You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu pondered.

Anyway, nothing happened in the past few days, so it's okay to go directly to Modu.

Maybe we can get a super high-rise office building again.

It doesn't matter even if it's empty, it's a vacation.

Just do it, Li Tianyu got up, turned on the new Apple computer, and began to book tickets.

I opened the booking website and found that the tickets were all booked, even the first class was gone.

At this time, Li Tianyu remembered that tomorrow is the weekend, and the imperial capital and the magic capital have frequent exchanges. It is really difficult to book tomorrow's air tickets today.

But it doesn't matter if the plane is not available, there is also a high-speed rail.

Li Tianyu went to subscribe the high-speed rail again, and as expected, there were so many tickets left, so Li Tianyu quickly placed an order and booked the tickets.

Early the next morning, Li Tianyu ate breakfast downstairs and drove to the high-speed rail station.

He parked the car at the station's stop, pulled a small trolley box and went to the waiting room.

Although it takes more than five hours to take the high-speed rail to the Devil, the security check is relatively simple.

The high-speed rail station is also closer than the airport, so it's actually easier than flying.

Li Tianyu looked at his cell phone in the waiting room for a while, and it was time for ticket checking.

He checked the ticket and found his seat smoothly.

As soon as I sat down, I heard someone make a sound of surprise.

"Huh? Brother Li, is this Brother Li?"

This sound seems to have been heard somewhere.

And the name "Brother Li" is indeed what many people call him now.

Li Tianyu turned his head and looked at him, startled, unexpectedly he was really an acquaintance.

It turned out to be Qi Juntao, the younger brother of Li Tianyu's high school classmate Qi Wei.

Not long ago, when Qi Juntao and his girlfriend bought Jin Jingmei's house in Heyuan, Li Tianyu once helped him a lot, so he got acquainted.

Of course, Li Tianyu was also "wrongly hitting right" at the time. He got three coupons from Ai Heping, bought three sets of flats at half price, and made tens of millions of soft sister coins at once.

It can be said to be quite lucky and happy.

Later, Qi Juntao wanted to invite Li Tianyu to dinner, but Li Tianyu was busy at the time, so he didn't go.

This time Qi Juntao saw Li Tianyu, he was really surprised.

Qi Juntao smiled and said, "Brother Li, do you not know me anymore?"

Li Tianyu stood up, patted Qi Juntao on the shoulder, and said jokingly: "How is this possible? I know you all turned into ashes."

Qi Juntao smirked, "Brother Li, then I can't turn to ashes, I haven't had a good drink with you yet."

Li Tianyu once thought about it, the last time this kid and his girlfriend had repeatedly poured him into him, if it hadn't been for the bragging system and reformed his physique, he would really have to lie under the table.

Li Tianyu suddenly wanted revenge, so he said: "Okay, then let's find a time to continue drinking. If we don't drink, we will not leave the scene!"

Qi Wei: "It's fine if you have this sentence, I'll make an appointment later! By the way, Brother Li, you also want to go to the magic city?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "Yes, a friend invited me to come and gather."

Both of them sat down.

Qi Juntao happened to be sitting at Li Tianyu's seat, and the two were separated by an aisle.

Of course, Qi Juntao did not come alone. There were three seats on his side, with a girl and a man sitting respectively.

The girl is relatively young and is of the cute loli type.

As for the man, his face is a bit stinky, and Li Tianyu is not interested in knowing who he is.

At this time, the high-speed rail started, and the speed gradually increased.

But the car is very balanced and quiet, and it has no effect on the conversation.

Qi Juntao introduced Li Tianyu to his two colleagues.

The cute loli's name is Zhang Xiaomeng, and her eyes are very big and shiny. She is really cute and fits her image.

The man's name is Ren Congyang, he should be older than Qi Juntao and Zhang Xiaomeng, and his position is a bit higher than that of the two.

Zhang Xiaomeng smiled sweetly, and waved to Li Tianyu: "Hello."

Ren Congyang just glanced at Li Tianyu, and didn't even bother to say hello.

Of course Li Tianyu doesn't matter, he just asked Qi Juntao: "Are you going on a business trip?"

Qi Juntao nodded: "Our company has also drawn a branch in Magic City. We used to help with team building."

Li Tianyu was happy: "Then you are really amazing. You have been entrusted with an important task by the company. Then you have to work hard!"

Qi Juntao waved his hand quickly: "No, I'm just a striker."

Ren Congyang glanced at Qi Juntao: "You know it."

