Naturally Reba would not know what Yang Mi and Zhao Liying were thinking.

In fact, the reason why Reba didn't confess her feelings to Ji Yun was.

Except I'm sorry.

Reba was also a little worried.

Worried about confessing his feelings to Ji Yun.

As a result, Ji Yun didn't have that kind of interest in her.

How will she face Ji Yun then?

Yang Mi seemed to be able to guess what Reba was thinking.

A message was sent:"Little Reba, don't have any worries."

"Don't think about those things that are there or not. If he can do this for you, it means that he must have you in his heart."

"If you really like him, confess your feelings to him as soon as possible"

"Otherwise, given his character, you wouldn't still be expecting him to confess to you, right?"

Yang Mi has learned how cold and cold Ji Yun's character is.

I remember the first time I met Ji Yun.

Ji Yun could be said to be so cold and cold that others didn't even want to look at him!

He said something to her when he came up, She can still remember it vividly! At this time, Zhao Liying also stood up:"Reba, I think Mimi is right."

"Although he didn't confess to you directly, what he did for you today is no different from confessing, right?"

"Women are always chasing men, maybe he is just waiting for you to confess your feelings?"

Although Zhao Liying doesn't know Ji Yun, let alone what kind of person Ji Yun is,

Zhao Liying knows.

Big bosses like Ji Yun all have their own pride!

Think about it.

All the capital in the entertainment industry , which one is not arrogant and arrogant?

Although female stars in the entertainment industry look glamorous and have tens of thousands of fans, they basically have no say in front of those capitals.

And Ji Yun's energy is more powerful than in entertainment. It is even more terrifying to circle those capitals.

They can even give orders to scarves, which is something that most capitals cannot do! It is obviously unrealistic for such a big boss to take the initiative to confess his love to a female star.

On the other side.

Looking at Yang Mi and the message from Zhao 223 Liying.

Reba fell into deep thought.

She was not a fool.

She naturally understood what Yang Mi and Zhao Liying meant.

But she was just worried that if her confession failed, she would lose Ji Yun directly.

If that happened, what else would she do? It's better to maintain the current relationship.

At least she thinks the current relationship is quite good.

"Sister Mi, Sister Liying, I understand what you mean. Reba:"

But, you guys let me make some preparations first.""

"Something like this just happened today, does it seem a little inappropriate to confess now?"

"Let me find a good time, be prepared, and then talk to Ji Yun. Yang

Mi:"This is your business. You decide for yourself. We are just giving you some suggestions.""

"But I would also like to say, don’t delay for too long. The longer the time goes, the more variables there will be.

Reba:"Sister Mi, I understand this. It won't last long, just this period of time.""

Zhao Liying:"Reba, when you confess your love, you must tell me and Mimi."

"When the time comes, Mimi and I will give you some advice to increase the chances of your confession being successful."

Reba's face was slightly red, but she thought this proposal was a good one.

"Then I would like to thank Sister Liying in advance."

Zhao Liying:"No need to thank you. Mimi and I may have trouble with you in the future."

"Let me ask you a question, when you are with him, will you continue to develop in the entertainment industry?"

The entertainment industry is not without female stars who have married into rich families.

Especially in the 1990s, there were many female stars on Hong Kong Island, and their final destination was to marry into rich families.

And after these female stars married into rich families, they basically all She chose to retire from the entertainment industry and stay at home to raise her husband and children.

Even if a few female celebrities marry into wealthy families, they still develop in the entertainment industry.

It can only be said that the wealthy families they marry are not powerful enough!

Reba thought for a moment :"Sister Liying, I should still be in the entertainment industry by then."

"I actually have a goal, which is to become the most popular female star in the entertainment industry!"

"A hit drama that has gained both word-of-mouth and ratings!"

Zhao Liying:"You don't have to worry about this. Anyway, you don't lack resources. There is always a chance."

"Speaking of which, if you really plan to make a movie, just let me know when the time comes and I will come over and be your supporting actress."

Looking at this news,

Reba blinked and was a little confused.

Ah... Sister Liying gave her a supporting actress?

Isn't this a bit outrageous!

You know, Zhao Liying is the most popular actress in the entertainment industry right now. Female star!

With tens of millions of fans, she is as famous as Yang Mi!

It is no exaggeration to say that in the field of domestic TV dramas, there is no female star who can be matched by Zhao Liying!

What’s more, she is just a little famous. Mengxin.

At this time, Yang Mi also appeared:"Liying's proposal is quite good."

"Reba, I will also be your supporting actress when the time comes!"



I just finished talking about Sister Liying, and now Sister Mi is here to join in the fun! crazy!

All crazy!

Two of the most popular female stars in the entertainment industry want to be her co-stars!

"Sister Mi, Sister Liying, you two, please don’t try to hurt me!"

"How do I have the qualifications to let you two play supporting roles for me? Zhao Liying:"

Why don't you? I'm not willing to match others, but I'm absolutely willing to match you." Yang

Mi:"Sister Reba, you are now a top sister in the entertainment industry. Do you want anyone to match you?""

