Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 207 Ai Xiaopang, come right!

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Qi Juntao was more sincere, and quickly said: "Indeed, we also fell in love with the signboard of Aihua Real Estate, and felt that there should be no major problems in quality, so we wanted to buy a house here."

Du Wenke smiled: "So, buying a house depends not only on the location, but also the developer and property."

"By the way, especially for properties, Jinjingmeihe Garden is a direct development project of our Aihua Real Estate, so we will definitely use our property company."

Yang Li: "Is it Aihua Property?"

Du Wenke: "Yes, Aihua Property has always been one of the top ten special companies in China. It charges fair fees, implements strict round-the-clock patrols, separates people and vehicles, pays attention to safety, standardization, and more importantly, service. Attitude, that is definitely the best in the country, these...I think several of you should understand."

Yang Li and Qi Juntao showed very happy expressions, with four words clearly written on their faces-"I like it very much".

After all they were still young, Du Wenke and the others were relatively proficient in sales skills, and the young couple surrendered in just a few sentences.

However, Aihua Property is indeed a very good presence among domestic property companies.

Good property companies are very important in first-tier cities and are also scarce services.

Generally speaking, the unit price of second-hand housing in the communities served by Aihua Property Management is about 10-30% higher than that of the surrounding common property company communities.

Therefore, the Jinjingmeihe Garden blessed by Aihua Real Estate has become more attractive to Yang Li and Qi Juntao.

Yang Li couldn't help but said, "But is there really no discount for your price? The down payment ratio is relatively high in terms of policy. If we follow our budget, it is indeed not enough."

The current calculation is based on the average price of the two buildings at 73,000 yuan.

Imperial Capital’s housing purchase policy is that up to 70% of commercial loans can be used for the first home.

That is, 30% of the down payment is required.

Yang Li and Qi Juntao want to buy a 98-square-meter two-bedroom apartment, and the total purchase price for that suite exceeds 7 million.

The down payment requires at least 2.14 million, which does not count various taxes.

And the budget of the two people is to control the payment within 2 million.

Du Wenke sighed, showing a somewhat embarrassed expression: "Well, if you can book a room today, then I will try my best to apply to the leader and see if I can give them a discount."

Qi Juntao: "Then how much discount can I apply for?"

Du Wenke pondered for a moment and replied: "This is not good. Generally speaking, there is a discount of up to 5%, and this discount is only valid on the day and will expire tomorrow, so you have to think carefully."

Qi Juntao and Yang Li looked at each other and looked a little embarrassed.

However, looking at the expressions of the two of them, it was just a little struggle in their hearts, and in the end, they must book a house here.

This is the case for buying a house in China. Developers have a variety of routines that are intertwined with each other, which is to make people in need struggle to pay.

The final purchase price is much higher than the budget.

It doesn’t matter if you can buy a satisfactory house. The key is not completely satisfied. I originally wanted to buy a middle-floor house, but only low-floor or high-floor units could only be bought.

Yang Li was about to speak, but was preempted by Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu: "By the way, Manager Du, I have a question."

Du Wenke was startled: "You can ask."

Li Tianyu: "If someone inside your Aihua buys this property, how much discount can you make?"

Du Wenke was stunned. He didn't expect Li Tianyu to ask this question. He immediately responded: "Oh, we do have some discounts for the company's real estate purchases by our internal staff, but they are not much, nor can we save much money."

Du Wenke obviously didn't want to tell the truth.

It seems that the internal employees of Aihua Real Estate can get a good discount.

Of course, if there are some small positions in the company, such as department heads, the discount may be higher, and there may even be housing subsidies.

To be honest, Li Tianyu is also a member of the Aihua Real Estate Group. Whether he goes to the company or not, he is also a planner in the president's office.

Moreover, Li Tianyu also ran over to drink two pots of tea with Ai Baoquan from time to time, which was regarded as a check-in.

In other words, as long as Li Tianyu reveals his identity, manager Du Wenke will surely slap his ass.

However, Li Tianyu still hesitated whether to help the young couple Qi Juntao and Yang Li.

If Qi Wei encountered such a thing, Li Tianyu would definitely go up to help without hesitation.

