Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 208 Calculating the discount is too troublesome! No money!

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu's god came and stunned everyone.

Qi Wei looked at the little fat man and then at Li Tianyu.

At this time, the majestic little fat man picked up the sugar cubes on the ground and was looking around, looking for the murderer.

Look at the fierce little eyes, he wants to smash the murderer's body.

"Are you playing a prank?"

Li Tianyu smiled: "I think he is not pleasing to the eye."

This explanation...

It really feels like a little kid.

Zhao Qian was also dumbfounded. Although she didn't know who that little fat man was, but...

Looking at Du Wenke's diligence, that little fat man must be a big man.

My goodness, Zhao Qian thought to herself, don't let people find out that the person in front of you threw it out.

But looking at Li Tianyu again, he didn't intend to conceal at all, and he waved to that side with a grin.

It's like saying "I threw it over, I deliberately, you come to hit me"!

Zhao Qian was going to be scared out of neurosis.

"Sir, sir! Pay attention, it's no ordinary person!"

Zhao Qian's reminder, whether useful or not, is already too late.

I saw the leader of the little fat man, and immediately saw Li Tianyu who was waving.

Then, the majestic little fat man rushed over directly.

Qi Wei and others immediately thought that something was going to happen this time, and it was estimated that they would come here to teach Li Tianyu a lesson.

Qi Wei couldn't help standing up: "Fuck! I fought when I first came to the imperial capital. I won't be detained, right?"

Li Tianyu glanced at him: "What are you so worried about, sit down."

The little fat man has rushed over.

I looked at Li Tianyu, and then at the people around Li Tianyu.

Du Wenke also ran over, his forehead was wet, and he didn't know whether it was hot or urgent.

Du Wenke stared at Zhao Qian and said loudly: "Who threw it just now?"

Zhao Qian hurriedly stood up, shuddering, and gestured with her eyes that Li Tianyu did it.

Du Wenke had guessed it a long time ago, and it was confirmed by Zhao Qian's report at this time.

He turned his head and shouted: "Security! Protect... Ah..."

Unexpectedly, Du Wenke was pushed aside by Ai Xiaopang before he finished speaking.

Du Wenke would have been lying on the grass if he hadn't reacted in time.

Everyone looked at Ai Heping in horror, not understanding what had happened.

Why is this not playing cards according to common sense!?

Something more bizarre happened...

Ai Heping actually passed the candy in his hand to Li Tianyu, and he held it in both hands.

"Hey, boss boss, your sugar dropped..."

Damn it!

What is the situation?


This young man named Li Tianyu is actually Ai Heping's boss?

Everyone was confused, no, it was more serious than that, it was a complete short-circuit.

Du Wenke, in particular, had already stabilized his footsteps. Upon seeing the situation, his legs became soft and he almost fell over again.

I saw Li Tianyu take the sugar from Ai Heping's palm, and then pointed to the opposite seat.

"Ai Xiaoer, sit there."

Ai Heping sat down, "Boss, why are you here?"

Li Tianyu: "It's me who asked you, what are you doing here?"

Ai Heping straightened up and cleared his throat: "Boss, do you think I look like an executive now?"

Ai Heping wore a blue patterned shirt today with feces yellow trousers.

It's really completely different from the previous silly looks.

People look like dogs.

Li Tianyu: "Talking to others."

Du Wenke's eyes stared out.

This person actually said such things to Mr. Ai, it is simply bold!

However, Ai Heping has no business at all. Instead, he put his big face in a humble manner: "Boss, my dad gave me an official position to inspect various properties to see if there are any problems. This is not the right place to inspect. That's it."

"I didn't expect to meet you the boss all at once. You said our brothers are so destined!"

Ai Baoquan saw that Ai Heping had nothing to do and idle all day long, so he made him the assistant to the president.

Thinking of exercising Ai Heping step by step, maybe the dead wood can save him.

Of course, Ai Heping is not for nothing.

Ai Baoquan said, as long as Ai Heping can work for eight hours a day, he will be given 10,000 yuan.

It's a bit frustrating. Yesterday Ai Heping worked for six hours, only to be called away by Hupengou.

The salary of ten thousand yuan has fallen.

Today Ai Heping made up his mind, and said he had to work for eight hours to get his salary.

Now he is crazy.

Li Tianyu lifted Erlang's legs, and then replied: "It's very predestined. It's really time for you to come. I want to ask you for help."

Ai Heping said sternly: "Boss, what's the matter? How can I call for help? I'll do things for you, that would be called service."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Don't talk about those useless."

He pointed to Qi Juntao and said, "My brother, I want to buy a house in Jinjingmeihe Garden, but I have some trouble."

Ai Heping: "Jin... What is Meihe?"

Li Tianyu rubbed his forehead and said patiently, "Jin Jingmei and Yuan."

Ai Heping: "Where is that?"

Everyone looked confused, like sand sculptures.

Du Wenke leaned over and whispered, "Mr. Ai, this is the place. This real estate is Jinjingmeihe Garden."


Ai Heping slapped his thigh: "Fuck! What problems can you encounter on your own site?"

Li Tianyu pointed to Du Wenke: "Or else, let Manager Du tell you what the problems are."

Du Wenke was taken aback: "This...what do I say?"

Ai Heping frowned, and Guan Wei said, "Hurry up, let you just say it! Don't be so inked!"

Du Wenke's face and hair were wet again.16 reading

It's strange to say that the air conditioner in this hall is fully turned on and he can still sweat so much.

Li Tianyu turned his head to align Juntao and Yang Li and said, "This is President Ai Heping. Aihua Real Estate is owned by his family. You two will send a representative to tell him."

