Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 101: Moderate Softness, Good for the Waist

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!MMP, Guo Guang is too heavy.

If it hadn't been for Li Tianyu's systematic transformation, he already had power beyond ordinary people, and there would be no way to drag him home.

Even so, he was tired enough.

Li Tianyu drove home, it was ten o'clock in the evening.

He was thinking about something while watching TV.

This is actually a good idea to open a restaurant.

As the saying goes, people regard food as their heaven.

As the saying goes, clothing, food, shelter and transportation are the basic needs of human survival.

Since it is a basic demand, it is not easy to go downhill.

Among them, "food" has the greatest operability.

But opening a restaurant seems to be very complicated, not very good positioning.

First of all, is it Chinese or Western?

There are many types of Chinese food, and there are eight major cuisines that Chinese people often talk about: Sichuan, Shandong, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and Hunan.

According to the form, it is also divided into hot pot, barbecue, and ramen restaurants.

Western food is not much better. In addition to formal Western food, there are steak restaurants, pizzerias, and even burger restaurants like KFC and M.

In addition to Chinese and Western food, Japanese food seems to be becoming more and more popular in the imperial capital.

Besides, there are various buffets...

Li Tianyu has never opened a restaurant, as if he could open anything, but could not decide for a while.

However, he soon figured out that it didn't matter what he opened, what was important was whether he could make money and make a lot of money.

It's nothing more than bragging about paying taxes, so try to see if it works.

Li Tianyu cleared his throat and pretended to say: "I am a Chinese restaurant owner."

After blowing the bull, Li Tianyu opened the system interface and entered the order center.

Some restaurant listings actually appeared.


[Restaurant name]: Youjia Xiaoguan

[Restaurant location]: Jiangfeng Bridge, North Fourth Ring, Imperial Capital

[Restaurant scale]: 35 square meters

[Number of restaurant employees]: 5

[Restaurant profit rate]: 25%

[Tax amount]: 200,000 soft sister coins


[Restaurant name]: Kou Fu Zhai

[Restaurant location]: Hujiang Building, East Third Ring, Imperial Capital

[Restaurant scale]: 230 square meters

[Number of restaurant employees]: 25

[Restaurant profit rate]: 38%

[Tax amount]: 790000 soft sister coins


[Restaurant name]: The Wizard of Green Leaf

[Restaurant location]: 5th Floor, Shengguang Shopping Mall, Didu Financial Street

[Restaurant scale]: 145 square meters

[Number of restaurant employees]: 17

[Restaurant profit rate]: 45%

[Tax amount]: 850,000 soft sister coins


[Restaurant name]: Mayday Steamed Meat

[Restaurant location]: Yuanzhong Road, North Fifth Ring, Imperial Capital

[Restaurant scale]: 89 square meters

[Number of restaurant employees]: 10

[Restaurant profit rate]: 30%

[Tax amount]: 450,000 soft sister coins


Li Tianyu watched the four pieces of information carefully.

I found that only the first "Youjia Noodle Restaurant" and the fourth "Mayday Steamed Meat" can afford the tax.

The other two stores, just by looking at the address, are in high-end office buildings and shopping malls, and the specifications are obviously very high.

No wonder the tax amount is so expensive.

As for "Youjia Noodle Restaurant" and "Mayday Steamed Pork", they all feel that they are all small shops, and it seems that they cannot be served on the countertop.

Looking at the profit rate again, Li Tianyu's heart immediately went cold.Yue eBook

Profits are too low.

This is really hard money, right?

Li Tianyu also has the title of "business elite" anyway, and the relevant knowledge is still very solid.

"Operating income" minus "operating costs", the remaining money is the net profit earned by the boss.

This operating cost includes salaries, water, electricity and gas, and by the way, rent...

Wait, Li Tianyu suddenly thought of something.

If he gets a property by paying taxes, does he need to pay rent?

[System Assistant]: No, as long as the host pays taxes according to the rules, the industry will be fully owned by the host, and the host has all the property rights.

[System Assistant]: The host can transform, upgrade, and destroy the business industry it belongs to, but cannot transfer in any form, otherwise it will be automatically destroyed.

"The profit rate in the list is calculated without shop rent?"

[System Assistant]: Yes.

Li Tianyu was taken aback, aside from the rent, it was still so miserable, the profit of the Chinese restaurant was lower than expected.

That's not interesting.

If you look at it this way, at least the Chinese restaurant can't do it.

Where's the western restaurant?Li Tianyu hesitated for a moment, but didn't study it anymore, planning to talk about it tomorrow.

Go to bed, turn off the lights, and sleep.

The next day, Li Tianyu drove to the headquarters of Aihua Real Estate.

As soon as I entered the company, I saw Zhang Li, the little girl at the front desk, greeting herself.

"Mr. Li, you are here."

Li Tianyu smiled slightly: "Well, here it is."

"Mr. Li, your office is ready. Manager Shen asked me to take you to have a look."

Manager Shen is of course the manager of the administration department, Shen Siyue.

The thought of this beauty made Li Tianyu feel a little swayed.

The scene in the car seems to be vivid.

"Mr. Li, Ms. Li..."

Li Tianyu came back to his senses: "Huh? Okay, let's go."

Zhang Li is in front.

Li Tianyu is behind.

Li Tianyu: "Where is Manager Shen?"

Zhang Li: "She went on a business trip and has not returned."

Li Tianyu said "Oh" and said nothing.

The office arranged for Li Tianyu is near the administrative department. It is a compartment made of soundproof tempered glass.

Of course, it is not transparent.

The area is neither small nor large, about 20 square meters.

Clean and tidy, spacious and bright.

The office layout is simple.

Office desk, boss chair, water dispenser, and a large sofa opposite the boss chair.

A computer and a 34-inch curved monitor are specially equipped on the desk, which looks quite magnificent.

Li Tianyu first sat in the boss chair and turned twice.


Zhang Li looked around: "Mr. Li, is this office still satisfied?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "Very good."

Li Tianyu stood up again and sat on the sofa.

Very comfortable.

Li Tianyu: "This sofa is really soft."

Zhang Li: "Manager Shen specifically asked me to choose the real leather for you, which is moderately soft and hard, and it is good for the waist."

Li Tianyu: "Manager Shen is interested, and thank you for bringing me here."

Zhang Li smiled: "President Li is polite. This is what I should do. I'll leave if there is nothing to do."

Li Tianyu: "Okay, come and sit often when you look back."

Zhang Li actually smiled and ran away.

Li Tianyu really sat on the big sofa for a while, and then he remembered why he had come.

Isn't it just looking for Ai Baoquan.


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Thanks to the precepts, the beautiful scenery is not as good as my Shili Shengge, RunawayBaby's many rewards.

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