You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu was startled: "What house? Where is it from?"

Ai Heping: "It's here."

Li Tianyu immediately lost interest when he heard it.

If it's a villa, or a sea-view room, he really wants to make a set.

But although the Jinjingmeihe Garden is well built, it has no special features and it is useless to buy it.

Li Tianyu's current house quota is not used up, and there are four sets, but he doesn't want to waste it here.

After all, it is outside the fifth ring of the imperial capital, and the rental value is not that high.

If you spend millions, or even tens of millions, to buy a house here, the gain is not worth the loss.

Li Tianyu shook his head: "I have no shortage of houses in the imperial capital, so why do I buy here?"

Ai Heping: "It's cheap, I have three special purchase indicators in my hand, one for you?"

Li Tianyu was stunned: "Doesn't special purchase mean anything? What is it? You said the point, what are the benefits of this indicator?"

Ai Heping stretched out three fingers: "You can get a 30% discount."

"Fuck! Three percent off!?"

Li Tianyu suddenly understood.

The so-called special purchase index is nothing more than a gift.

Who is it for?

Of course, it is some important and identity-sensitive customers.

If it is just a gift, it is easy to be grasped.

That's why we have this special home purchase indicator.

Half-buy and half-free, not only can those customers with sensitive identities get a lot of benefits, but also don't have to worry about being caught in the pigtails and making money.

Li Tianyu suddenly thought that if he buys the house at a discount of 30% and then resells it, the benefits will be considerable.

Li Tianyu: "Using your indicator, which building and apartment type can you buy?"

Ai Heping: "Yes, as long as you like it, you can do anything!"

Li Tianyu: "Okay, then give me all your special indicators this time."

When Ai Heping heard this, he almost knelt down to Li Tianyu: "Boss, don't tell me, I have to rely on this to make money."

Li Tianyu: "You have a mine in your house, and you still make money for ass."

Ai Heping: "I have a mine at home, but I can't even touch the slag now, Boss, don't you know, I am a beggar at home and beg for food..."

Ai Heping said pitifully, Li Tianyu was also unbearable.

As the saying goes, stay on the sidelines and see each other well in the future.

Besides, Ai Heping is a good fat guy. Although most of the time he is a drag oil bottle, but sometimes he can help.

Li Tianyu: "In that way, one indicator will give you one hundred thousand, and three hundred thousand yuan will be sold to me."

Ai Heping widened his eyes and whispered, "Boss, is one hundred thousand less? You think, as long as I use this indicator to buy a house at a low price, and then sell it, I will definitely make a lot of money. It."

Li Tianyu: "Yeah, Ai Xiaoer, you are quite smart, but do you have the money to buy your house?"

Ai Heping was speechless for a while.

Not to mention spending millions to buy a house, he is now cleaner than his face.

He immediately said: "No, right? I can sell the indicators directly. No matter what, it must be more than 100,000, right?"

Li Tianyu: "Who do you want to sell to?"

Ai Heping: "My friends, boss, don't underestimate them, all of them are big money!"

Li Tianyu: "Outside the Fifth Ring Road? Ordinary apartment building? Can they see here?"

Ai Heping was speechless again.

Li Tianyu: "Three indicators are four hundred thousand, and you will be killed by nonsense."

After a while, Li Tianyu transferred 400,000 yuan of soft RMB to Ai Heping, and then received three cards.

There is a coupon code on each card.

Use the coupon code to buy at a 30% discount on the total price.

It is the only one, and it becomes invalid when used.

Of course, this discount is not a loan, and the three discount is exactly equivalent to the down payment, so there are still some thresholds.

This is a discount code for the designated real estate and is invalid for other projects of Aihua Real Estate.

At this time, sales Yang Li returned with Qi Juntao and Yang Li.

Just now the two of them went to Block D and actually took a look at the type of apartment they wanted to buy.

The interior of that building has now been completely renovated, it is a proper existing house, what you see is what you get.

Seeing the appearance of Qi Juntao and Yang Li as the young couple, please don't want it if you are satisfied.

This is no wonder.

Aihua Real Estate's project is different from many small and medium-sized developers. If it is refined decoration, it is indeed real.

Not only the decoration materials are very particular, Yishui's brand-name environmentally friendly materials, but also the decoration style has been carefully designed.

In other words, unless you are a very picky person, you can move in with a bag after you buy it.

