You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Why did Li Tianyu make the decision so decisively?

Not because of the forest park, nor because of its dual-use nature.

The main reason lies in the blessing of Imperial Capital Fourth Middle School.

The Imperial Capital No. 4 Middle School has always been the number one "prestigious school" in the Imperial Capital.

The school district of this middle school is worth more than 100,000 yuan per square meter, so you have to grab the head.

This Jin Jingmei and Garden became the school district room of the Imperial Capital No. 4 Middle School, which is terrible.

Even if it is a branch school, it will be stained with Buddha's light, and it will become a popular item to a certain extent.

At this time, Shen Youshan thought of something again.

"Mr. Li, are you a local? Are there any problems with the qualifications for buying a house?"

Li Tianyu thought for a while: "There should be no problem."

In the imperial capital, there are many restrictions on buying a house, such as the need to pay taxes for five consecutive years, and social security continues to pay these.

Li Tianyu has no problem in this regard. He already met the conditions when he was in Yunguang Technology.

After leaving Yunguang Technology, he immediately became affiliated with Aihua Real Estate.

Therefore, Li Tianyu should not worry about this issue.

As for the first suite, second suite, third suite, etc., don't worry about it.

He doesn't need a loan now, and he doesn't need to trouble the big bankers.

Li Tianyu and Shen Youshan returned to the sales department and arranged him in the VIP lounge.

Shen Youshan personally brought coffee and desserts for Li Tianyu to enjoy, and then went out to prepare the contract.

Li Tianyu was not in a hurry, drinking coffee while reading the news on his mobile phone.

At this time, a few more people came in.

It turned out that Dong Yan and Tian Mengman had also returned home.

The salesman who showed them the house was a handsome guy named Li Dapeng, and of course he was also polite.

Tian Mengman: "The flat floor we just looked at is pretty good, how many square meters is it?"

The handsome salesman Li Dapeng said with a smile: "That unit is 408 square meters, which is the largest unit in Jinjingmeihe Garden."

Tian Mengman looked at Dong Yan.

Dong Yan immediately sat up straight.

"Husband, shall we consider this big flat?"

Dong Yan said solemnly: "With such a large apartment, the two of us seem to live in space. It is better to be smaller."

Tian Mengman didn't insist: "That's what it said, a smaller one is fine, or you can buy the 245-square-meter four-bedroom apartment."

Dong Yan showed a relieved expression: "I think it's OK, help us calculate the price."

Li Dapeng is also very capable of doing business. He quickly calculated the total price, down payment amount, loan amount, and approximate monthly repayment amount.

When Dong Yan heard it, he felt quite troublesome, and waved his hand: "No loan, full payment, full payment, we are not without that condition."

Tian Mengman's eyes lit up: "Wow, that's great, husband, I love you!"

Li Dapeng gave Dong Yan a thumbs up: "Mr. Dong is proud."

Dong Yan's spirit came to life, and he thought he was in the VIP lounge. Wouldn't it be a joke if he wasn't proud?

At this time, Shen Youshan walked in with a few contracts and went directly to Li Tianyu's table.

Just listen to Shen Youshan said: "Mr. Li, here are three contracts. Let me first talk about the content of the contract with you."

Li Tianyu: "Well, when I have signed the contract, when can I get the title certificate and the door key?"

Shen Youshan: "It's fine to complete the process. By the way, it also depends on the speed of bank loan approval. But you can rest assured that as long as your qualifications are okay, the banks we cooperate with will give you approval as soon as possible.

Li Tianyu shook his head: "I don't need a loan, just the full payment."

Shen Youshan was stunned. Although the VIPs are generally rich people, it is quite rare to spend tens of millions to pay for the house.

Many people look at the scenery on the surface, but there is not much cash at their disposal.

Therefore, most people take loans.

What's more, Li Tianyu bought a large flat, 408 square meters, and the total price of a house is as high as more than 27 million.

Three houses...

Shen Youshan was a little afraid to count, which was too exaggerated.

However, it suddenly occurred to her that she heard someone say that this VIP has a special discount code, so that she can get a 30% discount...

But how many discount codes does he have?

Even if there are three discount codes, it costs more than 20 million!

Shen Youshan came back to her senses: "Mr. Li, sorry, if you don't take a loan, I will get some more contracts."

