Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 220 I'm A Famous Stone Gambling

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Tianyu has mastered Zhou Xirong's basic information.

Sure enough, he is a bigwig in the domestic jewelry industry.

However, what surprised Li Tianyu was that Zhou Xirong and Qin Sisong had divorced a long time ago.

In other words, Qin Xuetong grew up in a divorced family.

Fortunately, although the girl is not talkative, she has no problem with her character.

As for the reason for Zhou Xirong and Qin Sisong's divorce, it wasn't that the relationship broke down, or who was cheating.

Two of them still have deep feelings.

It's just that Qin Sisong is determined to enter politics, and Zhou Xirong is also determined to enter business.

The two are very professional, so they separated without affecting each other.

Li Tianyu also had no intention of spying on other people's families, only the information he obtained "by the way".

In fact, what he wanted most was Qin Xuetong's mother's name.

Shaking his hand, Zhou Xi looked at Li Tianyu: "Excuse me, who are you...?"

Li Tianyu gave an "Oh" and quickly explained: "Auntie Zhou, I am Qin Xuetong's friend Li Tianyu. I have heard of you from her and seen your photos. I didn't expect to see you here, so I came over to say hello. ."

When Zhou Xirong heard that she was a friend of her daughter's, she immediately became concerned and looked at it again, seriously and carefully.

Li Tianyu is not a flower girl, nor is he afraid of being seen.

Moreover, his current image can also be grasped.

Even if he is not a good person, at least he is a decent person.

However, Zhou Xirong was still a little strange.

Qin Xuetong is not a person who likes to make friends. Zhou Xirong knows several very close friends.

Where did this Li Tianyu pop out from?

After all, Qin Xuetong is not an ordinary person, but a star.

And the reputation is getting bigger and bigger, the status is getting higher and higher.

So even Zhou Xirong had to be on guard.

The point is that Zhou Xirong is discussing business with people, and it is indeed not the time to chat with Li Tianyu.

Zhou Xirong just thought about a few words of entertainment, and then went back to each house and went to each mother.

But just before she spoke, she saw Li Tianyu look down and exaggerated.

"Oh, isn't this the rough emerald stone!"

Zhou Xirong was a little surprised: "Mr. Li also understands this?"

Li Tianyu smiled slightly: "Aunt Zhou, you can call me Xiao Li, I do know a little bit of gambling, and I will play occasionally."

Zhou Xirong nodded, gambling on rocks is nothing new.

Stone gambling was very popular in China a few years ago. Now the limelight has passed a bit, but many people know it.

Li Tianyu turned his head and looked at Xiao Qiming: "Is this your rock?"

Xiao Qiming was startled, and had to respond, "Yes, it's us."

Li Tianyu didn't care about this, and directly reached out his hand.

Xiao Qiming had to reach out and shook his hand.

Li Tianyu was called "enthusiasm", holding Xiao Qiming's hand and not letting go.

This made Comrade Xiao feel a flutter in his heart.

This kid doesn't have that kind of hobby, right?

And also like fat people?

Li Tianyu finally released his hand.

To be honest, both Xiao Qiming and Mao Yunyi felt a little hairy.

Because when the two of them just said "whispering", the young man was sitting not far away.

They were worried that he would hear the conversation.

However, Xiao Qiming thought about it carefully. They both spoke quietly, so they should not be able to hear clearly.

So he gestured to Mao Yunyi to calm down and let him do everything.

In fact, Xiao Qiming and Mao Yunyi are really proverbs.

Li Tianyu not only heard the conversation between the two, but also saw them thoroughly by shaking hands.

In fact, the scam set up by the fat man and the bald man is more subtle than Li Tianyu had imagined.

In short, it can only be described in two words-Niubi!(Breaking sound)

Li Tianyu didn't rush to expose Xiao Qiming, but asked, "Can I take a look?"

Xiao Qiming really didn't want him to see it, it was about to be sold.

Thirty-five million yuan of soft sister coins, get it early and rest assured.

Suddenly "killing" such a kid and messing up was too disgusting.

However, Zhou Xirong didn't think there was anything, and she wanted to hear Li Tianyu's opinion.

"Okay, Xiao Li, take a look."

Xiao Qiming had no choice but to smile and said, "You are also interested in this at a young age. It is also very rare."

Li Tianyu: "I don't want to hide it from you, I still have some experience in the identification of rough stones."

Xiao Qiming was startled: "Are you good at this?"

Li Tianyu: "Good at it."

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help showing disapproval expressions.

For gambling, who dares to say that he is good at it?

Those who said this basically lost even the panties, and jumping from the rooftop is the final outcome.

At the same time, Li Tianyu pulled a chair and sat down, pretending to look at the stone in front of him.

In fact, he has opened the system interface and entered the order center.

Sure enough, I saw a series of tax items.