At most, it means buying furniture and home appliances, not much money.

Yang Li's face was filled with happiness.

Qi Juntao was also very excited, and ran over to Li Tianyu and said, "Brother Yu, the well-decorated house is different. It's great and full of modernity!"

Yang Li: "I was still worrying about the decoration. It was a lot of money, but I saved it all this time."

This one did save a lot of these two people.

What is the concept of a 40% off purchase price?

The two bought the 16th floor of Block D, a 105-square-foot two-bedroom apartment in the north and south.

The unit price is 71,600 yuan in soft RMB.

The total price exceeded 7.51 million.

If it is based on this price, the down payment will reach more than 2.25 million.

It greatly exceeded Qi Juntao and Yang Li's 2 million down payment budget.

And if it is calculated at a 40% discount, the total price is only a little over 4.51 million.

OH, MYGOD!A full savings of 3 million!

The down payment only needs 1.35 million!

In Qi Juntao's words, this is like stepping on a lot of shit when going out.

It's so fragrant!

I have to tell my colleagues that in Shangdi, a treasured feng shui site, I bought a house of more than 100 square meters for 4.5 million yuan. No one believes it at all!

Qi Wei: "Don't hurry up, thank you brother Yu!"

Qi Juntao and Yang Li said in unison: "Thank you Brother Yu!"

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Didn't you thank you all?"

Yang Li said to Juntao: "I don't think I should look for time, just today, please have Brother Yu have a big meal."

Qi Juntao patted both hands: "Yes, it's better to hit the sun if you choose another day, just today, Brother Yu, what do you want to eat?"

Li Tianyu did not refuse either. Anyway, he did contribute a lot today: "Whatever, I'm not picky about food, you can just ask me to eat Mala Tang."

Qi Wei was amused and laughed loudly: "That's fine, just ask him to have spicy spicy soup. Order it whatever you want.

As a result, Qi Wei's words were collectively ignored.

On Shangdi, Qi Juntao and Yang Li are familiar with each other, and their companies are both nearby.

So the meal was arranged in a nearby restaurant.

The restaurant's main specialty is a fusion of East, West, South and North. In other words, it has all tastes and has been improved.

The taste is good and smooth.

Everyone at the banquet, you come and I go, push the cup and change the cup, look at each other, and have a good time.

Especially Qi Juntao, who has always been relatively sluggish, played well at the dinner table and almost drank Li Tianyu out.

No wonder he is so happy.

Before marriage, buying a house is the biggest problem.

Originally, he thought he would waste a lot of energy. For example, if the down payment was not enough, he had to go everywhere to find someone to borrow, and he would be scolded by Yang Li's relatives.51 Pen Fun Pavilion

Not only did I successfully buy a house, but the house was also perfect and perfect!

More importantly, they only spent a down payment of more than one million for a house in the early 100s, which was far below the budget.

With this savings, the pressure will be much less.

Living in the imperial capital, I am afraid of such high loans, and I have to pay more than 10,000 to 20,000 in a month.

Maybe one day when you lose your job and lose your income, your family will be shaky like a big beam.

Affect the relationship between husband and wife, family harmony.

During the dinner, the couple continued to express their gratitude.

Li Tianyu didn't bother to listen, so he said: "If you have any difficulties in the future, you can come to him. If he can help, he will definitely help."

Qi Juntao and Yang Li were even more happy when these words came out.

"Okay, Brother Yu, don't worry about me in the future! I'll find you if I have anything or nothing!"

"Brother Yu, I'll toast you another glass! This glass of wine must be dry!"

The young couple took turns to toast again.

Afterwards, even Qi Wei and his mother Zhang Qin played.

"Tianyu, our brothers haven't had a drink for a long time. We have to drink three glasses in a row!"

"Xiaoyu, auntie has to thank you today, for saving us so much money. Turning back, auntie will send you photos and find more daughter-in-law candidates for you. Choose carefully!"

"...Hey? Xiaoyu, don't just hold the cup and drink! You did it, I'm free."

1V4, Li Tianyu is struggling to prepare.

Later, Li Tianyu couldn't help but begged for mercy directly, and the Qi family elders let him go.

That night, Li Tianyu couldn't drive the car, so he could only find a driver.

He faintly returned to the house in Shuimu Qingcheng, and fell asleep.

When Li Tianyu woke up the next day, it was already bright.

I took my watch to see the time, damn it!It's almost eleven o'clock.

