Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 200 This man, a real tyrant (big chapter, subscribe)

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Wu Mingzhe: "It should be Tianyu here."

With that said, Wu Mingzhe answered the phone casually.

"Tianyu, where are you?"

"Oh, we're in the cold drink shop east of the parking lot."

"Nonsense, how could we wait for you outside in this hot weather?"

"Okay, stop the ink, come here, say yes first, check out later."

Wu Mingzhe hung up the phone and said, "I will be here soon."

As he was talking, a beautiful blue luxury car slowly drove over.

Wu Mingzhe immediately turned towards the car of that country.

Chen Xiaoyan and Yan Jing were shocked when they saw this.

Could it be that this is Li Tianyu's car?

Yan Jing asked Jiang Lan in a low voice: "Lan Lan, is that Li Tianyu's car?"

Jiang Lan turned his head and glanced, nodded: "Yes, that's his car."

Chen Xiaoyan's eyes lit up: "It turns out that he drives a Porsche. It looks like he's really developed."

Yan Jing glanced at Chen Xiaoyan, and whispered: "Xiaoyan, I don't think you are quite naive. There are too many luxury cars here in the imperial capital. Many are just trying to save face, buying second-hand ones, or simply renting them... "

Chen Xiaoyan pursed her lips and smiled.

She is not naive, but more knowledgeable.

There are indeed many people who buy second-hand luxury cars in the Imperial City for the sake of face, but most of them belong to the BBA series, that is, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, these three.

These luxury cars are large in quantity, depreciate quickly, and second-hand prices are much cheaper than new cars.

But compared to the BBA, Porsche should at least be higher in the upper half, especially for the Cayenne model, which is quite valuable.

In other words, even if this Porsche is a second-hand car, it will cost hundreds of thousands to buy.

Chen Xiaoyan knows luxury cars very well. The beautiful blue Porsche Cayenne that Li Tianyu drove is definitely a new model.

And looking at the wheels, you know that this Porsche Cayenne is at least a high-end version of the small two million.

Therefore, there are only two possibilities.

Either this car was borrowed by Li Tianyu, or Li Tianyu is indeed developed.

Several people were talking and saw the Porsche parked near the cold drink shop.

A man pushed the door and got out of the car.

Chen Xiaoyan and Yan Jing are not familiar with Li Tianyu.

Especially Chen Xiaoyan, even if she had met a few times before, she basically had no impression.

Although Yan Jing had some impressions of Li Tianyu, after so many years, her appearance and name had long been out of line.

At this time, Li Tianyu was dressed in loose casual clothes, topped with black and bottomed with gray, stepped on breathable mesh canvas shoes, wearing sunglasses, and carrying a small handbag.

He took the steps that the six relatives did not recognize, quite like that.

Chen Xiaoyan couldn't help but brighten up her eyes: "Not bad, not fortunate, very handsome."

Yan Jing curled her lips: "You can't stand your appearance party the most."

Li Tianyu walked in with a happy curtain and saw four people sitting by the window.

The table was a little small, Wu Mingzhe brought a chair and let Li Tianyu sit next to Chen Xiaoyan.

Then there was a moment of greeting.

Although Li Tianyu is accustomed to seeing beautiful women now, Chen Xiaoyan is still quite beautiful and she can't help but look at her a few more times.

According to Li Tianyu's scoring standard, Chen Xiaoyan is probably eight to nine points, which is quite good.

"I remember that Beauty Chen was well-known in school back then, she was a character and a beloved goddess."

Chen Xiaoyan covered her mouth and smiled: "Why do I feel that this sounds awkward? Are you complimenting me or hurting me?"

Li Tianyu: "Of course I'm complimenting you, you are so beautiful, that's not a goddess."

At this time, Chen Xiaoyan glanced at the bag Li Tianyu was holding.

There is no obvious LOGO on it, but pedestrians can judge from the style, material, and zipper, this is a donkey brand men's bag.