[Stone Gambling Lovers]

Tax amount: 6,500 soft sister coins.

Description: Have a certain degree of understanding of jadeite rough and jade, master the relevant basic knowledge, identification methods, and experience, and be able to identify the characteristics of a part of the rough skin.

Stone betting success rate: 45%

Side effects risk: low


Stone Gambling Expert

Tax amount: 30,000 soft sister coins.

Description: Have a deep understanding of rough jade and jade, master the knowledge, identification methods, and experience related to rough stones, and be able to identify the characteristics, texture and light transmittance of most rough stones.

Stone betting success rate: 70%

Side effects risk: medium


Stone Gambling Master

Tax amount: 290,000 soft sister coins.

Description: Have a deep understanding of rough jade, jade and gemstones, master the knowledge, identification methods, and experience related to various rough stones, and be able to identify the characteristics, texture and light transmittance of almost all rough stones.

Stone betting success rate: 85%

Side effects risk: medium


[Master of betting on rock]

Tax amount: 1950000 soft sister coins.

Description: Have a deep understanding of all precious gems such as jade rough, jade, gemstones, master the knowledge, identification methods, and experience related to various rough stones, and be able to identify the characteristics, textures and textures of almost all rough stones. Transparency.

Stone betting success rate: 95%

Risk of side effects: high


There are four entries in total.

Li Tianyu took a look at it. The first two items are all about jade and jade, which are rare and precious stones that are popular in China.

The latter two are for all rare stone species.

Especially gems, this kind of rare stone that can be eaten at home and abroad.

In comparison, of course, these two kinds of "price ratio" are the highest.

However, the most powerful "stone gambling master" also paid a considerable amount of tax, reaching a very exaggerated 1.95 million!

Of course, this ability itself is very strong, and the success rate of betting on rock has reached 95%.

Second, stone gambling masters should also be regarded as the top players in the gambling field.Hot e-book

The success rate of betting on rocks can reach 85 percent.

This success rate is already quite high.

The tax amount has reached 290,000 yuan, which is quite thrilling. Li Tianyu's current level can meet the requirements.

This skill is quite useful.

If you have a chance to bet on stone in the future, you can use this ability to make a fortune.

Li Tianyu did not hesitate to choose the "stone gambling master" and confirm his tax payment.

account information

290000 yuan-successful deduction

Ability Information

Famous Stone Gambling-Success

Li Tianyu's head was hit hard, as if he was hit hard by a big hammer.

However, this is not the first time Li Tianyu has been beaten by the system, and he can bear it.

Having said that, this feels really uncomfortable.

Li Tianyu almost spit out the coffee he had just drunk.

After working hard for a long time, he swallowed again.

When Li Tianyu woke up, his mind was full of knowledge and identification information related to rough stones and gambling stones.

Xiao Qiming heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Li Tianyu sitting there, feeling like a layman.

This kid is pretending to be a big tail wolf.

Even Zhou Xirong frowned slightly, feeling that Li Tianyu seemed to be fooling around.

"Young man, Stone doesn't think so. There are experts here, and you are not afraid that he will laugh at you."

The so-called expert, of course, refers to Master Tian Jitian.

Tian Ji chuckled and said nothing, but the meaning was obvious.

This kid named Li Tianyu was bragging just now, thinking that he was so expert, he was just silly!

Li Tianyu smiled slightly: "Master Tian, ​​can you lend me the glare tube?"

Tian Ji did not speak, but made a "please feel free" gesture.

Li Tianyu picked up the flashlight on the table, pushed the power supply off, and looked at it seriously.

This is, everyone's face changed instantly.

Experts will know if there is any.

Li Tianyu's movements, the position and angle of the strong light, are called a professional.

Having revealed this hand, no one really dared to speak sarcastically anymore.

Especially Xiao Qiming, secretly called bad.

Maybe this kid could really see something.

In fact, even if Li Tianyu didn't look at it, he knew what these two liars did, but he still needed to behave.

After a long time, Li Tianyu put down the bright flashlight.

Zhou Xirong asked casually: "Xiao Li, what do you think of this stone?"

Li Tianyu sighed.

Zhou Xirong saw something wrong with Li Tianyu's expression, and asked in surprise, "What's wrong?"

Li Tianyu: "Auntie Zhou, this stone looks good at first glance, but it's a pity, you'd better not buy it."

When I said this, the expressions on everyone's faces were shocked.

Mao Yunyi couldn't help angrily: "What are you talking about? Why are you telling Mr. Zhou not to buy our stones?"

Li Tianyu: "It's very simple, your stone was sealed afterwards."

Zhou Xirong's expression changed: "It was sealed afterwards? It shouldn't be. I just saw it, and there is no sign of fraud."

Xiao Qiming: "Yes, this, little brother, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand! The two of us are honest people, just to sell stones to make money, they won't deceive!"

