Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 176: From the arrogant sword to the brotherhood

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Gao Sicai looked at Zhou Pingyuan and then at Li Tianyu, feeling that this matter was a little uncertain.

Don't look at him as a stupid man, but he is like a mirror in his heart, otherwise he would not be able to sit in the position of manager.

What kind of character is Zhou Pingyuan?

In Yongxiang City, and even Nanjiang Province, they are all in the upper ranks, who have to hug them when they travel.

A person like this long-time leader has a majestic atmosphere.

Even a look can make ordinary people unable to look directly.

But look at this Li Tianyu again, although at first glance he is just an ordinary young man, at best he is well dressed and has good family conditions.

But looking at it now, I find that this kid is not easy.

Talking with people like Zhou Pingyuan, you can still come and go.

It's better now, and Zhou Pingyuan was completely speechless, and it seemed to have the upper hand.

Of course, it is not ruled out that this kid is shocked.

It is not unusual for Li Tianyu to know Qin Yuenian.

Although Qin Yuenian is not a well-known celebrity, he is extremely famous in the cultural circle and is one of the top celebrities.

But how did Li Tianyu know that Zhou Pingyuan was preparing to receive Qin Yuenian before buying a banquet?

At this point, Gao Sicai is really terrified of thinking carefully.

Now he only hopes that Zhou Pingyuan can explain the matter clearly to Li Tianyu, don't let him be caught in the middle, because the two sides are not people.

Gao Sicai: "Um... a few, otherwise let's sit down and talk, don't stand, we are so tired..."

Li Tianyu shook his head: "This matter is not our problem, but yours, Mr. Zhou, what do you plan to do with this matter?"

Zhou Pingyuan hesitated: "Mr. Li, I want to ask, what is the relationship between you and Mr. Qin?"

Li Tianyu: "Sorry, my relationship with Teacher Qin cannot be disclosed to others at will."

Strictly speaking, Li Tianyu and Qin Yuenian really have nothing to do with each other, at best they have met two sides.

Therefore, even if Li Tianyu wanted to engage in a relationship, he couldn't find an excuse for a while. He couldn't say that he was a distant relative of Qin Yuenian, right?That's dying.

Just play mystery like this.

And the more cryptic, the better the effect seems, at least Zhou Pingyuan already has doubts about Li Tianyu.

But Zhou Pingyuan is the superior, of course, it is impossible to easily convince him.

Zhou Pingyuan: "Mr. Li, otherwise, we are indeed the top spot for your venue, and I am willing to make some compensation, as long as you..."

Li Tianyu shook his head: "No, this is not a problem that money can solve."

Zhou Huanyong's face condensed, and no one has dared to interrupt his father's words openly.

This guy named Li Tianyu is really bold!

Zhou Huanrong: "Don't you know how to praise, we have promised compensation, what do you want!?"

Zhou Pingyuan waved her hand to Zhou Huanrong, telling her not to say any more.

Zhou Pingyuan turned his head and said to Li Tianyu: "Then you said, how do you solve this matter?"

Li Tianyu: "What should be done, what should be done, the rules are the rules. Since it is the venue we booked first, please let Mr. Zhou come out."

Zhou Pingyuan narrowed his eyes: "Do you have to do this?"

Li Tianyu took out his mobile phone: "Mr. Zhou, today is a society under the rule of law. If you think that you are in this Yongxiang, you can ignore my...request, please, let me make a call."

With that said, Li Tianyu was about to call Ai Baoquan to let him find Qin Yuenian's contact information.

Li Tianyu is also very annoyed by this matter. Since Zhou Pingyuan refuses to give up, he will use a simple and rude way.

Of course, before the end, Li Tianyu certainly did not want to "force Zhou Pingyuan to Liangshan."

This is just to scare him again.

Zhou Pingyuan is a local tycoon after all. It can be shaken by Qin Yuenian for a while, but it won't last long. Ye Jianwei and his family may be affected by that time.

Seeing Li Tianyu's movements, the muscles on Zhou Pingyuan's face twitched a few times, and he waved his hand: "Mr. Li, let's talk again, don't rush to call."

Zhou Pingyuan’s reaction was exactly what Li Tianyu wanted, and he put down his phone: "Okay, Mr. Zhou, how do you want to talk?"

Zhou Pingyuan: "Mr. Li, I still have some contacts in Yongxiang City, and I also know friends who are the venue. If you don't mind, I can help you arrange another venue."

Li Tianyu: "I don't understand one thing?"

