You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!At this moment, Wang Zhigang was sitting in front of the lens monitor, staring at the screen.

Assistant Ding Jiang whispered: "Director, there doesn't seem to be that line in the script."

Wang Zhigang looked up and asked, "Which sentence?"

Ding Jiang: "The kidney is good, Golden Finger said."

Wang Zhigang waved his hand: "This is okay, I think the kidney is pretty good, don't worry about it."

On that side, Fan Yarui whispered: "Wow, there are lines, your cousin is amazing."

Ye Jianwei laughed, "Of course, wife, have you recorded it?"

Deng Shanshan: "Tsk, record it, don't talk."

At this moment, the quaint piano sound drifted through everyone's ears slowly.

Deng Kai was stunned. He really didn't expect that Li Tianyu could not only play the guzheng, but he could play so well.

"Autumn Moon in Han Palace" is a very famous Guzheng song.

But people who don't understand ancient music have heard of "High Mountains and Flowing Water" at most, and "Han Gong Qiu Yue" seems very unpopular.

All the people present were laymen, but they could roughly hear a good one.

Moreover, listening to the Guzheng instrument on TV is totally different from listening on-site.

Especially in the retro scenery of the current pavilions and flowing water, the melodious music is more direct and refreshing.

At this moment, Qin Xuetong, who was standing next to him, began to dance to the Guzheng tune.

Generally speaking, in professional dance dramas like this, professional dancers are often used as substitutes, and then “face-changing” is done later.

But Qin Xuetong went to the battle in person, obviously related to her dance foundation.

Qin Xuetong was born in an acting class at the Film Academy and has received dance training since he was a child.

Like this kind of classical court dance, she not only can dance, but also dances very standardly and gracefully.

Li Tianyu didn't look up at Qin Xuetong, he was completely intoxicated with Guzheng.

Qin Xuetong didn't go to see Li Tianyu either. With the sound of the piano flowing like water, his body was like a willow blown by the wind, soft and tough.

Swinging, leaning over, spinning, dazzling.

The long sleeves became a part of her body, moving faster or slower with the beat.

It was the first time for the two to "partner", but the cooperation was incredibly smooth.

Everyone was stunned, where is the filming, obviously watching a live performance.

Deng Shanshan was recording a video with her mobile phone, but when it was recorded, she threw her mobile phone aside and watched the performance of the two intently.

Even Ye Jianwei, who has no interest in music and dance, looked straight.

Not to mention Deng Kai, his mouth was open enough to fit three big goose eggs and there was a little surplus.

Li Tianyu not only can play the Guzheng, but he can also play the guzheng.

Lu Haibo wasn't much better. He thought that if Li Tianyu couldn't figure it out, Wang Zhigang might change his nephew.

Unexpectedly, it was an amazing performance.

At this time, Lu Haibo’s cell phone rang, and he picked it up dumbly

"Uncle San, I'm at the door of the Ma Zhai shop, find someone to pick me up."

Lu Haibo said angrily: "Take a fart, and get out of here! All day long, I know what to play, not to do business! Get out!"

The nephew was obviously dumbfounded, and before he could speak, Lu Haibo hung up.

In fact, these people are nothing.

The most surprising is the deputy director Wang Zhigang.

At this moment he stood up at some point and didn't look at the picture on the monitor at all.

Like everyone else in the crew, Wang Zhigang was dumbfounded.

This scene was not easy. He had planned to "click" many times in this dance performance, striving to keep improving.

However, there is no reason to "click" at all.97 Chinese

Yes, it's not that I don't want to find it, but I can't find it at all.

The performance of these two people is so perfect, it seems that the left hand and the right hand of one person, there is no feeling of unfamiliarity in the cooperation.

All the people in the crew stopped their work and enjoyed the music and dance.

There is no noise, mesmerized.

As for the actors on the field, their expressions were in place one by one.

There is no need for acting skills, it's an expression from the heart.

Unconsciously, Li Tianyu plucked the strings for the last time.

Qin Xuetong's body continued to rotate in accordance with the trembling string.

Finally, he fell to the ground.

Dance, music, and end at the same time, without any inconsistency.

It took a long time for everyone to come back to their senses.

The actor who played the son was also very professional. He just woke up from the drunkenness and applauded as shown in the script: "Heaven is down to earth, the sound of nature, wonderful, really wonderful!"


Wang Zhigang called to stop in time.

Then he hurriedly said to his assistant Ding Jiang: "There is no problem with the camera positions, right? Go and check if there are any problems. If it is not recorded, I will kill you!"

Ding Jiang wiped off his sweat, ran around quickly, and then ran back to look at the monitor screen. He was finally relieved.

"No, no problem, Director Wang, I'm sure, no problem!"

Wang Zhigang breathed a sigh of relief, and ignored talking to others, and simply sat down to look at the monitor.

With extreme concentration, that round face is already posted on the screen.

Wang Zhigang flipped through the videos from different angles and replayed them continuously.

"Good show, perfect, really a perfect show!"

Li Tianyu has been sitting on his knees, feeling a little uncomfortable at this time, and yelled to Wang Zhigang: "Director Wang, have you passed?"

Wang Zhigang: "Passed, passed."

Li Tianyu stood up now, his legs were already numb, and he leaned on the wooden railing behind him slowly.

Li Tianyu licked his lips, became thirsty, and greeted Ye Jianwei: "Is there any water? Give me a bottle of water."

Ye Jianwei was startled. They didn't bring water. Where can I buy water in this place?

At this time, a little girl from the crew immediately took a bottle of mineral water from the incubator, trot over, and handed it to Li Tianyu.

"Oh, thanks."

The little girl's eyes gleamed: "No thanks, no thanks, you play really well."

After speaking, the little girl ran away, and then gathered with the young female colleague in the crew, and pointed to Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu was confused.

What happened?Have I succeeded in becoming a fan by just playing a song?

In fact, this is not surprising.

Li Tianyu looks good, wears ancient costumes, and plays a good guqin.

This is much rarer than a handsome guy in a western dress and playing the piano.

The numbness of his legs passed, and Li Tianyu limped to Ye Jianwei and the others, as if squatting in a pit for a long time.

Ye Jianwei couldn't help but gave him a thumbs up. The only adjective that could be said was the word "Niu Bian".

Deng Shanshan and Fan Yarui asked curiously.

"Cousin, where did you learn the guqin? Why do you play so well?"

"This is too powerful, this scene actually happened once, wait for a thousand years!"

"By the way, are you married? Do you have a boyfriend? My sisters want to look for you like this!"

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