Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 261: A Blessing in Disguise

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu laughed when he heard these: "It's not yet business hours. You can only enter after business hours. Of course, those who want to go in for a drink are welcome, but they must follow the rules."

With that said, Li Tianyu gestured towards Cao Chunwen.

Cao Chunwen immediately understood and moved to guard at the door.

Soon someone asked loudly: "When will it open?"

Cao Chunwen stretched out his hand and made a "five" number.

It opens at five o'clock, and there is still more than an hour to wait for the scene, but no one left, and passers-by continue to see people here curiously coming over to ask about the situation.

When I learned that Qin Xuetong was inside, I couldn't help but yell.

As a result, more and more people are waiting for the bar to open.

While Cao Chunwen took a sip, he also admired Li Tianyu's connections.

Even popular actresses like Qin Xuetong can be invited, which is really not something ordinary people can do.

In ordinary bars, no matter how much money they can afford, they can't hire a celebrity like this, which shows how much face Li Tianyu has.

Kong Hao, Peng Leiyang and Zhu Ta, now you look at me, I look at you, like three sand sculptures, don't know what to do.

Originally, he came over to fight fakes, but he found that there were real guys.

If it’s okay as usual, it’s okay if you don’t release the video afterwards, but today’s battle was too much. Not only did it attract so many fans, but it also brought in the media reporters for the headline video.

The key point is that the media reporters also adopted the online live broadcast model.

This time I was really embarrassed.

Kong Hao turned on his mobile phone, and he could even see the netizens in the comment section of the live video on the platform of the headline video.

"Sanye Kong has lost his lord this time, and still have the face to stand there?"

"Hahaha, those three sand batches are so funny, I wanted to pick up a soft persimmon, who knew I had kicked the iron plate."

"This cracker, swell your face!"

Kong Hao opened his self-media page again and found that the number of fans was rapidly decreasing.

Not only that, other self-media platforms are also madly dropping fans, the speed is visible to the naked eye.

At this time, Yang Hantao suffocated Kong Hao's eyes: "Kong Sanye, you seem to have started cracking down on fakes without investigating them clearly. Have you ever thought that people would not adulterate?"

Kong Hao thought to himself, this is the rhythm to be finished.

Kong Hao: "I have investigated, maybe the investigation was...not careful enough."

Yang Hantao "cut" and said, "It's really shameful. It's about the same as the fight against the fake hero."

With that, Yang Hantao turned his head and left.

Kong Hao wanted to stop the beauty, but he gave him a glance, and he drove away from the roadside.

Juta hesitated and asked, "Should we go in?"

Peng Leiyang: "Yes, we can't bear this tone, let's go in and fuck them!"

Before Kong Hao could react, Peng Leiyang rolled up his sleeves and rushed up.

Kong Hao: "Oh, Dapeng, don't mess up...ohhhhhhh!"

Before Kong Hao's words fell, Peng Leiyang was kicked back and hit Kong Hao hard.

The two of them had their four feet up to the sky, folded the Arhats, and caused many onlookers to laugh.

Many people even picked up their mobile phones to record their tragedy, ready to post it on Moments and Weibo.

Cao Chunwen: "You guys make trouble again, don't blame me for being polite!"

"Special! I will do..."

Peng Leiyang got up stupidly and wanted to go up with the security captain, but was struggling to hold him back by Kong Hao and Zhu Ta.

"Dapeng, you sand sculpture, you can't beat it!"

Peng Leiyang: "Don't just forget it? It's shameful for us to go back like this!"

Juta: "It's not even more embarrassing for you to make a hard beating!?"

Peng Leiyang blew his beard and stared, "Fuck! Old Zhu, didn't you want to go in?"

Zhu Ta was speechless for a while, he couldn't confess that he wanted to go in, did he want Qin Xuetong's signature?

Then let the other two be killed?

Zhu Ta's conversation turned: "Hurry up, you two, there is a shit to stay here!"

Kong Hao certainly didn't object, and he and Zhu Ta forced Peng Leiyang into his car and ran off.

At the same time, there is a quiet deck in the doll bar.

Li Tianyu sat at one side, and of course two beautiful women, Qin Xuetong and Qiu Kexin, sat opposite.

The bar is not open yet, only the waiter is making the final preparations for opening the shop.

The waiters are working, but their attention is always attracted by this side.

