Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 186 Two Meals, Two Beauties

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Lu Haibo, this is not bad.

Deng Kai almost fell from his chair to the ground.

Compared with the surprise of others, Li Tianyu was much calmer.

It was not the first day that the three met.

Although it is not familiar, but at least it is a nodding acquaintance.

It's not surprising that these two beauties were invited to the wedding banquet.

However, Qiu Kexin is down. She hasn't made her official debut yet, at least she has no reputation now.

But Qin Xuetong is different. She can be regarded as a popular celebrity now. She has just debuted, but her popularity is comparable to that of first-line celebrities.

The appearance of such a big name at the wedding banquet will definitely cause a sensation.

Will there be only good results then? Let's talk about it.

Besides, if you ask her over, it will cost a lot.

Lu Haibo is right in one thing. The appearance fees of first- and second-tier stars are sky-high, and they often go up and say a few words, and it is a few million.

Ye Jianwei, they certainly couldn't afford it.

Although Li Tianyu said he had money, he did not intend to help them pay for this.

Li Tianyu joked: "You two, I can't afford the appearance fee. Could you please have a meal?"

"Cut! Think beautiful!"

After hearing Qiu Kexin's words, Lu Haibo was relieved, and Deng Kai wiped his sweat with a tissue.

As soon as a big star like Qin Xuetong appears at the wedding banquet, what about it?

Maybe the reporters will be around.

This kind of limelight, Ye Jianwei can definitely blow for a lifetime.

But thinking about it carefully, this is impossible.

What Li Tianyu meant was that it was impossible for two beautiful women to go.

Who knows Qiu Kexin said: "At least two meals must be invited, and it must be a big meal!"

Everyone stopped again.

Damn it!What kind of feast can invite these two beauties as a guest?

Who doesn't want a dozen of such a feast?

Deng Shanshan was too excited to speak, can you invite Qin Xuetong?

This is something you can never dream of!

Li Tianyu was stunned. He glanced at Qin Xuetong and couldn't tell whether she wanted to go or not, but Qiu Kexin was there to mess around.

Of course, Qin Xuetong did not object to it, which shows that at least it does not contradict.

Wang Zhigang chuckled, "Isn't it two meals? Mr. Li should be able to afford it."

Wang Zhigang did not "pay attention" to Li Tianyu for nothing.

He had long heard Qiu Kexin say that Li Tianyu is an extraordinary person, and he not only knew Qin Xuetong, but also had an intersection with Qin Xuetong's grandfather, Qin Yuenian.

Qin Yuenian is a remarkable person. A bigwig in the cultural world, he also has the status of visiting professor at several universities in China.

His students are well-known, talented, and more prominent.

That is the real peaches and plums all over the world.

Therefore, Li Tianyu's position in Wang Zhigang's heart has also been elevated.

Such a person may be able to use it someday.

Li Tianyu: "Speaking of which, will Mr. Qin come over next Saturday?"

Qin Xuetong was startled: "How did you know?"

Li Tianyu: "It's also a coincidence that my cousin ordered the wedding banquet venue in Century Wind Building. When I went to see the venue yesterday, I happened to meet Mr. Zhou Pingyuan Zhou and chatted for a while."

Qin Xuetong immediately understood.

She had also met Zhou Pingyuan, and he was considered to be a face and face in Yongxiang.

Grandpa Qin Yue came to Yongxiang City to participate in a cultural exchange activity.

Zhou Pingyuan was very concerned and contacted Qin Yuenian many times to say that he was going to receive him.

According to Qin Yuenian's intention, he didn't want to bother them so much, but since the other party was so active and it was difficult to refuse, he agreed.

Li Tianyu: "What's more coincidental is that my cousin's wedding banquet is scheduled for next Saturday, which coincides with Qin Yuenian's welcome wine, so the two beauties must appreciate it, right?"

Qin Xuetong said simply and concisely: "No problem."

Li Tianyu looked at Qiu Kexin again and said, "Inviting guests to dinner, of course there is no problem. As long as you have time, several meals are fine."

Qiu Kexin: "That's the truth."

Li Tianyu: "Director Wang, if you are free next Saturday, you might as well take a seat. You don't need to give the gift money. Just eat a meal. It's a joy."

Wang Lijun chuckled, "Okay, let's see the time when the time comes. If you are not busy, just go and join in the fun."

To be honest, he really couldn't ask for a chance to join Qin Yuenian.

Ye Jianwei's eyes widened.

The energy of this cousin is too great, and the matter is set in a few words.

Deng Shanshan was even more excited.

