Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 264 Magic City, the tallest building in the country

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Before get out of class ended, Li Tianyu and Chen Lu made an appointment for the next class time and waved away.

In the evening, when Li Tianyu was idle, he began to study the screen of his mobile phone.

In fact, it means to try out the newly "buy" HUAWEIMateXs5G and Samsung GalaxyFold.

After playing with the two mobile phones for half an hour, Li Tianyu came to the final conclusion.

The folding LCD screen is really cool, and it really feels very technical and futuristic to use.

Li Tianyu feels that the design of HUAWEI is better and more convenient to use.

For Samsung, the phone itself is a bit cumbersome, but it may be made of metal material, which is more textured than HUAWEI.

However, the current technology of the folding LCD screen itself is obviously immature and has many defects.

Li Tianyu summed it up, mainly as follows.

First, the foldable flexible screen is too fragile, and even the protective film on the surface cannot be torn off, otherwise the screen is easily scratched or even scrapped.

Second, when the screen is folded, there will be obvious creases and unevenness, which will force the rhythm of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Third, Li Tianyu also checked on the Internet. The lifespan of the flexible folding screen is relatively short, especially when it is folded repeatedly, which is reducing its life.

Whether it is Samsung or BOE, which supplies Huawei with flexible LCD screens, it is estimated that these problems will not be solved in the short term.

Li Tianyu wondered, is there any way he can get ahead?

Will this be able to meet the upgrade requirements of the system?

But Li Tianyu also understands.

easy to say, hard to do.

Although this flexible screen technology is not as cutting-edge, it has indeed troubled the top scientific researchers for many years. Otherwise, it would not be introduced now.

But Li Tianyu wants to give it a try. He is a man with a bragging tax system.

Relatively speaking, it is more hopeful than others to make a breakthrough.

Wait for Lu Hui's feedback first.

As long as the team and the production line can be pulled up, it will not be too late to find a solution to the "difficulties" of these foldable flexible screens.

Then, Li Tianyu started thinking about opening the hotel again.

Although Li Tianyu can use the bragging system to "blown" the bar.

However, the later operation still requires a large amount of funds.

He opened the system interface and checked his character attributes.

[Name]: Li Tianyu

[Level]: celebrities

[Existing wealth]: 36653700 yuan soft sister coin

[Daily tax amount]: 1000000 yuan soft sister coin

[Order Center]: Click to enter

[Task Center]: Click to enter

Within a few days, the "existing wealth" has actually risen to more than 30 million soft sister coins.

This makes Li Tianyu feel good.

You must know that he has not used his share of residential and office buildings.

There are even three shops that have not been rented out.

This shows that the profits made by the doll bar and the Jiaxin factory have begun to be recorded in large amounts.

In this case, making money is much easier.

And now Li Tianyu only uses one industry quota, and there are two more useless.

One hotel in Dibei Water Town has been booked, and the other is pending.

Anyway, the task now is to make money.

With sufficient funds, whether it is opening a hotel or fiddling with LCD panels, there should be no problem.

Li Tianyu pondered for a while, and was a little tired, so he planned to go to bed after reading the Moments.

After taking a shower, Li Tianyu changed into pajamas and lay on the comfortable bed.

Open the circle of friends and have a look.228 Literature Network

Damn it!

The first is Ai Heping's big face.

Special, want to scare people to death?

Li Tianyu took a closer look again.

Ai Heping posted a total of nine pictures.

There are a few pictures where you can see the background behind, not like in the imperial capital.

In one of them, he was standing on a large terrace with many buildings and dense streets below.

It appears to be on a super high-rise building.

Another picture shows Ai Heping "holding" a huge hamburger, making it a bite.

Li Tianyu patiently counted, this burger has five layers.

Can you really eat it!?

The other two are Ai Heping hugging a beautiful woman, making her face, laughing, arrogant and lawless.

Ai Heping also added a line of text "intimately"-the weather today is so good!

Nima!Fatty Ai, what you wrote is a fart, is there a dime related to the pictures you posted?

Li Tianyu became curious and sent a private message to Ai Heping.

"Ai Xiaoer, where are you?"

After five or six minutes, Ai Heping returned the message.

"Boss, I'm cool, are you coming?"

Li Tianyu: "That's why I asked you, where are you?"

Ai Heping: "I'm in the Magic City Center Building."

Li Tianyu was startled.

Guai had to be in the imperial capital, it turned out to be in the magic capital.

The Magic City Center Building is terrific, and I think it should be the tallest building in China.

Li Tianyu checked it with his mobile phone. The entire building has 128 floors and a height of 632 meters.

This is a full ten stories taller than the tallest building in the imperial capital, the "Yunmeng Zun", which is dozens of meters higher.

It's not surprising that a rich second generation like Ai Heping appeared there. Eating and drinking is not their creed in life.

But the question is, why is Ai Heping there?

There are many ways this kid pretends, but it's by no means this routine.

Li Tianyu: "What are you going to do there? Don't tell me you don't want to live anymore, you are ready to jump from above."

Ai Heping: "Boss, stop joking, the world is so beautiful, why don't I want to live? My dad said, come here to exercise and meet the world."

Li Tianyu: "In what life have you not seen it? Do you still need to go there to see?"

Ai Heping: "The highest floors of the central building are about to open. My dad came to attend the ceremony and I followed."

When Li Tianyu heard this, he sat up.

Li Tianyu: "Central Building, are you going to take out?"

Ai Heping: "Yes, but only for designated customers, not openly sold. Boss, do you want to buy? I'll ask my dad to find a way."

What's the joke, find your dad to find a way, still need you?

His Li Tianyu speaking in Ai Baoquan is much more useful than your son.

Li Tianyu: "Okay, I'll check it out when I have time. How long will you stay there?"

When Ai Heping heard this, his joy broke: "Okay, okay, boss, I'll wait for you. Come here quickly, and I'll find more girls for you."

Li Tianyu asked helplessly: "So I asked how long you stayed in the magic city?"

Ai Heping: "Maybe, you have to wait a few days for the ceremony to end."

Li Tianyu babbled with Ai Heping a few more times and hung up the phone.

Magic City Center Building, the tallest building in China, is full of approvals.

If you buy an office building on the pinnacle floor, wouldn't the rent flow in?

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