And it's not the basic models of big LOGO everywhere.

Chen Xiaoyan thought to herself, if he bought a fake bag, he wouldn't buy such a low-key model, most of it was real.

Yan Jing: "Listen to Lan Lan and they say that you are doing pretty well now, where do you live?"

Li Tianyu: "Me? I can't talk about being a good messer, and now I'm a little boss."

Yan Jing: "Yeah, I'm already a boss. It's amazing. What kind of business do you do?"

Li Tianyu didn't hide it, tucked it open, and took out a few cards from it.

Each of the four people present distributed one.

The card is well-designed, black and red, and very textured, with the words "Doll Bar Senior VIP Membership Card" written on it.

In the corner, is the battle site of the bar, and the card number.

On the back are some member rights and precautions.

Li Tianyu said: "I run a bar in Wulitun. This is a limited premium membership card. You have one. You can sit there when you have time."

Chen Xiaoyan and Yan Jing looked at each other.

Open a bar in Wulitun?

That's incredible.

Not to mention how profitable it is to open a bar in the absolutely prime location of the imperial capital like Wulitun.

In addition to having money, you must also have a background, otherwise you simply cannot continue to operate.

It seems that Li Tianyu in front of him is indeed rich, and his identity is not ordinary.

At this time, Li Tianyu ordered a cold drink.

It's a glass of iced orange juice.

Li Tianyu was about to drink, but the phone rang again.

I glanced at the caller ID on the screen, and it was Lu Hui's call.

Although Li Tianyu did not go to the Jiaxin factory in Langzhou in the past two days, he has kept in touch with Lu Hui.

Lu Hui will also notify Li Tianyu of some of the latest situation, so that he knows it.

Li Tianyu is not annoying, because it is very necessary to keep abreast of the company's situation.

"Excuse me, I will answer the call."

With that said, Li Tianyu pressed the answer button.

Lu Hui's voice came over there.

It is said that Lu Hui has always stayed in the company, and has never returned home much at all.

But at this moment, listening to his voice, I can't hear fatigue at all, but rather excited.

Since "taking power", Lu Hui has become more and more motivated.

At this time, Lu Hui was still reporting the current situation.

He spoke very briefly, but Li Tianyu heard clearly.

"Well, I see. There are no major problems. You can solve small problems. If you can't solve them, you can find me and I will find a solution."

"It's very hot now. Don't save money. You have enough mineral water, drinks, and snacks. Just don't affect the installation progress."

"Well, time is tight, but it's not that tight either. You should go home and go home. The rest will affect your state."

"Okay, you can't count it anymore, hang up first, and then contact you if you have something to do."

Li Tianyu hung up the phone, and then took a sip of ice juice to drive away the heat, which was quite refreshing.

Wu Mingzhe asked curiously: "Who called?"

Li Tianyu: "People in the factory."

Wu Mingzhe was startled, "In the factory?"

Li Tianyu: "Oh, I haven't had time to tell you yet. I recently purchased an electronics factory in Langzhou and I am upgrading the production line."

Wu Mingzhe was taken aback.

The other three girls were stunned and unbelievable.


Acquired a factory.

This tone is too casual, right?

It's as if Li Tianyu went to the vegetable market and bought some Chinese cabbage.

Of course, I don't know the size of the factory.

There are also many small workshop-style factories in Langzhou, and those are not worth a lot of money.

Wu Mingzhe knows Li Tianyu better now. With his current "net worth", the factory must be small.

"You are still a small boss, you are all big bosses! How big is the factory? More than a hundred people?"

Li Tianyu sighed and stretched out two fingers: "There are about two hundred workers alone, and the others add up to 300 people."

Everyone was surprised.

Especially Yan Jing, who had a face of disdain at the beginning, at this time she couldn't speak at all.

As for Chen Xiaoyan, the look in Li Tianyu's eyes changed.

A bar in Wulitun is already incredible.

Now, under Li Tianyu's command, there is an additional factory with a few hundred people, which is hard to imagine.

