Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 221 Be Targeted by Real Estate Speculators!

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Tian Ji's ability is very strong, but the bottom line is not very high. As long as enough money is given, he can cooperate with the game.

Therefore, Xiao Qiming's strategy will be even more perfect with Tian Ji's internal and external cooperation.

I have to say that Xiao Qiming's scheming is too deep.

If it were not for Li Tianyu's chance to hear Fat Xiao and Bald Mao whispering, they would have really succeeded.

As a big boss, Zhou Xirong's IQ is certainly not low.

Looking at Tian Ji's reaction, even if no actual evidence is found, he will know what's going on as soon as his brain fills up.

Zhou Xirong looked cold and grim: "Tian Ji, I will check this out. If I find out that you did collude with those two people, then you will not be better off."

Although the air-conditioning in the COSTA Café was adequate, big beads of sweat dripped from Tian Ji's face.

Tian was panicked.

Who is Zhou Xirong?

The influence of the bigwig-level figures in the jewelry circle is leverage.

Such things like eating inside and out, if once exposed by Zhou Xirong, it will be notorious. Don't even think about being in the circle in this life.

After weighing it over and over, Tian Ji took the initiative to confess his mistakes and sincerely admit his mistakes.

The pitiful appearance was almost as good as kneeling and begging for forgiveness.

However, Zhou Xirong was a decisive figure with no expression of pity on her face.

"Okay, you can go first. I will find a lawyer to deal with this matter later. I hope you get acquainted and cooperate well, otherwise I will make you more uncomfortable."

Tian Ji quickly thanked him three times and left the COSTA cafe.

Zhou Xirong immediately changed her face and smiled and said to Li Tianyu: "Xiao Li, I have to thank you very much. You are a great help."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Aunt Zhou, this is also a task for me."

Zhou Xirong: "It's still a little effort? But I didn't expect you to know so much about rough stone wool."

Li Tianyu: "It's just a small hobby, I'm in front of you, isn't it just a move."

Zhou Xirong smiled more brilliantly: "Xiao Li, I found that your mouth is really good at talking, so let's go back and I have time to treat you to dinner."

Li Tianyu hurriedly said "Okay", thinking that the food he owed was more and more recently.

In any case, it was a good result to help Qin Xuetong's mother.

Li Tianyu lied about something and left the COSTA cafe.

At this time, Li Tianyu really encountered something.

He had just entered the lobby on the first floor of Hua Meng Zhizun, but his cell phone rang.

At first glance, the telegraph shows that Shen Youshan actually called.

She called, it must be about Daping.

Li Tianyu quickly pressed the answer button, and Shen Youshan's voice came over there.

"Mr. Li, is it convenient for you to answer the phone now?"

Li Tianyu: "Convenient, you can tell."

Shen Youshan: "I will show my clients some of your large flats in the afternoon. They will order them now."

Li Tianyu was stunned. The news was unbelievable, and it was difficult to digest for a while.

Li Tianyu: "Order now? They?"

Shen Youshan just explained.

It was not one person or a family who came to see the house, but a few families.

It's from Yuzhou in the south.

When Li Tianyu heard "Yuzhou", he understood that his three large flats should have been targeted by the real estate speculators and wanted to make money.

This is better, it saves the sale of a house, not to mention the trouble, it will take a long time.Jiuliuwei Novel Network

It is very convenient to sell to real estate speculators and immediately cash out.

Although domestic housing prices have generally not risen much at present, there is even a trend of steady decline.

But for first-tier cities in China, it may be up again someday.

The silent real estate speculators did not completely disappear, but they flocked to foreign countries, or were dormant temporarily while observing the trend of domestic housing prices.

The real estate in Jinjingmeiheyuan, although the wealthy people in the imperial capital do not look very impressive.

However, this area of ​​Shangdi brings together office workers including education and IT industries. These are all high-end groups with strong purchasing power.

Now Jinjingmeihe Garden has been included in the school district of the newly built Imperial Capital No. 4 Middle School, a prestigious school district.

The future potential of this community is great, so it was patronized by the real estate group in Yuzhou.

However, Li Tianyu still can't figure out why these people actually want to buy such a large flat?

Li Tianyu: "That's okay, but it's a bit too late now, there will be a peak in a while, maybe tomorrow."

Shen Youshan said, "Wait a minute," and without hanging up the phone, she started communicating with those from Yuzhou.

After a while, Shen Youshan said again: "Mr. Li, let's make an appointment tomorrow, but they live on the East Fourth Ring of the Imperial Capital. They asked if they could make an appointment a little closer to them?"

Li Tianyu pondered that East Fourth Ring Road was not far from China World Trade Center, and said: "That's easy to do. I live in China World Trade Center Huameng Zun, let them come here."

Shen Youshan heard, Hua Meng Zhizun, that is the super mansion of the imperial capital.

The rich man, he really is the rich man, the residences are so rich!

The two set a time, and they will meet at the coffee shop of Hua Meng Zhizun at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

There is also a coffee shop in the lobby on the first floor of Huameng Zhizun-"Pacific Coffee Shop".

That night, Li Tianyu was really tired.

He lay on the bed, swiped his phone casually, and fell asleep early.

The next day, Li Tianyu slept until half past eight.

Her stomach was empty, and her chest was pressed against her back.

Li Tianyu hurriedly finished washing, and went downstairs to find a nearby McDonald's to solve the breakfast problem.

By the way, I don’t have to go to work now, so Li Tianyu likes to eat slowly and chew slowly when eating breakfast.

A cup of coffee after dinner is even more refreshing.

After breakfast, it was past nine o'clock.

Li Tianyu returned to Huameng Zun leisurely, went to the Pacific Coffee Shop on the first floor, ordered a cup of coffee, and drank slowly.

Shen Youshan sent a text message in advance and confirmed that the time is okay.

This girl is pretty reliable, and this transaction allows her to participate in the whole process, which is also a guarantee.

Just then, the door of the coffee shop opened.

Li Tianyu thought it was a real estate speculator who came, but still wondered how to come so early. Looking back, no.

But Li Tianyu had also seen the person who came in.

Wasn't it just the beauty Liu Hui who had a relationship at the gym on the 80th floor that day!

Li Tianyu was happy and waved to her with a smile.

Liu Hui was startled first, then smiled and said hello.


Li Tianyu: "Morning."

Liu Hui actually had a good first impression of Li Tianyu, especially when she saw that Li Tianyu entered the VIP fitness area directly, she felt that his identity might be extraordinary.

But Liu Hui is not here alone, so it is not easy to sit with Li Tianyu.

I sat down with my friends not far away.

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