Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 175 Wrestling with a local figure (big chapter, subscription)

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Li Tianyu opened the door and saw that a waiter pushed a dining car.

"Sir, these are all prepared for you, you can choose whatever you want."

Li Tianyu smiled and said, "It's free?"

Waiter: "Yes, sir, this is one of the luxurious room services given to you for free. There will be three meal delivery services every day."

Li Tianyu: "One? What else?"

Waiter: "We will also arrange a secret service for you every night."

Li Tianyu was startled, secretly serving?

This Hilton Hotel is an international brand, so does it?

The secret servant saw what Li Tianyu was thinking, and quickly said: "Sir, don't get me wrong. We provide authentic secret service, and the secret servants who will serve you are also systematically trained."

Li Tianyu said "Oh", "Is the Dark Master male?"

The waiter was startled: "There are also women."

Li Tianyu: "Young?"

Waiter: "There are also... young ones."

Li Tianyu: "Okay, ask me a young man over here."

With that said, Li Tianyu took out a few red tickets and stuffed them to the waiter.

The waiter was very happy and walked away.

Li Tianyu looked at the dining car left.

Basically they are Western-style meals, steak, sandwiches, pizza, pasta, and all kinds of small desserts.

It's not a valuable thing, but it can be seen that the ingredients are well selected.

Li Tianyu found another bottle of red wine.

Merlot dry red.

It's pretty good red wine.

Since opening a bar, Li Tianyu has a good understanding of wine.

He opened the lid of the wine with a tool, took a goblet, and sat down on the sofa by the French window.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Li Tianyu thought to himself, it would be nice to just stay like this for a day if you have time.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the dark girl arrived as scheduled.

She is a pretty little girl, at most she is in her early twenties.

The little girl also looked very beautiful in the work clothes specially used by the dark master.

The girl's name is He Xiaoning, and she is indeed a fresh graduate.

Li Tianyu feels strange, how do college graduates do this?Is it possible that the one who has learned it is the major of Secret Motors?

He Xiaoning replied awkwardly: "No, I learned dance."

Li Tianyu: "Oh, dancing? No wonder the figure is so good...oh!"

He Xiaoning used his elbow against an acupuncture point behind Li Tianyu.



This little girl is still very professional.

He Xiaoning: "Sir, I'm actually a small actor too. I work part-time in this industry and I want to earn some extra money."

Li Tianyu understood.

There is a well-known movie studio in the suburbs of Yongxiang City, commonly known as Ma Zhai Store.

There are many young actors here who are determined to become celebrities.

He Xiaoning served for two hours and was responsible.

Of course, she also received a lot of tips, and everyone was happy.

Early the next morning, as soon as Li Tianyu had enjoyed the aristocratic breakfast in Hilton's super luxury restaurant, Ye Jianwei drove over to pick up Li Tianyu.

The two went to Ye Jianwei's house first.

Ye Jianwei's parents, namely Li Tianyu's third uncle Ye Hongmin, and third aunt Jia Wen are there.

Of course, Li Tianyu also bought a gift in advance. It was a good idea to say otherwise, which made the couple very happy.

Of course, Li Tianyu was here to help, so he asked what he needed to do.

In fact, there are indeed many things to prepare.

The wedding venue has just been decided, but it has not been set up yet.

The new house has just been renovated, it is being ventilated, and it is just part of it.

There are quite a lot of people who got married recently. Ye Jianwei asked several wedding companies in a row. The fleet of a little more like a car was full of appointments. He could only see if anyone canceled the appointment.

The third uncle's family has moved here for several years. Although I am used to the life here, my personal connections are still relatively shallow, and there are not many people who can help.

Li Tianyu, who had just flown from the imperial capital, was even more unfamiliar with the place in his life, and couldn't be responsible for these things.

Ye Hongmin: "There is no specific thing to do for the time being, Xiaoyu, or you can follow Xiaowei to the venue to see what needs to be arranged."

Li Tianyu fully agreed.

Li Tianyu chatted with the couple for a while at Sanji's house, and drove out with Ye Jianwei.

They plan to go to the wedding venue first and plan how to arrange it.

The venue was booked through an acquaintance.

To be honest, it is not easy to be able to book that venue.

In addition to the role of acquaintances, it took a portion of the money to get it done.

The acquaintance was Ye Jianwei's former colleague. He was doing well when he was in a company. He kept in touch all the time, and occasionally got together.

Why can that acquaintance help Ye Jianmin?

