You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu was stunned: "Director Wang, couldn't the filming just now work? Wouldn't I have to retake it?"

Wang Zhigang waved his hand: "No, no, you performed so wonderfully, played the piano well, and you are not stage fright. Those who don't know think you are an old actor."

Li Tianyu: "Then you are..."

Wang Zhigang came back to his senses and said excitedly: "I just had an idea just now, I want to add drama to you!"

"Huh? Add drama!?"

It's not just Li Tianyu who is surprised.

Ye Jianwei, Deng Shanshan and Deng Kai opened their mouths even more.

Fan Yarui is an insider. She knows that only famous actors will be asked to add dramas. It's good if "Xiao Liao" is not reduced.

Of course, Li Tianyu is a "professional", so he can understand his lines by playing a piano.

But when it comes to adding a play to an unimportant role, it is indeed quite rare in film and television shooting.

Of course, every director has every director’s idea and cannot be generalized.

Wang Zhigang is obviously a very thoughtful director. Even if he is the deputy director of the "Sword Dance Chang'an" crew, he is actually very capable. The real director Xu Bo is the same with him, and most of the things are discussed by the two.

The two people have a common feature, that is, they have never paid much attention to celebrity positions, and their acting skills always rank first.

At this time, Li Tianyu felt a little bit square when he heard that he wanted to add a play.

"Director Wang, it's too uncomfortable to wear this thing on this hot day, can we not add this scene?"

When Fan Yarui heard this, she almost fainted.

For those of them who are not even special actors, it would take more than half a month to be happy to have a scene with lines.

Li Tianyu is good. The director wants to add drama to him, but he still doesn't want to.

But it’s right to think about it. Li Tianyu is not an actor, so it’s normal for him to be troublesome if he made a cameo appearance by chance.

However, Wang Zhigang does not intend to give up.

"Mr. Li, it's like this. I just watched your wonderful performance and it fits well with Xuetong. That's why I have this idea. I'll just tell you briefly."

The handsome boy was very happy after watching the Oiran's dance performance. Of course, he was even more unlikely to leave. He wanted to set up a banquet and listen to the music in this small attic.

This elder brother and the people he brought were big people. Du Huairou, who was acting as an oiran, didn't drive people away, so he let a few people sit on the two sides.

Then, some brothel women filed in.

Then there are dancing and singing, drinking and making gifts, talking and laughing, smiling like flowers, a peaceful brothel scene.

Li Tianyu: "What then? There won't be pictures of things that cannot be described in detail? I can add to such a scene..."

Wang Zhigang: "Mr. Li, don't interrupt, I haven't finished yet."

The oiran Lu Huairou went to toast the son and all the adults, and when he met the son, Lu Huairou suddenly got into trouble.

Li Tianyu: "In a trouble? Want to drink him?"

Wang Zhigang raised his eyebrows: "Mr. Li, where did you want to go, to kill him."

Li Tianyu glanced at Qin Xuetong.

As for Qin Xuetong, a dance was exhausted, and he found a seat while chatting with Qiu Kexin and resting.

Li Tianyu: "Oiran? Want to kill the son? What's the reason? Isn't that son who looks better than Pan An, Yushu Linfeng."

Wang Zhigang waved his hand: "It doesn't matter what the reason is, the oiran Lu Huairou held the sleeve sword and stabbed at the son..."

Damn it!

It turns out that this drama not only has literary drama, but also martial arts!

Young Master's complexion changed drastically, but he was also used to seeing the wind and waves, and reacted instantly, flashing the stabbing sideways in time.

With that said, Wang Zhigang made a spinning motion like a fat spinning top, almost falling down.

Li Tianyu quickly helped him: "Wait a minute, Director Wang, you can wait a moment, I have a question."

Wang Zhigang wiped the sweat from his face: "Well, you ask."

Li Tianyu stretched out his finger and gestured: "Where they are, you kill me and I kill you. What does it have to do with my golden finger?"

Wang Zhigang waved his hand: "It's not the golden finger, it's the golden finger... Oh, Mr. Li, you interrupted again, I haven't finished talking."

Li Tianyu: "Oh, sorry, please continue."

Just as Wang Zhi wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, he was ready to talk a lot.

Wang Zhigang suddenly looked up: "Where did I say?"

Li Tianyu: "...Golden means, it's not right, yes, it was the oiran who wanted to kill the handsome boy, and then the handsome boy flashed past."