Qi Juntao's expression was a little unhappy, Ren Congyang's words should have angered him.

However, Qi Juntao should not be able to provoke Ren Congyang, so he barely endured it.

Looking at Zhang Xiaomeng again, sitting between the two, a little uncomfortable, thinking about turning off the topic.

Zhang Xiaomeng: "By the way, is this brother Li and you relatives?"

Qi Juntao waved his hand immediately: "No, Brother Li is a classmate of my brother, a very powerful person. When I went to buy a house with my wife, it was thanks to him to buy it."

Zhang Xiaomeng's eyes widened: "Is it the house in Jin Jingmei and Garden?"

Qi Juntao: "Of course, how many houses can I buy?"

Zhang Xiaomeng: "It's amazing. The house you bought is a large area, and it is also a project of Aihua Real Estate. In the end, it was so cheap. It turned out that he could not buy it with help."

Qi Juntao couldn't help being a little proud: "Don't you know that Brother Li is amazing, and a big leader of Aihua Real Estate called him the boss."

Zhang Xiaomeng couldn't help taking a look at Li Tianyu carefully, only then did he feel that this person is still quite handsome and has such a calm temperament.

At this moment, Li Tianyu seemed to feel Zhang Xiaomeng's gaze and smiled at her.

Zhang Xiaomeng quickly looked away, a little embarrassed.

Hearing what Qi Juntao said, Ren Congyang said disdainfully: "Isn't it just a discount for you? If you are really capable, then you can get waived."

After Li Tianyu heard this, he thought to himself that Ai Heping really planned to waive the order.

Qi Juntao didn't talk to him, but his face had become sullen.

Li Tianyu looked a little funny, Qi Juntao was still a young man after all, and he couldn't bear to run on others.

But looking back, I think that a few months ago, Li Tianyu had the same temperament, and he was always at odds with others.

It didn't take long before Li Tianyu's realm was greatly improved.

One is due to the transformation of the system and the superimposed effects of various ability side effects.

Li Tianyu has been transformed at the level of spiritual will, and his temperament has changed from quantitative to qualitative.

The second is because Li Tianyu's identity has changed dramatically.

He is now the boss of two industries, and he has a lot of real estate, and he can be regarded as a wealthy man. In front of many people, he can be called a superior. Naturally, he is not comparable to Li Tianyu, the previous small planner.

However, again, this Ren Congyang is really annoying, and his temper is too bad.Just go to listen to

In fact, Ren Congyang was Qi Juntao's "master" when he first entered the company, and he was also the head of Ren Congyang's department.

Although the relationship between the two cannot be said to be intimate and happily born, they also talked and laughed, which is much stronger than it is now.

Why has the relationship between the two deteriorated to what it is now?

It is also because Qi Juntao's performance at work is getting better and better, and gradually has a trend of surpassing the "master".

In fact, this can be considered conservative. Now Qi Juntao's ability in leadership has long surpassed Ren Congyang.

It was only because of Ren Congyang's higher qualifications that he hasn't moved his supervisory position.

However, recently the company is rumored to set up a new department, and the leader may really want Qi Juntao to be transferred to "in power" as the head of the department.

If it comes true, it will be equal to Ren Congyang.

Ren Congyang seemed to have a thinner skin, and felt embarrassed just thinking about it.

If Qi Juntao develops smoothly in the future, he may soon be overwhelmed by Congyang.

Therefore, now Ren Congyang is very cold when he sees Qi Juntao, as if he has seen his father and enemy, and he is extremely jealous.

He just hoped that his "eye drops" offensive would make Qi Juntao sick to death, and everything would be fine if he took the initiative to resign.

It may be hatred of witches and witches, and the enemy’s friends are also the cause of the enemy.

Qi Juntao kept praising Li Tianyu, and Ren Congyang naturally even hated Li Tianyu.

I think how unpleasant the kid looks, he is very disgusting with his expression of criticism.

At this moment, Qi Juntao endured and endured, just about to say something, but Li Tianyu stopped the conversation.

"For some people, don't take it too seriously. If there is a saying, a barking dog will not bite. The more you are afraid of you, the happier you will bark."

Qi Juntao's expression then eased: "I see, Brother Li, you are too right, I am too unpromising, and I have to pay attention in the future."

When Zhang Xiaomeng heard this, it was simply referring to Sang Shuhuai.

Feeling that the air pressure is getting lower and lower, I look left and right, not knowing where to look.