Zhou Pingyuan: "Then ask, I know everything."

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Zhou is a big man, a celebrity with a face, I know this."

Zhou Pingyuan nodded, his expression relaxed, thinking that this kid could finally say something "human".

Li Tianyu: "Since you can find the venue, why do you have to hold a banquet here? Isn't this a contradiction?"

Zhou Pingyuan was startled. Although he was a bit rude, Li Tianyu's question was reasonable, except that he dared to ask.

"This is also because it is famous here. Mr. Qin has been to Yongxiang several times before and has always been full of praise for the scenic area of ​​the ancient city of Yongxiang. That's why I tried to find a way... I want to put the banquet here."

Li Tianyu nodded and understood: "Mr. Zhou, I don't know how deep you have been with Teacher Qin, but as far as I know, Teacher Qin doesn't like such occasions."

Zhou Pingyuan was stunned. To speak of it, he also knew that Qin Yuenian did not have a cold for such crowded social gatherings, and even felt a little disgusted.

But why does Zhou Pingyuan have to do it?

First, because I'm used to it, I usually welcome big shots and don't hold one or two banquets. It really doesn't show my sincerity.

Second, because Zhou Pingyuan also wanted to show off to his relatives and friends, especially those in the circle, how good his relationship with Qin Yuenian was.

As for how Qin Yuenian would react at that time, Zhou Pingyuan really ignored it for a while.

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Zhou, let me tell you the truth. I was fortunate to attend Teacher Qin’s birthday banquet. It was hosted at the Yufu Restaurant in the Imperial Capital. It was arranged by Teacher Qin’s children. But at that time, Teacher Qin was very unhappy, just After a few words, he left."

Li Tianyu is a bit exaggerated.

Qin Yuenian did not leave at that time, but went to the private room of the restaurant and never went out.

But Zhou Pingyuan did listen.

In fact, he also received an invitation to the birthday banquet, but because of temporary incidents, he did not become the imperial capital, so he missed it.

The welcome banquet held this time also meant to apologize to Qin Yuenian.

Li Tianyu said again: "The next day, I also attended Teacher Qin's private banquet."

When Zhou Pingyuan heard this, he was startled: "What!? You attended his old man's private dinner?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "Yes, it was held at the house of Mr. Qin Shaoyuan Qin, the second son of Teacher Qin. I was also fortunate to receive an invitation. Of course I must go."

Zhou Pingyuan's eyes widened, and he looked at Li Tianyu incredulously.7 questions novel

It is not easy to be able to attend Qin Yuenian's public banquet, but it is different from a private banquet.

Those who attended the public banquet may not have anything to do with Qin Yuenian, and even Qin Yuenian said whether he knew him or not.

But private banquets are different. Those who can participate in Qin Yuenian's private banquet, except for his relatives, who are known friends, will definitely not exceed twenty.

To be honest, Zhou Pingyuan might not be eligible to attend the private banquet.

Unexpectedly, the "inconspicuous" young man in front of him could be invited to participate.

He said that he was talking in front of Qin Yuenian, but it seemed that he was not talking about it.

Zhou Pingyuan was completely convinced. He pondered for a while and asked gently, "Then how to receive Mr. Qin, Brother Li, have any suggestions?"

When Zhou Pingyuan asked these words, everyone was shocked.

Oh my God!

Zhou Pingyuan, a rich man and a celebrity in the cultural world, who can be ranked in Nam Giang province, actually asked a young man what he thought.

And seeing this is definitely not acting on the spot, or verbal threats to retreat, but a sincere attitude of asking for advice.

If this matter is told, no one will believe it!

The most shocking was not Gao Sicai, nor Ye Jianwei, but Deng Caixia.

Originally, Deng Caixia was a bit disapproving about the fact that her sister married Ye Jianwei.

The conditions of the family are considered good in Yongxiang, and Ye Jianwei's family is just an ordinary family. If it is rich, it is fake, and the wedding house was bought with a loan.

Moreover, their family is still a foreigner, and they have no personal connections locally.

But now, Ye Jianwei has such an amazing cousin.

If his cousin is really a calf.

Even if Zhou Pingyuan, the local "overlord" in Yongxiang, can be subdued, it is no ordinary cowboy.

Moreover, don't forget that Li Tianyu had such energy just two days after he came from the imperial capital. Can you not surprise Deng Caixia?

From this point of view, her sister may still be exposed when she married Ye Jianwei.

At this time, when he heard Zhou Pingyuan's question, Li Tianyu didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

"Mr. Zhou, since you asked me, I will make a few tips."

