You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu drove home at noon.

After knocking for a long time, no one answered and no one opened the door.

It is estimated that the two foreigners are out.

This is also to blame Li Tianyu, forgot to call in advance.

Li Tianyu didn't bring the key to the house, and was at a loss for a while.

I had no choice but to call my mother Ye Cuiping.

Ye Cuiping: "My son, what's wrong? What difficulties have you encountered? Tell mom."

Li Tianyu: "Mom, I can't get in the house anymore."

Ye Cuiping: "Hey, why are you so careless that you don’t bring your keys when you go out. Then you can quickly find an unlocker. By the way, I heard that it’s expensive for the Imperial Capital to unlock. Last time, your second aunt’s cousin’s son’s classmate , I also lost the key and found an unlocker. Guess how much it cost?"

Li Tianyu couldn't help saying: "Mom, no, I'm..."

Unexpectedly, Ye Cuiping didn't listen at all, and went to ask Li Guohua again.

The voice on the phone is close and far away.

"Old Li, you remember the last time Xiaoyu's second aunt's cousin's son's classmate lost the key. How much did it cost to unlock the lock?"

Li Guohua's voice came over there again, with a very low volume.

"I remember... By the way, it took more than a hundred, which is too boring! Why not break the lock yourself."

Ye Cuiping: "That won't work, don't you understand? If you smash the lock yourself, if someone sees it, you can't be regarded as a thief?"

Li Guohua: "What the hell, you ask the locksmith to pick the lock, so that people will not be regarded as a thief if they see it?"

Ye Cuiping: "That's different. Locksmiths are professional. People have craftsmanship. They pick locks quickly, so how can they be discovered."

Li Guohua: "You have long hair and short insights. There is no absoluteness in everything, and everything is scared in case."

"...Hey! Hey! Mom, no! You are wrong! Stop talking!"

Li Tianyu shouted at the phone for a long time before Ye Cuiping ended the exchange with Li Guohua.

Li Tianyu said bitterly, "Mom, I'm back to Yanyun. I'm at the door of my house. I can't get in without the key."

Ye Cuiping: "Oh, so, oh, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Li Tianyu: "I wanted to say it a long time ago, you guys don't listen!"

Ye Cuiping: "Hey, don't make trouble, your dad and I are eating out with people."

Li Tianyu was startled: "Who is it with?"

Ye Cuiping: "Uncle Changchun, their family also wants to change cars, don't you just go to 4S shops outside together, are you coming over?"

Li Tianyu said "Oh": "Where are you? I'm going to find you."

Ye Cuiping said the address, Li Tianyu hung up, and drove straight to the hotel where Li Guohua and Ye Cuiping were.

Speaking of it, the two will get better and better.

Li Tianyu can't remember the last time his parents were eating out.

It seems that the conditions have improved recently, especially the demolition of several houses, more than two million demolition funds, so that the couple want to open, enjoy it.

This is definitely a good thing.

As for the Uncle Changchun mentioned by Ye Cuiping, whose name is Feng Changchun, Li Tianyu doesn't know him very well.

However, Li Guohua and Uncle Changchun are colleagues, so Li Tianyu used to see him often, nothing more than to call him Uncle Changchun.

Now Li Guohua, Ye Cuiping, and the place where Uncle Changchun ate is near Xinguang Road.

Xinguang Road is a relatively remote place in Yanyun City, but there is a special feature there, which is the famous 4S shop street.

Almost all brands of Yanyun City, large and small automobile 4S shops, or automobile trading companies are concentrated on that street.

Of course, there are surprisingly many car repair shops and car maintenance shops there, and a fairly complete automobile industry chain has been formed.

At the same time, Xinguang Road, Junhua Hotel.

Ye Cuiping and Li Guohua sat next to each other, and a couple of men and women sat opposite.

The man is naturally Feng Changchun, and the woman's name is Gao Hongli, Feng Changchun's wife.

The two families have made an appointment today, and come to Xinguang Road to see the car together.

At this time, Ye Cuiping had just finished talking with her son Li Tianyu and put her mobile phone back on the table.

Gao Hongli: "Your Xiaoyu is back?"

Ye Cuiping: "Yeah, he just came back and didn't bring the key. I probably let him come over before eating."

