After leaving Ji's house.

Ji Yun and Reba went straight to the airport.

Ji Yun's private plane has been parked in an empty area of ​​the airport.

Got on a private jet.

As the plane gradually took off, the Heron Island below became smaller and smaller~.

A hint of emotion also appeared in Reba's eyes.

Time flies so fast.

It's time to go back in a blink of an eye...

Ji Yun stood next to Reba with Tuantuan in his arms.

Sensing Reba's expression, Ji Yun hesitated for a few seconds before finally asking,"What are you thinking about?"

Reba turned to look at Ji Yun, smiled and shook her head.

"Nothing to think about"

"It just feels like time flies by so fast, and we will be going back in a blink of an eye."

"I still remember the scene when I first came to Ludao as if it happened yesterday."

Anyway, the time of happiness is always very short.

During these few days on Ludao, Reba lived very happily.

So the seven days passed quietly, and Reba didn't even feel a bit.

After a pause, Reba Then he said:"I don’t know if I will have the chance to come to Ludao again in the future.

Ji Yun frowned and said calmly:"As long as you want to come, why don't you have the chance?"

Reba was stunned for a moment, and then asked with some expectancy:"Ji Yun, will you bring me to Ludao again in the future?"

Ji Yun hummed and looked at the scenery below:"As long as I have time, I can take you back at any time."

Hearing this.

Reba suddenly smiled sweetly, her heart filled with joy.

No matter how stupid she is, she still knows what Ji Yun's words mean.

Just don't know.

The next time she comes to Ludao, what will her relationship with Ji Yun be like?

Just like now, the window paper has never been broken through.

Still, the layer of window paper has been pierced and the love relationship has been confirmed.

This... it depends on how she operates!

A trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

Reba felt more and more in her heart that she still had to confess her feelings to Ji Yun as soon as possible!

Just like Sister Mi said, emotional matters cannot be delayed the most.

The longer it takes, the greater the variability.

Try to come to Ludao next time.

Her relationship with Ji Yun has already undergone a qualitative change!


More than two hours later.

Ji Yun and Reba returned to the Magic City.

Chen Momo came over to greet them and drove them back to Yang Yiju.

Nothing major happened during this period.

After about twenty minutes, we returned to Yangyiju.

Looking at the familiar villa in front of me.

Reba took a deep breath and suddenly laughed.

Unknowingly, Reba had already regarded this place as her home.

Every time she comes back here, Reba always feels relaxed and at ease.

Tuantuan seems to have the same feeling as Reba.

Everyone was a little sleepy at first.

But as soon as they were raised and livable, Tuantuan immediately became energetic.

It’s like being recharged, full of energy!

Ji Yun and Reba took their luggage upstairs first.

Put Tuantuan in the playpen temporarily and let her play by herself for a while.

Anyway, she can stand now.

There is also a layer of soft padding in the playpen, so it won't hurt even if you fall.

After a while, Reba packed her things.

Ji Yun didn't bring much, so he packed it up faster.

Now I have packed up all the things in the room.

"Ji Yun, let me help you."

Reba originally wanted to go over and help.

Ji Yun glanced at Reba, but waved his hand:"No, I will clean up here by myself, you can go and accompany Tuantuan."

Reba thought for a moment and nodded.

Anyway, Ji Yun had almost finished cleaning up, so she didn't really need her help.

When she came to the living room,

Reba saw Tuantuan standing holding on to the playpen.

Standing steadily. Steady

"Tuantuan, mom is here to accompany you."

Reba walked into the playpen, sat down cross-legged, and said gently to Tuantuan.

Seeing her mother coming, Tuantuan happily let go of her hands.

This shocked Reba, and she hurriedly went to help Tuantuan.

But The next moment, Reba was stunned.

Because, she saw a group of people walking towards her with a thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump.

"round and round?"

Reba's eyes widened, wondering if she had seen it wrong.


Tuantuan is actually walking?

No one is supporting her, but she is walking on her own?!

After realizing it, Reba's face immediately showed He looked excited.

Then he shouted loudly:"Ji Yun! Ji Yun! Come here quickly!"

On the other side, Ji Yun almost put all the things back to their original state.

Hearing Reba's shout, Ji Yun frowned.

What happened to make this woman so anxious?

Ji Yun hurriedly ran towards the living room.

Only Seeing Reba sitting in the playpen with her arms in her arms, her face was full of smiles.

"What's wrong?"

Ji Yun asked with some doubts.

"You came.

Reba said happily:"Ji Yun, you just walked on your own!""

Ji Yun was slightly startled.

"real or fake?"

"I won't lie to you."

As she spoke, Reba pushed her arms up and said softly:"Baby, can you take two more steps and let daddy take a look?"

Tuantuan looked at Reba, then at Ji Yun, and then threw herself into Reba's arms.


Tuantuan, don't let your guard down at the critical moment.

This will make your mother very embarrassed.

Reba Defending himself:"Tuantuan really walked on his own just now, maybe because he just learned to walk, so he is not very skilled yet."

Ji Yun agreed, but he didn't believe Reba.

Then, Ji Yun walked into the other end of the playpen.

He squatted down and opened his hands towards Tuantuan:"Tuan Tuan, come to daddy quickly."

"Eee! Tuantuan smiled and stood up, supporting Reba's body.

Then he walked towards Ji Yun with a bang!

"Let me just say it! Reba

's eyes lit up and she immediately said:"We can really walk on our own. I didn't lie to you just now."

Ji Yun nodded lightly and said,"I didn't say you lied to me.""

After all, Tuantuan has just learned to walk. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It's okay to take a few steps, but if you walk too much, you will stagger.

After finally walking in front of Ji Yun, Tuantuan's two As soon as his short legs softened, he threw himself into Ji Yun's arms.