Some probes the brain, some whispered.

Anyway, the news that Qin Xuetong came to the bar had already spread.

Some waiters even posted secret photos in their circle of friends, which attracted many likes and comments.

Relatives and friends have asked for the address of the bar.

On this day, as waiters in the doll bar, they actually felt a very strong sense of superiority.

Although there was a sense of superiority in the past, it was only because the salary and funds in the store were relatively generous. Now it is different, but there are big stars in the store.

In the Imperial City, although there are many celebrities, there are not many stores that are frequently visited by celebrities, especially big stars.

These often become Internet celebrity shops, as long as you put a photo of the celebrity and the boss on the wall, that grade will go up.

And who is Qin Xuetong?

That is the newly popular actress who is known as the most difficult to get.

What is "the most difficult to invite"?

Many large-scale events wanted to invite Qin Xuetong to the platform, but she basically pushed them off.

The reason is simple, that is, I don't want to do anything other than filming work.

In fact, when Qin Xuetong first debuted, the agency Vantage Entertainment would also arrange promotional activities for her, but it is said that she has rarely been there once.

When Vantage Entertainment signed a contract with Qin Xuetong, these voluntary activities were not included, or it would not be signed.

Qin Xuetong's appearance is too outstanding. He is born rich and not bad at all.

His uncle Qin Shaoyuan is also a big man in the entertainment industry with a lot of energy.

Therefore, Vantage Entertainment has nothing to do with her.

Who would have thought that Li Tianyu, his boss, would have such an "iron" friendship with Qin Xuetong?

Seeing that someone knocked on the door, a phone call came to the scene to relieve the crisis.

Of course, Du Qiang, who came up with that ad slogan, was relieved.

At first he thought he had caused a big disaster, but he didn't expect the rumors to be true.

At this time, Du Gengqiang craned his neck and looked at the deck, then went to the bartender Zhuang Xingwang to whisper.

Du Gengqiang: "Where is our boss?"

Zhuang Xingwang: "What is the origin?"

Du Gengqiang pointed at the deck with his thumb: "Talk to Qin Xuetong alone, this is almost the same as the boss."

Zhuang Xingwang: "Aren't you talking nonsense? Our boss is a big boss!"

Du Gengqiang: "Let's talk about it, what is your identity?"

Zhuang Xingwang shook his head: "I don't know."

Du Gengqiang: "Fuck! You don't know anything, and you said that the boss is a big boss?"

Zhuang Xingwang: "You don't care about his background, you can't miss him anyway."

Du Gengqiang nodded, as if rewarding older employees, including Guo Guang and Han Lei, had said so.

I don’t know if Li Tianyu fed them Ecstasy Soup?

But Du Qiang is a smart man.

He also saw that Li Tianyu was in such a big crisis, and he was light and light.

It seems that there is no feeling of panic or worry, it is indeed terrible.

While the employees in the store were whispering and whispering, Li Tianyu had a very happy chat with the two beautiful women.

Li Tianyu: "This time I really thank you for coming to the rescue in time. Otherwise, my bar, I'm afraid it will be pornographic."

Qiu Kexin: "I don't think you are in a hurry. We would not come if we knew it."

At this time, Jiang Xiaosi brought the drinks and snacks.

Li Tianyu quickly brought it down in person, and said with a smile: "Don't say that, our relationship is so strong, buddies are in trouble, how can we not help."

As soon as Qiu Kexin was about to speak, Li Tianyu rushed to interrupt: "Besides this, I'm not doing nothing for nothing. From now on, the two will come to this bar to drink and chat, all for free."

Qiu Kexin picked up the bar and took a sip: "Want to let us come often? Then the wine in your bar is good enough...well, it's okay to drink."

Li Tianyu turned to Qin Xuetong again: "I'm sorry, this time I really caused you trouble, I owe you a favor."

Qiu Kexin: "Don't just say that you owe it, then when do you plan to pay it back?"

Li Tianyu raised his eyebrows and patted his chest: "You can pay it back now, let's say, is it to pay off with fate, or to agree with the body?"

Qin Xuetong smiled slightly and said nothing.

Qiu Kexin curled her lips: "You still want to show you? You want to be beautiful, so that my Xiaotong will not lose too much?"

Li Tianyu spread his hands: "Then I don't know what to pay back. You two will not be short of money, right?"

