Look at this call.

The smile on Li Ya's face was no longer calm.

It was replaced by a look of nervousness.

As if facing a formidable enemy.

Look at Li Ya like this.

Zhao Liying, who was sitting opposite, had a bit of curiosity in her eyes.

"Sister Li, what’s wrong with you? Was it Reba's call? Li

Ya nodded lightly and said,"Yes, it was Reba who called us.""

"I think Reba should have arrived at the company now.

Zhao Liying smiled and said:"Sister Li, please pick it up quickly.""

"I just happened to call the assistant up, and she is still waiting for me downstairs."

After saying that, Zhao Liying walked out of the office.

And Li Ya also answered the phone.

…… at the same time.

Jiahe Entertainment. downstairs.

In the employee-only parking lot.

At this time, Ji Yun and Reba had already arrived.

Reba took out her mobile phone and called Li Ya.

Reba also knew that Yang Mi went to Kyoto to attend an event today and had no time to talk to her.

Soon, the call came through.

Then, Li Ya's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Reba, what's wrong? Li

Ya asked gently:"You've arrived at the company, haven't you?""Four-zero,"

Reba hummed, and replied:"Yes, Sister Ya, I'm here in the employee parking lot.""

"Where are you? I'm coming to find you. Li

Ya said quickly:"No, no, just wait in the parking lot. I'll go down and pick you up now.""

"By the way, there is something I want to tell you. Li Ying has come to our Jiahe and is next to me now."

Hearing this,

Reba couldn't help being slightly startled.

Sister Liying?

Why is she here?

Li Ya explained:"Aren't you going to attend a promotional event later?"

"Li Ying is here to pick you up and take you to participate in the event"

"So that's it.

Reba suddenly understood and said,"Sister Ya, then you have to thank Sister Liying for me."

Li Ya smiled and said:"Don't worry, I have already expressed my gratitude to Li Ying for you.""

"You wait for me in the parking lot for a while, I'll be down soon. Reba nodded:"

Okay, Sister Ya.""

Then she hung up the phone.

Reba murmured, but she didn't expect Sister Liying to come to pick her up in person.

I have to say that Sister Liying really had nothing to say to her.

Before she went to Ji Yun's house last time, Sister Liying also gave her advice. Damn it. Heartbroken.

I don’t know if there will be a chance to repay Sister Liying in the future.

However, now is not the time to think about these things.

Reba put the phone back in her pocket, turned to look at Ji Yun and said:

"Ji Yun, Sister Ya will come to pick me up later. Do you want to go up with me?"

At this time, Ji Yun was standing next to the Maybach with his arms in his arms.

The little guy didn't seem to like the environment in the parking lot.

After all, the parking lot's sight was dim and gave people a depressing atmosphere.

"No, you're going to put on makeup later. What are Tuantuan and I doing with you?

Ji Yun said:"Your company should have a reception room, right?" I'll just take Tuan Tuan to the reception room and sit there for a while. Reba thought for a moment and nodded:"

That's okay.""

Ji Yun is still leading the group, so it's really not good to be so ostentatious.

After all, neither she nor Ji Yun have confessed their feelings yet.

Most people inside Jiahe don't know Ji Yun's existence.

"Let's go, then I'll take you to the lounge first, and then I'll meet up with Sister Ya."

The reception room is on the second floor.

Soon, Reba brought Ji Yun to the door of the reception room.

Reba opened the door.

At this time, there was no one in the reception room.

However, the hygiene was very tidy. Clean, no smell

"Ji Yun, just find a place to sit.

Reba brought a bottle of mineral water to Ji Yun and said,"No one usually comes to this reception room.""

"Or they are people from within the company who sometimes come over to check on the situation."

"But it doesn’t matter, internal employees basically won’t say anything."

"Even if they really want you to go out, just call me."

Ji Yun hummed:"I understand."

"You go and do your business. If you finish it early, you can come to see me and Tuantuan earlier."

This makes sense.

Reba nodded repeatedly:"Okay, then I'll leave first."

"Tuantuan, mom will come see you later."

Waving goodbye, Reba left the reception room.

Tuantuan looked at Reba's back and babbling a few times. She seemed a little unhappy and worried that her mother was going to run away.

But Ji Yun gently comforted her with a few words. , she stopped whining.

Now her relationship with Ji Yun is getting better and better.

On the other hand, she now understands acceptance better than before and rarely makes trouble unreasonably.