It's because his girlfriend works in the property management department of the building where the meeting place is.

In short, it is very tortuous and tossing.

Li Tianyu and Ye Jianwei drove to a residential area first, and then they wanted to pick someone up.

At the door of the residential area, Ye Jianmin made a call.

Soon a woman came over here.

That woman, about thirty years old, looked a little serious, like a leader.

Li Tianyu: "Who is she? Isn't it your acquaintance?"

Ye Jianwei: "No, that's my wife... No, it's my fiancee's sister named Deng Caixia."

Deng Caixia got in the car and simply greeted Li Tianyu and Ye Jianwei.

Ye Jianwei started the car and drove towards the venue.

Deng Caixia didn't talk much along the way, but just casually asked about the preparations for Ye Jianwei's wedding, and then asked a few words not to go wrong.

Of course Ye Jianwei agreed.

Although there was a traffic jam on the road, it only took about forty minutes in total.

Compared with the imperial capital, Yongxiang City will be much more comfortable, and it will not take an hour to drive to any place.

The destination is called Century Wind Building, located in Nancheng, Yongxiang City, on the edge of the ancient city scenic spot.

The venue restaurant is on the top floor of the building, on the thirty-sixth floor, with floor-to-ceiling windows almost all on all sides, offering a panoramic view of the scenic area.

It is precisely because of this that this venue is so difficult to book, whether it is a local or a foreigner, they like to hold something here.

The daily booking queue has to be long.

Especially on holidays, let alone booking, you can't even make calls.

I took the high-speed elevator up to the 36th floor and went to the entrance of the banquet hall. I saw that many people were busy inside.

Needless to say, it must be a banquet event.

No one was watching, so the three of them went directly in.

I have to say that when I actually saw this venue, I really felt like it was value for money.

Although the thirty-sixth floor is not too high, there are no other high-rise buildings nearby, which makes it stand out from the crowd.


chapter 2

Looking out from the floor-to-ceiling windows on all sides, the sky full of greenery, coupled with the blue and blue lake, is indeed very stylish.

However, this place is so popular and there are activities in the evening, and the time for decoration is quite tight.

Li Tianyu: "With that said, there is only half a day to set up the venue, and a lot of manpower is needed."

Ye Jianwei: "Then stay up late to make arrangements."

Deng Caiba shook his head: "That won't work. The building should be closed at ten o'clock in the evening. It is impossible for people to come in and make arrangements."

Deng Caixia is right. The access control of this kind of building is very strict.

Ye Jianwei could think about it too: "If it really doesn't work, let the wedding company help hire a few people from outside, and come over and help."

The three were talking, and a man came over.

The man in uniform is a staff member here named Ma Rui.

"How many? I am preparing for the banquet here, so I can't enter casually." Ma Rui walked over and said.

Ye Jianwei: "Oh, sorry, we booked this venue, thinking about how to make arrangements, and we will go out in a few minutes."

Ma Rui showed a suddenly realized expression: "When did you make the reservation?"

Ye Jianwei: "Next Saturday, noon."

Ma Rui looked at Ye Jianwei a few times, and then showed a confused expression: "Your last name?"

Ye Jianwei: "My surname is Ye, and my mouth is ten Ye."

Ma Rui took out his phone and seemed to be checking.

After a while, he shook his head: "No, the booker is not Ye."

Ye Jianwei was stunned: "Wh, what? It's impossible. We have made an order and the deposit is paid. Please take a look."

Ma Rui: "Sir, I watched very carefully. The person who made the reservation is indeed not Ye."

Ye Jianwei: "What's the last name?"

Ma Rui: "This... I can't tell you this. We can't disclose customer information."

Li Tianyu: "Xiaowei, have you ordered the gold strips?"

Ye Jianwei just came back to his senses. He was a little anxious just now, and forgot that he still had the deposit bar.

Ye Jianwei found a receipt from his bag and handed it to Ma Rui.

"Look, this deposit bar can't be faked, right?"

Ma Rui took the receipt and looked at it, and his face was a little changed: "...Wait a moment, I'll call and ask."

With that, Ma Rui dialed a number with his mobile phone.

"Hello, Manager Huang? I want to ask, a customer named Ye came over with a deposit bar and said that he had booked the venue a few days later."

"Yes, it's the banquet hall on the thirty-sixth floor. August...August 24th, noon, but I checked and it was not the person shown on the reservation system."

"...Well, yes, the last name is Ye...Oh, that's how it is, I understand, well, let me tell him."

