At this time, Li Ya's brain was running rapidly.

A variety of emotions also appeared on his face.

Li Ya never expected it.

The big boss behind Reba actually came to Jiahe!

Moreover, he is now sitting in Jiahe’s reception room!

If according to normal conditions!

Li Ya insisted on going over to visit the big boss behind Rexba!


Li Ya is a smart person, and her thinking is more far-sighted than ordinary people!

She was going to visit the big boss out of courtesy and respect.

But... whether the big boss is willing to accept her visit is also a very important question.

In this society, not everyone likes to be visited by others.

Some people really like the feeling of being surrounded by people and being complimented by everyone.

But some people are just the opposite and just don't like to interact with unnecessary people.

If the big boss is unwilling to accept her visit.

Then it would undoubtedly be counterproductive for her to visit at this time.

This caused the big boss's displeasure.

So her primary purpose now.

We need to find out what the big boss is thinking.

And through the last face-to-face interaction with the big boss.

It also gave Li Ya a little understanding of the big boss's temperament.

That big guy doesn't look like a person who likes fun.

At the dinner party, she wanted to toast the big boss.

But the big boss cherished his words like gold and didn't even look at her.

This shows how cold-blooded the big boss is.

Therefore, the big boss is probably the type of person who doesn't like to be visited.

"Sister Li, why don’t you speak?"

At this time.

Xiao Lin on the other end of the phone didn't wait for Li Ya to speak for a long time, so he couldn't help but asked with some doubts.


Li Ya came back to her senses.

She thought for a moment, and then said in a serious tone:"Xiao Lin, you can help me keep an eye on him down there now. I'll get down in a second."

"But you have to remember, just stand at the door and stare, don't look at what he is doing, and don't have any ideas"

"If he wants to leave, let him go and never show his face."

"Can you understand?"

Let's not talk about it for now, whether she wants to visit the big boss!

But asking Xiao Lin not to spy on the big boss is definitely not wrong.

After all, for a big boss of that level.

It makes people Surveilling him is a very disrespectful act!

He felt Li Ya's serious tone.

Xiao Lin also understood that the person sitting in the reception room had a high profile.

Xiao Lin nodded repeatedly and said:"Sister Ya, I understand."

"I'll sit outside and wait for you to come down"

"I'm not going anywhere until you come down"

"What do you think of this? Li Ya hummed:"

That's it.""

Then Li Ya hung up the phone.

She was about to take the elevator downstairs, but found that the elevator had just gone down.

There was no time to delay, Li Ya just thought for a second. Then she made a decision and walked decisively towards the stairs.

As quickly as possible, we arrived at the reception room on the second floor.


At this time, Xiao Lin was sitting on a row of benches at the door of the reception room.

Turning around, I happened to see Li Ya coming.

Xiao Lin quickly stood up to greet him

"Sister Ya, why did you come down so quickly?"

"Hey...Sister Ya, why are you panting so much? Did you come down by the stairs?"

Looking at Liya panting.

Xiao Lin couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and asked with some doubts.

Liya waved her hand:"Don't worry about me.

After taking a breath, she quickly asked:"Where are the others?" Still in the reception room?

Xiao Lin nodded and said,"Yes, he is still in the reception room. I didn't see him come out.""

"That's good."

Li Ya breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she was not late.

Then she adjusted her breathing and tidied her clothes.

She asked Xiao Lin,"Look, if there is anything I haven't tidied up."

Xiao Lin looked at Li Ya carefully

, then shook his head and said,"Sister Ya, you have organized it very well. Li

Ya hummed and said,"Okay Xiaolin, there is nothing to do with you here now, you can leave first.""

Hearing this,

Xiao Lin couldn't help being slightly startled.

Although he was a little confused, Xiao Lin still nodded:"Okay, Sister Ya."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

"Wait a moment!"

But before he had gone far, Li Ya suddenly stopped Xiao Lin.

"Xiaolin, just stand here and don't move. If someone wants to come over, you must stop her."

"This is my order and the company's order. Do you understand?!

Xiao Lin's expression changed and he quickly said:"I understand, Sister Ya!""

Seeing Xiao Lin's serious face, Li Ya was relieved.

Then she looked towards the reception room. She took a deep breath and then walked towards the reception room.

And Xiao Lin looked at Li Ya's back.

Curious in her heart, We finally reached the top!

Oh my God!

Who is that person in the reception room?

He could make Sister Ya stand up so hard!

In order to come down to see him, Sister Ya even took the stairs all the way down from the fifth floor.

And before meeting, Sister Ya also carefully arranged her clothes!

You know, Sister Ya is not an ordinary person!

She is a gold medal agent in the entertainment industry and one of the shareholders of Jiahe! With such an identity, she is definitely considered a leader in society Big boss!

Even when faced with the leader from above, Sister Ya was never so prepared.

Could it be...

Xiaolin suddenly had an idea that shocked her.

Could it be that the people sitting in the reception room now are more senior than those above? The leader who came is more noble?!


Li Ya walked into the reception room.

When I looked up, I saw a familiar father and daughter sitting on the sofa in the reception room.

It is Reba's daughter and the big boss behind Reba!

For a moment, Li Ya couldn't help but feel a lot nervous.

But the next moment, Li Ya clenched her fists hard.

The slightly sharp nails pierced directly into the palm of the hand.

The pain caused Li Ya gradually calmed down.

That's right.

Li Ya finally chose to come and visit Ji Yun! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There are two main reasons for this choice!


When he couldn't make up his mind and already knew that Ji Yun was in Jiahe.

Li Ya felt that it would be better if she came to visit than not.

