You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!When the onlookers heard this, they fryed the pot.

This time it was much bigger than before.

"Fuck! You really deserve to be the boss, more bragging than the employees below."

"That's right, this lie really came with my mouth open, and I'm not afraid that the wind will flash my tongue."

"How else can someone be a boss? With such a bad character, I think the money he makes must come from a wrong path."

"By the way, maybe the wine here is all fake wine, and everything he eats is expired food!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone fought a cold war, and at the same time became even more disgusted with this doll bar.

The angry crusades one after another.

There are even crazy fans of Qin Xuetong who want to roll up their sleeves, eager to try, and want to give the owner of the doll bar a severe lesson.

Looking at Peng Leiyang and Zhu Ta, their expressions are even more exaggerated and changeable. Finally, they laughed loudly, as if they had heard the funniest cross talk.

Fortunately, Kong Hao needed to maintain the glorious image of a "counterfeiting hero", and barely resisted the urge to laugh.

The third master Kong said disdainfully: "You are really good enough. You dare to speak big words in front of the media camera. Isn't it just a matter of minutes?"

Zhu Ta: "What I said is, maybe the brokerage company where Qin Xuetong works will be looking for it right away."

Peng Leiyang: "Boy, it's too late for you to regret now, please ask Master Kong, maybe you can save you a little less, don't even do the bar business."

Li Tianyu: "Sanye Kong? Sanye Kong is so powerful?"

Kong Hao snorted coldly: "I'm not so good, don't worry about it, even if you ask me, I'm not willing to help you as a scumbag!"

Li Tianyu was not annoyed, and sneered at each other: "Heh, I am a scum? Then what are you?"

Kong Hao's expression changed and he turned his head and said to Zhou Xinrui: "I think this kind of black-hearted boss should be exposed immediately, so that the relevant departments can preside over justice and impose corresponding punishments on this bar."

Zhou Xinrui also agrees with Kong Hao's point of view, but in order to ensure the integrity of the interview video, she still has to ask Li Tianyu a few questions.

Zhou Xinrui: "Boss, can you tell me, your surname, what is your name?"

Li Tianyu felt that there was nothing to hide, so he told the truth.

Zhou Xinrui didn't expect the other party to be "open and upright", but then thought that it was possible that the other party was confident and there were people on it.

This boss has such an attitude, maybe there is an umbrella on it.

If you dig deeper, you might be able to dig out big news with national influence!

Zhou Xinrui: "Boss Li, just now you said you are good friends with Qin Xuetong, are you sure you are joking?"

Li Tianyu solemnly said to the camera: "I'm sure I'm not kidding, Qin Xuetong is indeed friends with me, and she has indeed been to this doll bar."

Then, Li Tianyu smiled and added: "By the way, the Oktoberfest in this bar will be held regularly in the future, and we will strive to once or twice a year. Welcome everyone to visit."

The onlookers were all stunned when they heard it.

This boss's psychological quality is too terrifying!?

Actually make false propaganda in front of the media camera.


People are not afraid of death at all, and they are even still provoking people who exposed him.

Zhou Xinrui: "Boss Li, if Qin Xuetong's Jinglun company comes to the door, how would you explain it?"

Li Tianyu: "Explain what?"

Zhou Xinrui: "Explain why you used Qin Xuetong's reputation to make false propaganda for the beer festival in the bar?"

Li Tianyu was about to speak when there was music on his body.

It was his mobile phone that received a message.


Li Tianyu took out his mobile phone and took a look, and said, "I don't need to explain, Qin Xuetong is here."

Zhou Xinrui did not respond: "Here? Who is here?"

Li Tianyu raised his head and looked around, and said while looking around, "Qin Xuetong is here."



When the people around heard it, they were shocked.

Not to mention outsiders, even Han Lei, Cao Chunwen and others showed a look of stunned expression.

Qin Xuetong is here?

real or fake?

When Qin Xuetong came last time, Han Lei didn't see it in person, just listened to what Jiang Xiaosi said, so he was skeptical.

It is not impossible for Jiang Xiaosi to admit the wrong person.

However, based on Han Lei's knowledge of Li Tianyu, this boss is generally quite reliable.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling a little excited.

In full view, Qin Xuetong came to the scene in person, it was more effective than any explanation.

