You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Ai Baoquan still arranged the dinner at the Tiansheng Hotel, which is the noble restaurant that celebrities and wealthy people often visit.

Moreover, Ai Baoquan also specially booked a private room.

This also proves that Ai Baoquan has attached great importance to Li Tianyu.

When Li Tianyu followed Ai Heping into the private room, he was shocked for a while.

This private room is magnificent and extremely luxurious.

The English decoration style is like being in a European palace.

Especially the dining table is not a Chinese-style round table, but a European-style long table.

Li Tianyu is sitting on the side of this head, Ai Baoquan is sitting on the throne, no, it's the master...

No one can see the expression on Ai Baoquan's face.

This is not a problem. What is his expression?

The key words should be shouted loudly, or they cannot be heard at all.

Mr. Ai, you are just as pompous as your son. Isn't it good to pick a normal place?Li Tianyu secretly slandered himself.

Besides Mr. Ai, there is also a lady sitting beside him.

This lady looks about forty years old, but the actual age should be a bit older.

From a distance, it looks very well maintained, and the gestures reveal very expensive.

Li Tianyu guessed that this is probably Ai Baoquan's wife Zhao Ya.

As for how Li Tianyu knew Ai Baoquan’s wife?Of course it is the "side effect" of the previous handshake.

"Mr. Ai, it's been a long time." Li Tianyu shouted.

Ai Baoquan's voice came from the other end: "Tianyu, what you said, didn't you just see it yesterday?"

Li Tianyu: "I didn't see you yesterday, I just called."

Zhao Ya glared at Ai Baoquan: "Old Ai, didn't you say that you picked up your son personally?"

Ai Baoquan smiled awkwardly: "Madam, when Tianyu's brother picked up our son, I was watching from a distance at the door. My heart was very painful, but I didn't dare to step forward..."

Speaking of this, Ai Baoquan also wiped his tears: "I do this for the sake of my child, so that he can sharpen him in this society and let him grow up as soon as possible."

Zhao Ya snorted coldly, as if she hadn't been fooled by Ai Baoquan: "Old Ai, you can have a snack."

"Yes, ma'am."

Li Tianyu couldn't help laughing, this Ai Baoquan was indeed a tracheitis.

This Zhao Ya was born in a wealthy family, an absolute high-class eldest lady.

When he married Ai Baoquan, Zhao Ya could be regarded as married.

Aibaoquan's Aihua Real Estate Group can develop so much, Zhao Ya's family has helped a lot.

So Ai Baoquan had never dared to say a "no" in front of Zhao Ya, and had to offer it as a female bodhisattva.

However, Ai Baoquan was still very unconscionable. He fooled around with women outside with Zhao Ya behind his back, and he had done more than one.

Li Tianyu is rather curious. Doesn't Zhao Ya know about Ai Baoquan's bad things?

At this time, the food was pushed up by the waiter’s dining trolley and placed in front of everyone.

Of course, what you eat in this kind of private room is Western food.

And this kind of long table can only be divided into meals, or else you have to run around to get something to eat, which is too tired and unsightly.

At this time, Ai Heping personally brought a bottle of wine.

It looks like champagne.

Ai Heping poured wine on the goblet in front of Li Tianyu and poured it on himself.

Li Tianyu: "Aren't you going to drive a supercar to pick up girls? Drinking?"

Ai Heping chuckled, "Battriete Champagne is non-alcoholic. Drink it casually and won't get drunk."

Zhao Ya stood up with a glass of wine and said to Li Tianyu: "Tianyu, he is really unreliable to protect his rights. It's a peaceful thing. Thanks to your help, as the fuck, I must respect you."

Li Tianyu hurriedly stood up: "Aunt Zhao, you don't have to worry about your own business."

The two took a sip each.

Zhao Ya sat down and said, "Oh? By the way, how do you know my last name is Zhao?"

Ai Baoquan didn't introduce his wife just now, so Li Tianyu's name seemed a bit abrupt.

Li Tianyu's eyes rolled: "Aunt Zhao, he mentioned it before Uncle Baoquan."

Ai Baoquan looked blank: "Did I mention it?"

Li Tianyu raised his eyebrows: "You mentioned it."

Ai Baoquan touched the fat face, then nodded, "Maybe it was, I forgot."

Zhao Ya: "Tianyu is a sensible child, unlike our son, who is too unreasonable, Tianyu, you will bring him more in the future."

Li Tianyu thought to himself, this is the same for everyone.

But he said: "Second Young Master is very good, he has a good level of speaking, not low cultural literacy, and high personal quality."


Ai Heping sprayed the champagne from his mouth onto his plate.

Under the table, Ai Heping gave Li Tianyu a thumbs up.

Zhao Ya was very happy after hearing this: "Tianyu, please mention anything in the future. If he doesn't help you, I will help you."

Li Tianyu's eyes rolled twice again: "Aunt Zhao, Uncle Baoquan, I really have something to ask you for help."

Zhao Ya smiled and said, "Just talk about it."

Li Tianyu: "I recently bought a bar, and it will be officially opened in a few days. You two can help me publicize it when it is convenient."

Ai Heping's eyes lit up: "Bar? That's fine, then send me the address back, I'll go play!"

"Thank you, and welcome the second son to drink."

At this time, Zhao Ya said: “Propaganda is of course okay. I think it is not only necessary to promote, but also to join in. You tell us the opening time, and I and Baoquan try to go there.

This is really a big face.

Li Tianyu quickly thanked him.

Now his goal has been achieved.

There are big people in town, and the opening ceremony of the bar can be held vigorously and it is very face.

The meal went quite smoothly afterwards.

After he was full, Li Tianyu said he was leaving.

Zhao Ya said, "Peace, you send Tianyu home."

Ai Heping wiped his mouth and stood up: "Okay."

In this way, Li Tianyu got in Ai Heping's Lamborghini again.

After a roar, the big purple supercar blasted off the street while flying away.

However, Li Tianyu immediately found out what was wrong.

"Hey, second son, my house is not over there."

Ai Heping: "It's too late, come with me to pick up the girl, and I'll take you home later."

Li Tianyu scolded an MMP in his heart: "This car can only take two people. You picked up the girl, where should I sit? Okay, you put me on the street and I take a taxi back."

Ai Heping: "Don't tell me, I can't do that. My mother has to scold me to death. Don't worry, I also have friends over there. I will ask him to take you back."

Li Tianyu was helpless, this guy was a lunatic, so he had to sit at ease.

In a blink of an eye, I came to the door of a university.

Li Tianyu was stunned. The sign on it said-Imperial Capital Film Academy.

"That girl, isn't it a student here?" Li Tianyu asked.

Ai Heping: "Nonsense, can I see the teacher?"

Li Tianyu glanced at Ai Heping.

This guy not only looks like his father, but also has the same hobbies.

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