Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 201 Day to enter the fight for gold, under the sanatorium (large chapter, subscription)

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!To be honest, the three girls, Jiang Lan, Chen Xiaoyan, and Yan Jing panicked when the "big men" arrived.

After all, in a place like the imperial capital, there is a saying that until the emperor does not know the official junior.

It can be seen that in such a place, big people can be encountered at any time.

If you come with a high status, it will be a little troublesome to provoke the opponent.

This "Director Sun" did not come alone, but was followed by three or four people.

It's not a small show at a glance.

However, Wu Mingzhe's face showed no sign of shaking.

He is an unrelenting temper and is not afraid of anything.

In fact, as he grows older, Wu Mingzhe has already converged.

If he was in college, he would ignore all the big and small people and just go straight up and do it all.

Of course, Li Tianyu was mixed with Wu Mingzhe all the year round in college, and it was not much better.

At this time, the big man Sun Ling felt strange.

"Director Duan, what are you doing at the door?"

Duan Mingxue: "It's nothing, Director Sun, wait a minute, the hotel has some misunderstandings with some guests, and it will be resolved immediately."

Sun Ling said "Oh".

Wang Youan said quickly: "Director Sun, Director Duan, or you guys go to the lounge for tea first, and after I resolve it later, I will call some people over for dinner."

Duan Mingxue: "Okay, Lao Wang, hurry up, we still have something to do after dinner."

Wang Youan quickly said "yes".

Duan Mingxue was about to turn around to greet Sun Ling, but he heard movement behind him.

Looking back, the young man who had been sitting silently stood up and walked to the door.

Duan Mingxue's first reaction was that they were leaving.

Don't these young people who don't know the heights of the sky are tough?

Duan Mingxue sneered in his heart.

But he didn't want to be familiar with these people, so he didn't sneer.

It was Li Tianyu who was not standing up.

Wu Mingzhe was a little strange: "Tianyu, where are you going?"

Li Tianyu: "I met an acquaintance, say hello."

At this time, Sun Ling outside the private room heard Li Tianyu's voice, and felt familiar, so she took a look.

"Yeah, Tianyu, why are you here?"

Duan Mingxue and Wang Youan were startled, and then looked at each other.

what happened?

Director Sun and this person know each other?

Duan Mingxue reacted immediately and said, "Director Sun, do you know him?"

Sun Ling did not respond to Duan Mingxue, but walked directly into the private room and chatted with Li Tianyu.

The two shook hands, really like a pair of old acquaintances.

"Tianyu, it's been a long time since we had an appointment for that meal. You always say that you don't have time, and you really don't give me face."

Li Tianyu said haha: "Sister Sun, look at what you said, how dare I? My cousin got married some time ago and I went to help. He is far away, in Yongxiang City."

Everyone, including Wu Mingzhe, was stunned.

Seeing the closeness of the two people, it is by no means an ordinary nodding acquaintance.

Chen Xiaoyan and Yan Jing looked at each other.

This Li Tianyu is really unfathomable and full of mystery.

I heard Sun Ling say again: "That's OK, let's make an appointment later."

Li Tianyu: "What's the appointment? Let's eat together."

Sun Ling looked at Wu Mingzhe and others, and said with a smile: "You young people's party, I will join in some fun, let's talk about it later."

Sun Ling asked again: "By the way, I said just now that you have any misunderstandings with this restaurant, what is going on?"

Li Tianyu glanced at Wu Mingzhe, who immediately understood.

Wu Mingzhe stood up: "Well, Sister Sun, I’m Tianyu’s classmate. I reserved a seat here yesterday. It’s the number six. No, it’s the No. 6 private room. The result was a question. The hotel manager wouldn’t let us in. Said it was intercepted midway by someone else."

Wang Youan was taken aback: "Oh, I, I didn't say that!"

Wu Mingzhe: "I said you manager, didn't you just mean that?"

Of course Sun Ling is also a smart person, and she immediately understood what was going on.

She frowned and turned to Duan Mingxue: "Director Duan, did you arrange for someone else to book a seat?"

Duan Mingxue felt that it was not good just now. At this time, he felt that he had to take a break, and he immediately waved his hands to explain: "No, it was me and my assistant who arranged it. I don't know."

Sun Ling glared at Duan Mingxue: "I don't care who arranged it. In the future, I will do this kind of mess, and I will use your privileges for a meal. I think I am amazing and no one dares to control it? "

Duan Mingxue lowered his head, like a fat eggplant wilted by Qiu Shuang. He wanted to say something, but didn't dare, so he just listened.

Sun Ling waved his hand: "With so many restaurants in Dibei Water Town, is it possible that there is no place? I have to do these and nothing! Is it possible that Sima Guang Hotel can live forever after eating?"

