after awhile.

Ji Yun came back with something.

A few teething biscuits, a milk bottle and a small bag of milk powder.

Ji Yun first gave Tuantuan a teething biscuit, and Tuantuan immediately happily started chewing the teething biscuit.

Afterwards, Ji Yun took the milk bottle and prepared to make a bottle of milk for Tuantuan.

"Ji Yun, um... I'll go make some milk for Tuan Tuan."

Seeing this, Reba stopped Ji Yun and offered the initiative.

Ji Yun thought about it for a moment, but did not refuse.

She handed the bottle and milk powder to Reba, and Ji Yun sat back down.

"Reba, do you want aunt to accompany you?"

Mother Chen asked softly.

"It's okay, auntie, I can go by myself. Reba said with a smile.

"That’s okay too."

Mother Chen said,"If anything happens, just call Auntie.""

"Ok aunty."

After saying that, Reba walked towards the guest room with Tuan Tuan in her arms.

After a while, the boiling water was boiled, and Reba was about to start making milk.

Suddenly there was a vibration in her pocket.

Reba took out her phone and looked at it. One glance.

Only then did she realize that it was Mi who called her.

"Little Reba, what are you doing?"

When the phone was connected, Yang Mi's unique little milky voice came over the other end of the phone.

Reba thought for a while and decided not to tell Yang Mi about her affairs at the Chen family.

Not that Yang Mi After knowing this, she will talk nonsense everywhere.

As a best friend, Reba still believes in Yang Mi's character and will definitely not do such a backstabbing thing.

But... although she will not spread rumors, after Yang Mi finds out, 560 will definitely make fun of her again

"Sister Mi, what’s wrong?"

Reba asked

"Nothing much, I just want to chat with you."

After a pause, Yang Mi smiled and said,"Then I'll tell you some good news.

Reba was curious:"What's the good news?""

Yang Mi said:"That's it. Do you remember that I told you before that after Ji Sining's fashion night is over, Ji Sining will launch three blockbuster items?"

"And now, Ji Sining has produced three single products, and Ji Sining has chosen you as one of the product ambassadors. Hearing this

, Reba's eyes lit up:"Sister Mi, are you serious?" Yang

Mi snorted softly:"Do you think I need to lie to you?""

"Whether it is for public or private use, that item must be yours."

"Yu Gong,"

"As for privately, the relationship between you and Ji Yun, in the future, you will be the spokesperson of Ji Sining's brand. You are just a publicity ambassador, which is nothing more than an appetizer.

Reba smiled and said,"I know.""

"Sister Mi, when should I go to Ji Sining to take promotional photos?"

Yang Mi said:"I called here because I actually wanted to discuss the shooting time with you."

"Of course, Ji Sining won't rush you. They said that when you have time, you can shoot again."

"Tsk tsk tsk, this treatment is really enviable."

There was a hint of emotion in Yang Mi's voice.

That was Ji Sining!

I think back then, she had also been the promotional ambassador for one of Ji Sining's products. (abbh) At that time, Ji Sining's shooting time was all arranged uniformly, and There is no room for negotiation.

If you come, you will be replaced. If you don't come

, someone will be replaced. There was a young guy who went to the filming late because he wanted to be a big name, but when he arrived at the filming site,

Ji Sining directly told him that the publicity ambassador had been replaced.

From then on, no one dared to be late for Ji Sining's activities.

But now, it's actually a matter of going over to shoot whenever you have time.

This attitude gap is too big.

Yang Mi continued:"Look at that day If you have time, just go to Ji Sining’s place and take some promotional photos."

"Then I will go with you when the time comes. Although I am not the publicity ambassador this time, the Ji Sining brand ambassador I signed some time ago is almost time to be officially announced. Reba thought for a while and said,"Sister Mi, otherwise it will be this Saturday. I don't have to film this Saturday.""

Yang Mi said:"Okay, then I'll tell the person in charge of Ji Sining later."

"Okay, there's nothing else to do. I'll hang up now and won't disturb you and Ji Yun's relationship."

Reba's face turned slightly red.

Look, it was just as she thought. Sister Mi really likes to talk about this kind of things.

She didn't even tell Sister Mi that she was attending Ji Yun's friend's birthday party.