Chen Xiaoyan unconsciously sat closer to Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu smelled a faint perfume.

It's not pungent, it smells good, it's a very advanced kind.

After everyone drank the juice, they set off into Dibei Water Town.

Speaking of this water town, although the developer built it manually on the basis of a village at the foot of a mountain in recent years, the overall operation is still good.

At least you can see the ancient water town in the south with such a high degree of restoration in the north, and there are food, drink, visits, and fun in it, which is pretty good.

Although it is a big summer, it may be located at the foot of the mountain and has the relationship of running water. In this Dibei Water Town, it does not feel hot, and sometimes it feels that there is a cool breeze blowing, which is quite comfortable.

Li Tianyu had only visited Dibei Water Town once before, and it was quite fresh to go shopping with these four people.

At this time Wu Mingzhe and Jiang Lan were in the forefront, terribly tired and crooked.

Chen Xiaoyan and Yan Jing walked behind Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu didn't know that the two girls were talking about him in a low voice.

Chen Xiaoyan: "At first I heard what Wu Mingzhe and Jiang Lan said, but I still didn't believe it very much. I didn't expect him to be a real tyrant."

Yan Jing: "Xiaoyan, are there few local tyrants around you?"

Chen Xiaoyan: "It's a lot, but they are not so young. Most of them are old men and don't want to see them."

Yan Jing: "No, there are a few rich second generations?"

Chen Xiaoyan "cut" and said, "What's the use of the rich second generation? All the money is from the family. I don't have any abilities. It is not surprising that I will starve to death when the family is strict.

Yan Jing: "Okay, what you said is reasonable, but this Li Tianyu, I think there is a problem. It is driving a luxury car, driving a bar, and closing a factory. Are you sure he is not acting?"

Chen Xiaoyan was startled: "I said, do you think too much? How can anyone act like this? What is he doing?"

Yan Jing chuckled, "Do you still have to ask? Of course it is greedy for your body..."

Chen Xiaoyan said "Ah", and immediately started to twist people, and Yan Jing lay down quickly.69 school bag

The two girls began to chase and fight.

Although Li Tianyu was a little confused, she looked pretty seductive when she looked at Chen Xiaoyan in her short skirt and long legs.

Several people walked and turned, and came to a small square unknowingly.

This small square is very chic.

There are quite beautiful fountains, a large stage, a variety show, and more vendors selling things.

Not far away, there is a hot spring pool specially for tourists to soak their feet.

I saw many tourists taking off their shoes and socks, sitting there talking and laughing.

Seeing the hot spring, Li Tianyu suddenly remembered that his villa was nearby.

Li Tianyu turned his head and looked at the mountain.

Don't say it, you can see the villas in the Yunshu realm on the hillside at a glance.

It’s been a long time since I went to live in the villa, just now that I’m free these few days, I can go to the bubble hot spring water to experience the feeling of vacation.

At this time, Wu Mingzhe said: "Are you all hungry? I invite everyone to dinner!"

Yan Jing joked: "Yeah, it's good to dare, but what do you want us to eat? We won't eat the cheaper ones!"

Jiang Lan: "Why are you so capable, just let you eat cooking!"

Yan Jing: "Hey, I haven't gotten married yet, so I just protect my husband. If I get married, I won't be able to become a housekeeper in seconds!"

Jiang Lan didn't say anything, and chased Yan Jing into a fight.

When the two stopped panting, Wu Mingzhe said, "Since we are here in Dibei Water Town, let's go and see the characteristics here."

Li Tianyu sneered: "What other specialties are there? Aren't they all a hodgepodge of different places!"

Wu Mingzhe: "Then you just don't understand, come with me."

With that said, Wu Mingzhe took the lead and swaggered forward, Li Tianyu and others followed.

What Wu Mingzhe is going to eat will be revealed in a while.

After a while, several people came to a restaurant.

The hotel is located in an alley near the small square.