Gao Hongli: "By the way, what does Xiaoyu do in the Imperial Capital now? Still in an Internet company?" Youyou Book Union

Ye Cuiping smiled and waved her hand: "No, he is now working at Aihua Real Estate."

Gao Hongli and Feng Changchun looked at each other, their expressions were quite surprised.

Aihui Real Estate is a fairly large company, and it is also very famous in Yanyun City.

Gao Hongli had long heard that Ye Cuiping's son Li Tianyu was doing well in the imperial capital. Now when he heard that he was working in Aihua Real Estate, she suddenly realized.

To be honest, Gao Hongli still regrets a bit.

She and Feng Changchun have a daughter, about the same age as Li Tianyu.

When the two families had dinner together, Ye Cuiping also jokingly said to let Li Tianyu and Gao Hongli’s daughter get to know each other, maybe the two of them were eye-catching, and it was done.

At that time, Gao Hongli declined "gently".

It is said that her daughter is in the process of rising career and is not in a hurry to find someone.

In fact, Gao Hongli just felt that Li Tianyu had no future.

Feng Changchun also agrees with this view.

Both Li Guohua and Ye Cuiping were ordinary civil servants in public institutions, and they died of three or four thousand a month.

What about Li Tianyu, an ordinary second-year college student.

After graduating, I joined a little-known small company. I also asked Ye Cuiping about his salary. After several years of work, he was still in his early ten thousand.

On the other hand, Feng Changchun and Gao Hongli's daughter, who graduated from 211 School, works for a large company in the Imperial Capital. Now the salary is 20,000 to 30,000 yuan.

However, when I heard that Li Tianyu had quit to a big company some time ago, he could make a lot of money, and the couple would still be suspicious.

At this time, they got a certain statement from Ye Cuiping, and they regretted entering the famous Aihua Real Estate.

I knew that Li Tianyu could make such a big improvement, so I just matched it up a bit.

After all, they know their roots, and they are all from the same hometown of Yan and Yun, and their living habits and customs can be consistent.

But this feeling of regret is only a momentary feeling.

Feng Changchun and Gao Hongli are quite proud of their daughter.

Now she has found a boyfriend in the imperial capital, and I heard that she has become a middle-level manager in a large company, making a lot of money, and has already bought a house in the imperial capital.

The only thing that made the couple somewhat dissatisfied was that the man was seven or eight years older than his daughter, and the age gap was a little bit bigger.

But now they have seen it open. The gap between seven and eight years old in this era is no longer a big deal, and there are still teenagers or twenty-somethings behind.

In fact, Gao Hongli's rejection of Ye Cuiping's proposal at the time also made Ye Cuiping a little bit worried.

Not to mention it now, Gao Hongli made her angry at the mention.

Ye Cuiping: "By the way, don't you know? My son's house was demolished."

Feng Changchun and Gao Hongli both showed even more surprised expressions.

Li Guohua didn't take the initiative to mention it before, and the two of them really didn't know about it.

Feng Changchun: "Demolition? Where?"

Ye Cuiping: "Fuhuali, there will be a large commercial plaza."

Gao Hongli: "I heard that there is not much compensation for demolition now. The area of ​​resettlement houses is still the same as before, and the compensation is not much, right?"

Ye Cuiping waved his hand: "It's not a lot. My son bought three houses in Fuhuali, and they all demolished them all at once. Guess how many houses were divided?"

Gao Hongli: "How many sets?"


Ye Cuiping patted her hands with her hands: "Five or six sets, and they are basically large units, alas, there is no shortage of houses now, and the rest can be rented out."

Gao Hongli and Feng Changchun were dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, Li Tianyu had this kind of operation, and he actually bought three houses in Fuhuali.

The geographical location over there is not partial, how much does it cost?

The key is to be removed.

This shit is in the middle of the sole!

Ye Cuiping added: "Although the demolition funds are not much, but there are more than two million yuan. After the account is received, I said to call Xiaoyu. Guess what he said?"

Gao Hongli was startled, and asked reflexively: "What did he say?"

Ye Cuiping covered her mouth and smiled: "He said, he is not short of money, so you can keep it for yourself. No, Lao Li just wanted to change the car, and it just happened."

Feng Changchun suddenly realized that, looking at Li Guohua, he said, "No wonder you are so generous now. You have to change cars now. This is the reason."

Li Guohua smiled embarrassedly.

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