Qiu Kexin "cut": "It's really vulgar, it's always money."

Li Tianyu was so stunned that he kept smiling bitterly. Qiu Kexin's mouth was really powerful.

Moreover, this girl is so ecstatic that she could point out something in her mouth.

At this time, Qin Xuetong took a sip of wine and said, "You don't need to pay it back now, let's owe it first."

Qiu Kexin glanced at his girlfriend in surprise.

This is really rare.

With Qiu Kexin's understanding of Qin Xuetong, she does not ask for anything in return.

It is unique that Li Tianyu owed this favor today.

The three of them drank while chatting, and before they knew it, they arrived at the opening hours of the bar.

Many customers rushed into the bar, and it was a little messy for a while.

Li Tianyu came back to his senses and said to Qin Xuetong: "Come here today. I am not driving people. Fans will look for you everywhere, and I will be annoying."

Qin Xuetong nodded: "Then let's go first, Ke Xin, you can find a driver."

Qiu Kexin glanced at her best friend: "What kind of riders are you looking for? I just need someone to pick us up."

With that said, Qiu Kexin picked up the phone.

Li Tianyu thought to himself, it is probably Qiu Kexin's spare tire.

After a while, the people Qiu Kexin had found came.

Unexpectedly, it was Qiu Jian that was the servant.

When Qiu Jian saw Li Tianyu, he said hello: "Hello, Brother Li."

Li Tianyu patted Qiu Jian on the shoulder and made an appointment to drink together next time.

Of course, Ai Heping must be called.

At this time, from time to time, customers in the bar would probe their heads here, and some even came over boldly, asking Qin Xuetong for an autograph and a group photo.

Qin Xuetong was all satisfied, but seeing more and more of these people, she was also a little worried.

Fortunately, the bar has a back door, right next to the kitchen.

Li Tianyu took the three of them out of the bar.

Because it is big summer and the sky is longer, it is still bright outside now.

However, Qin Xuetong had already done so, and even if someone cast a skeptical look, he didn't dare to come over and disturb him, it would not be a big problem.

In this way, Qiu Jian took the driving seat of the Alfa Romeo four-leaf clover, and Qin Xuetong and Qiu Kexin were in the back seat.

Alfa Romeo roared and walked away.

This car has a 2.9T engine, the power is not weak, but the back seat should not be very comfortable.

Qiu Jian looked fierce when driving, and Li Tianyu felt that the two beauties might get motion sickness.

This time Qin Xuetong did come quite in time and brought huge benefits to the doll bar.

Not only solved the "counterfeiting" crisis, but also made the bar's popularity suddenly rise by several orders of magnitude.

After the Oktoberfest, there are often long lines outside the bar before it is open for business.

It is said that Qin Xuetong often visits doll bars in Wulitun.

Many people come here admiringly.

Some even came from outside the imperial capital.

Anyway, Cao Chunwen's workload has increased a lot, and he has to step up to recruit people to help maintain order outside the door.

The bar business has been on the rise.

After a week, the sales are even higher than when the beer festival is held, and the profits are also greater.

The Oktoberfest plus this week's time, also accounted for more than ten million.

There is also good news. The Jiaxin factory has started to digest Avida’s orders.

As expected, Avida has the style of a big factory, and the advance payment alone received 50 million, which made Lu Hui excited for a while.

The follow-up development was beyond Li Tianyu's expectations.

As soon as Ivida's order was finalized, many manufacturers immediately followed up and came to Jiaxin to negotiate business.

As a result, Lu Hui was completely in pain and happiness during this period.

Because there are too many orders, the factory's production capacity can't keep up. Even if the workers are at full capacity, the orders have already been scheduled for three months.

Next, Li Tianyu also began to wonder how to use the "asset share" of the bragging system.

Li Tianyu called out the system asset ceiling.

[System asset upper limit]

Residential: 715 units

Office building: 2,1007,000 square meters

Commercial real estate: 4,8555,000 square meters

Operating industries: 13

Transportation: 28

In the case of residential houses, there is a share of 8 units.

It can only be rented but not sold. If it is an ordinary residence, the rent is not much.

Of course, if it is a school district room, it is different.

The rent of school district housing is quite high, and tenants usually rent for three consecutive years, so the amount of funds is still very large.

The office building will bring the most benefits.

There are 4,900 square meters of shares available, which may reach hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue.

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