Kong Hao still believed that the boss was just talking nonsense, and sternly shouted: "Don't think you are talking nonsense here, no one else can cure you, bragging and scoring the situation, otherwise it is illegal!"

As soon as Kong Sanye's voice fell, the fans who followed him applauded.

In fact, Kong Hao was right. To brag in private, of course there is no problem, but if you make a profit by bragging, it is a fraud.

As a result, there was a sound of crusades and screams, asking Li Tianyu to kneel down to admit his mistakes and stop fooling people.

However, Li Tianyu's psychological quality is particularly good, and he simply ignores these people.

At this time, a red sports car drove into the small parking lot of the bar.

That sports car looked good, it was an Alfa Romeo four-leaf clover, which was rarely seen in places like the Imperial Capital.

Everyone's attention was attracted by the sound of the large displacement engine.

I saw the two ladies push the doors from both sides to get off.

One of them also wore a hat and sunglasses.

However, her tall figure, long black hair that crosses her shoulders, fair skin, and delicately crafted face made many of her super loyal fans recognize it.

"Look, look, is that Qin Xuetong?"

"No way, how could she come here?...Huh? The one on the left really looks like her."

"Yes, it seems to be true, that temperament is definitely Qin Xuetong, not the second person."

"Fuck! It's true, I think this woman may have been found by the boss, but she looks a lot like Qin Xuetong."

"Fuck you! You can find it for me, I don't ask to look like Qin Xuetong, as long as Qixiang is enough, I want as much as you can find!"

"Don't tell me, the one on the right is also very beautiful, even in Wulitun, it's a rare beauty."

At this time, the two women have come close.

They are not others, they are two beautiful women, Qin Xuetong and Qiu Kexin.

These two people appeared here, but they didn't come to drink in idleness.

In fact, Li Tianyu received a call from Guo Guang and called Qin Xuetong on the way to explain the situation.

Li Tianyu didn't expect Qin Xuetong to come here in person, just ask her to send an assistant or spokesperson to explain.Literature under the pen 2020

Qin Xuetong didn't seem to think about it at the time, so she said, "Don't worry, you go first and I will solve it."

After hanging up the phone, Li Tianyu didn't worry about Qin Xuetong's perfunctory attitude.

Although the two didn't have much contact, and strictly speaking, they only met a few times, but Li Tianyu still knew Qin Xuetong's personality.

Qin Xuetong said that if he wanted to help Li Tianyu solve it, then he would solve it, and it was the kind of doing his best.

There is no doubt about this.

Li Tianyu didn't see the wrong person.

After Qin Xuetong hung up the phone, she was thinking about how to help Li Tianyu solve it.

After thinking about it, Qin Xuetong still called Qiu Kexin without making up his mind.

Qiu Kexin is Qin Xuetong's best girlfriend, and Qin Xuetong will tell her almost anything, and will consult her to discuss solutions when encountering problems.

When Qiu Kexin heard this, he became angry: "Xiaotong, are you crazy!?"

Qin Xuetong was startled: "What? Are you saying that you shouldn't help him? That's not okay, Li Tianyu helped me, so I'll be reciprocated."

Qiu Kexin: "No, I mean you think the problem is too complicated, and the solution is too simple. Why don't we just go there?"

Qin Xuetong: "Will being too high-profile cause Li Tianyu trouble?"

Qiu Kexin: "I think you are usually very decisive. Why are you so mother-in-law now? I said, do you really like Li Tianyu that wild boy?"

Qin Xuetong: "Speaking of people."

Qiu Kexin: "Okay, what do you think of my idea? As soon as you show up, the gods will descend to the earth, and the beauty will be more effective than any method. What trouble will Li Tianyu have? He can't ask for it, then his bar will be again It's a fire, and it's still a big fire!"

Qin Xuetong thought about it carefully, and felt that going there in person was indeed the most effective way.

Although Qin Xuetong's agency made her show up less now, it shouldn't matter if she only showed up once.

So Qin Xuetong decided to pass.,

Qiu Kexin: "Are you going alone?"

Qin Xuetong: "What? You want to go too? Don't you have classes this afternoon?"

Qiu Kexin: "What is the class? I'll just ask the teacher to make up for it. Wait for me, I'll pick you up."

It seems that Qiu Kexin is more active than Qin Xuetong.