Although it was normal for Li Tianyu to sleep late in the past, he slept until the afternoon.

But since the system has strengthened his physique, no matter how tired he was the day before, he will definitely wake up at 8 o'clock the next day.

It seems that no matter how good the physique is, it cannot withstand the influence of alcohol.

After Li Tianyu got up and washed, he put on his clothes and went to a restaurant near the community to eat.

Then, he drove out of Shuimu Qingcheng again.

Where is he going?

I didn't go to any new places, and went to Jinjingmeiheyuan Community.

Why did you go back again?

It's simple.

Li Tianyu now has 3 discount codes for special house purchases with a 30% discount, which are only valid for Jinjingmeihe Garden.

So he intends to use it as soon as possible.

You must know that the real estate developed by Aihua Real Estate is still very popular. If it is late, there will be no house to buy.

But since you are buying a house in Jinjingmeihe Garden, you must buy the best house.

This is the building D where Qi Juntao and Yang Li were located yesterday.

When I arrived at the sales office of Jinjingmeiheyuan Community, it was already a little over midday.

Li Tianyu saw the bulletin board at the door at a glance-an appointment is required in advance to negotiate a house visit."

But this kind of regulation is invalid to Li Tianyu, he walked in directly.

At this time, there are still many people looking at the property in the sales office.

Many people have a tangled look on their faces, and it seems that the two buildings that are open for sale will soon be sold out.

Li Tianyu wandered around, no one paid him any attention.

It's no wonder that the sales staff is so busy now that there is no time to supervise him.

He did not see Zhao Qian and Du Wenke either.

I must be busy too.

No way, Li Tianyu had to ask the service desk.

There are still a few people in the service desk.

Li Tianyu waited patiently, and after a few minutes, he was finally queued.

The receptionist is of course a little girl: "Sir, tell me your appointment phone number."

Li Tianyu: "I have no appointment."

Little girl receptionist: "I'm sorry, I can't arrange sales staff for you without an appointment."

Li Tianyu took out a card: "I have this, do I need to make an appointment?"

The little girl receptionist was taken aback when she saw the card, then took it up and looked at it carefully.

The card is black and made of plastic. It reads "Special VIP House Purchase Discount Card" on the front, and there is a line in the upper left corner with the words "Jin Jing Mei He Garden".

There is a scratch layer on the back, similar to a lottery ticket, which can be scratched off.

This receptionist girl probably saw such a card for the first time, and she was a little confused.

But looking at the words "special VIP" on this card is quite shocking, and I dare not neglect it.

"Wait a moment."

With that, the little girl turned and went into the office.

A man followed.

The man should be the girl's boss.

"Brother Hao, this is the card, which belongs to this gentleman."

Brother Hao immediately understood the card and said respectfully to Li Tianyu: "Sir, did you come to choose a room?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes."

"Then wait a moment and arrange a salesperson for you immediately."

With that, the person called "Brother Hao" took Li Tianyu to a room.

This is the so-called VIP lounge.

Coffee, small desserts and the like are served.

VIPs are VIPs, and the treatment they enjoy is different.

Li Tianyu is not alone in this VIP lounge.

Besides him, there is also a pair of young men and women.

The male is Dong Yan and the female is Tian Mengman.

The two are very close, they are a small couple.

Tian Mengman: "My husband, this VIP lounge is pretty good."

Dong Yan: "Of course, those who can come in are people with identities, and they must be treated well."

Tian Mengman: "I see so many people in the hall, will there still be good houses for us to choose?"

Dong Yan: "Don't worry, my uncle said that the house we want to choose is not the same as them, it's another building."

Tian Mengman: "That's great, I'm still worried that I won't be able to grab the house."

The two were talking when a salesperson came in.

She is still a girl, and she is still a pretty beautiful woman.

"Which is Mr. Li Tianyu."

Li Tianyu: "It's me."

The girl came over and stretched out her hand: "Hello, I'm Shen Youshan, the salesman here, you can call me Xiao Shen."

Li Tianyu nodded: "Little Shen is pretty."

Shen Youshan smiled: "Mr. Li can really talk."

After the greetings, the two quickly entered the topic.

Shen Youshan put out the folder: "Here we are currently selling the house number table, as well as the floor plan. You can choose it, and then if necessary, I can show you the actual."

Li Tianyu: "My request is very simple, I want the best."

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