"Xiaoyun, come over and have tea."

At this time, Chen Qingyuan was already sitting on the tea table and waved to Ji Yun. Ji Yun nodded and walked over with Reba.

Chen Qingyuan deliberately left two seats beside him. It can be seen that Chen Qingyuan's respect for Ji Yun.

You must know that for a century-old family like the Chen family, rules are more important than anything else. As the saying goes, there is no circle without rules.

Without strict rules, it will be difficult for the family to survive forever.

And etiquette, It can be regarded as a kind of rule.

In today's situation, the position next to the main seat represents the meaning of being on an equal footing.

This shows the importance of Ji Yun in Chen Qingyuan's heart.

The rest of the Chen family are very concerned about this arrangement. I didn't feel anything was wrong, but it felt very normal.

"Come, have a cup of tea. Chen

Qingyuan poured tea for Ji Yun and Reba, and said with a smile:"This tea is still the mother tree Dahongpao you gave me last time.""

"This tea tastes really good. Although it is light, it has an endless aftertaste and lives up to its reputation as the king of teas."

Ji Yun smiled lightly."If Uncle Chen likes it, he can ask Chen Ning to come to my house to pick it up. Chen

Qingyuan smiled and shook his head:"That's no need. I still have some tea here, and I don't need to take it out to drink."

After a pause, Chen Qingyuan looked at Reba and asked with a smile:"Your name is... Reba, right?" Reba stood up quickly and replied:"Yes, Uncle Chen, my name is Reba.""

Chen Qingyuan waved his hand:"Sit down quickly, don't be so restrained."

"When you come here, it's like coming to your own home"

"Xiao Yun used to come here often and lived here for a while."

"I remember that at that time, Xiao Yun was still very young, but in the blink of an eye, everything changed. Not only did she get married and start a business, but her children were also so old."

"Look at my memory, I almost forgot to ask, what is my daughter’s name?"

Hearing this,

Reba was stunned for a moment and didn't know how to answer.


Until now, they haven't officially given Tuantuan a name yet.

Ji Yun said:"Uncle Chen, you call her Tuantuan. Just fine"

"Tuantuan, say hello to Grandpa Chen."

The little guy was nestled in Ji Yun's arms. He was a little timid in the presence of so many people. He looked like Reba.

After hearing Ji Yun's words, the little guy raised his head and glanced at Chen Qingyuan, then babbling. called out

"Ouch, so cute."

Chen Qingyuan smiled happily.

At this time, Chen Qingyuan didn't look like the head of a century-old family at all, but like a kind elder.

Then, Chen Qingyuan took out an exquisite gift box and handed it to him with a loving expression. Tuantuan

"Come on, Tuantuan, this is a gift from Grandpa Chen."

Tuantuan was not polite and took the gift box over in one hand.

Although the little one has no concept of gifts, she will never be polite if someone gives her something.

After all, no matter what it is, for her who has just arrived in this world They were all very novel.

Seeing Tuantuan's appearance as if he had found a treasure, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

But Reba was a little bit dumbfounded.

Baby, you should be more reserved.

You make your mother a little embarrassed...

Chen Qingyuan took another gift box and said to Reba:"Reba, this is a gift for you..~"

Reba was stunned for a moment, then waved her hands repeatedly:"Uncle Chen, I don't need any gifts."

Chen Qingyuan said:"It's okay, just take it."

"This is a greeting gift. If you refuse, your uncle will be unhappy."

Hearing this, Reba turned her head and glanced at Ji Yun. When she saw Ji Yun nodded, she accepted the gift.

"Then thank you Uncle Chen. Reba said politely

"You are welcome."

Chen Qingyuan smiled and shook his head.

At this time, a woman with graceful temperament and gentle appearance walked out of the kitchen next to her.

"Qingyuan, it’s time to eat."

That woman is Chen Ning's mother.

The Chen family has a rule that although the women in the family don't have to cook, they must not know how to cook.

And since today is a family banquet, it is natural for the family to do it.

So. This is why all the men sitting at the tea table at this time are men from the Chen family.

Because the women have already been in the kitchen preparing tonight's dinner.

"okay, I get it"

"Everyone, now that the meal is ready, let’s go eat."

Chen Qingyuan said.

Then, everyone got up and walked towards the dining table.

When they got to the dining table, Ji Yun still sat on the left side of Chen Qingyuan.

As the birthday boy, Chen Ning could make an exception and sit on the right side of Chen Qingyuan tonight. position.

Next, Reba hugged Tuantuan and sat next to Ji Yun.

Chen Ning’s mother sat next to Reba

"Reba, hello. Mother Chen smiled at Reba:"I was busy preparing dinner just now, but I didn't come out to say hello to you.""

"It's okay, aunt. Reba shook her head repeatedly and said,"I should have gone to greet you, but I was negligent."