Li Tianyu did not respond to Xiao Qiming, but got up and went to the functional locker in the coffee shop and took a coffee stirrer.

In front of everyone, he turned the stone to its side and started to scrape it with a stirring rod.

Xiao Qiming was going crazy, his eyes widened, and he shouted: "You, what are you going to do? Don't move, and you don't buy, what should you do if you scratch it!?"

Li Tianyu raised his head and said, "If this is a rough stone that you have never done before, then you are not afraid of being scratched. This is a stone. How could it be scratched!"

Xiao Qiming was speechless by Li Tianyu.

He looked up at Zhou Xirong and said, "Zhou, look at her..."

Zhou Xirong originally thought that Li Tianyu had little experience and had misunderstood it, but now that Xiao Qiming and Mao Yunyi are very flustered, they gradually become suspicious.

"Little Li, go ahead."

Li Tianyu nodded and scratched a part of the stone with force.

After a few scratches, something jaw-dropping happened.

The stone was actually scraped out of powder, and it was not a very coarse rock particle, but a real powder, very fine and very fine.

Upon seeing this, Zhou Xirong showed a stern look on her face.

As for Xiao Qiming and Mao Yunyi, sweat dripped off their faces.

The layman does not know what this kind of powder is, but the people in the circle know that it is called marble powder, which is specially used to seal stones.

The so-called "sealing stone" is to glue the cut part of the rough stone that has been cut back with special materials and craftsmanship.

If the craftsmanship of distressing and sealing is good, it can often be seamless, as if it had not been cut.

And Mao Yunyi is actually a master in this area.

Not only can it be sealed and worn, but the color that is made is almost indistinguishable from the outer skin of the stone.

This is why Zhou Xirong, who also has a certain appraisal ability, did not see it after watching it for a long time.

Mao Yunyi's craftsmanship is indeed brilliant.

If it weren't for a few scratches, most people wouldn't be able to tell.

Anyway, after Li Tianyu's trouble, the tricks of Fat Xiao and Bald Hair were all exposed.

Zhou Xirong was almost defrauded of 35 million yuan in soft RMB!

Even if she didn't care about the money, she almost capsized in the gutter, which in itself was enough to make people angry.

No matter how well-trained Zhou Xirong was, she couldn't bear this. She raised her hand and poured half a cup of coffee on Xiao Qiming's body.

How dare Xiao Qiming resist and said directly: "Zhou, Zhou, we still have business, let's go first, let's go first..."

With that, Xiao Qiming motioned to Mao Yunyi to quickly pick up the stone and run.

However, Li Tianyu took the lead and bumped the stone to the ground.

With a "click", it broke into several pieces.

Everything inside the stone can be seen clearly.

It turned out that only a small piece of top-quality green jade on the surface was full of black Yaoyan.

In other words, this stone is a sheep shit egg, with a shiny surface.

It is true that a small piece of green jade can be worth more than one million, but the whole stone is completely useless.

You must know that the value of this stone is worth tens of millions.

Xiao Qiming and Mao Yun were easy to see, so they didn't dare to pick them up, and they ran away after crawling around.

Li Tianyu: "Aunt Zhou, just let them go?"

Zhou Xirong's expression calmed down: "It's okay, someone will go to them to settle the account."

Then, Zhou Xirong said to Li Tianyu: "Xiao Li, this time it's thanks to you. I didn't expect that even Teacher Tian didn't see the problem, you actually found it, or else the 30 million yuan would be gone."

Tian Ji looked awkward and a little fidgeted.

After a few seconds, Tian Ji also replied: "Yes, yes, although Mr. Li is old, he has good eyesight. I really missed him."

Li Tianyu chuckled, "Master Tian, ​​your eyesight is really bad, you are really blind, I don't understand, how could this little trick fool you?"

Tian Ji: "What do you mean?"

Zhou Xirong also heard Li Tianyu's implication.

In fact, she is also very puzzled. Tian Ji's eyesight and experience are very good. According to reason, it is impossible to fail to see this little trick of sealing stones.

But at the same time, Tian Ji was the consultant Zhou Xirong invited at a high price.

The two sides have cooperated many times and there have been no problems before, so Zhou Xirong did not think about that.

Zhou Xirong: "Xiao Li, just say what you have."

Li Tianyu smiled: "I just found out that the fat man named Xiao and Master Tian made many eye contact. Have you two met each other?"

Tian Ji stood up, trembling all over: "You...little, kid! Don't talk nonsense, you are spitting blood!"

Tian Ji's voice was so loud that it even alarmed the clerk.

Zhou Xirong: "Teacher Tian, ​​sit down."

Tian Ji calmed down a little, and sat down again.

Li Tianyu is really not talking about it.

He already knew through the intelligence master's ability that Xiao Qiming had exchanged with Tianji.

The two did not know each other, but Xiao Qiming took the initiative to find Tian Ji.

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