Wang Youan wiped the sweat from his face: "Director Sun, it's not the Sima Guang Hotel, it's the Sima Gang Restaurant..."

Sun Ling: "Okay, Director Duan, go out quickly with someone! Find a restaurant to make a meal!"

"Yes, Director Sun, then we go out first."

After Duan Ming had finished speaking, he led people downstairs.

Sun Ling said to Wang Youan, "Manager Wang, they have this meal on my account."

Wang Youan was startled: "Oh, don't say that. You don't have to worry about this, I will arrange it."

Sun Ling let out a "um", and then said to Li Tianyu: "I'm sorry, I'm disturbing you and your classmates."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, anyway, you are here, and we didn't suffer."

Sun Ling laughed.

At this moment, she suddenly thought of something, and took Li Tianyu out of the private room.

Li Tianyu is a little strange, why did Sun Ling suddenly become mysterious?

Sun Ling: "Tianyu, you are also a boss. I will tell you one thing, don't tell it to you."

It must be a very important thing to see that Sun Ling's expression is serious.

Li Tianyu immediately expressed his attitude seriously: "Sister Sun, don't worry, I'm strict."

Sun Ling nodded: "On the north side of Dibei Water Town, near the northeast corner, there is a yard for sale. If you have spare money, you can go and see it. You won't lose money."

Li Tianyu asked curiously: "Yard? Farmyard?"

Sun Ling: "No. It used to be a state-run sanatorium. It could not be used for commercial purposes, but it will soon be converted. Our service bureau is also working on this matter. I just passed by in the morning."

Li Tianyu suddenly realized.

In the past, the nursing home could not be used for commercial purposes, so it was worthless and worthless.

But if it can be used commercially in the future, the potential is unlimited.

Where is this Dibei Water Town?

This is a 5A-level scenic spot with a lot of tourists and even more commercial value than the core area of ​​the imperial capital.

Open an inn or even a hotel at will, it will definitely make a lot of money.

Sun Ling added:

"That's a big and good place. The price should not be very high now. If it becomes commercial land in the future, it will rise to the sky."

"If you are interested and capable, just go over and take a look. If it's too late, it's too late. There are many people staring there now.

Li Tianyu's heart moved slightly, and he nodded quickly: "Okay, thank you Sister Sun, I'm really interested."

Sun Ling nodded and waved to Li Tianyu's friends politely before leaving.

Li Tianyu returned to his seat and looked at Wang Youan.

Wang Youan looked a little disturbed.

"Manager Wang, what are you waiting for? Let's serve it."

Wang Youan wiped his sweat and quickly responded, "Okay, I'll get the menu."

Wu Mingzhe smiled: "What menu do you want, you can take your dishes, look delicious, expensive, come up, we will try it for you."

Jiang Lan glanced at Wu Mingzhe: "Are you going too far? Aren't you embarrassing Manager Wang?"

Wang Youan forced a smile: "Don't be embarrassed, don't be embarrassed, I'll make arrangements for a few people, and rest assured, this meal is all free!"

With that said, Wang Youan left.

Then another waiter brought a pot of tea.

You can tell by the color of the tea, it is definitely a good tea.

Wu Mingzhe held out his thumb at Li Tianyu: "Awesome, so amazing, Tianyu, I found that you are also a proper big person now, where can you eat well?"

Li Tianyu quickly humbled a few words: "It just happens to be, don't think about it."

Chen Xiaoyan and Yan Jing were even more curious and asked Li Tianyu.

"Who is that grandson? It doesn't seem easy to hug the ground before and after."

"Yes, he won't be your relative? Are you familiar with her?"

"What? You see him being so close to other women, are you unhappy?"

"Oh, what are you talking about!? Are you crazy?"

"Yeah, Xiaoyan, isn't that right? Why are you in a hurry?"

Li Tianyu chuckled and became the center of the topic. He didn't feel embarrassed at all, but rather enjoyed it.

At this time, Sima Gang's meals were served continuously by the waitresses.

Although it's the main farmer's dish, it looks very fancy, and the amount of dishes is not too big. It is clearly in the direction of fine dishes.

The five people, Li Tianyu, soon discovered that a large table in front of them was almost full.

Even if the amount of each dish is smaller, you can never finish it.

Wang Youan, Manager Wang, has lost money this time.

What kind of sauerkraut donkey meat, three cups of chicken wings, wine-flavored dancing chicken, crock-pot meat and mushroom braised pork, Sima braised bean curd...

Li Tianyu thinks that the two dishes of stewed meat, mushrooms, beans and fried fish head in farmhouse reservoir sauce are quite good.

Everyone was very happy to have this meal while talking.

After an hour, five people came out contentedly.

Especially Wu Mingzhe, when he came out, he was full and hiccups, feeling that his stomach was two laps bigger.

Wu Mingzhe: "Where are you going now? Continue shopping? Or find a small shop to drink something?"

