Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 119 Ai Heping's Gamble

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Ai Heping smiled: "I'm telling you, this place is truly beautiful like a cloud, do you want to pick one."

Li Tianyu: "It's like buying Chinese cabbage. I want to pick one. People must be willing to follow me."

Ai Heping patted Li Tianyu on the shoulder: "Look over there."

Li Tianyu looked in the direction of Ai Heping's fingers, and there was a gray Porsche parked. It seemed that the model should be a macan, which was about one million cars.

There is a can of Red Bull on the roof.

So it turned out that during the interview, it was rumored that someone driving a luxury car to hang a girl at the entrance of the university was to put a bottle of water on the roof of the car.

I didn't expect someone to do this.

It's just that this Porsche doesn't put water on it, it's Red Bull, which is more powerful.

But, will there really be girls going to drink that stuff?

Thinking about it, it feels fantastic.

At this moment, when a girl was passing by, she turned her head and glanced at the car.

Actually walked over.

Picked up the can of Red Bull.

Immediately afterwards, the girl opened the door of the Porsche co-pilot and sat in.

Porsche started the engine and took the girl away.

Li Tianyu was stunned in shock, it's so special that a girl took the bait.

Although the girl is fair-looking, she has a pretty good figure and is amazing.

Li Tianyu has a supercar and a Porsche. As long as he has a thick skin, wouldn't he be able to hang himself?

Li Tianyu turned his head and asked, "How many bottles of water did you bring?"

Ai Heping waved his hand: "I won't do that. Let me tell you, I have a goal."

Speaking of this, Ai Heping looked around: "Strange, why hasn't my budd come here yet?"

At this time, there was a sound of engine from far to near.

At first glance, it was unbelievable, and two supercars in a row roared over.

First, a black McLaren 720s.

The one behind is even more impressive. It is a Rafa, the iconic red, shining brightly in the sun.

Rafa is a supercar with more than 20 million, which is much more expensive than McLaren 720s and Ai Heping's big cow.

Li Tianyu looked at Ai Heping's face again, it was obvious that something was wrong, and it became quite serious, as if he was holding a big bubble of urine, and looked quite unhappy.

Both supercars stopped nearby.

First the McLaren door opened, and a man got out of it.

This man is wearing a gray vest, big pants, a pair of sneakers of unknown brand under his feet, and his hair is dyed black and yellow. He is obviously quite Shamat, and he is very clean.

Ai Heping greeted him.

"Xiaojian, why are you so cheap? Why did you bring him here?"

Shamat's name is Qiu Jian, nicknamed Xiaojian, and he is Ai Heping's friend.

Today Ai Heping called Qiu Jian over to let him call out the girl he liked.

Why can only he call?It's because Qiu Jian is the girl's cousin.

Ai Heping couldn't call it by himself.

However, Ai Heping didn't expect that Rafa would also follow.

At this moment, Rafa's door opened, and a handsome and handsome pot came out.

That handsome guy is wearing designer casual clothes, stepping on designer casual leather shoes, coupled with his upright posture, and very aggressive expression, he can simply attract the attention of many women in the street.

This handsome guy's name is Chen Hu, and he can tell by looking at the car he drives. He is also a rich second-generation man, and he is a very rich man.

Ai Heping and Chen Hu are quite at odds.The only Chinese website

Why?Because Chen Hu looked down on Ai Heping.

There are two reasons for this.

First, Chen Hu thinks Ai Heping looks ugly.

Second, Chen Hu thinks Ai Heping has grown fat.

Chen Hu used these words to run Ai Heping on many occasions in public. Of course, Ai Heping was not happy.

And now, the two have a new conflict, and that is the girl Ai Heping is fond of, and Chen Hu is also fond of it.

Qiu Jian and Chen Hu also knew each other. It is estimated that Chen Hu followed by accidentally speaking.

This time was good, Ai Heping had to face Chen Hu's competition.

And judging from the hardware conditions of both parties, there is a big gap.

Where is Ai Heping convinced, and yelled, "Why are you here!?"

Chen Hu sneered: "I do what I want, can you control it?"

Ai Heping took a sip, and said to Qiu Jian, "No appointment, let's go."

Chen Hu laughed loudly: "What? The ugly fat guy dare not gamble?"

Ai Heping was angry: "What did you say? I dare not? What are you kidding?"

Li Tianyu is really convinced. This buddy is called "Ugly Fatty". Why are you Ai Heping anxious?

Chen Hu: "Okay, let Qiu Jian call the girl out, and we will decide the victory or defeat in front of her. Then no one will be scornful."

Ai Heping screamed: "Okay, Xiaojian, call Kexin out!"

Qiu Jian smiled bitterly: "Two masters, can you not be so naive?"

Ai Heping and Chen Hu said at the same time: "Hurry up."

Qiu Jian had to take out his mobile phone and dial a number.

"Coxin, come out for a while."

"Yes, I'm right at your west gate."

"Okay, I'll wait for you, so hurry up."

After a while, a girl walked out from the campus Tingting. Judging from the expressions of the other three, it should be Qiu Kexin's deity.

After Li Tianyu saw that face, he couldn't help but sigh, no wonder Ai Heping and Chen Hu were jealous of their dispute.

Qiu Kexin has a beautiful face and a good figure. This quality is indeed a beauty from the film school. If there are resources in the future, it will probably be hot.

But after looking back, Qiu Jian is her cousin, and Qiu Kexin's family is probably the same.

Qiu Kexin walked closer, first looked at Ai Heping and then at Chen Hu, frowning.

"Why are you here again?"

Ai Heping: "Ke Xin, we still remember the last bet. We came here today to determine the outcome."

Qiu Kexin: "I was talking for fun last time, are you taking it seriously?"

Chen Hu: "Since you have said it, we must take it seriously."

Qiu Kexin smiled and said, "Okay, then you can bet if you are willing to bet. If someone really meets the conditions I said, I can promise to make an appointment with him."

Ai Heping's spirit was lifted, and he looked like gearing up.

Li Tianyu was at a loss, wondering what the two of them were betting on?Is it possible to have a duel in front of the girl?

Chen Hu didn't speak, and went straight to Rafa, the sound of the engine blasted into the sky.

Ai Heping tugged at Li Tianyu: "What are you doing in a daze? Let's go, get in the car."

Li Tianyu: "Aren't you sending me back?"

Ai Heping: "Don't worry, I didn't see my buddy being in disaster...No, it's the war coming!"

Li Tianyu rubbed his forehead, and had to follow Ai Heping into the car.

The roaring of the three supercar engines, they left without a trace, attracting countless surprised eyes.

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