But this Li Tianyu's mouth is quite poisonous, and he doesn't leave any room.

Ren Congyang was the opposite of Qi Juntao, his anger was agitated, and his face was full of resentment: "What are you talking about?"

Li Tianyu: "What about dogs, if you are human, please don't talk and sit down."


Zhang Xiaomeng finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

Congyang's expression turned pale this time.

He wanted to yell at him or even fight, but wouldn't he be a serious trap and prove that he is a dog?

Moreover, if you make trouble in the high-speed rail car, you will be detained by the police.

Ren Congyang still possessed basic rationality, endured and endured, and finally endured it.

"Step aside."

Ren Congyang crossed Zhang Xiaomeng and Qi Juntao to the corridor, gave Qi Juntao and Li Tianyu a vicious look, and left angrily.

Li Tianyu smiled: "Where did he go?"

Qi Juntao: "I guess I went to the toilet and hit the wall."

Zhang Xiaomeng: "So are you two. If you say a word to me, you just anger him away."

Qi Juntao: "Who makes his mouth mean? I'll forget it. I want to trouble Li Ge."

Zhang Xiaomeng: "But you have to pay attention. Director Ren might put on shoes for you."

Qi Juntao waved his hand and said nonchalantly, "Have you not seen it yet? He has just put on small shoes for me recently, and I am used to it now."

Zhang Xiaomeng: "That's true, but I heard that the company is about to open a new department recently. You are very hopeful."

Qi Juntao sighed: "Don't think about this for now, do your job, obey the fate, and do whatever you want."

In fact, Qi Juntao desperately wants to be a supervisor, which is why he has been treating Ren Congyang until now.

Who can say exactly this kind of thing?

Qi Juntao didn't dare to hold too much hope, lest he would be extremely disappointed when the new department head was not him.

To know this, Qi Juntao did not even tell his fiancée Yang Li, for fear that she would be disappointed.

Ren Congyang didn't know if he went to the bathroom and smashed the wall, but he didn't come back anyway for a long time.

Li Tianyu was ok, so he chatted with Qi Juntao and Zhang Xiaomeng.

However, Li Tianyu is now relatively low-key. He didn't tell them that he was the big boss. He was just nonsense and talkative.

Zhang Xiaomeng loves to laugh more, and he keeps giggling.

But she seemed quite wary of Li Tianyu.

It is estimated that such a cute and beautiful girl is often chased by people in the company, so this attitude towards Li Tianyu is also a relatively normal thing.

After a while, Ren Congyang came back.

Sitting on the seat without saying a word, like a boring gourd.

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly deteriorated again.

Seeing Qi Juntao, Li Tianyu didn't want to chat anymore, so he could only give up. After reading the mobile news for a while, he closed his eyes and calmed down.

More than five hours later, Li Tianyu woke up and heard the announcement.

After getting off the high-speed rail, Li Tianyu followed the flow of people all the way to the exit of the Magic City High-speed Rail Station.

Qi Juntao, Zhang Xiaomeng and Ren Congyang were also walking beside.

Qi Juntao: "Brother Li, how do you go in a while?"

Li Tianyu shook his head: "I don't know yet. I'll call my friend in a moment and ask him to pick it up."

But now I call Ai Heping, and I don't know if this kid can get it. Maybe I'm making fun with the girls.

Qi Juntao: "Otherwise, the company will send a car to pick us up in a while, and you can go with us."

Ren Congyang frowned, "Qi Juntao, are you crazy? The company may have sent a car, so how can it fit so many people?"

Qi Juntao wanted to say that a car can also seat five people.

But then again, there may be more than one person coming to pick them up, and it is indeed possible that they cannot sit down.

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Don't bother, that's really not a good idea, you go yours."

Qi Juntao was a little embarrassed: "This...then all right, if you have anything to do later, you contact me, right, Brother Li, do you have my phone number?

Li Tianyu smiled: "Yes, don't worry, I will contact you if I have something."

Zhang Xiaomeng saw in his eyes, he was a little curious about how big Li Tianyu was, why is Qi Juntao so respectful to him?

Said that at this moment, Li Tianyu's cell phone rang.

Li Tianyu took out HUAWEIMATEXS from his pocket.

When a few people saw it, they were immediately blinded by the titanium alloy human and dog eyes by this mobile phone.

Actually use the legendary, cool folding screen mobile phone.

This... can't be a copycat, right?

Li Tianyu looked at the phone number, which was the local number of Magic City, and picked up.

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