Listening to Reba's anxious voice.

Ji Yun was a little confused:"Tuantuan and I are here in the garden, is there anything wrong?"

On the other end of the phone, Reba was silent for a long time, then took a deep breath and said,"Well... I have something to trouble you about."

"I...there was something going on here, my relatives came, and then I asked Xiao Lin to go back and help me get something."

"When Xiaolin comes, can you help Xiaolin take him upstairs?

Ji Yun was a little confused when he heard this:"Relatives?" Reba was silent for a while, her voice trembling a little:"You may have misunderstood me. The relatives I am talking about are not uncles and aunts.""

"It is..."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Ji Yun:"~Well, I understand."

Reba breathed a sigh of relief. If she really wanted to tell her, she would be embarrassed.

"Xiaolin should be arriving at Yangyiju in a while. I told her to call you when she gets there."

"If there's nothing else, I'll hang up the phone first?"

Ji Yun hummed.

After hanging up the phone, a strange look appeared on Ji Yun's face.

He thought something had happened to the woman, or she was bullied by someone, so she was so anxious. But she didn't expect , so this is the situation.

Ji Yun is not the kind of person who has no common sense in life.

It was just that Reba suddenly said"relatives", which made Ji Yun not think of that aspect for a while.

But combined with Reba's tone, Ji Yun I can still hear what Reba said.

"Tuantuan, we are going back. Mom has something to help with."

Ji Yun stopped staying in the garden and went home with Tuantuan in his arms.

After about ten minutes, Xiao Lin drove to Yang Yi Ju.

"Hello Mr. Ji. Xiao

Lin came up and said hello first, and then asked:"Mr. Ji, Sister Reba should have told you everything, right?" Ji

Yun nodded lightly and said,"Her room is the first one on the left on the second floor. Just open the door and walk in.""

"Good job, Mr. Ji."

After that, Xiao Lin went upstairs.

Ji Yun naturally wouldn't go with him.

After all, this is a girl's business, so it's best to leave it to girls.

After a while, Xiao Lin came back with a bag in his hand. , which contained Reba’s clothes.

"Mr. Ji, should I go there first?

Ji Yun said calmly:"How is she doing now?""

Xiao Lin was slightly startled. He didn't expect Ji Yun to ask this question.

"Sister Reba’s situation is that she is in so much pain that she can’t walk anymore."

"But it’s quite normal, because it’s basically the same for us girls when we encounter this kind of situation."

Xiao Lin answered truthfully.

Ji Yun thought for a moment and said calmly:"After we get there, bring her back."

Hearing this, Xiao Lin couldn't help but be a little surprised.

But soon, Xiao Lin nodded respectfully:"Yes, Mr. Ji"

…… at the same time

《In the cast of"Phoenix Powers the World".

Ever since Reba became famous overnight at Ji Sining's fashion night, the entire crew has treated Reba completely differently.

The most obvious point is that a separate lounge is prepared for Reba.

Reba was given the treatment only an A-list star can have.

Fortunately, there is this separate lounge, which can save Reba a lot of trouble.

Otherwise, Reba wouldn’t know what to do.

"It came right away, without any warning."

At this time, Reba was sitting on the sofa, holding her belly, with a touch of pain on her face, but more importantly, she was embarrassed.

When she called Ji Yun just now, Reba could be said to have been thinking for a long time. Struggle.

After all, Ji Yun was too shy to know about this kind of thing. Just yesterday something so embarrassing happened.

But today something even more embarrassing happened.

Reba felt that she had almost lost her face.

At this moment, the door was pushed open and Xiao Lin walked in carrying a bag of clothes.

"Sister Reba, I brought you something."

Seeing Xiao Lin coming, Reba's eyes suddenly lit up, and she tried to stand up by holding on to the sofa.

But now it hurts when she moved, and she sat back down as soon as she stood up.

"Sister Reba, let me help you go to the bathroom."

Xiao Lin stepped forward and said


Reba didn't show any courage, and walked into the bathroom with Xiao Lin's support.

It took almost twenty minutes for Reba to come out of the bathroom.

But the situation was much better, at least she could walk alone.

"Sister Reba, are you done? Then let's go. Hearing this

, Reba was stunned for a moment:"Leave?" Where to go? Xiao Lin explained:"

I went to help you get your clothes just now. Mr. Ji told me to take you back.""

Hearing this, Reba was stunned.

Ji Yun wants her to go back?

Why... is it because she came to visit relatives?

Reba couldn't help but feel warm in her heart, but then she still shook her head:"Xiao Lin, I have to film a movie later, so I won't go back."

"I'll call Ji Yun later and tell him, don't worry."

It's not that Reba wanted to refuse Ji Yun's kindness.

The main reason is that it happened too suddenly.

She is a little embarrassed to go back and face Ji Yun now.

Moreover, she has already arrived on the set, and her turn will be in a few minutes. She was filming. She suddenly left at this time, and the originally scheduled scenes were all messed up.

