitive users.

And her comment section is the first trial target.

Thinking of this, Reba immediately clicked on her scarf homepage.

You won’t know until you see it, but you will be shocked when you see it!

The number of her scarf fans has exceeded 20 million!

What's going on?

Why did her scarf suddenly gain so many fans?

Obviously yesterday we still had 10 million fans!

It actually increased by 10 million in one day?!

Reba clicked on the comment section of her own post.

The comments below also made Reba stupid!

The comment section is full of... entertainment industry background ceiling.

A sister in the entertainment industry.

The first person to promote scarf reform.

The boss's little wife.

Ah, this... the current comment area is completely different from yesterday's comment area!

Even if it is described as brand new, it is not impossible!

Although she had been mentally prepared, Reba was still completely shocked!

Is this how Ji Yun handles it?

How should I put it...

Okay, this is very Ji Yun!

Not only was her scarf removed, but the comment section was also cleared!


What Ji Yun said... don't take being hacked for granted. Although dealing with those hackers is a bit troublesome, it's not impossible! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ji Yun really did it!

Taking a deep breath, Reba forced herself to calm down.

The scarf situation has been seen.

Next, it’s time to reply to Yang Mi and Zhao Liying’s comments.

Yang Mi sent dozens of messages.

Most of the content is surprise, ridicule, flattery and the like.

The several messages sent by Zhao Liying were similar to those of Yang Mi.

It is equivalent to a streamlined version of Yang Mi’s news.

Calling for authority, Reba clicked on the chat box where the three of them were chatting together and sent a message.

"Sister Mi, Sister Liying, if you have anything to say, just say it here."

It's too tiring to reply one by one.

I don't even have time to reply to messages from Zhu Chudan and other colleagues.

It's better to make it clear to Yang Mi and Zhao Liying directly in this three-person group chat.

Anyway, after today's incident, we will face it later. When it comes to the question of her relationship with Ji Yun, there is no need to avoid it.

"Sister Reba, after three hours, you are finally willing to bubble!"

Yang Mi quickly sent a message to the group.

Seeing the message from Yang Mi, Reba couldn't help but hold her forehead.

"Sister Mi, what can I say? You really keep up with current events. Yang

Mi:"Sister Reba, you're welcome. Just call me Xiaomi.""

"Now you are the first sister in our entertainment industry, and you still call me sister, but you are embarrassing me."


At this time, Zhao Liying also came out:"How are you, Sister Reba (smirking.jpg)"

Reba was stunned:"Sister Liying, why are you imitating Sister Mi!"

Zhao Liying:"Actually, what Mimi said That's right, our entertainment industry has always paid attention to seniority and status, not age."

"Your current status is much higher than that of Mimi and I, so it’s appropriate to call you Sister Reba. Yang

Mi:"Look, Li Ying has said this. Sister Reba, what else can you say?""

Reba was helpless.

She was still too immature. She couldn't talk to Yang Mi in the first place.

But now there is another Zhao Liying.

Although Zhao Liying is as gentle as water, she can get to her current status.

How can she be like on the surface in reality? So simple?

"`Okay, okay, Xiaomi, Xiaoying, sister, I can't compete with you two. Reba herself started joking:"If you two have anything to say, just talk. It's getting late now. Sister, I still have some rest.""

Yang Mi:" (dog head.jpg)"

"Sister Reba, I just want to ask, are you pretending to be pitiful in front of my brother-in-law? Otherwise, why would my brother-in-law suddenly stand up for you?"

Zhao Liying:" (wry smile.JPG)"

"Sister Reba, I’m curious too."

Looking at the messages sent by the two of them, Reba was almost convinced.

Especially Yang Mi's words about brother-in-law, her scalp was really going numb!

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble.

Reba:"Originally, he didn't want to take care of this matter. It was because he saw the comment section of my scarf that he decided to take action personally."

Yang Mi:"So that's the case. It seems that netizens' guess is quite accurate.""

"This is protecting my wife"

"So what is your relationship now?"

This is also an issue that Yang Mi is very concerned about!

Especially what Li Ya said today made Yang Mi even more concerned about the relationship between Reba and Ji Yun.

Although it stands to reason that Ji Yun made such a big fuss for Reba, It's obviously a love relationship.

But based on Yang Mi's understanding of the two, one is clueless and the other is unhappy. It's hard to say whether it's a love relationship or not!

Faced with Yang Mi's question,

Reba was silent for a moment.

This The question really stopped Reba.

Reba knew that with Ji Yun's personal end today, she and Ji Yun would be completely bound together in the future.

At least in the eyes of outsiders, she had Boyfriend.

But the key point is that she and Ji Yun have never talked about this issue!

Others can say it, but if she herself says that Ji Yun is her boyfriend, it seems not (financially) accurate.

Even if Ji Yun...

Ji Yun I really like her.

And she has no problem with being with Ji Yun.

But no conversation means no conversation.

It's like there is a layer of window paper in the middle. If the layer of paper is not broken, it means it doesn't matter!

Hot Ba:"Sister Mi, I don’t know how to answer you either."

"My current relationship with Ji Yun is rather complicated and cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

Yang Mi:"Then say a few more words.""


Zhao Liying:"Laughing and crying.jpg"

Yang Mi:"Xiao Reba, let me ask you a question, you have to answer me honestly"

"Haven't you ever confessed your feelings to Ji Yun?"

Reba touched her nose in embarrassment.

"This... really doesn't exist. Reba

:"I don’t know how to speak, I’m a little shy~"

"What if I tell him and he doesn’t mean that to me? It would be so embarrassing! Yang Mi already laughed angrily:"

Dilraba, you are super high-level!""

Zhao Liying:"Reba, you..."

Zhao Liying was also a little surprised.

However, what really surprised her was that Reba and the big boss behind her have not yet confirmed their relationship!

And there is no confirmation. The reason for the relationship is because Reba is too embarrassed to express her soft feelings!

In other words, the big boss is already willing to go to hell for Reba personally and deal with those who insult Reba!

My Oh my God, that boss is too kind to Reba, right?!

This is completely different from the capital in the entertainment industry!

May I ask... where can I find such a good boss?.

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