The facade is not big, but it is quite distinctive.

From the outside, it looks like a farm house, but it is a small two-story building with a large area.

There are bunches of red dried chili hanging outside the wooden window, and I don't know if it is real or fake.

There is a wooden sign hanging on one side of the door with a few big characters written on it-Sima Gang Restaurant.

Li Tianyu was happy: "This name is interesting, maybe it was created by Sima Guang's descendants, right?"

Directly facing the entrance of the restaurant, there was a big jar, broken in half.

If it was the one that Sima Guang smashed to save his friends, maybe someone really believed it.

Chen Xiaoyan: "I know this restaurant is very popular in Dibei Water Town. I heard that if you don't book in advance, there will be no seats at all."

Just like Chen Xiaoyan said.

People came and went at the entrance of the hotel. Looking in from the outside, the lobby on the first floor was full of customers.

The waiter's feet were windy, and he shuttled back and forth between the seats, carrying plates and bowls, so he was so busy.

And this restaurant is indeed very distinctive.

The seats are all benches.

The table is even more interesting, that is, a square table top is placed on the wine tank.

The restaurant’s main specialty is the local farmer’s cuisine, and it has been redesigned to look and taste quite good.

Of course, the consumption of a restaurant with such a careful attention will certainly not be low.

However, everyone who comes here to play is like a wealthy person, and doesn't care about the price at all.

Li Tianyu: "I said, did you book a seat in advance?"

Wu Mingzhe laughed and said, "I'm doing errands, you have to rest assured, I not only booked, but also the private room on the second floor."

When everyone heard it, they immediately rushed in.

After wandering in Dibei Water Town for a long time, I was already hungry.

Hotel front desk.

The front desk clerk is a little girl.

"Sir, how many are you? This side is full and needs to be ranked."

Wu Mingzhe waved his hand: "We reserved a seat."

Waiter: "Then tell me your name and cell phone number, I'll check it."

Wu Mingzhe said the reservation information in turn, and added: "We booked room 6 on the second floor at 12 noon."

Waiter: "Okay, wait a minute, I will check for you."

While talking, the waiter used the computer to check the reservation information.

After a while, looking at the waiter's expression, he looked at Wu Mingzhe and stopped talking.

Wu Mingzhe didn't think much, but asked impatiently: "Have you found it? We've been waiting for a long time, it's all time."

The time now is exactly twelve o'clock at noon. Logically speaking, it should be possible to "enter".

The waiter had no choice but to respond, "Mr. Wu, I'm sorry, there are people in private room No. 6, why don't you wait for a while, and when it becomes available, you can arrange a few people to eat."

Wu Mingzhe raised his eyebrows: "Someone? How did you arrange it?"

Jiang Lan persuaded: "Why don't you wait a while? Maybe the group of people in front hasn't finished eating yet."

Wu Mingzhe is also very temperamental, so he is willing to wait: "Then let's go up and see when they are going to eat."

With that, Wu Mingzhe rushed upstairs again.

The other four people followed.

The waiter looked anxious: "Hey, don't go up yet..."

It was as if the five people hadn't heard it at all. When the waiter saw this, he had to call the store manager.

At the same time, Li Tianyu, Wu Mingzhe and others were already on the second floor.

Looking left and right, I found room No.6.

Wu Mingzhe glanced at the wooden sign hanging at the door of the private room with the word Lu written on it.

Wu Mingzhe: "Is that right?"

Li Tianyu said "illiterate" and pushed the door directly.

If there is someone inside, just close it again.

Who knows, the room in No. Lu is empty, where is a half-person figure?

Wu Mingzhe looked straight and said, "Fuck! What's the situation?"

Jiang Lan was also a little angry: "What's the matter? Didn't it mean that there are people inside?"

Yan Jing: "Follow him! Since there is no one, let's go in."

Five people filed in, sat down, and asked the waiter to order.

But the people who came in were not like waiters.

He is a man of about forty years old, wearing a robe and mantle that suits the scene.