Zhou Pingyuan made a "please" gesture, which was quite a shame.

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Zhou originally hosted the welcome party, which was also kind, but Mr. Qin likes to be quiet, and I suggest that you don't overspread the scene."

"It's best to be a small private party. If you want to arrange it near the scenic area of ​​Yongxiang Ancient City, it's no problem."

As he said, Li Tianyu turned to Gao Sicai: "Manager Gao, is there any private room for small gatherings in this Century Wind Building? The one with a good view outside the window."

Gao Sicai came back to his senses and immediately said, "Yes, of course. There are a few private rooms with very good views, with a large terrace of 180 degrees and 30 square meters, and it is on the 36th floor. It overlooks the beautiful scenery of the scenic area."

Li Tianyu nodded: "Mr. Zhou, the number of people in the welcome party should not be too many. This is not to say that you have taken my cousin's place. If there are too many people, Teacher Qin must be annoying and noisy. Left a bad impression..."

Li Tianyu looked at Zhou Pingyuan and said sincerely: "When he comes to Yongxiang again, will he notify you again?

When Zhou Pingyuan heard this, his eyebrows were tangled together.

The situation Li Tianyu said is a bit extreme, but it is not impossible.

Qin Yuenian really didn't like noisy occasions. If he really made him angry, he might not show it face-to-face. But in the future, it is very possible to tactfully refuse all invitations from Zhou Pingyuan.

Li Tianyu also said: "The number of people should not be too large, just over ten. Teacher Qin has an old style. It will be better to find those who you think are important and who can chat with Qin Yuenian."

Zhou Pingyuan nodded involuntarily, apparently not only listening in, but also deeply impressed.

Li Tianyu: "That's all I have to suggest. Teacher Qin is a rare visitor to Yongxiang. It's best to arrange it more in line with his old man's wishes."

Zhou Pingyuan sighed: "I understand, it seems that this venue, I still have to give it to Brother Li."

Li Tianyu heaved a sigh of relief and smiled: "Thank you, Brother Zhou, too."

Brother Lee!?

Brother Zhou!?

Are these two people acting??

These "brothers" and "brothers" are called from the bottom of the heart and are quite cordial.

The others opened their mouths wide and cast incredible gazes at them.

Just now the two of them looked like they were at war. Not only do they shake hands and make peace, but they also cherish each other's brethren.

This is too outrageous!

It's simply a fantasy!

No novel dare to write like this!

However, everything seems so natural.

Zhou Pingyuan turned his head and said to Gao Sicai: "Manager Gao, I'm sorry, I really caused you trouble."

Gao Sicai quickly said, "Oh, it's okay, it's okay, then this venue..."

Zhou Pingyuan: "Oh, let Brother Li use the venue. You can help me arrange a private room with a larger area. Yes, the one hundred and eighty degree terrace you said is good. After drinking, I can take a look at the scenery outside. It's good for ventilation."

The fat on Gao Sicai's face trembled: "Okay, no problem, I will definitely arrange the best for you!"

Zhou Pingyuan turned his head and said to Ye Jianwei: "I'm sorry, this time I'm wrong, I have a chance to pay you back."

When Ye Jianwei heard this, he waved his hand quickly: "No need, no, it was a misunderstanding just now, everyone said it would be fine."

What a joke, Zhou Pingyuan’s apology is something ordinary people can withstand.

Zhou Pingyuan laughed, as if he was in a good mood: "Brother Li, if Mr. Qin comes over, I would like to invite you to have a few drinks, okay?"

Li Tianyu thought to himself, Jiang is still hot, and Pingyuan is really good this week, and he wants to use him Li Tianyu to get closer to Qin Yuenian.

But now that he has sold him a lot of face, Li Tianyu naturally has to know good and bad and quickly said: "Okay, of course it's okay. I will come over and have a few drinks at that time."

Zhou Pingyuan was satisfied, and left with his daughter Zhou Huanrong with a smile.

Gao Sicai greeted Li Tianyu quickly, saying that he would send Zhou Pingyuan first.

At this time, Ye Jianwei realized that his back was wet.

The air conditioner in this room is fully turned on and I can sweat so much, which is really amazing.

However, looking at Li Tianyu again, he sat on the sofa leisurely, picked up a bottle of mineral water on the table, and unscrewed the lid.

"Brother, don't you go now?" Ye Jianwei asked.

Li Tianyu: "What's the rush? When Gao Sicai comes back, there is something else to tell him."

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