Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 102 The second son is too naughty

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Before Li Tianyu came, he specifically contacted Ai Baoquan.

Ai Baoquan said he would wait for him in the president's office.

When Li Tianyu came in, he found that Ai Baoquan had changed to a new female secretary.

It is estimated that Xiang Tingting has been replaced.

It can be seen that Boss Ai has handled everything well.

I just don't know if General Manager Zhao Yan Zhao will appear at Aihua headquarters.

At this time, Boss Ai was drinking tea again.

Seeing Li Tianyu coming in, he hurriedly greeted: "Brother Li, sit down quickly."

Li Tianyu sat opposite Boss Ai.

Boss Ai poured him tea.

Li Tianyu picked up the small purple sand cup and took a sip.

"Yeah, Boss Ai, it's time to change tea. What kind of high-quality goods is it this time?"

Boss Ai beamed his eyebrows: "Guess what."

Li Tianyu was startled, with countless MMPs in his heart.

Lao Tzu is not a tea farmer, can you guess it?

Boss Ai didn't really make him guess: "Fujiang's dragon tail hair tips are only produced once every two years, and each time is less than fifty taels, how about it? Isn't it fragrant?"

"Oh, that is really fragrant. It takes only two years to drink it like this. I have to think about it."

Speaking of Boss Ai, there are two major hobbies.

First, that is to talk about life, ideals, and poetry with young girls.

He doesn't like girls with fashionable dresses and heavy makeup. He likes innocent ones, and they must be those with long hair.

He doesn't like those with low education, he likes those with high education.

In Ai Baoquan's words, getting along with them is a feeling of first love.

Li Tianyu thinks it can only be described in two words-abnormal.

Second, that is tea tasting, which can be called a super tea idiot in the entrepreneurial world.

No matter how rare or expensive the tea is, he has to find a way to spend a lot of money to get it.

Li Tianyu was originally curious about Zhao Yan, but after hesitating, he still did not ask.

For him, there is no need to know too much.

Even if he asked, Mr. Ai would not necessarily say.

Besides, if Li Tianyu really wants to know, it is completely safer by "shaking hands".

After a few cups of tea, Li Tianyu felt very comfortable with all his limbs.

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Ai, your tea is really good, I'll drink it up, go for a stroll, see you later."

Ai Baoquan seemed to be still immersed in the fragrance of tea, and he was humming a little song when he was intoxicated.

"Well, go slowly..." Ai Baoquan had just finished speaking, and suddenly came to his senses, "Oh, that's not right!"

Ai Baoquan quickly grabbed Li Tianyu.

"Brother Li, don't go, I haven't told you business yet!"

Li Tianyu couldn't laugh, and sat back again: "Mr. Ai, didn't you come to me for tea? I thought you were just trying to introduce me to this?...Fujiang's snake tail hair tip?"

"Don't make trouble, it's the tip of the dragon's tail." Ai Baoquan replied solemnly.

"Good good, Fujiang's dragon tail hair tip."

Ai Baoquan slapped his forehead: "Brother Li, don't interrupt, I'm going to get business."

Li Tianyu made a "please" gesture.

"My son was tied up."

"Oh..." Li Tianyu lowered his head, just about to take the cup, and immediately reacted, "Ah!?"

Ai Baoquan picked up the tea cup, took another sip, put it down, and picked up the teapot again, ready to pour the tea... Yaoyao Literature Network

Li Tianyu snatched the teapot and put it down.

"Mr. Ai, you say it again."

Ai Baoquan licked his lips: "My son is tied up."

Li Tianyu: "Is it your own life? The old Wang's house next door, right?"

Ai Baoquan picked up the purple sand teapot again and said while pouring the tea: "Don't make trouble, it's his own person, my second son, Ai Heping, is naughty and he is wearing a leather bag."

Li Tianyu frowned: "Your second child is not skinny and put it aside. Since you have been kidnapped, don't you hurry up to call the police? Mr. Ai, are you still willing to ask me to have tea here?"

Ai Baoquan was about to speak, but was interrupted by Li Tianyu: "Mr. Ai, let me say yes first. I don't know how to do it. You have to save people privately and let Yang An go."

What a joke, even if he knows kung fu, he won't go, Li Tianyu.

Isn't that just killing your life!

Ai Baoquan waved his hand: "What are you talking about? Brother Li, do you listen to me well."

"Okay, you say."

Ai Baoquan: "You just said to call the police, what kind of police did you call? He is at the police station!"

Li Tianyu was stunned: "What's the matter? Is your second son co-authored by the police?"

Ai Baoquan: "Isn't it, a naughty bag, he deserves to teach him a lesson!"

Since your son has gone for a long lesson, why are you looking for me?Li Tianyu secretly slandered himself.

But on the surface, Li Tianyu still had to take a caring posture: "Then what did he commit?"

For a person with a status like Ai Baoquan, as long as his son does not kill anyone, there is generally no major event.

Ai Baoquan sighed, "It's not because of his bad temper..."

It turned out that Ai Heping, Ai Baoquan's second son, had a rather arrogant temperament, and was a standard dude.

In the evening of the previous two days, Ai Heping drove his Mercedes-Benz G and took two beauties out for a drive. He didn't control the speed for a while and hit the backside of the car in front.

Originally Ai Heping was at a loss, so he wanted to get off the car to see the situation, and then apply for insurance.

As a result, the other party was also anxious and opened his mouth.

Ai Heping could not bear the anger, and he directly cursed, and then the incident quickly escalated, and the two people quarreled even louder.

The other party angrily said that everything in the trunk might have been damaged, and opened the trunk to check.

What's in the trunk is a large aluminum alloy box, and you can see important things inside.

I opened it and saw that the thing was not broken, and the other party was finally relieved a little.

However, Ai Heping didn't do it. On an impulse, he went up and snatched the thing from others and threw it.

When Li Tianyu heard this, he couldn't help asking: "Broken?"

Ai Heping nodded, and said helplessly: "You said he is not a bastard?"

Li Tianyu hesitated for a moment: "Mr. Ai, I'm speaking straight, don't mind, your cock is indeed a jerk."

Later, of course that person quit, and directly reported to the police.

In this way, Ai Heping was in administrative detention for two weeks, and now it is only the third day.

Li Tianyu was still at a loss after hearing this: "Then what are you looking for me for?"

President Ai: "Brother Li, Heping, he broke other people's things, can they do it? We must pay for it."

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Ai, can't you not afford to pay? How much does he want?"

Ai Baoquan stretched out a slap.

"fifty thousand?"

Ai Baoquan shook his head.

That's right. For Ai Baoquan, fifty thousand yuan is no different from fifty yuan.

"Five hundred thousand?"

Ai Baoquan shook his head again.

Li Tianyu's face changed: "Five million? Fuck! The lion has a big mouth!"

Ai Baoquan sighed, "Brother Li, it's fifty million."

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