You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu was stunned, and now I'm co-authoring a box lunch.

What kind of golden finger is this?

Throw it in the water and hang it, toilet paper is not as good.

Goldfinger Li Tianyu's play is "finished", but there are still a few scenes in this small attic.

Wang Zhigang commanded the crew and started the machine in full swing.

It seemed that Qiu Kexin was on the stage next, and Li Tianyu didn't see the details.

He is completely wet now.

Fortunately, this was a costume, so he immediately ran to change back his original clothes.

It's a pity that the panties are wet and can't be worn, so the inside is really empty.

When they returned, Ye Jianwei, Deng Shanshan and others were talking excitedly.

When Li Tianyu came back, they began to ask questions again.

After all, when he was filming, he was not only good at piano skills, but also showed a few "real kung fu".

At this point, Ye Jianwei became even more curious, and asked his cousin if he had applied to the class to practice.

"Yes, just practiced." Li Tianyu answered casually.

Ye Jianwei: "Have you ever been in actual combat?"

Li Tianyu: "It's okay to fight a few hooligans."

"We should go now."

It was Deng Kai who was not speaking.

Now he could not sit still.

Since I came here just now, I have been watching Li Tianyu show the limelight and pretend to criticize him.

If Li Tianyu turned around and pretended to be another wave, he would vomit blood and die.

But having said that, Deng Kai also had to admit that this kid Li Tianyu did have some ways.

Let alone the professional skills of guzheng playing, just being able to do well in the process of filming, without showing timidity or stage fright, is not what ordinary people can do.

Li Tianyu is not an actor, he is not even a fan of drama.

Deng Kai wasn't a shocker either, he should stop when he knew it was time to stop.

Now that Deng Kai wants to leave, it is not impossible.

Li Tianyu said, "No hurry, I haven't finished the lunch. I exercised for a while and thumped in the water for a while. I was already hungry."

I'm kidding, he bought this box of lunch with "a life", not eating for nothing.

With that said, Li Tianyu opened the lid of the lunch box.

It's still a bit warm now, it's suitable for eating.

There are scrambled eggs with tomatoes, spicy potato shreds, green peppers and liver tips, and stir-fried pig intestines.

...Why does this box of lunch taste so strong?

But the taste is not good.

Li Tianyu really eats with relish.

At this time, Wang Zhigang has finished work.

The other staff of the crew were packing up, and Wang Zhigang came over.

Li Tianyu hurriedly shouted: "Director Wang, don't forget to give me the salary, I have been working hard for a long time."

Wang Zhigang smiled and said, "Don't worry, let's add a WeChat account and send me the card number. I will call you in these two days."

Li Tianyu caught a piece of pig intestine and threw it into his mouth: "Okay, I said our food is okay, it's not that hard."

Wang Zhigang: "Yeah, did you really eat it?"

Li Tianyu raised his head: "What? Are you poisoned?"

Wang Zhigang: "You are so young, why are you so nasty, and the crew will go out for a while, and you can come together."

"You" naturally also include Ye Jianwei, Deng Shanshan and others.

Fan Yarui is the most excited. She is just a prospective actor, and she really hasn’t eaten with a real big crew.

If you say a few more words to director Wang Zhigang, you might be able to go up a level and become a special actor.

However, Li Tianyu said: "You have too many people, don't go or go."

Fan Yarui almost passed out.

Wang Zhigang said: "Just so many people, set up a few more tables. By the way, I heard that you are from the imperial capital. We went to eat at the most authentic Yongxiang banquet table in the local area."

Li Tianyu: "Yongxiang Dayan Table? Why do you sound so awkward? Eating Dayan? Director Wang, why are you so cruel?"

Wang Zhigang raised his eyebrows: "It's a big banquet table. How can you interrupt the banquet? One of the dishes is the most famous. If you don't eat it, it will be a trip to Yongxiang for nothing."

Li Tianyu became interested. Since becoming a local tyrant, his mentality has changed. What to eat and how to eat have become one of his important daily issues.

Li Tianyu: "Which dish?"

When Fan Yarui heard it, her spirit came again: "It's a beautiful heart."

Li Tianyu was stunned, what kind of strange name is this.

Can't it be made with a pretty girl's heart?

That's so delicious.

Fan Yarui: "Brother Li, let me tell you that this dish is so delicious, I regret not eating it."

Li Tianyu understood Fan Yarui's thoughts, and it would be nice to have a meal, so he nodded and agreed.

The place where the crew of "Sword Dance Chang'an" had dinner is in the commercial street near Ma Zhaidian Film and Television City.

The boss should be familiar with Wang Zhigang. When he saw him coming in, he quickly greeted him upstairs to prepare a private room, and it was a large private room with several round tables.

There were a lot of people in the crew, not all of them came this time, but they also sat at three tables.

Li Tianyu and other people sat at a table with deputy director Wang Zhigang. At the same table were Qin Xuetong, Qiu Kexin and other important actors.

Of course, Lu Haibo, as the crew leader, is of course also on this table.Reading Building

Deng Shanshan was very excited. Sitting next to her, but the famous star, Qin Xuetong, known as the new generation Xiaohuadan.

Moreover, Qin Xuetong signed Deng Shanshan just now and took a group photo.