Wang Zhigang snapped his fingers: "Yes, yes, the handsome young man flashed past...It's like this behind."

So, so...

So, so...

Ye Jianwei, Deng Shanshan, and others were stunned and deafened to their ears.

Li Tianyu, a layman, is actually discussing acting with Director Wang Da, and he looks like you come and go.

Before you know it, Li Tianyu's image has once again become taller in everyone's hearts.

At the same time, other staff in the crew also looked here frequently from time to time, guessing what director Wang was talking about with the handsome guy playing the piano.

Qiu Kexin glanced over there from time to time and said curiously, "Xiaotong, what are you saying that Director Wang is talking to him?"

Qin Xuetong glanced at her: "How do I know? Would you like to come over and listen?"

Qiu Kexin patted Qin Xuetong: "Go, the little girl is not serious."

Qiu Kexin took a sip of the mineral water: "By the way, you two performed well just now. Such a difficult scene can be passed by once."

Qin Xuetong nodded: "Well, I think he is really good at playing, not losing to the Guzheng teacher I knew before."

Qiu Kexin: "Yeah, isn't it a sensible heart, right?...Oh!"

Qin Xuetong decisively twisted Qiu Kexin: "Look at you again."

At this time, Li Tianyu and Wang Zhigang had finished the trick.

Li Tianyu pondered for a long time: "Director Wang, I don't want to help because it's not that busy, but the difficulty of the scene you added is high enough. I'm not an actor, can it work?"

Wang Zhigang patted Li Tianyu on the shoulder: "Why can't this work? Don't worry, nothing will happen, don't worry, the reward will be given to you, doubled!"

Li Tianyu was happy: "How much?"

Wang Zhigang stretched out two palms: "One hundred thousand yuan!"

Li Tianyu sighed, one hundred thousand soft sister coins, which is too little.

However, because of the goodness of Director Wang, he helped him once.

In the end, Li Tianyu nodded reluctantly.

Wang Zhigang immediately began to communicate with other relevant personnel.

Of course, the most important thing is to tell the actors who appeared in this scene of the changes in the script.

Fortunately, the changes haven't been too great. Everyone is a professional actor, and they are all used to sudden changes in the plot.

However, after listening to Wang Zhigang's narration, Qin Xuetong showed a surprised expression: "Do you really want to change this way?"

Wang Zhigang nodded: "I think the effect will be very good."

Qin Xuetong didn't say anything, "Okay, I understand."

As a result, everyone returned to their place.

Among them was Li Tianyu, who was still wearing that robe and knelt down at the piano table, grinning for a while.

All cameras, turn on!

The actors are not very nervous, and the crew is not nervous, but Ye Jianwei, Deng Shanshan and others are quite nervous.

What director Wang Zhigang said just now, they also heard a general idea.

Their mood at the time can only be described in four words-dumbfounded.

At the shooting site, everything was the same as the previous scripts. The son-in-law and the big men pushed their cups and changed their ambitions.

Goldfinger Li Tianyu was also greeted to the guest seats, drinking and having fun together.

Originally, according to the original script, he should be in the last position, but now it has been changed and arranged next to the handsome boy.

During the period, Wang Zhigang yelled "Ka" twice to correct some mistakes.Wen Bi Zhai Novel

Started again and continue.

A few girls in bright dresses, it's not right, Yingying Yanyan, came in and sat beside the guests.

Li Tianyu also hugged one.

......Well, continue to laugh and joking, and even if you want to refuse, you can drink and have fun.

At this moment, the oiran Du Huairou who had been sitting in the main seat stood up and walked to the guests to toast in turn.

Of course, she has very few wine glasses in her hand, just to symbolically lift the glass and touch her lips.

Although the handsome boy was the first to come in, his status and status were not the highest, and his age was not the oldest, so Du Huairou did not respect him first.

When the tribute to the golden finger Li Tianyu, the oiran Du Huairou said a few lines.

"Mr.'s piano art is superb. I am afraid that in this city of Chang'an, apart from the palace, there is no other violinist who can compare with him. The name of the golden finger is well deserved.

"Huairou, respect you."

Li Tianyu still felt that this "golden finger" was weird, and felt guilty.

He hurriedly toasted: "Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, it's everyone Du upholding the niche."

The mineral water in the glass was drunk.

Then Du Huairou walked up to the handsome boy and said a few more compliments.