This person is indeed not a waiter, he is a store manager named Wang Youan.

As soon as Wang Youan received a report from the front desk clerk on the first floor, he rushed over.

"A few, I'm sorry, I am the manager of the hotel, this private room is not available now."

Wu Mingzhe was angry, and stared at him, "Why!? I made a reservation, and it shows that the reservation is successful. I still have text messages on my mobile phone! Would you like to check it out!"

With that, Wu Mingzhe took out his phone and opened the text message.

Wang Youan waved his hand: "No, I know you have reserved it, but this private going to be renovated, and it is temporarily suspended..."

This statement is really strange.

How can a restaurant with only one private room decorated?

This store manager is either nonsense, or his brain is sick!

Jiang Lan: "It doesn't matter if you decorate it, can't we decorate it after we finish eating?"

Wang Youan showed a rather troubled look: "No, really can't, or else, I... can I lose you money?"

Wu Mingzhe: "Drink, OK, how much do you have to pay us?"

Wang Youan stretched out a finger.

Wu Mingzhe: "One thousand?"

Wang Youan: "One hundred."

Wu Mingzhe was exasperated: "I said you can do something charming in a hotel like this big? I booked this private room. You didn't let us eat, and you only paid one hundred yuan. This is not a humiliation. Well!"

Wang Youan: "Where is it? Or else, you will go to the manager's affairs with me, and we will discuss it carefully."

Wu Mingzhe "cut": "If you want to be beautiful, let's sit here. You bring the menu and we order. Can we discuss it while we eat?"

Wang Youan: "This, this really doesn't work."

At this time, Li Tianyu: "Manager Wang, why don't you tell the truth, what the hell is going on, don't say it is for renovation, we are not fools, even if we are fools, we won't believe you."

These words amused Chen Xiaoyan.

Wang Youan was about to speak when footsteps came from outside the private room.

Then he came in with a big fat face.

The people who came in were also in their forties. They were very "smooth" and were obviously a model of overnutrition.

The man looked at the situation, frowned, turned his head and said to Wang Youan, "Pharaoh, what's the matter? Why are there people in this private room?"

Wang Youan had no choice but to say: "Director Duan, I'm sorry, they... they are the customers who made a reservation here before, and they broke in."

Director Duan is named Duan Mingxue, who is the director of the service management department of the scenic spot in Dibei Water Town.

Duan Mingxue glared at Wang Youan: "I don't care who they are, you can clear the venue as soon as possible, and the VIPs I have invited are coming."

Wang Youan immediately said to Wu Mingzhe: "Mr. Wu, otherwise, I will accompany you five hundred, or you can wait a while and I will arrange another seat for you."

Where is Wu Mingzhe willing to do it, Hengmei said coldly, "Why, we booked this private room, we are going to eat here! If you want to lose money, then lose a big one, lose tens of thousands of dollars, we can still consider giving this old boy Give way!"

Duan Mingxue squinted his eyes: "Who do you think the old boy?"

Wu Mingzhe: "Who do you care about me? Don't take a seat!"


Duan Mingxue really couldn't say that Wu Mingzhe, then turned around and said to Wang Youan: "Are there no security guards here? You can clear them out!?"

Wang Youan is in a dilemma: "Director Duan, how can it work? Something will happen like that."

Duan Mingxue patted his fat breast: "What can happen? I am here! What can happen?"

Jiang Lan was a little worried that things would make a big mess, so he whispered to Wu Mingzhe, "Why don't we eat somewhere else? There is no need to be angry with these people."

Of course Wu Mingzhe refused.

Don't fight for steamed bread, fight for breath!

At this time, someone came from outside.

Duan Mingxue took a look and quickly said: "Director Sun, you are here."

Then, Li Tianyu saw the face of a woman who was still an acquaintance.

It turned out to be the director of the Imperial Service Administration Bureau, Sun Ling.

She is the one to be invited by the director of the Ming School to co-author this passage!

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