Mother Chen smiled and said:"Then we are even, no one should be polite anymore.""

"Reba, is it difficult for you to eat while holding the baby? Why don't you give me the baby first and I'll play with her for a while while you eat first.

Reba shook her head and said,"No, auntie, I can do this." Hearing this

, Mother Chen didn't say anything:"Then you eat quickly and try auntie's cooking.""

"When Xiaoyun came to my house before, she liked to eat the food I cooked the most."

"It's just that since Xiaoyun has been busy with work, we have less and less time to see him, so I don't know how he has been doing recently."

"I didn't expect that when we meet again, I would bring such a beautiful girl with me. Reba

's face was slightly red, a little embarrassed.

Mother Chen asked again:"Auntie may be a bit talkative, but I still want to ask, how did you and Xiaoyun meet?""

"You may not know that Xiaoyun used to be lonely, and there were never any girls around him."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Reba didn't know how to answer.

Well... she and Ji Yun met in a hotel, so it would definitely not be good to say this.

"Auntie, Ji Yun and I are..."

Just as he was thinking of finding a reason, Ji Yun suddenly spoke.

"Auntie, I met her at an event"

"Both parties had a good impression, so they got together not long after they met. Hearing this

, Chen’s mother suddenly realized:"So that’s what happened.""

"Reba, it seems you are very charming."

Reba laughed twice awkwardly.

At the same time, she couldn't help but admire Ji Yun in her heart.

She really just made up the reason with her mouth open.

And Ji Yun's calm expression, even she almost thought that she I really met Ji Yun at an event.

"Come, Reba, eat some food."

Mother Chen picked up a piece of meat with male chopsticks and put it in the Reba bowl.

"If you are holding the baby and it is not convenient to pick up food, just tell the aunt what you want to eat.

Reba felt warm in her heart:"Thank you, auntie."

Mother Chen smiled and said,"You're welcome.""


After a while, it got dark.

At this time, everyone had almost finished eating, so a maid came over with a cake.

It's time to eat the birthday cake.

Although the Chen family is a century-old family, the process is actually no different from ordinary people.

Turn off the lights, light candles, and sing happy birthday.

Reba sang birthday song hard.

Although the ball in my arms couldn't sing, they were still babbling.

It actually added a bit of excitement.

Chen Ning clasped her hands together and closed her eyes to make a wish.

After making a wish,"`.With a sound of"hoo", all the candles were blown out.

Then they started to cut the cake.

Chen Ning divided it piece by piece in order.

The elders who got the cake would say a few birthday wishes to Chen Ning.

"Sister-in-law, eat cake."

Soon, Chen Ning divided the cake into Reba's hands.

But Reba was in a dilemma.

What... should I say?

May you have a lot of money?

But the Chen family is already rich enough. Guangjin seems to have come true for Chen Ning.

May you live longer than Nanshan?

This seems a bit inconsistent, after all, Chen Ning is still so young.

After holding it for a long time, Reba said:"Chen Ning, happy birthday, I wish you All your wishes come true and you are as blessed as the East Sea"

"Thank you sister-in-law."

Chen Ning said with a smile, and cut another piece of cake for Ji Yun.

Ji Yun didn't say anything, but said happy birthday in a neutral tone.


At this time, Tuantuan suddenly shouted and looked at the cake in Reba's hand eagerly.

"Baby, do you want some cake?"

"But you can't eat it now. You won't be able to eat cake until you are older."

Reba said softly.

Her little face shrank, and she looked extremely aggrieved.

How could Reba (De Li) bear this little guy's expression?

"Okay, okay, then mom will give you a little bit to eat, only a little bit."

Reba took a spoon, scraped a little bit of fresh cream, and gave Tuantuan a taste.

Tuantuan then smiled happily.

But after tasting the sweetness, it was not so easy to get rid of it.

After a while, she used the aggrieved cream again. She looked at Reba with an expression on her face.

Reba was angry and funny:"Baby, I really can't eat it. You see, my mother didn't eat it either."

The little guy was very smart. Seeing that Reba really didn't want to feed her, he turned his head and went to find Ji Yun. He stretched out his hands and started to pull off Ji Yun's clothes.

Ji Yun looked back at his daughter:"Tuantuan, you Want some cake?"


Yes, yes, the baby wants to eat cake.

Ji Yun reached out and pinched the little guy's chubby cheeks:"But you really can't eat cake."

"Let's do this. Dad will get you other food. You wait here for a while."

Since giving Tuan Tuan teething biscuits, Ji Yun will carry some snacks with him.

Just when he went out today, Ji Yun prepared some in the car.

And Tuan Tuan's milk bottle was also put in the car.

So , Ji Yun got up and walked outside.

Looking at this scene, Mother Chen and others all had some emotion in their eyes.

"After Xiaoyun became a father, he was completely different from before."

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