Romantic and suave, free and easy, beautiful as a crown jade, personable and so on.

The handsome boy was of course very happy, and Rory also gave a wordy compliment.

Maybe it's the girl, you are beautiful, you are the most beautiful, the beauty is so beautiful that the world is shattered, and you are the only flower in the world.

Then, the two clinked glasses to drink.

Suddenly, Du Huairou released his hand, and the wine glass fell to the ground.

With a flash of white blade, the Hidden Blade came out.

Take the handsome boy's throat straight.

Of course, it's easy to say. When shooting, the speed of these few shots is very slow, and there are martial arts instructors to repeat the actions.

However, Qin Xuetong made it very standard, almost a one-time pass, which was amazing.

At this time, the son of the son used a trick "I am a top" and smoothly flashed over.

Damn it!Finally it was the turn of the golden finger Li Tianyu to play.

Du Huairou stabbed a hole and was about to poke again with his backhand, but the handsome boy was pushed away by himself.

The person who pushed him was the golden finger Li Tianyu.

In fact, in the original script, the character helping the handsome boy is not a golden finger, but another person.

But it was temporarily adjusted by Wang Zhigang and replaced with a gold finger.

Therefore, Goldfinger Li Tianyu took over the role and fought with Qin Xuetong.

At this time, Wang Zhigang should shout "Ka", and then the martial arts guide intervened and went up to guide the two people in the play.

But Wang Zhigang didn't shout, or it was too late.

The two men have already fought.

Qin Xuetong stabbed, Li Tianyu blocked.

Qin Xuetong stabbed again, Li Tianyu grabbed her wrist, and then slapped the Hidden Blade.

Qin Xuetong's eyes suddenly sharpened, and she kicked Li Tianyu's head with her hands.

Li Tianyu blocked again and retreated to the side of the small attic.

At this time, Li Tianyu just stood firm and looked up...

Damn it!Qin Xuetong's feet came again.

Li Tianyu grabbed her foot reflexively.


Wang Zhigang finally reacted and called a timeout.

"You two don't move, don't move! Stand up! Keep your posture!"

The two are in a very unique state.

One kick, one block and then catch again, it's like the action shot of a movie has been frozen.

Looking at the other people, they all looked stunned.

Those actors are closer, see more clearly, and can even feel the wind blowing when the two fight.

How is this going!?

Without martial arts instruction, these two improvised?

But this action drama is not a literary drama, and these two people are not action actors. How can they be like this?

When others were surprised, Li Tianyu complained.

Only then did he remember that Qin Xuetong had kung fu under his hands.

Ai Heping had been taught a miserable lesson by her back then.

For a moment, he was almost kicked out of Xiang by Qin Xuetong.

Fortunately, Li Tianyu was not weak, so he resolved it in time.

At this time, Wang Zhigang was turning around the two, touching his head, thinking about it.

Li Tianyu couldn't help it anymore: "Director Wang, Director Wang, how long will this last?"

Wang Zhigang ignored him, still touching his head, thinking about it.

Li Tianyu secretly scolded, are you the director trying to make up stories on the spot?

Suddenly, Wang Zhigang snapped his fingers.

"Quickly, give Goldfinger Wia! Just let Du Huairou kick him down!"



Li Tianyu glanced back and was shocked: "Wait, Director Wang, are you going to kick into the river? Then I don't want to do it, let's find a substitute!"

Qin Xuetong suddenly said: "There is no substitute in the crew."


In order to make a good show, the director requires all the actors to play in the show in person, no substitutes.



After a while, Li Tianyu still rolled and fell into the water.

When he was pulled up by someone, he became a complete chicken.

But on this hot day, I went to the water and took a bath, which was quite sour.

This is the water, which is a bit dirty.

Li Tianyu wiped his hair with a towel and said to Wang Zhigang: "Director Wang, my golden finger is out of play, right?"

Wang Zhigang smiled and gave a thumbs up: "It's no show, perfect."

Li Tianyu: "Then where did my golden finger go?"

Wang Zhigang did not answer, and pointed to the inside of the river.

Li Tianyu stood up and craned his neck to take a look.

Damn it!There are bodies floating in the river...

No, it should be a dummy.

And the dummy was wearing the same clothes as Goldfinger.

Just as Li Tianyu was about to speak, Wang Zhigang stuffed something.

A box of hot lunch.

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