Twenty minutes later.

Reba returned to Yang Yiju

"Sister Reba, are you feeling better?"

Xiao Lin helped Reba get out of the car and asked with concern.

"Well, Xiaolin, I feel much better. If you have something to do, go ahead and do it. Reba smiled slightly and said she was fine.

"Sister Reba, I’ll leave first. Sister Momo has something to do with me."

"OK, go ahead."

Reba waved goodbye to Xiao Lin, watched Xiao Lin drive away, and then slowly walked up to the second floor.

When she walked to the door, Reba heard laughter coming from the living room, and Ji Yun's gentle voice.

Reba Ba suddenly didn't want to go in...

It had been almost two months since Reba had been living in Yangyi Ju. It's not that Reba hadn't been to her aunt before.

But the last time she came, it happened to be the weekend, so Reba didn't Zhisheng, she rested at home for a day.

Then she felt much better the next day, and could already go to the crew to film.

But this time she made a big fuss, which was really embarrassing.


Reba took a deep breath, anyway They all have to be faced, so they bite the bullet and push open the door to the room.

"Ji Yun, I'm back."

At this time, in the living room, Ji Yun was squatting on the ground, supporting Tuantuan's body with both hands, allowing Tuantuan to practice his standing ability.

Hearing the sound, Ji Yun looked back, and then nodded gently:" Sit down and take a rest."

Reba blushed and nodded.


When Tuantuan saw Reba coming back, she immediately shouted happily and wanted to crawl over to Reba.

"Tuantuan, mom is sick. Let her rest for a while. Dad will play with you today."

Ji Yun hugged Tuantuan and gently scratched Tuantuan's little nose.

But in Tuantuan's mind, there was no word sick.

So Tuantuan thought it was Ji Yun who didn't let her go.

The little guy's She became more energetic, and the more Ji Yun refused to let her pass, the more she wanted to pass.

She struggled against Ji Yun's big hand like a little loach, and babbled at the same time.

Ji Yun didn't know what to do with this for a while. What to do with the little guy?

"Tuantuan, listen to dad. Reba came over and squatted down in front of Tuantuan with some difficulty,"Then mommy will hold you for a while, and then you and daddy, okay?""

Tuan Tuan:"Ah (ok)"

"So good. Reba smiled softly, hugged Tuan Tuan into her arms, and said,"You must listen to daddy today.""

"Mom is not feeling well, um... just like the last time you had teeth, she feels extremely uncomfortable no matter what you do."

"But mom will be fine tomorrow. Mom will watch your performance. If you perform well, mom will reward you every day.

Tuantuan chuckled and agreed.

Then, Reba looked up at Ji Yun, opened her mouth, but hesitated:"Well, I..." Ji Yun said lightly:"

No need to say it, you are here today. Have a good rest at home."

Reba nodded obediently.

Ji Yun looked at the woman's weak appearance, and her lips seemed to be a little white.

The lively energy before had all disappeared at this time.

Ji Yun frowned slightly and said:"Next time you encounter this situation, my advice is not to be brave"

"Showing off is a very stupid thing to do. It has no use except to impress yourself."


Reba nodded obediently. She was criticized by Ji Yun, but she didn't feel disappointed at all. Instead, she felt a little warm in her heart.

Seeing that Ji Yun didn't speak, she explained for herself:"Well...actually I don't either. I thought it would turn out like this"

"In the past, I would react first and then come later."

"But this time it came directly, and I was a little caught off guard."

Ji Yun didn't answer. He didn't want to talk more about this topic.

"I have arranged for Dr. Xu, she should be here soon. Hearing this

, Reba was immediately surprised:"Doctor Xu will be here later?" Ji

Yun said calmly:"I don't know much about this kind of thing. Doctor Xu will come over later and massage your waist and abdomen, which may relieve the pain.""

Reba blinked.

Ah... isn't this a bit too exaggerated?

It's normal to come to the aunt's house. Girls have to go through it once a month.

She just came to the aunt's house, but it seemed like she was ill.

"What's wrong? Don't need it? Seeing that

Reba was stunned, Ji Yun turned around and looked over and asked.

"No, I need..."

Reba shook her head repeatedly.

How could she not need it? Ji Yun rarely cared about her once, so she didn't want to be silly and hypocritical.


After a while, Dr. Xu came to Yang Yiju.

Ji Yun plays with Tuantuan in the living room.

Reba and Dr. Xu are treating in the room

"Miss Reba, do you feel any discomfort? In addition to the lower abdomen, does your lower back hurt? Dr. Xu sat next to Reba and asked.

Reba nodded:"My back doesn't hurt much, but my waist does hurt a little. I can't straighten up, and the pain is severe when I straighten out."

Doctor Xu said:"This is normal. Miss Reba, don't worry. I'll rub it for you. It should be much better.""

"OK, thank you Dr. Xu."

After saying this, Reba turned around.