If Qin Xuetong does go, then this wedding is too worthwhile.

It can be said that the scenery is endless!

Deng Kai was even more pale, and his eyes were hollow.

This day is really his Good Friday.

It is estimated that he has never been so embarrassed in his life.

As for Lu Haibo, not to mention, he didn't dare to say a word. He could only bury his head and eat, but he didn't know the taste, the taste was the same as chewing wax.

After this meal, Li Tianyu, Ye Jianwei and Deng Shanshan shared the same car and walked back.

Ye Jianwei was very excited: "Brother, this time I can play and make a big deal, can I invite Qin Xuetong, and once she appears, she won't be able to detonate the audience?"

Deng Shanshan: "Do you still need to ask? I have many classmates and colleagues who are fans of Qin Xuetong. They will go crazy by that time. You must remember to record the video, it will take the whole scene!"

Li Tianyu was much calmer than the two.

"I said you two, don't talk about Qin Xuetong's coming."

Ye Jianwei: "Why?"

Li Tianyu: "You have publicized it abroad. If something happens suddenly, it is not someone else who will be ashamed."

When these words came out, Ye Jianwei and Deng Shanshan immediately agreed.

Ye Jianwei: "By the way, you call Deng Kai and don't let him miss it."

Deng Shanshan waved her hand: "No need."

Ye Jianwei was startled: "Why not?"

Deng Shanshan: "My cousin walked away with a black face. He has no face today and he will definitely not say anything."

What I said was that Deng Kai probably wouldn't be able to do things like twitching his own mouth.

Li Tianyu returned to the Hilton Hotel.

At this time, it was already ten thirty in the evening.

Although it's quite tiring, it must be too late to find the dark girl, so you can only endure it first and talk about it tomorrow.E-book bar

Li Tianyu was relaxing in the large jacuzzi in the bathroom when his cell phone rang.

He sighed, crawled out with exhaustion, took the phone in his hand, ran back and slid through the water.

It was from Lu Hui.

Since taking over the Jiaxin factory, Lu Hui called or sent WeChat to confirm this and that, and he was very motivated to work.

Lu Hui: "Mr. Li, I have made a list of the equipment related to the production line and sent it to your mailbox. Please take a look first. If you have any questions, just ask."

Li Tianyu: "Okay, I'll watch it later."

Lu Hui: "That's OK, then I won't bother you."

Lu Hui is indeed a cadre. Although he is from a business background, he also knows a little bit of technology. He also pays great attention to efficiency in his work, and he never talks about unnecessary nonsense.

Li Tianyu is very satisfied with such talents.

After hanging up the phone, Li Tianyu soaked in the bathtub for a while, then wiped it out.

Turned on the laptop and glanced at the email from Lu Hui.

Lu Hui made a list of machinery and equipment.

Although the content is not too much, it is clear, from the name, model, brand, specific purpose, to the approximate price range.

Although there are many varieties, the most important machines are more expensive, that is, five or six kinds.

The total amount reached more than 20 million.

No wonder Peng Jianbai, the former boss, was reluctant to upgrade the production line. This is a huge sum of money.

Other machinery and equipment are very cheap.

Li Tianyu pondered for a while and decided to give priority to using the system to solve the more expensive equipment. As for the cheaper ones, he would do it if he had time. If he didn't have time, he would directly allocate funds to Lu Hui and let him buy it himself.

The next day, Li Tianyu still ran around with Ye Jianwei and Deng Shanshan.

The three first looked at the situation of the wedding room.

Ye Jianwei paid a down payment for a large two-bedroom apartment of 105 square meters as a wedding room.

The floor plan is not bad, and the north-south is transparent.

Deng Shanshan is in charge of the decoration. For women, they pay more attention to this aspect. From the design to the materials, it is a hard work.

The smell in the house is almost there, and it is estimated that you should be able to live in in one month.

From the wedding room, the three of them will go to the wedding company to determine the process.

At this time, Li Tianyu received a call from Guo Guang, saying it was to report on the recent situation.

Ye Jianwei saw that Li Tianyu had something to do, so he asked him to go back to the hotel first instead of running away.

Li Tianyu was right to think about it, and said, "That's fine, I'll go back to the hotel first. If you have anything, please call me anytime."

Ye Jianwei and Deng Shanshan nodded at the same time.

At this time, they were quite convinced by this cousin.

Simply omnipotent.

The wedding company the two went to is considered to be a relatively large local in Yongxiang City, and its name is Hongxi.