With that, she got up and went to the file cabinet on the other side of the room to search for the contract.

At this time Li Dapeng was also looking for something here.

He is also familiar with Shen Youshan, and curiously asked, "Which apartment type did your client buy?"

Shen Youshan hesitated, turned her head and whispered, "A large flat floor of 408 square meters."

Li Dapeng: "Yes, there will be a big flat transaction on the first day today."

Shen Youshan: "He still needs the full amount."

Li Dapeng widened his eyes and held out a thumbs up: "Awesome, as are our customers, more than 200 square meters, full payment, without blinking."

Shen Youshan lowered her voice again: "He wants to buy three sets."


Li Dapeng quickly covered his mouth.

The VIP lounge was very quiet and his voice was abrupt.

Li Dapeng: "The three sets are not all Daping layers?"

Shen Youshan: "They are all large flats, all of which are the largest 408 flats."

Li Dapeng's chin was about to fall off, and the whole floor was full: "Then you have to treat someone to dinner."

Li Dapeng returned to the opposite side of Dong Yan and Tian Mengman, and began to sign various contracts and certificates.

Dong Yan glanced at Li Tianyu's side: "You have a good business here, what house did that little VIP buy?"

Li Dapeng: "Little VIP? Let me tell you that he bought a 408-square-meter flat floor, and he bought three sets at once, and it was the full price."

"What!? Three sets!?"

"Really? The largest apartment?"

"Full payment? All three sets are full payment?"

"How much does it cost? It's a billion, right?"

The two voices were so loud that even Li Tianyu heard them.

It is conceivable what expression Dong Yan and Tian Mengman are.

It's no wonder they were so surprised. They both looked at the 408 unit and were so proud.

Originally they thought that no one would easily start with such a big house.

I didn't expect to meet a big local tyrant immediately.

The key people bought three sets at once.

Dong Yan is also from a good background. He belongs to the second generation of the rich.

But at this time, Dong Yan also had to admit that it was completely comparable.

It's better to go through the formalities and leave with your wife.

Staying any longer, the wife will run away with others.

At the same time, Li Tianyu is also learning about the purchase contract with Shen Youshan.Niuba Literature Website

I am ashamed to say that Li Tianyu does have several houses now, even villas, but he has never bought a house by himself.

Those properties are all boasted by the system.

This time, Li Tianyu bought a house "in person", but it was the first time.

Li Tianyu: "In other words, about a week after signing the contract, will you be able to get the key to the house?"

Shen Youshan: "Yes, you have seen it. Our side has been completely renovated. Of course, I hope you will wait for a while before moving in. After all, the air in the new house is not so good."

Li Tianyu nodded: "Where is the real property certificate?"

Shen Youshan: "As for the title certificate, it may take about three months, but we will handle it as soon as possible."

Li Tianyu: "If I want to transfer, can I go through the formalities without a title certificate?"

Shen Youshan: "Yes, if you want to change hands, it will be more convenient before you apply for the title certificate. If you have the title certificate, there will be some trouble when transferring the ownership."

Li Tianyu nodded.

He had heard of this.

If you transfer now, you only need to change the name on the purchase contract, and you do not need to go through the transfer procedures.

After Li Tianyu carefully understood the contract, he felt that there was no problem, so he signed.

Three sets of houses, three sets of contracts, and one set of contracts require two more, making a total of six sets of contracts.

Li Tianyu's signature is about to dislocate his wrist.

It's the payment link.

Li Tianyu directly took out three "Special VIP House Purchase Discount Cards", which directly shocked Shen Youshan and others.

You have to know that there are not many such discount cards for each real estate. Ten of them would be good.

Li Tianyu is good, there are three at once!

Later, Li Tianyu learned that Ai Heping stole these three cards from his dad Ai Baoquan's office.

In the end, Li Tianyu took a big advantage.

After the payment is completed, all the house purchase procedures have been completed.

Shen Youshan kept Li Tianyu at the door of the sales office with a respectful attitude.

Shen Youshan: "Mr. Li, if you have anything, you can call me at any time."

Li Tianyu nodded, just about to take a step, but thought of something.

"By the way, if anyone wants to buy my large flat, remember to notify me."

Shen Youshan was taken aback, and immediately reacted and nodded: "No problem. If there are any questions from customers, I will definitely contact you."