Doctor Xu gently massaged Reba's waist while continuing to ask about Reba's condition:"Ms. Reba, this should be your second menstrual period after giving birth. ? Reba nodded and said,"Yes, and both times they came very suddenly. By the time they were discovered, they were already here."

Dr. Xu chuckled:"This situation is also normal. It will gradually return to its previous state in the future.""

"Speaking of which, Mr. Ji is very kind to you. In all my years as a doctor, this is the first time I have seen someone who cares about his wife as much as Mr. Ji."

"If it were other people, they might not pay so much attention to these details."

Hearing the word wife, Reba couldn't help but blush.

But there seemed to be a warm current running through her heart, so she didn't explain.

Doctor Xu rubbed it for a while, and Reba obviously felt that her waist was not so painful. (Watch the exposure For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The pain in the lower abdomen gradually subsided over time.

"Miss Reba, if you still feel uncomfortable, please call me and don’t be polite to me."

"This time, Mr. Ji called the dean directly. The dean thought I was not taking good care of him, so he criticized and educated me."

Dr. Xu said half-jokingly.

Reba said:"I'm sorry, Dr. Xu. I'll come to you directly next time."

"Your words are enough. You don't have to worry about whether I will be in trouble. It's an honor for me to come over."

After that, Dr. Xu packed up the tools he brought and left Yang Yiju.

Reba also got up from the bed and walked to the living room, where she saw Ji Yun watching an enlightenment animation with Tuan Tuan.

Then The name of the first enlightenment animation is"A Lot of Children's Songs" 0........

In the past, when Tuantuan was having trouble, Reba would also read"A Lot of Children's Songs" to Tuantuan. As soon as she heard the sound, she felt it was so familiar.

The memory also seems to be brought back to the time when I took care of Tuantuan alone.

"How are you feeling?"

At this time, Ji Yun's calm voice suddenly came.

Hearing this, Reba smiled and said:"I feel much better, thank you Ji Yun. Ji

Yun shook his head, then pointed to a bowl of brown sugar water on the table and said,"Drink the brown sugar water that Lan Yun just made while it's hot.""

Reba was slightly stunned.

There is actually brown sugar water?

This is too thoughtful!

"Ouch, good."

Reba nodded, and then sat over obediently.

Picking up the bowl of brown sugar water, a faint fragrance hit her nostrils.

Tuantuan sat next to Reba, and when she saw her mother had something delicious, the little one immediately He crawled over with a groan.

"Ah, ah, eh!"

Tuantuan was babbling, which obviously meant,"What is mom eating? The baby needs to eat too!"

"Baby, you want to drink too?"

Zhinu Mo Ruomu, why didn't Reba know what the little guy meant? She asked gently.

Tuan Tuan:"Hey! (Yes)"

If Tuantuan hadn't been unable to stand up now, she would have wanted to snatch the brown sugar water from her mother's hand, and her mouth would be drooling just by looking at it.

"She is indeed her mother's daughter, and she is also a greedy little cat."

Reba stretched out her finger and gently tapped the tip of Tuantuan's nose, and said a little funny.

However, it doesn't matter if Tuantuan drinks a little bit of this brown sugar water.

Brown sugar water can also replenish energy and promote blood circulation.

Thinking of this, Reba He took a spoonful of brown sugar water and blew it gently to his mouth.

Then he took a sip and felt that the temperature was almost right, so he put it to Tuantuan's mouth:"Little greedy cat, open your mouth quickly.""


Tuantuan opened his mouth obediently, took a sip of brown sugar water, and immediately smiled happily.

Then Tuantuan smacked his lips, and looked at Reba with expectant eyes, obviously saying that the baby still wants it.

"Do you still want to drink?

Reba couldn't laugh or cry:"Dad prepared this for mom.""

"Okay, 1.5. Okay, mom, take a sip first, and then you take another sip, okay?"

"Ah (ok)"

Tuan Tuan agreed.

So, the mother and daughter drank the brown sugar water one sip at a time and I drank the brown sugar water in sips.

Ji Yun sat next to him and felt that the scene was a bit warm, and his eyes became a little more happy and relaxed.

After a while, the mother and daughter finished the bowl of brown sugar water.

"Baby, no more. Reba put the bowl face down, indicating that there was not a drop left.

Tuantuan was also satisfied, so she stopped pestering Reba and continued to read her"Children's Songs".

Reba put the bowl down and leaned against the soft sofa. , couldn't help but sigh:"It would be great if I could do this every day."

Ji Yun looked over and didn't understand what the woman was thinking:"Suffering once a day?"

Reba shook her head:"No, I don't want to visit my aunt every day. I want to be able to do this every day. Both you and Tuantuan..."

As she said this, Reba suddenly realized that she seemed to want to say something. What a strange thing to say.

And Ji Yun also had a gaze in his eyes.

"Ah, sss... Why do I feel like my stomach hurts a little again?"

"Ji Yun, please look at Tuantuan while I go to the toilet."

After saying that, Reba ran into the bathroom as if running away.

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