She came to visit, which at most made Ji Yun a little unhappy.

But if you don't come to visit, Ji Yun will probably be disgusted!

Which one is more important is clear at a glance.


This is also a guess of Li Ya.

Li Ya felt that maybe Ji Yun was also waiting for her to come and visit!

Otherwise, why would Ji Yun be sitting in Jiahe's reception room?

Ji Yun had many places to go, but he ended up sitting in Jiahe's reception room!

There is probably an ulterior motive in this!

The combination of these two reasons prompted Li Ya to make the choice to visit Ji Yun!

Come to your senses[]

Li Ya saw that she was getting closer and closer to Ji Yun, and her heartbeat became faster and faster.

Finally reaching about two meters, Li Ya stopped.

The next moment, a respectful smile appeared on Li Ya's face

"Mr. Ji, why are you here?"

Ji Yun has noticed Li Ya for a long time.

After all, it is impossible not to notice such a big living person appearing in the sight.

It's just that Ji Yun hasn't spoken, just waiting for Li Ya to speak.

"Come with someone and sit in your company for a while."

Ji Yun said lightly.

Sure enough...

Li Ya smiled and said,"You came here with Reba, right?"

"You are so kind to Reba, I just said how could Reba be so happy when she came here today. Ji

Yun ignored Li Ya's compliment and asked casually:"The person who came to the reception room just now is your subordinate?"

Li Ya nodded and said,"Yes, that person is my assistant.""

"A leader will come down tomorrow to inspect the work. I asked her to come over and see if there are any problems in the reception room."

"She just happened to see you sitting in the reception room. She saw that you were very impressive, and then she reported to me.

Ji Yun murmured:"That seems to be quite a coincidence." Li

Ya said with a smile:"Yes, as soon as I heard her description, I knew it was you who came, and then I ran down quickly.""

"Would you like to sit in the office upstairs? It's cleaner there. Ji Yun shook his head:"

No, it's fine just sitting here.""

"And Tuantuan also likes to play here."

Hearing this,

Li Ya lowered her head and glanced at Tuantuan.

At this time, Tuantuan was sitting on Ji Yun's lap.

She was holding a small snack prepared in the reception room.

The snack was wrapped in plastic and Tuantuan could not be opened. But she really wanted to open it.

So she consumed it with the snack.

Li Ya couldn't help laughing.

"Tuantuan is really getting cuter and prettier now"

"I remember the last time I saw Tuantuan, Tuantuan seemed to be only seven months old."

"In the blink of an eye, Tuantuan is almost one year old."

Li Ya said with a gentle face.

It was like she was a close elder of Tuan Tuan who used to take care of Tuan Tuan when she was growing up.

Ji Yun glanced at Li Ya, then pointed to the seat next to her:"Stop standing, sit down and talk.."

Hearing this,

Li Ya couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

She seemed a little unbelievable that Ji Yun actually asked her to sit down.


After reacting,

Li Ya quickly sat down next to Ji Yun.

"If I remember correctly, your name is Li Ya, right?"

After Li Ya took her seat, Ji Yun suddenly asked

"Yes. Li

Ya nodded and said with a smile:"I didn't expect that Mr. Ji would already remember my name after we met him once. This is really an honor for me."

Ji Yun didn't respond and asked,"Where's Yang Mi?" Hasn't she been in the company for 833 days today?

Li Ya replied:"Yes, Yang Mi went to attend an event in Kyoto today and won't be back until tomorrow.""

"Of course, Mr. Ji, if you have anything to do with Yang Mi, I will call Yang Mi now and ask Yang Mi to come back quickly."

Yang Mi went to Kyoto to participate in the recording of a variety show today, which is not very important.

And even if it is important, it is definitely not as important as Ji Yun!

Nothing in the entertainment industry can compare with Ji Yun's things


Ji Yun waved his hand and said:"I just asked casually, it doesn't matter whether she is there or not."

"I came to Jiahe today for two things"

"The first thing is naturally to send Reba here."

"Second, there is something I want to come to Jiahe to handle."

Hearing this,

Li Ya immediately stood up and looked at Ji Yun with a serious face:"You tell me."

Sure enough, her guess was correct! The reason why Ji Yun was sitting in the reception room was for other reasons!

Fortunately, she came to visit.

Otherwise, what would happen would be unimaginable!

"Don't be anxious yet. Ji

Yun did not speak directly, but said:"Before talking about this matter, I need to confirm your status in Jiahe first.""

"Will what you say work in Jiahe?"

Hearing this,

Li Ya couldn't help but feel a little confused.

She didn't understand why Ji Yun would ask such a question.

However, Li Ya still answered truthfully.

"Mr. Ji, I am one of the shareholders of Jiahe and I am also a senior executive of Jiahe."

"As for whether my words have any effect, it depends on what the matter is."

"If it's something trivial, I have the right to make a direct decision."

"But if it is a major matter involving the development of the company, I dare not hide it from you, then I don’t have this right."

"However, although I do not have the right to make direct decisions, I can hold meetings and bring other managers together to discuss."

Li Ya said seriously.

At the same time, she was secretly thinking.

Could it be that what Ji Yun was going to say would affect Jiahe's future development?

Otherwise, why should she be asked about her status in Jiahe ?

"If you can convene a meeting, then you are barely qualified."

Ji Yun did not continue to talk about it, and said:"What I want to say is actually not a big deal."

"It’s just that I happened to be sending Reba to Jiahe today, so I came up with this idea."

"I want to acquire or invest in your Jiahe"

"I don’t know, what do you think about this?".

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