Qi Juntao and Yang Li were taken aback. They didn't expect this little fat man to be such a big man.

The proper real estate prince!

Moreover, they were just to buy a house, but they alarmed the big boss, which was a bit too exaggerated.

However, the relationship between Li Tianyu and Ai Heping is absolutely extraordinary.

The two of them felt confident again.

Qi Juntao was a little horrified at this scene, but Yang Li's character was more stable.

She took a deep breath and said, "Well, let me talk about it."

Ai Heping: "Okay, just say it."

Yang Li: "Mr. Ai, this is the case. We were interested in this property a long time ago. We especially believed in the quality of Aihua Real Estate. We called and consulted several times, but it changed later. We wanted to buy the C on the middle floor. The apartment type, I said on the phone well, you can come and choose, but we have come all the way, but this is not the case at all..."

What Yang Li said is very detailed.

However, it may be due to the tension. Some of the talks are irrelevant, which makes people confused.

After speaking, Yang Li looked at Ai Heping nervously.

Qi Juntao didn't get much better, clenched his fists unconsciously, his palms were soaked.

Ai Heping said "oh", "I understand. That is to say, the house you originally wanted to buy, but you can't buy it at the sales office, and you can't buy it. Isn't that true?"

Li Tianyu was a little surprised at Ai Heping's ability to understand.

Actually, he could immediately grasp the point.

He really read it right, this guy is not as stupid as he seems.

Qi Juntao and Yang Li nodded quickly: "Yes, that's what happened. I heard from Manager Du that it is reserved for some special customers and not sold to us..."


Ai Heping patted his hand on the table top of the coffee table.

Du Wenke, who was already frightened, was even more frightened.

Ai Heping: "Manager Du, are you so tired and crooked? Even my boss's brother dare to cheat?"

Du Wenke explained with a bitter expression: "I don't know that Mr. Li has this kind of relationship with you..."

Ai Heping: "Do you know now?"

Du Wenke: "I know, I really know this time."

Ai Heping: "Then what?"

Du Wenke turned to Yang Li and Qi Juntao: "That...two, you can choose any floor you want, you can choose whatever you want."

Yang Li smiled with joy: "What about the apartment type?"

Du Wenke: "Of course I chose it randomly, and I can even take you to the scene to see the actual effect."

Yang Li and Qi Juntao looked at each other, and both were overjoyed.

"that's great!"

At this time, Ai Heping said: "By the way, Manager Du, didn't you say that there will be some decorated houses for takeaway soon?"

Du Wenke was startled, and whispered, "Mr. Ai, that is Block D, which is reserved for customers above Grade A, and the two buildings opened this time do not include Block D..."


Ai Heping patted his hand on the coffee table again.

This time heavier.

Ai Heping's palms were red.

He rubbed his hands and said angrily: "Du Mosquito! Do you want to piss me off!?"

Du Wenke quickly corrected: "It's Du Wenke."

Ai Heping: "I care if you are a liberal arts or a science!? My boss's brother wants to buy a house. Why did you fool him by making some ruined houses? Isn't this just slapping me in the face!?"

Du Wenke: "Then, then I understand, Xiao Zhao, bring the room table and floor plan of Block D."

Zhao Qian quickly agreed, and left.

Yang Li was very excited, stood up, pointed to the middle building on the sand table and said, "Block D, isn't it that one?"

Du Wenke nodded: "Yes, that's the one in Jinjingmeihe Garden. It has the best apartment, the best daylight, the least public stalls, and... it's well decorated."

Qi Juntao: "The unit price is high, right?"

Ai Heping: "Isn't it seventy-one?"

Du Wenke had no choice but to nod his head: "Yes, it's seventy thousand one. This is high quality...high quality customer feedback price."

Qi Juntao's eyes widened.

Damn it!With fine decoration, it is actually two thousand cheaper than a rough house!

It's so unreasonable!

Yang Li immediately reacted: "Then we will choose this house!"

Ai Heping turned his head and said to Li Tianyu, "Boss, are you satisfied with this?"

Li Tianyu took a sip of the disposable coffee cup: "Ai Xiaoer, don't forget the discount."

Ai Heping immediately said with a serious face: "It's too much trouble calculating discounts! No more money!"


Li Tianyu almost sprayed Ai Heping's face with the coffee in his mouth.

Li Tianyu pulled Ai Heping aside: "Why don't you give away your father for nothing!? Huh?"

Ai Heping, who had been educated by Li Tianyu, called Du Wenke over and asked about the minimum discount.

In the end, Ai Heping personally decided, with a stroke of a pen, he directly gave a 40% discount on the statement.

This is an incredible discount.

And it's well decorated, the best house in the community!

Qi Juntao and Yang Li almost jumped up.

Repeatedly expressed gratitude to Ai Heping.

Of course, Li Tianyu should be most grateful.

Qi Juntao gave a thumbs up: "Brother Yu, I heard my brother say that you mix well before, but I don't quite believe it yet. This time I really took it."

Yang Li: "Brother Yu, when you have time, Juntao and I will invite you to dinner, you must show your face!"

Qi Wei: "You kid is getting more and more ruthless. Will you help prepare your buddy's wedding room in the future?"

Qi Wei and his mother Zhang Qin are more realistic.

"Xiaoyu, do you have a partner? I know a few girls who are good-looking and have good family conditions. How about I send you the photos, how many can you meet?"

Li Tianyu couldn't laugh or cry, and immediately declined Zhang Qin's kindness.

"Auntie, if I want to find someone, I must find you."

Then, Ai Heping took Li Tianyu away.

A nervous expression.

"Boss, do you want a house?"

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