…… the other side.

After leaving the reception room.

Reba took out her cell phone to contact Li Ya.

Reba originally thought that Li Ya should be on the elevator at this moment.

But unexpectedly, Li Ya had already arrived at the parking lot.

After a few more minutes, the two finally met at the door of the courier.

"Sister Ya, I'm sorry, I thought you weren't so fast."

Reba said apologetically

"it's okay no problem"

"I didn’t communicate my problem clearly to you,"

Li Ya was a little out of breath because she climbed the stairs from the parking lot. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It can be seen from this that Li Ya’s heart How anxious I am, afraid of neglecting Reba

"Come on, I've asked Li Ying to wait for you over there in the dressing room. Let's go there now.

Reba nodded:"Okay.""

After a while,

Reba followed Li Ya to the dressing room.

At this time, Zhao Liying was sitting on the chair in the dressing room.

"Sister Liying!"

Reba said hello with a smile.

Zhao Liying turned around.

Seeing Reba, a gentle smile suddenly appeared on Zhao Liying's face.

Then she stood up and walked over.

"Reba, you are finally here! Reba smiled slightly:"

Sister Liying, long time no see!"

Zhao Liying nodded and said,"Yes, it's been almost a month.""

"I haven’t seen you for a month, Reba, you have become more beautiful."[]

Reba smiled and shook her head:"How can there be"

"Sister Liying, you have become beautiful again. The way you dress today is so beautiful."

"As a woman, my heart is moved just looking at it."

Zhao Liying couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle:"You will be even more beautiful when you finish dressing up."

"Go put on your makeup quickly. I've already packed it up before I came. We'll go to the promotional event together later."

Reba hummed...........

Then, under the guidance of the assistant, I sat on the makeup chair.

Zhao Liying sat next to him and continued to reminisce with Reba.

Li Ya stood quietly at the back, being very sensible and not disturbing the two of them.

If it were changed to before.

Faced with this situation, Li Ya would definitely go up and have a few words.

It doesn't hurt anyway, you can still listen to what they talk about.

But now, Li Ya doesn't even have such an idea anymore.

Li Ya is now in a state where she would rather not do it than make a mistake.

Ding-ding-ding- but at this moment, the phone suddenly rang.

Li Ya walked outside the dressing room.

I took out my phone and took a look and found that it was a call from my assistant.

"Xiaolin, what's wrong?"

"If it's about Reba, there's no need to tell me."

"Reba has already arrived at the dressing room. I am now in the dressing room. She came up from the parking lot."

Li Ya thought that the assistant must have come to report to her about Reba.

But unexpectedly, the assistant said:"Sister Ya, I don't want to talk about Reba."

"I have special information that I want to report to you."

Li Ya frowned slightly.

Special information?

Reba has already arrived, what other special information can there be?


Assistant Hui reported:"Sister Ya, it's like this"

"Aren’t some leaders coming to our company to inspect our work tomorrow? I followed your instructions and had the reception room cleaned."

"Then I just went to the reception room to check the situation."

"However, I saw someone sitting there in the reception room.

Li Ya frowned:"Is there anyone?""

"Could it be that the leadership conducted a surprise inspection?

The assistant said:"No, Sister Ya. From the look of that person, he shouldn't be the leader.""

"But his temperament is a bit more oppressive than the leader who came to inspect our company last time."

"I'm worried that he might be a big shot, so I'll report it to you quickly."

Li Ya was confused.

She didn't date anyone, so she came to the company today.

"Xiaolin, please introduce to me what that person looks like. The assistant said:"

Sister Ya, I think that person is about twenty-five to thirty years old, and he is very good-looking.""

"He is a very good-looking person, better looking than all the male celebrities in the industry!"

Li Ya's eyes widened.

This evaluation...

He is better-looking than all the male celebrities in the industry!

And this person also has the temperament of a big shot.

There is such a thing?


Li Ya's expression paused, as if she had thought of something.

It seemed like she had actually seen such a person.

That was in Ji Sining's company.

That's the big boss behind Reba!

Hiss... could it be that big boss?

Li Ya quickly asked:"What else?"

The assistant thought for a moment and said,"By the way, that person also brought a little girl with him, who looked about one year old."

Li Ya's head roared!

With this sentence.

It can be confirmed, this is the big boss behind Reba!

Now how to do?

At this moment, Li Ya was completely confused!.

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