Ma Rui hung up the phone and said to Ye Jianwei, "I'm sorry, I communicated with our manager. You did book the venue at the beginning, but something went wrong. In fact, the venue was booked away before..."

Ye Jianwei's expression changed: "The booking is gone? What do you mean? We booked it more than a month in advance!"

Ma Rui was also a little embarrassed: "Yes, you are one month in advance, but the customer has been earlier, so I can only say sorry to you, and these deposits can be refunded to you."

Ye Jianwei: "That's how your big company does things? Just cancel the deposit?"

Ma Rui pondered: "Well, as compensation, we will refund your double deposit."

Ye Jianwei blushed as soon as he heard it, "How can I do it!? It's been a few days since I got married. At this time, where would you let us book a venue!?"

Ye Jianwei's voice was very loud, and the people who had been working turned their heads and looked over.

Ma Rui hesitated and said, "Sir, don't worry, or else, a few of you will go to the reception room with me, and we will negotiate."

It can only be the.

The three of them followed Ma Rui through a corridor to the reception room on the same floor.

"Three, please sit down, I'll go...pour tea for you." Ma Rui said and was about to leave.

Ye Jianwei: "We don't drink any tea, we just need you to solve the problem!" Let's read a book

Ma Rui sighed: "Mr. Ye, to tell you the truth, the customer originally booked it first, and I can’t cancel it with others. Unless you change the time and delay it for a few days, I can still think about it. Method."

Ye Jianwei: "What are you talking about? You took my deposit at the beginning and said that that day was fine! I am going to get married now, not for anything else. You asked us to change time. That's not a joke!"

Ma Rui spread out his hands: "I'm sorry, then I can't do anything. I suggest you look for other venues as soon as possible, so as not to get blinded."

Ye Jianwei was furious, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn't smash this place. That would not solve the problem, and the trouble would be even greater.

Ma Rui is a venue manager and often meets more tricky customers.

He sees a lot of people like Ye Jianwei. As long as he insists on his rhetoric, Ye Jianwei will have nothing to do, slowly withering away, and there is no pressure to deal with it.

Deng Caiba frowned and said to Ye Jianwei: "It's been a few days since the ceremony. I'm afraid it's too late to find another venue."

Of course Ye Jianwei knew it, but he was really at a loss now, completely panicked.

At this time, Li Tianyu pondered for a while, always feeling that Ma Rui didn't tell the truth.

If it was actually when Ye Jianwei made the reservation, the venue management had missed the previous booker. Didn't it find out afterwards?

If it is found out, then notify Ye Jianwei as soon as possible, and there is still time to remedy it.

But now, the management of this venue is obviously problematic.

So Li Tianyu proactively reached out to Ma Rui and said casually: "Hello, I am Li Tianyu and his cousin."

Ma Rui reflexively shook Li Tianyu's hand without feeling strange. He smiled and said, "Oh, Mr. Li, you also persuade Mr. Ye, it's really not the time to make trouble here. It's too time-consuming. Don't blame me for saying those rude words, I am also thinking of you."

At this time, Li Tianyu used the ability of the "intelligence master" to obtain relevant information in Ma Rui's mind.

Sure enough, this old boy is not very honest.

Li Tianyu: "Did you just say that the customer was rushing to the meeting place booked by my cousin?"

Ma Rui: "Yes, this can't be faked, otherwise I wouldn't be so embarrassed. The rules of our thirty-sixth-floor banquet hall are like this. They are set first and cannot be changed in any case."


Section 3

Li Tianyu smiled: "Well, can we take a look at the booking page of your system to confirm if the time is earlier than ours. If it is earlier than us, then we don't say anything and leave immediately."

Ye Jianwei's expression changed, but he stopped talking.

Li Tianyu made a reassuring gesture towards Ye Jianwei.

Ma Rui was stunned: "This... I have already said that we cannot disclose customer-related information."

Li Tianyu nodded: "Actually, I caught a glimpse of it when you looked at the phone just now."

"Huh!? Did you see it?"

"My cousin booked it on July 15, right?"

Ye Jianwei said first: "Yes, that day."

Li Tianyu said again: "But that Mr. Zhou made a reservation yesterday, is this correct?"

Ma Rui's expression was stagnant, and a discerning person could tell that Li Tianyu was mostly right.

Ye Jianwei was taken aback and stared at Ma Rui: "What? It was booked yesterday!?"