Ji Yun hugged him carefully, with a proud smile on his face.

"The baby is so amazing, he can even walk."

At this time, Ji Yun also felt very happy.

Ji Yun has always felt that babies have two most meaningful stages.

One is when they can walk on their own, and the other is when they can talk normally.

These two stages also mean that The baby is beginning to have his own thoughts.

He no longer relies on instinctive movements.

Now Tuantuan has reached the first stage and can walk on his own!

The second stage should not be far away, with normal conversations.

Maybe it will only take a few months. time

"Ji Yun, let's tell our uncle and aunt, we just have to tell them that we are home."

Reba sat over and took out her mobile phone to call Ji's mother.

Ji Yun naturally had no objection:"Just call her on video."[]

Reba nodded:"Okay."

After saying that, Reba made a video call to Ji's mother.

Ji's mother picked up quickly

"Reba, are you home?"

In the camera, Ji's mother is wearing beautiful and luxurious clothes, as if she is getting ready to go out.

"Yes, Auntie, we are home. Reba turned the camera to look at Ji Yun and Tuantuan:"Auntie, look, Ji Yun and the baby are right next to me." Seeing Tuantuan

, Ji's mother immediately had a loving smile on her face, waved at Tuantuan and said,"Baby, I am grandma, do you miss grandma?""

Tuantuan laughed and babbled.

Although Tuantuan didn't understand what missing was,

Tuantuan lived with Ji's mother every day for seven days in Ludao.

From time to time, he would go to the rich wife's party with Ji's mother.

So The relationship between Tuantuan and Ji’s mother is also very close. She will be very happy when she sees Ji’s mother.

"Grandma misses you too. Can you come to grandma's place to play again after a while?"

Ji's mother asked with a smile.

She thought for a few seconds, and then said vaguely:"Okay!"

Ji's mother smiled even happier, looking gentle and kind.

At this time, Reba said:"Auntie, I want to tell you good news."

"Tuantuan has learned to walk on his own.

Ji's mother was surprised:"Really or not?"

Reba said,"It's true. He was walking in front of Ji's mother and me just now!""

"That's great!"

Ji's mother said proudly:"Our baby is really great, he can walk so quickly!"

"It's just a pity that grandma didn't see you walking. Speaking of this

, Ji's mother couldn't help but feel a little angry:"It's Ji Yun, a brat like him. Why are you in such a hurry to go back?""

"Not to mention staying here for a month, even if I stay here for one more day, I can still see the group walking with my own eyes!"

Ji Yun was helpless.

He didn't know this would happen.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be impossible for him to stay one more day.

"Auntie, we will lead a group to find you after a while."

At this time, Reba put aside the topic and said with a smile:"By then, Tuantuan should be very skilled in walking."

"You can take your group out to play wherever you want!"

Ji's mother didn't continue to criticize Ji Yun.

"This is true, as long as you take the first step, you will learn faster in the future."

"By the way, Reba, have you eaten? Reba shook her head slightly:"We haven't eaten yet. We just packed our luggage.""

"Auntie, have you and your uncle had dinner? Ji

's mother said,"I haven't eaten yet. Your uncle has already gone to the company. I'm going to find your Aunt Xiaozhen.""

"I stopped cooking by myself and went to your Aunt Xiaozhen’s house to eat.

Reba said:"Auntie, go and have dinner quickly." Ji

's mother nodded and said,"Okay, I'll hang up now. It's time for your Aunt Xiaozhen to rush me later.""

"It's getting late, and it's almost time for you to eat. I'll call you in the evening.

Reba waved her hand:"Goodbye, aunt.""

"Tuantuan, say goodbye to grandma quickly."

Tuantuan thought for a moment, and then said something:"Goodbye, grandma."

"Goodbye baby."

After saying this, Ji's mother hung up the video.

Reba put the phone back into her pocket.

Looking at Ji Yun, Reba seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly took out the phone again.

"Ji Yun, do you think we should take a video of the baby to commemorate this day?"

Hearing this, Ji Yun thought for a while and felt that Reba's suggestion was quite good.

The first day Tuantuan learned to walk was obviously very memorable.


Ji Yun nodded lightly.

Reba took her mobile phone and walked to the other end of the playpen.

She turned on the camera and waved to Tuantuan:"Baby, come to mommy!

Ji Yun also said:"Tuan Tuan, go find your mother quickly. Mom will give you delicious food later." Tuan

Tuan then twisted her butt and stood up slowly.

Then she walked to Reba with a thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump.


Reba finished shooting and carefully saved the video

"Tuantuan, when you grow up, your mother will show you this video."

"Let you take a look at what you were like as a child."

In Reba's photo album, part of it is her own photos, and the rest are all photos of Tuantuan.

Each photo is from a different period of Tuantuan, and was made into a photo album by Reba, recording Tuantuan's life. Growth process

"Ji Yun, should I send you the video?

Ji Yun thought for a moment:" Okay.""


After a while, it was time to have lunch.

The biggest difference between eating here in Magic City and eating there on Ludao is.

It’s more fun to eat on the Ludao side.

The whole family sat together, and the atmosphere was warm and lively.

And eat here in Magic City.

That's pure deliciousness, the kind that's so delicious that you can't stop eating it.

Reba ate several bowls of rice and felt very satisfied.

After finishing the meal, Reba took Tuantuan to the room for a lunch break.

Ji Yun also took a short rest.

Until about two o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, Chen Momo made a phone call.

"Mr. Ji, I have received Mr. Ma Si Ke. Should I take Mr. Ma Si Ke to Chuang Ji now, or should I go to you?"

That's right.

Ji Yun wants to meet that partner when he comes back today, it's Ma Cisco!

"Would you like to bring him to live in a good place?"

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