Seemingly seeing Reba's concerns, Xiao Lin said:"Sister Reba, you don't have to worry about this, Mr. Ji has already taken care of it."."

As soon as Xiao Lin finished speaking,

Reba heard her cell phone ringing. She took it out and found that the caller was from an unknown number. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hello, who are you?"

Reba answered the phone and asked doubtfully.

"Miss Reba?

A middle-aged man's voice came from the other end of the phone. He introduced himself:"I'm Wang Zongjun. I wonder if Ms. Reba recognizes me.""

"Mr. Wang?"

Reba was immediately surprised!

How could she not know Wang Zongjun?

《The investor of"Huang Quan Tian Xia", the big boss of Huayi Brothers, and also a famous big capital in the entertainment industry!

"Mr. Wang, what do you want from me?"

Reba asked this, but she couldn't help but have a premonition in her heart.

Sure enough, Wang Zongjun on the other end of the phone smiled warmly and said with a bit of respect in his voice:"Miss Reba, you're welcome."

"I already know your situation, and I really admire your professionalism."

"However, filming is important, but the body is also important"

"It's okay for you to go home and rest first, and then come back to filming when you feel better."

It's true.

Reba is not a fool, but her reaction is a little slow.

But no matter how slow her reaction is, she can still react at this time. Wang Zongjun suddenly came to her, it must be because Ji Yun gave him an order.

Otherwise, Wang Zongjun Why would the dignified big boss of Huayi Brothers take the initiative to call her, a third- and fourth-tier starlet?

And Ji Yun is the investor of"Phoenix Quan Tianxia" and moved"Phoenix Quan Tianxia" from Kyoto to Magic City The boss.

If Ji Yun can order Wang Zongjun, then everything will go well.

"Okay, then I would like to thank Mr. Wang for his understanding."

Reba didn't refuse anymore.

Ji Yun has already found Wang Zongjun, and this is no longer a matter between her and Ji Yun.

If she refuses again, she will undoubtedly lose Ji Yun's face.

After hanging up the phone, Reba Ba took a deep breathQi, my heart is complicated, but also has an inexplicable feeling of joy.

It's complicated because Ji Yun's energy is so terrifying.

With just one phone call, a big boss like Wang Zongjun could call just to persuade her to go home and rest.

It can also be seen from this that Wang Zongjun is not even on the same level as Ji Yun.

As for the feeling of joy...

Reba didn't know why she was happy, she just felt warm in her heart, as if she had taken a bite of honey.

Is it because people care?

"Xiaolin, let's go back"

…… the other side.

In the office of Huayi Brothers.

When Reba felt complicated.

The two brothers Wang Zongjun and Wang Zonglei, their emotions are truly complicated to the point of being difficult to get over!

"Brother, I really didn’t expect that the person in our crew who is related to the big boss of Chuang Ji would be Dilraba."

At this time, Wang Zonglei was sitting on the sofa with a face full of surprise.

Opposite him, Wang Zongjun was putting his mobile phone on the table, and his face was also full of surprise.

Just now, Chen Momo made a phone call. Come here.

Brothers Wang Zongjun and Wang Zonglei were extremely nervous and thought they had some instructions.

But they didn't expect that after answering the phone, Chen Momo came to ask for leave from Reba.

Then, the situation just happened.

"Not only did you not expect it, I also did not expect it at all, that Dilraba Dilraba is actually related to the big boss of Chuangji."

Wang Zongjun took a breath and was filled with emotions.

"No wonder Dilireba’s resources are so good recently. She participated in Ji Sining’s fashion night and became Ji Sining’s publicity ambassador."

"If Dilraba is the person who created the big boss in Ji Ji, then nothing is surprising."

Speaking of this, Wang Zongjun glanced at Wang Zonglei and said in a serious tone:

"Lei Zi, go back and send a few people to keep an eye on the crew. If anyone offends Dilraba, just tell them to get out and leave."

"At present, it seems that the big boss of Chuangji attaches great importance to Dilraba"

"In fact, the relationship between capital and female celebrities is no longer like an ordinary one."

In the entertainment industry, the combination of capital and female stars has become common.

Both parties have their own agenda.

Capitalists are after beauty, while female stars are after resources.

Wang Zongjun is naturally aware of these rules.

But At this time, Wang Zongjun felt that the big boss of Chuangji and Dilraba did not seem to have an ordinary interest relationship.

If it was just an ordinary interest relationship, it would be impossible for the big boss of Chuangji to let Assistant Chen call. Come here to help Dilireba ask for leave.

"Okay brother, I will arrange for someone to go to the set later. Wang

Zonglei nodded, and then suddenly asked:"Brother, do you think our circle is going to change?" Wang

Zongjun's eyes darkened slightly:"If Chuangji were to enter the game, things would naturally change in the circle.""

"However, even if Chuangji does not enter the game, Dilraba's status in the circle will no longer be matched by anyone."

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