Ma Rui had a guilty conscience and didn't say anything.

Ye Jianwei: "What are you doing? Isn't it first come, first served?"

Ma Rui: "No, Mr. Li, you are wrong. How could it be possible that you ordered it only yesterday?"

Li Tianyu: "Did I make a mistake? Let us take a look at it. It will be clear."

Ma Rui: "This..."

Li Tianyu: "Otherwise, you can't be the master anyway. Call your senior manager over and let's talk to him."

Ye Jianwei glanced at Li Tianyu in surprise.

He just came from the imperial capital. It stands to reason that nobody knows him. How did he know Manager Gao?

Manager Gao refers to Gao Sicai, the manager of the venue management department.

At the beginning, Ye Jianwei's relationship with Gao Sicai was also directly found, and it was considered to be settled in advance.

These people are more difficult than imagined.

Ma Rui had no choice, he really couldn't be the master, so he had to turn around and ask Gao Sicai.

Gao Sicai was a fat man, and his face covered with oil, almost like a landlord.

And he did not come alone, behind him, there was a man and a woman.

The man is in his forties, with a majestic face, like a big man.

The woman is very young, probably in her twenties, and she is very beautiful.

The clothes and accessories on the two are not vulgar, which shows that their status and status are unusual.

It was not the first time that Gao Sicai and Ye Jianwei met, and when this happened, he was not in the mood to be polite. He just shook hands with Li Tianyu and the other three.

Ye Jianwei: "Manager Gao, we booked the venue in advance to avoid such a thing. I don't want to..."

Gao Sicai waved his hand and interrupted Ye Jianwei's words: "I understand, Mr. Ye, I understand your feelings, but Mr. Zhou... please understand each other."

At this time, the man who came with Gao Sicai spoke.

"Manager Gao, let me talk to them."

Gao Sicai seemed anxious to do this, and quickly vacated the space.

The man said: "Hello, I am the Mr. Zhou you said, my name is Zhou Pingyuan."

Although the person said hello, there was a sense of superiority in his expression and movements.

It seems that he is facing some trivial ants.

However, Ye Jianwei and Deng Caixia completely ignored each other's arrogant attitude.

Because of the name Zhou Pingyuan, in Yongxiang City, and even the entire Nanjiang Province, it is very loud.

Zhou Pingyuan can be said to be a very successful local entrepreneur with many large industries under his name. If he is the richest man in Yongxiang City, no one will refute it.

It doesn't matter if entrepreneurs have money. More importantly, Zhou Pingyuan is the president of Nanjiang Calligraphy Association.

Legend has it that his crazy grass is a must, and it can be ranked in the country.

As the saying goes, Liu is not terrible, just because Liu has a culture.

The same applies to the rich.

If the rich are educated, their worth can skyrocket and become true celebrities.

Therefore, even a young man like Ye Jianwei who has just arrived and hasn't seen him know Zhou Pingyuan's name.

At this time, I only heard Zhou Pingyuan say: "I don’t want to hide it from you. Just next Saturday, I will receive a VIP and hold a welcome reception. The invitations are all the famous people in Yongxiang City, so I’m not careful. It takes your place, I'm really sorry."

Ye Jianwei lowered his head and sighed.

He has long lost his momentum, and he feels that he wants to return to the right to use this venue.

Even Deng Caixia felt that there was no way to solve the matter, so she had to look elsewhere.

Originally, he thought Ye Jianwei was a little too incapable, and he couldn't even handle a wedding banquet hall.

But now that Zhou Pingyuan gave the right to use it, there is nothing to say.

If someone else did it, you can still fight for it, but the plains this week, ordinary people really can't afford to provoke them, nor dare to provoke them.

Seeing that the other party was withered, Gao Sicai took the opportunity to say: "Then order it, Mr. Ye, please go find other venues quickly. For the deposit, you can directly find Ma Rui. Me and Mr. Zhou still have it. If you want to talk about things, let's go first."



Gao Sicai was about to court Zhou Pingyuan and exit the reception room first, but he did not expect someone to make a "disharmonious" sound.

Turning his head to see, it was the person standing next to Ye Jianwei.

Yes, it is Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu smiled and said, "I will say a few more words to Mr. Zhou, is it all right?"

Zhou Pingyuan was startled, "What do you want to say? Didn't you just explain the situation to you?"

Ye Jianwei pulled Li Tianyu's clothes secretly and told him to stop talking.