As a result, Sister Mi had already said something to let her and Ji Yun develop a relationship.

If she told Sister Mi about her stay at the Chen family, she might be able to say something filthy.

She hung up the phone. Finally, Reba took the soaked milk and started to feed it to Tuantuan.

Tuantuan was indeed hungry, and started to drink like a little piglet. After a while, he drank half the bottle of milk.


At this time, someone suddenly called Reba's name.

Reba looked back and realized that it was Mrs. Chen who had come in.

"Auntie, why are you here?"

Reba was a little confused and was about to stand up.

"It's okay Reba, just sit down. Mother Chen smiled slightly:"I just saw that you haven't come out for so long, so I wanted to come in and see what you were doing.""

"Xiao Yun and the others have stopped drinking. They are all drinking tea now to sober up. Reba nodded.

Then she quickly said:"Auntie, don't stand here. Come and sit down.""


Mother Chen sat next to Reba.

Seeing Tuantuan drinking milk vigorously, Mother Chen couldn't help but feel a little funny. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Reba, the baby’s appetite seems to be quite good.

Reba smiled:"Yes, Auntie, Tuantuan's appetite is indeed not bad. Now 150 ml of milk can only fill the stomach.""

"When I get hungry, I can't even eat a bowl of egg custard. Mother Chen said with a smile:"It is said that being able to eat well is a blessing. Now is the time when nutrition is needed, so you should eat more.""

"Reba, from the look of you, it seems you know how to take care of babies. I think you take care of Tuantuan a lot. Reba laughed twice:"It used to be, but now I'm busy with work, so Ji Yun is basically taking care of Tuantuan." Mother Chen was a little surprised:"Xiao Yun, who likes work so much, is willing to put down work to take care of the baby?""

Reba nodded with a serious face, feeling a little touched and emotional in her heart.

Ji Yun has a distinguished status, but he is willing to take care of Tuantuan at home, so that she has time to go out to film and participate in activities.

In fact, in comparison, Ji Yun Her work is ten thousand times more important than her filming.

This is why, even if Ji Yun's attitude is sometimes very cold, she is always willing to put her hot face on Ji Yun's cold ass.

"It seems that Xiaoyun has really changed a lot.

After a pause, Mother Chen changed the topic and suddenly asked:"Reba, don't blame Auntie for talking too much. Auntie wants to ask you, what do you usually do?""

"Although I did not watch Xiao Yun grow up, he often came to my house to play when he first started his business, and I regarded him as my own child."

"So I also want to know more about Xiaoyun."

"Of course, if it's not convenient to say it, just pretend that you haven't asked. Reba hesitated for a moment and finally replied:"Auntie, I am actually a small star in the entertainment industry.""

"I usually just shoot scenes and then receive events or announcements."

Let's just say it directly.

Reba didn't want to tell Mother Chen or Uncle Chen that she was a star in the entertainment industry.

It is true.

In the eyes of many ordinary people, being a star in the entertainment industry can be said to be superior, and it is a career that countless people dream of..

But for a wealthy family like the Chen family, being a celebrity would actually become a burden.

"Star, that's great."

Unexpectedly, after hearing Reba's answer, Mother Chen didn't have a trace of disgust on her face.

Instead, she smiled and praised her.

"Reba, actually when I saw you look so beautiful, I was wondering if you would be a star in the entertainment industry."

"Unexpectedly, as I thought, you are really a star in the entertainment industry. Reba was slightly startled:"Auntie, you..."

Mother Chen smiled faintly:"Don't worry, Auntie is not a stubborn old man.""

"Being a celebrity is also a profession, there is nothing good or bad, there is no distinction between high and low."

"What's more, Xiaoyun can take you with him, which means that Xiaoyun doesn't care about your identity and recognizes your character.

Reba couldn't help but feel warm in her heart:"Auntie, thank you.""

"Not so polite.

Mother Chen smiled and said,"Reba, speaking of which, your appearance really makes me very happy.""

"I originally thought that with Xiaoyun's character, if she wanted to fall in love, she would have to wait at least a few years."

"Unexpectedly, this day came faster than imagined. After a pause ,

Chen's mother suddenly asked:"Reba, you see Tuantuan is so old and will be one year old soon. Have you considered when to marry Ji Yun?"".

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