Li Tianyu has been thinking about what Sun Ling said since just now.

That is the sanatorium located in Dibei Water Town.

Originally, he wanted to make time for him to come back, but Sun Ling told him that it was best to go as soon as possible, as there were many people staring there.

Moreover, Sun Ling's meaning is also very obvious, that place will soon be used and used, and if you wait for the change to go, the price will definitely rise, and it will rush into the sky like a sky monkey.

Li Tianyu wondered, if the nursing home is for non-commercial use at this time, which category does it belong to in the judgment of the bragging system?

It cannot be an office building anyway.

Office buildings are also commercial real estate.

The only possibility is residential.Little Bookstore

Seeing that Li Tianyu had not spoken, Wu Mingzhe was about to give him a choke from behind.

"I said, which beautiful girl do you think about?"

Li Tianyu leaned to the side and said, "Otherwise, let's walk inside. I know a place and I want to see it there."

Wu Mingzhe: "Okay, it's fine anyway."

Everyone had no opinion, so they continued along the main street of Dibei Water Town and walked inside.

It’s not boring to have fun while chatting, and just go in and shop when you see interesting shops.

At this time, Li Tianyu saw an asphalt road on the left leading to the north.

So Li Tianyu greeted everyone on this asphalt road.

There are also a lot of tourists coming and going here, and at the same time there are often battery sightseeing cars that drive tourists inside.

Chen Xiaoyan said: "Are you still leaving? All the way forward is the hotel."

Li Tianyu nodded: "Walk again, where we are going, this is about to arrive."

Wu Mingzhe: "Let's come back later and see if there is any room in the hotel."

Jiang Lan: "Impossible, today is the weekend, there are no vacancies long ago."

Wu Mingzhe: "So hot?"

Yan Jing: "Even if there are vacancies, the price is very high."

Chen Xiaoyan: "Yes, the standard room is about three to four thousand yuan."

When Li Tianyu came to Dibei Water Town before, he didn't live there, so he went back that day.

Of course I have never experienced a hotel here.

It is said that there are so many big hotels in the scenic area of ​​Dibei Water Town.

These hotels are very luxurious, of course the consumption is not low.

Usually it’s okay. It’s about 1,000 to 2,000 yuan a night. On weekends and other holidays, it must be properly doubled. The accommodation fee per night can reach 2,000-5,000 yuan.

Why is it so expensive?

Because the night experience in Dibei Water Town is quite excellent.

Not only the scenery is more beautiful and lively, but there are also various performances, such as drama, fireworks, acrobatics and the like.

In Dibei Water Town, in addition to the few inns, these are the large hotels.

The hotel’s facilities and accommodation experience are of course much better than those of the inn. It’s definitely hard to find a room during holidays.

When passing by the hotel, Li Tianyu turned his head and took a look. The facade was really well done.

Anyway, it is normal for the price to be so high.

Within a few minutes of walking forward, Li Tianyu saw a relatively old big iron gate.

"It should be over there."

Li Tianyu walked over with a few people, and he saw a white wooden sign hanging at the door, which read-Imperial City Ancient Water Town Sanatorium.

Yes, I finally found a place.

Wu Mingzhe: "This is the place you are looking for?"

Li Tianyu: "That's it."

The two big iron doors were closed, but there was a small door on the big iron door. Li Tianyu tried to push it, and it really opened.

Five people filed in and walked through the door.

This is a very large yard.

Surrounding the courtyard are buildings on three sides, which are connected as a whole.

Some of these buildings are two-story and some are three-story. From the outside, they are rather dilapidated. Obviously, they have not been repaired for a long time.

And the yard is full of weeds, and in some places even one person is tall and pitted. It is estimated that it has been abandoned for a long time.

Behind the building is a mountain.

But this mountain is not steep, it should be possible to climb up.

Chen Xiaoyan: "This nursing home is quite big, but it seems that there is no one left."

Yan Jing: "Yeah, it looks gloomy, isn't it a GUI room?"

Wu Mingzhe joked, "Tianyu, are you going to stay here for the elderly?"

Li Tianyu: "Fuck you, let's get better, maybe buddy will buy it here."

The other four people were taken aback.

Want to buy such a big place?

The most important thing is that this place is inside the Dibei Water Town Scenic Area. This place is not ordinary. Compared with the prime area of ​​the main city of the Imperial Capital, it is not bad.

In such a large area, it is more than a few thousand square meters.

How much money would it cost to buy it?

It's really hard to imagine.

However, Li Tianyu said so lightly.

It's not like buying Chinese cabbage at a vegetable market, it's more like picking two green onions.

Li Tianyu looked at the expressions of the people and laughed: "Looking at you like this, I just said that casually."

Wu Mingzhe: "Tianyu, you brag, I have to believe it."