Although Zhou Pingyuan is not a "perpetrated evildoer", he is a big man in the local area. Don't offend him with words, it will inevitably cause big trouble.

However, Li Tianyu seemed to be unaware, and still said: "Mr. Zhou, you are indeed a person with a good face in the local area, but in order to receive a distinguished guest, it would be unreasonable to grab someone else's reserved venue. Right?"

Zhou Pingyuan's complexion changed, his eyes pierced and stared at Li Tianyu.

It has been a long time since he became famous that no one has spoken to him like this.

Zhou Pingyuan’s daughter, Zhou Huanrong, also looked at Li Tianyu, thinking that this kid was so courageous that she actually said something like this to her father.

He was clearly blaming Zhou Pingyuan for bullying others.

Gao Sicai was angry: "This gentleman, you should pay attention to what you say. Mr. Zhou is willing to come and explain in person. It has already given you a lot of face!"

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Manager Gao, I didn't speak to you, and this is your mistake, and you are not qualified to speak."

Gao Sicai was speechless for a while, and his expression became quite ugly.


Section 4

Just listen to Li Tianyu continue to say: "Mr. Zhou, I am not blaming you for anything, but the person you want to invite, Teacher Qin, if you know that you disregard the venue agreement and forcibly take away other people's right to use the venue, you will be harmed. what idea?"

Zhou Pingyuan's expression changed again: "Do you know who I want to invite?"

Li Tianyu smiled slightly: "Of course I know, didn't it come from a long way from the imperial capital... Old Mr. Qin Yue?"

Zhou Pingyuan was surprised: "How did you know?"

Zhou Pingyuan only revealed the Qin Yue Nian's meeting to people who knew him well, even the local media did not know.

How could such an ordinary person get such news?

In fact, the reason why Li Tianyu knew that Zhou Pingyuan was going to receive Qin Yuenian, or the news he learned when he shook hands with Gao Sicai just now.

Why is Zhou Pingyuan here?

Just discuss the process of the banquet.

After all, it is not a trivial matter to receive a big coffee like Qin Yuenian, it must be very safe.

Li Tianyu: "I also came from the imperial capital, and I know Teacher Qin."

"What!? Do you know him?"

Zhou Pingyuan was even more surprised and looked at Li Tianyu carefully.

Only then did he discover that Li Tianyu's dress and temperament really did not resemble ordinary people.

However, it is hard not to believe that such a person met Qin Yuenian.

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Qin is a man of temperament and integrity. What Mr. Zhou did is not very glorious. If he let his elderly know that you did it to receive him, how would he react? Maybe you Clearer than me."

Li Tianyu said these words with a knife, and the words pierced the heart.

Zhou Pingyuan knows Qin Yuenian better.

The old man's personality is consistent with what Li Tianyu said, even worse than anything else. He is indeed a figure who can't rub the sand in his eyes.

If Qin Yuenian really knew about this, let alone attending the welcome party he prepared, I am afraid that he would not even dare to meet, and it would be very possible to completely break the relationship with Zhou Pingyuan.

Zhou Pingyuan: "You...who are you?"

At this moment, Ye Jianwei looked at Li Tianyu in surprise, feeling that he no longer knew him.

How could Li Tianyu quarrel with a big man like Zhou Pingyuan to such an extent?

It seems to have the upper hand.

It's incredible!

Deng Caixia felt the same way. She didn't understand who Ye Jianwei's cousin was, as if she had suppressed the celebrity Zhou Pingyuan.

I don't know if it's bluffing.

Li Tianyu smiled: "Mr. Zhou, it doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that I can speak in front of Teacher Qin. If you don't believe me, I can call him now. Regarding this matter... …Talk to him."

With that said, Li Tianyu really wanted to grab his mobile phone and dial the phone number in a gesture.

In fact, Li Tianyu really doesn't have Qin Yuenian's contact information now, and forgot to ask for it before.

Qin Yuenian doesn't seem to like using mobile phones very much either.

However, Li Tianyu remembered the phone number of Qin Yuenian's son Qin Shaoyuan.

No matter what the big deal, he can ask Ai Heping to help contact Qin Yuenian.

In short, if Zhou Pingyuan still doesn't believe in evil, then Li Tianyu has some ways to correct him.

Zhou Pingyuan's face changed and changed, and finally relaxed, "This little brother, what do you call?"

Li Tianyu: "My last name is Li, and my name is Li Tianyu."

Li Tianyu?Never heard of it.

However, Zhou Pingyuan really didn't dare to neglect now.

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