She certainly wasn't worried about Li Tianyu's bar crisis, she was just going to play.

Qiu Kexin drove her Alfa Romeo four-leaf clover, and ran to Qin Xuetong's house as soon as the smoke slipped, and then the two rushed to the doll bar in Wulitun.

When the two of them arrived at the entrance of the bar, they were a little surprised to see so many people surrounded.

It's no wonder that in addition to the dozens of fans brought by the three of Kong Hao, many passersby were attracted.

Therefore, the entrance of the bar is surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside, and the thickness is still increasing.

Qiu Kexin parked the car, looked out the window, and couldn't help saying: "Hey, this seems a bit like going on the red carpet, Xiaotong, are you nervous?"

Qin Xuetong glared at Qiu Kexin, pushed open the door of the co-pilot and got out of the car.

As soon as the two appeared, they completely attracted everyone's attention.

Some people have clearly recognized Qin Xuetong, and some people's faces are still full of suspicion.

But the strange thing is that no one came around, just staring at the two dumbfoundedly.

As soon as Qin Xuetong and Qiu Kexin approached, the crowd split automatically.

People began to whisper and whisper.

"Qin Xuetong, it's really Qin Xuetong."

"Can you recognize her wearing sunglasses and a hat?"

"Nonsense, I am her loyal fan, even if she turns into ashes, I can recognize her."

"Cut, I don't believe it, I'm sure she just looks like, take off her sunglasses, she must be someone else, maybe she's an ugly girl."

"Believe it or not, I'm going to look ahead."

At the same time, Qin Xuetong and Qiu Kexin passed through the crowd and walked to the entrance of the bar.

Qiu Kexin waved to Li Tianyu: "Don't froze, hurry up and pick up."

Li Tianyu was happy: "The two are really my timely rain. If you don't come again, these people will tear me up soon."

Although Zhou Xinrui is a media reporter, she is not an entertainment reporter. It is also the first time she has seen Qin Xuetong so close, making it difficult for her to tell the truth from the fake for a while.

Zhou Xinrui hesitated: "This is Qin Xuetong?"

Qin Xuetong responded lightly: "It's me."

Kong Hao's eyes widened, and he looked left and right in disbelief.

"Are you really Qin Xuetong? Do you dare to take off your sunglasses?"

Peng Leiyang: "You cover it so tightly, who knows it's not a counterfeit?"

Juta: "Yes, this boss doesn't have a lot of truth, he must have found someone to come over to act!"

Qin Xuetong simply took off his sunglasses and fully exposed those big eyes.

The screams around him continued.

As long as people with normal brains can see, this is indeed Qin Xuetong's deity.

This glamorous temperament, this perfect, peerless appearance that can't find a trace of flaws, let alone ordinary people, even in the beauty-like entertainment circle, few can compare it.

And this is not on the screen, not in the picture, but the real person, which is so perfect.

With those actresses who can only live under the filter, it is not at the same level.

Kong Hao suddenly lost his momentum as a "fake hero", his mouth opened wide, his eyes bulged out, and he stammered unable to speak a complete sentence.

"This, this, how is it possible?"

Zhou Xinrui was also very surprised, dumbfounded.

Now, in the state of webcasting, all Toutiao video users can watch the live video through the mobile APP or computer.

Originally, she had come here to fight with Sanye Kong, but now that Qin Xuetong appeared, she was obviously hitting them in the face!

And he slapped back quite hard.

Look at Sanye Kong again, it's just a waste.

Among his fans, many of them are Qin Xuetong’s super fans. Naturally they immediately abandoned Kong Hao. They rushed to use their mobile phones to take pictures and videos, and some even began to look for pens and papers everywhere. Metaphor.

"Qin Xuetong! Look here!"

"Can you sign me? Take another photo with me?"

"Fuck off, didn't you just say it wasn't her herself? I recognized her as soon as she showed up!"

"Don't squeeze me! Are there any other first-come-last-come? No matter what you do, you must line up first! Do you understand the rules?"

Seeing that the scene was a little out of control, Cao Chunwen quickly greeted a few people from the store to maintain order.

Li Tianyu took the opportunity to let Qin Xuetong and Qiu Kexin into the bar.

The fans are crazy.

"Boss, I want to go in for a drink!"

"I want to go in too!"

"Me! And me!"

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