But Qi Juntao is just Qi Wei's younger brother, so he almost has a relationship.

But seeing the young couple tangled up, Li Tianyu decided to take action.

Otherwise, he put the name of the planner here.

With Li Tianyu's words, Yang Li and Qi Juntao just got some time, so think about it.

Li Tianyu: "Manager Du, since we've all talked about this, I won't hide it anymore. I am also from Aihua Real Estate."

As soon as he said this, everyone showed a surprised expression.

Unexpectedly, Li Tianyu would work in Aihua Real Estate.

Qi Wei was even stunned. He thought that Li Tianyu had been doing Internet-related work. Why did he suddenly switch careers?

Real estate companies have nothing to do with the Internet industry.

Moreover, Aihua Real Estate is a domestic first-line real estate developer, and being able to go to work is indeed quite powerful.

No wonder Li Tianyu even drove a Porsche, and his salary should not be low.

At the same time, Qi Wei was not sure whether Li Tianyu was telling the truth or was defrauding Du Wenke and wanted to force a discount.

However, the possibility of Li Tianyu lying is not very high. After all, no one is a fool. This kind of thing will be known after investigation.

Qi Juntao and Yang Li couldn't help showing surprise expressions.

If Li Tianyu is really an employee of Aihua Real Estate, then maybe he can really get a bigger discount.

Du Wenke was really surprised: "Sir, how do you call it?"

Li Tianyu: "My last name is Li."

Du Wenke: "You said you work in Aihua Real Estate?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "That's right."

Du Wenke: "But I haven't seen you before."

Li Tianyu: "Aihua Real Estate is a large group company. It's normal that you haven't seen it before, and I work at the headquarters, and I rarely show up in real estate projects."

Du Wenke looked at Li Tianyu: "Then which department are you in? Do you have a work card or the like that can prove your identity?"

Li Tianyu shook his head: "I don't have one, but if I want to prove that it's very simple, it's just a phone call. Now I want to know, how much discount is there for the insiders of Aihua Group to buy a house from you?"

Du Wenke hesitated, or said: "It depends on your position."

Li Tianyu: "Above the department director level."


"Huh!? Really?"

Not only Du Wenke, but Qi Wei, Qi Juntao and Yang Li all showed surprised expressions.

Large group companies are different from SMEs.

Once the name of the director is listed, it means that you are an elite in the industry and have some popularity.

Those are all high-paid talents that this headhunter harassed all day long.

And Li Tianyu actually claimed to be at the headquarters of Aihua Real Estate Group, a position of "director above", wouldn't he be an elite among the elite?

Du Wenke is unbelievable. If he is such a high-status elite, how can he not say hello in advance?

And looking at what Li Tianyu looked like just now, I didn't even know that Jinjingmeihe Garden was a project of Aihua Real Estate.China Book Library

This should not be the case. How can any executives do not know what projects the company has?

That would be too incompetent!

No wonder Du Wenke was so skeptical. Li Tianyu is indeed incompetent and basically does not go to work. He still has a salary every month.

Li Tianyu hadn't even noticed how much salary it was. It was better than nothing.

Du Wenke said seriously: "Mr. Li, I hope you can be more cautious. If you fraudulently use the company's senior management status to make profits, you will not succeed, but you will also be legally responsible."

When Li Tianyu heard it, people didn't believe it at all.

He waved his hand: "Manager Du, where did you think of it."

This is really troublesome.

Li Tianyu regrets it a bit. He should ask Ai Baoquan for a work card, or business card, to prove his identity.

Now I can only call Ai Baoquan just like the last time I was in the demolition office.

To be honest, Li Tianyu doesn't want to fight very much. What if Ai Baoquan is talking about life, ideals, and poetry with the little beauty of the film school?

I'm so embarrassed to disturb others' Yaxing.

Li Tianyu's hesitation made others want to get crooked.

Thinking that Li Tianyu was lying to Du Wenke just now, he was questioned by Du Wenke, and he was withered.'

When Yang Li and Qi Juntao saw, they were also withered.

I just saw a small flame of hope, and I was extinguished by someone soaking in urine. This feeling was not very pleasant.

At this moment, Du Wenke's cell phone rang.

He took out his phone and looked at the screen, showing a nervous look.