Li Tianyu nodded: "As far as the price is concerned, we can talk about it."

Li Tianyu's meaning is obvious.

He doesn't want to sell high prices and make huge profits.

In fact, with the current domestic real estate market, it is difficult for house prices to rise as high as in previous years.

He needs to change hands as soon as possible to cash out these three big flats.

If a house is sold at the original price, Li Tianyu can make a "profit" of 19 million yuan.

This is not a small amount.

Adding up the three houses, that is nearly 60 million soft sister coins!

Of course, in order to sell as soon as possible, Li Tianyu will give buyers a little cheaper, but relative to the huge profits, it is drizzle.

As long as he can successfully sell Daping, then Li Tianyu may be able to quickly collect the money for system upgrades.

This operation is simply a model of the empty glove white wolf.

Li Tianyu didn't just press Bao against Shen Youshan.

He found a real estate agency nearby and hung three houses on it.

Originally this kind of super large apartment was not easy to sell, but when the real estate agents heard that it was a house in Jinjingmeiheyuan, they immediately became energetic.

"Yeah, that's the school district room of New Imperial Capital No. 4 Middle School! A lot of people robbed the room in the past."

"I have a few clients who are looking for a school district room, and they want a large apartment. I'll contact you later."

"By the way, Mr. Li, when can I see the house?"

"How is the decoration? Is it hardcover or plain? Or is it a rough house?"

"By the way, do you still have to talk about the price?"

Li Tianyu answered all these questions and drove away.

The rest is waiting for the call.

Hope that customers will come to your door as soon as possible.

In the next two days, Li Tianyu went to the bar, and it was steady as usual, no problem.

Then, Li Tianyu went to Jiaxin Electronic Technology Company in Langzhou for a round trip.

The new machinery and equipment have been installed and the production line has been renewed.

The remaining work is to debug the equipment.

This is not an easy job, it takes a lot of time for trial and error, which can avoid too many problems in future production.

Li Tianyu couldn't help much now, and left after having a meal with Lu Hui and a few core managers in the factory.

Before leaving, Li Tianyu solemnly said to Lu Hui: "The young man did a good job, do you have a wife?"

Lu Hui was stunned, thinking that the boss would still find someone for him.

"Boss, I don't have a wife yet."

Li Tianyu: "Neither did I. A man should put his career first. With a career, his wife will naturally have it. The more successful your career, the higher the quality of your wife, right?"

Lu Hui was stunned and nodded like a sand sculpture.

Li Tianyu was quite satisfied with Lu Hui's attitude, and patted him on the shoulder: "Do it hard, boy, call me if anything comes back, don't hesitate, I'm always online."

Li Tianyu also gestured for a call.

After speaking, Li Tianyu opened the door and got into the car.

After the Porsche who watched Li Tianyu leave in the black smoke, Lu Hui could not calm down for a long time.

This boss is really the boss who does big things!

Lu Hui's energy has grown stronger.

It is said that in the next two days, he ate the instant noodles without even entering the rice.

After sorting out the affairs of the imperial capital, Li Tianyu decided to drive back to his hometown in Yanyun City.

Nothing else.

Li Tianyu's mother, Ye Cuiping, called again, during which she said that her father Li Guohua was planning to buy a car.

Ye Cuiping: "Xiaoyu, your dad is stunned now. He went to the 4S shop again yesterday and said that he was planning to order a certain one. He took back the quotation and was looking for some of his buddies to study. "

Li Tianyu was startled: "Mom, you let my dad answer the phone."

Ye Cuiping: "He went to your Uncle Changchun's place. He may be talking about buying a car again."

Li Tianyu hung up and called Li Guohua again.

As a result, no one answered.

Li Tianyu felt that he had to go back.

Li Guohua owns a Changan Benben, which has been driving for seven or eight years, and it is normal to change one now.

Change it, he actually fell in love with Volkswagen Tokuhara.

Not to mention the value of this car, but it is not considered an upgrade.

There is no shortage of money to buy a car at home, so why not change the car?

After pondering for a while, Li Tianyu had to deal with it personally, lest his father Li Guohua regretted it for a long time and regretted it for life.

In the morning, Li Tianyu drove all the way back to Yanyun City.

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