However, because of Wang Zhigang's scolding today, his face was a little unhappy after all.

As soon as Li Tianyu sat here, he immediately became the center of the conversation.

Many people are curious about him.

He knows how to play Guzheng, and he seems to have some skill. Besides, he didn't show his timidity when he was filming. It is really hard to believe that he is a complete layman.

Wang Zhigang: "You really have no experience in filming?"

Li Tianyu raised his eyebrows: "I'm okay when I'm idle, what kind of scenes are I filming?"

Wang Zhigang: "Oh, then you are a talent, do you want to be a special actor with me first, maybe you will be popular in the future."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Director Wang, hurry up. I don't have time to be a special actor for you. There are millions in a second. You are not delaying my making money."

Wang Zhigang only thought he was joking, and laughed.

Li Tianyu pointed to Fan Yarui: "Director Wang, Xiao Fan has also worked with you. You have been a cow and horse for many years. You might as well give her the name of a special actor."

Wang Zhigang: "That's right, Xiao Rui, you will report to Xiao Ding later and you will be promoted to the special offer of the crew."

Fan Yarui beamed with joy and nodded hurriedly, while also giving Li Tianyu a grateful look.

Li Tianyu is also willing to help people now, anyway, it is not him who pays the salary, and there is no loss in verbalizing.

Qiu Kexin asked: "By the way, Li Tianyu, I'm surprised, how come I can see you everywhere?"

Li Tianyu: "I also want to know this question."

Then, Li Tianyu pointed at Ye Jianwei and Deng Shanshan and said, "This is my cousin. I'm here to attend their wedding."

Wang Zhigang picked up the wine glass: "Yeah, then we have to drink one. I wish the couple a happy wedding and all the best."

Ye Jianwei was a little embarrassed when he heard it, and quickly raised his glass in return.

Qiu Kexin asked again: "It's fine for you to come to Yongxiang, but why can I see you at the shooting site of the Ma Zhai shop?"

Li Tianyu glanced at Lu Haibo and explained, "I haven't come to Boge yet."

Qiu Kexin: "Boge? What are you looking for?"

Li Tianyu: "I would like to ask him for help, introduce a suitable star, and cheer for the wedding banquet, right?"

Lu Haibo was getting angry, and glanced at Li Tianyu: "Yes, that's right, I will introduce them to Du Xiaoqiang, they are not willing yet."

Qiu Kexin's eyes widened: "Du Xiaoqiang? Who? Have I seen it?"

Qin Xuetong took a sip of water from his teacup: "He is a special actor in the crew, you have seen him."

Qiu Kexin: "Are you sure? Which role?"

Li Tianyu: "Boge said, he is the attendant of the nephew of the father who plays the little eunuch next to the Queen Mother, named Axing."

Qiu Kexin was dumbfounded.

Lu Haibo's face was gloomy, and he stopped talking.

Qin Xuetong glanced at Li Tianyu: "It's the follower of the little eunuch next to the empress dowager. The character's name is A Qing."

Li Tianyu glanced at Wang Zhigang: "Director Wang, who is right?"

Wang Zhigang pointed to Qin Xuetong.

Li Tianyu gave Qin Xuetong a thumbs up: "You must be a tyrant in school, not like a scumbag."

Qiu Kexin raised her eyebrows: "Who do you say is a scumbag? I tell you, I have very good grades and I never fail a subject!"

Li Tianyu waved his hand and said while pouring tea, "Girls, please don't check in, thank you."

Qiu Kexin: "Understood, you are a scumbag."

Li Tianyu glared at each other.

At this time, the dishes came one after another.

This restaurant serves food really fast.

Li Tianyu quickly picked up the chopsticks.

Looking at the dishes on the table, he immediately stunned.

Kung Pao Chicken, Yuxiang Pork, Mushu Meat, Mapo Tofu...

Wang Zhigang: "Everyone eat, you are welcome."

Li Tianyu stared, looking for a long time under the table: "Where is the beauty of the heart? Where is the beauty of the heart?"

Wang Zhigang: "Well... Xiao Qin, Xiao Qiu, you two will get some food for Li Tianyu."

Qin Xuetong took the green onion from the Gongbao chicken.

Qiu Kexin took the tofu dregs from Mapo tofu.

Wang Zhigang chuckled: "This is the heart of the beauties, and most people really can't eat it."

Damn it!For the old and disrespectful!

Li Tianyu endured it.

Qiu Kexin: "I said, do you really want that little eunuch to be a guest at the wedding banquet?"

Li Tianyu was stunned: "It's just that he is a follower of a little eunuch? Did you say that he is a eunuch?"

Qiu Kexin: "This is not the point. I mean, you really want to invite Du Xiaoyue?"

Li Tianyu: "It's Du Xiaoqiang...what a mess, of course I won't invite you, he might as well invite you."

At least Qiu Kexin looks pretty good.

Lu Haibo finally couldn't help it: "As long as you are an actor in this crew, you won't go!"

Qiu Kexin hugged Qin Xuetong and said, "Please, both of us."


Ye Jianwei's chopsticks fell on the table.

Lu Haibo had just drank his mouth water, his eyes protruded when he heard this, as if choking.

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