Regardless of these "customers" in front of him, Du Wenke picked up the phone, seeing him like this as if it was a call from someone, causing him to be confused for a while.

"Ai, President Ai, hello, yes, I am Du Wenke."

"Ah? You, are you here? Where are you at the door?"

Everyone vaguely heard a loud "nonsense", which came out of the handset of the phone.

Du Wenke said immediately: "Okay, okay, I'll go out to pick you up right away, right away..."

Du Wenke hadn't finished saying this "immediately", the other party hung up the phone, so that his words were held back.

Du Wenke stood up and said, "I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry for a while, and you can talk to Xiao Zhao about anything later."

Du Wenke turned around and said to Zhao Qian: "Xiao Zhao, you take it over, I have already said everything I can say anyway."

Zhao Qian hurriedly replied: "Okay, go ahead."

Du Wenke couldn't respond, and ran away.

Qi Juntao and Yang Li were a little confused, and they didn't understand what the manager did, and they ran away suddenly.

Zhao Qian sat down opposite Yang Li and Qi Juntao.

Now, the discount is even harder to talk about.

Zhao Qian cleared her throat: "Are there any questions for those people? If I want to place an order today, I can get some discounts for both of you."

Qi Juntao and Yang Li still hesitate.

On the one hand, the house of Aihua Real Estate is indeed of good quality, and it is also very attractive with the blessing of the gold property under Aihua.

On the other hand, there are indeed many unsatisfactory places from floor to floor plan.

But if you don’t make a decision now, it’s hard to tell whether you can buy a house here in the future.

Now the lobby of the sales department is full of people looking at houses, more and more, and some people are already signing contracts.

This virtually enhanced some sense of urgency.

Just when the two were about to make up their minds, Li Tianyu waved to them.

"Don't worry, wait a minute."

Qi Juntao was startled, and couldn't help asking: "Brother Yu, is there any trick?"

Li Tianyu smiled: "There are tricks, of course there are tricks."

Qi Wei: "Brother Yu seems to be confident."

Yang Li wanted to say something but stopped, but in the end she didn't say anything. It was right to think about it. If she was not satisfied, why did she force herself to make a decision.

Isn't that spending money to find sin?

Zhao Qian felt that Li Tianyu was purely making trouble, and said, "I tell you that the average price of 70,000 is not always the same. Maybe it will be raised tomorrow, and you have seen it too. Just opened two buildings, and now so many house inspections show that competition is still fierce."

Zhao Qian glanced at Li Tianyu again: "Buying a house is my own business after all. I still have to make my own decision. It is fine to listen to what some people say. It has little to do with him, and he won't be too concerned."

Of course Li Tianyu heard this implication very clearly.

The little girl is not big, and her mouth is quite poisonous.

Li Tianyu did not respond to her either, but kept looking at the door of the sales office.

Just now when Du Wenke called, Li Tianyu heard the name "Mr. Ai".

He wondered if Ai Baoquan had come in person.

If it was his old man who came, it would be simple. Let Ai Baoquan make a decision directly, maybe the discount will be quite pleasant.

There are also those shit floor problems, which is not a problem.

At this time, Du Wenke appeared at the door.

Then, another person appeared before and after shouting.

"Fuck!" Li Tianyu couldn't help but cursed.

Qi Wei asked: "What's wrong? Who did you see?"

Qi Wei watched for a long time, but he didn't see why.

That's normal, of course he doesn't recognize that fat man anymore.

It turned out that the person who followed Du Wenke into the sales office was not Ai Baoquan, but his prodigal son.

Is Ai Baoquan crazy?

Why did he let his son come over?

Abandon treatment?

Yes, the person who came in was Ai Heping.

I don't know if I have eaten too well recently, Ai Heping's body is getting rounder and thicker.

I saw him pretending to come in with an aura and giving orders to people around him from time to time, just like the leader of a country.

There is a small sugar box on the coffee table with some refreshing candy on it.

Li Tianyu grabbed one and played it twice in his hand.

Then, in full view, Li Tianyu threw the candy out.

"Oh, shit! What is it!?"

Zhao Qian was dumbfounded because she saw who Li Tianyu hit.

It is Ai Heping.

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