The person in charge who contacted Ye Jianwei and Deng Shanshan was still receiving other customers, and the two were waiting in the seating area.

It's the peak season for marriage, and there are so many people in the rest area.

The store is air-conditioned and the environment is good, and the two of them wait and chat, but they are not too boring.

At this time, two more people walked into the store.

A man and a woman are also very young, mostly customers in the store.

"Yeah, isn't this Shanshan."

When the woman's eyes lit up, she came over to say hello.

Deng Shanshan saw that it was a colleague from the company, named Zheng Qiushuang, who quickly greeted them to sit down.

The man who came with Zheng Qiushuang was indeed her fiance, named Han Song.

Han Song is tall and large, with a visual inspection of 1.85 meters, and looks quite handsome.

The wedding of Zheng Qiushuang and Han Song was exactly one week later than Ye Jianwei and the others, and it was the next Saturday.

Zheng Qiushuang: "By the way, which package did you choose?"

Deng Shanshan: "Course C, I discussed with Jianwei, I think there are too many fancy items in A and B packages, expensive and impractical, so I chose a cost-effective one."

The so-called package refers to the wedding package, which is basically some service items.

Different packages have some differences in processes and objects used.

Zheng Qiushuang waved his hand: "Oh, you can't think about it this way. How big is a marriage? How many times can you get married? You have to make it more fancy. It's expensive. Don't be afraid of spending money."

As Zheng Qiushuang said, he put his arm around Han Song: "Look at my husband, don't even look at it, just order the most expensive one."

Han Song picked up on the corner of his mouth: "You get what you pay for. Expensive ones are definitely better than cheap ones. Anyway, you can't spend a lot more. It's meaningless to consider so much."

This is as if Ye Jianwei is a petty kid and Deng Shanshan is aggrieved.

Ye Jianwei couldn't help but coughed twice, "By the way, don't you tell the front desk about the business person you are looking for?"

Zheng Qiushuang waved his hand: "Don't worry, don't worry, let's talk to you for a while, we are VIP customers, we can jump in the queue and receive us at any time."

Ye Jianwei was speechless, thinking there was nothing to talk about.

Zheng Qiushuang: "By the way, where did you book the team?"

Deng Shanshan: "I ordered it here."

Zheng Qiushuang: "What car did you order? How many?"

Deng Shanshan glanced at Ye Jianwei: "Jianwei ordered it, specifically...I don't know."

Deng Shanshan knew Zheng Qiushuang's mind.

This colleague of hers is very keen on comparison. In addition to his work enthusiasm, he has to compare everything else.

Of course, the husband she was looking for was actually a rich man in Yongxiang City, and he was confident enough.

Upon hearing Deng Shanshan's words, the other two looked at Ye Jianwei again.

Ye Jianwei had no choice but to say: "The lead car is arranged with a Rolls Royce, followed by 7 red BMWs."

The eight cars are all upscale luxury cars, which is considered a relatively good configuration in the local area.

Zheng Qiushuang: "Sounds great, very stylish, by the way, husband, what team do we book?"

Han Song chuckled: "Baby, we are twelve cars, all sports cars, Lamborghini and Ferrari are all red."

When Zheng Qiushuang heard it, his eyes lighted: "My husband is still great, my husband is the best! That's it!"

Zheng Qiushuang turned to Deng Shanshan again: "But the fleet you ordered is not bad, but there are only eight cars, which is a bit less, just order a few more cars."

Deng Shanshan replied with a grimace, "No, it's enough, it's useless if you order more."

Zheng Qiushuang smiled again: "That's OK, you think it's enough, right? Yes, I read the invitation you sent me. The wedding banquet room is actually set on the 36th floor of Century Wind, which is great. Yeah! I heard it’s hard to book there."

Since she is a colleague, Deng Shanshan of course also sent an invitation to Zheng Qiushuang.

When Deng Shanshan heard about the wedding banquet hall, she seemed to smile a little: "Yes, it took Jianwei a lot of effort to make a reservation."

Zheng Qiushuang: "Originally, we arranged the wedding banquet venue elsewhere, but when I thought, the 36th floor of Century Wind was the best, with good scenery and great style, so I asked Han Song to do this."

Deng Shanshan was very cooperative and asked: "Then...what's the result?"

Zheng Qiushuang clapped his hands: "In the end, it was really booked. It was not easy. Alas, I was worried that my husband would be a closed door. I didn't expect it to be successful, but my husband is still capable."

Han Song: "Actually, there is nothing bad to order, it just costs more money."

Han Song's momentum is quite good.

A look that money can make ghosts grind.

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