"Reba and I have made reservations in advance, otherwise it won’t be our turn when you really want to film!"

"As long as we are rich and noble, we should never forget each other. I also hope that Sister Reba will not forget us two sisters when the time comes."

Reba couldn't help but chuckle.

Sister Mi is really serious.

She's been nagging her again!

"Okay, okay, if that day comes and you are still willing, I welcome you at any time."

Don't say it.

Two of the most popular female stars in the entertainment industry come to match you.

It must feel very good! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Thinking about it, Rebadu She was looking forward to it.

Then, Reba took a look at the time.

It was not too early now.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to one o'clock in the morning.

"Sister Mi, Sister Liying, I won’t talk to you two anymore. Reba

:"It's getting late now. It's time for me to rest.""

"Good night"(agbc)

"Night Anreba."

After saying good-bye to each other, Reba put down the phone.

When she turned around, she found that Ji Yun had fallen asleep.

Reba was stunned for a moment.

Ji Yun actually fell asleep!?

She was chatting too enthusiastically just now. None of them noticed Ji Yun's condition.

It seemed that Ji Yun was still a little drunk. Otherwise, with Ji Yun's character, he would definitely not have fallen asleep without saying a word.

He secretly took a look at Ji Yun's sleeping appearance. Ba couldn't help but smile.

Not to mention, the way Ji Yun slept... was pretty good-looking.

Ji Yun usually had a sullen face, but he relaxed after falling asleep.

That sense of oppression that pressed him every step of the way. Finally disappeared.

This handsome face could finally be looked at.

After looking at it for a while, Reba reluctantly looked away.

She could not continue to look at it.

Handsome men are different from beautiful women. Women are the same to men.

As long as they are human beings, they all like to look good.

It’s time to make a mistake if you continue reading!

Reba turned off the light and lay down.

The room was the same as before.

Tonight was different from the previous few days, Reba Ba soon fell asleep too


Time passes day by day.


It's the seventh day since Reba arrived at Ji Yun's house.

On this day, the discussions about Reba on the Internet have begun to gradually decrease.

Of course, this was originally a very hot matter and triggered discussions among netizens all over the Internet.

So even if the popularity has dropped, the attention is still very scary.

It can be said that it is still the most watched news on the entire Internet!

By this time, netizens' attention had long since shifted from Reba to Ji Yun!

The whole internet is speculating on who the big boss behind Reba is!

Various theories emerge one after another, but there is no reliable one!

Even the well-known whistleblowers and paparazzi in the entertainment industry did not reveal any useful information!

This is not surprising either.

It is almost impossible to find Ji Yun's information online!

It is no exaggeration to say that without a net worth of around 10 billion, no one has the right to know Ji Yun!

However, the harder it is to find it, the more curious netizens become.

This is why the amount of discussion and attention has remained high!

Let’s talk about Reba.

After staying at Ji's house for so many days, Reba gradually got used to it.

The relationship with Ji's mother is getting better and better.

If there is nothing else to do in the evening, Reba will go out for a walk with Ji's mother.

Experience the life of a rich wife.

However, this time I am coming back for the holidays, so I will eventually go back one day!

This morning, Ji Yun was ready to return to the Magic City.

Pack your things and finish your breakfast

"Uncle and aunt, let’s go first."

Reba said goodbye to Ji's father and mother.

"Why are you going back so early? If you have nothing to do, just stay here and play for a few more days."

Ji's mother was reluctant to leave.

She looked at Ji Yun with resentful eyes:"It's you, you brat. Didn't you say that the company doesn't need you much anymore?"

"I've only been back for seven days, can't I wait until next month to go back?"

Ji Yun said:"Mom, I really have work to deal with."

"There is a partner who flew from the beautiful country to Shanghai yesterday and has been waiting for him for a whole day. It is impossible to keep waiting for him, right?

Ji's mother said angrily:"Then you won't delay it for a while?" I think you did it on purpose!"

Ji Yun had no choice but to say nothing.

Ji's mother looked at Reba, with a reluctant expression on her face:"Reba, why don't you just stay here?"

"You and the baby are both here, let Ji Yun go back and handle the work by himself, and then let Ji Yun come over after finishing the work."

Reba couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Ah, this...

Although the relationship with Ji's mother has become closer and closer these days, she will still be a little embarrassed if she has to live here with Tuantuan by herself.

"Auntie, I have work in a few days, so it’s time to go back. Reba said:"Auntie, after a while, Ji Yun and I have finished our work, and Ji Yun and I will come back to accompany you.""

Ji's mother didn't force her to stay. She could only nodded:"Okay, then Auntie will be waiting for you here."

"Ji Yun, remember to take good care of Reba and the baby, do you know?"

Ji Yun hummed.

Ji's mother waved her hand:"Okay, then you can go back and call when you get home."

"Goodbye, uncle and aunt."

Waving goodbye, Ji Yun and Reba left with the group.

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