Li Tianyu waved his hand and started to wander around.

To be honest, if the big yard is set down and something needs to be done, it will involve a huge project.

For these two or three-story buildings, if they are to be used, they need to be refurbished and strengthened. Now they may still leak.

In this large yard, some pavilions, stone tables, and stone benches have been built, and the utilization rate is too low.

But having said that, this location is really great.

It is located exactly on the street of a high-class hotel, not far from the Riyuedao Square in the ancient town, and it is only a few steps away.

Li Tianyu couldn't help thinking that if a hotel could be built here, there would be more than a lot of money.

Dibei Water Town is one of the most popular scenic spots in the Imperial Capital.

The peak season is very busy and the off-season is not low, so business must be quite good.

And after all, Sun Ling is an industry-related person with a very good vision. Since she said there is a lot of potential here, there must be no problem.

Li Tianyu thought of this and felt it necessary to use the system to verify it.

If bragging can be done, it is best.

Otherwise, although it is indeed cheap when there is no change in use, it is also relatively cheap compared to other commercial land.

In the scenic area, where can such a large yard be cheaper?

At this moment, the gate of the courtyard was moving.

A person opened the two large iron doors, and it seemed that there was a vehicle coming in.

That was a man, he was not too young, he was about fifty or sixty years old.

He was very surprised when he saw Li Tianyu and the five others, so he walked over.

"Are you tourists?"

Li Tianyu: "Fine, hello, hello."

As he said, he took the initiative to reach out and shook his hand.

At the same time, he quickly grasped the information of this person.

The man's name is Liu Fushun and he works as an administrator here.

This sanatorium has been closed since the planning of the scenic area began, and has been idle.

From then on, Liu Fushun was only responsible for looking at the yard and guarding the gate.

In fact, there is nothing to guard here, there are broken tables, broken chairs, broken beds and so on in the building.

There are some TV sets that are more than ten years old.

To put it bluntly, even the thief is reluctant to come, for fear of being covered in dust.

Liu Fushun waved to Li Tianyu and the others: "Go out, this is not a scenic spot. You can't enter casually."

Li Tianyu: "We didn't come here to play, just want to see."

With that said, Li Tianyu took out the cigarette case and handed Liu Fushun a cigarette.

Liu Fushun smiled, obviously an old smoker.

When it comes to communication between men, tobacco and alcohol are indeed the best medium.

Liu Fushun's attitude has obviously improved.

"I said, brother, what's so good about this? You paid for the tickets to come in, not to see the broken yard?"

Li Tianyu: "Uncle Liu, I heard that it will be sold here?"

Liu Fushun asked in surprise: "How do you know my last name is Liu?"

Li Tianyu was speechless for a while, and hurriedly made a haha: "I guessed it, really right?"

Liu Fushun laughed: "My last name is Liu, by the way, what did you ask me just now?"

At this time, Wu Mingzhe and others also surrounded them curiously.

Li Tianyu: "Is this yard for sale?"

Liu Fushun: "I'm just a gatekeeper, I don't know the specifics, but people often come to see it recently, and they are really interested in this courtyard.

"By the way, there will be a group of people coming over in a while. I just received the notification from the boss and opened the door."

Li Tianyu pondered for a while, it seemed that he must start as soon as possible.

Just like Sun Ling said, many people have been eyeing this place.

Moreover, these people's identities are not ordinary, and I must have heard the news that this sanatorium will be converted to commercial use.

Li Tianyu: "Okay, Uncle Liu, I won't disturb you at work, we'll just go around a little bit and leave immediately."

Liu Fushun nodded: "Okay, don't turn for too long, let the boss know, my job will not be guaranteed."

Li Tianyu happily agreed.

After Liu Fushun left, Wu Mingzhe asked, "I said, you don't really want to buy here, do you?"

Li Tianyu: "I'm telling you that I have already bought this place, but I haven't come to see it on the spot yet, so I happened to come here today.

When the other four heard this, they all showed awe.

Li Tianyu took out his mobile phone: "I'll make a call first, you guys wait for me."

With that, Li Tianyu walked far away and made a call.

Yan Jing couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Wu Mingzhe, isn't he bragging?"

Jiang Lan: "Li Tianyu does have money now, but at least tens of millions to buy such a large place? He has so much money?"

Wu Mingzhe shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

Although Wu Mingzhe knows Li Tianyu, that's what it used to be, and now he can't figure out his routine.

At the same time, Li Tianyu opened the system interface and then entered the order center.

He had blown the bull out in public just now.

Normally, tax information related to this Gushui Town Sanatorium will appear in the Order Center.

Li Tianyu couldn't help getting nervous, if not, he would be busy here for nothing.

The order list is refreshing...

The information is out!

Sure enough, the state of the Gushui Town Sanatorium at this time can be purchased!

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