You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Hello, is it Li Tianyu, President Li?"

Li Tianyu replied: "It's me, who are you?"

"I am sent by President Ai, and my name is Ma Hua, you can call me Xiao Ma."

MCA?Why does it sound like the name of a ramen shop?

And Mr. Ai, who is Mr. Ai?

Based on Li Tianyu's understanding of Ai Heping, this kid would definitely let others call him "President Ai".

Although he has no formal position at Aihua Real Estate, he is at best an assistant to his father Ai Baoquan.

However, it is mostly Ai Heping.

Because this morning, Li Tianyu sent a message to Ai Heping about the arrival time.

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Ai? Ai Heping?"

MCA: "Ah, no, it's Ai...President Ai."

Li Tianyu showed a rather unexpected expression.

Immediately Li Tianyu understood. It is estimated that Ai Baoquan knew his whereabouts from his son, so he arranged for someone to pick him up in advance.

It's right to think about it carefully. Ai Heping really doesn't necessarily think so well.

At this time, MCA said, "Mr. Ai asked me to pick you up as soon as possible. Are you at the exit?"

Li Tianyu: "I'm right here, standing side by side at the exit, with three other people."

With that said, Li Tianyu raised an arm and waved.

MCA said immediately: "Okay, I see you, wait a moment."

Li Tianyu hung up the phone.

Qi Juntao asked curiously: "Brother Li, did someone pick you up?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "Yes, my friend arranged for someone to come and pick him up."

Zhang Xiaomeng and Ren Congyang were startled.

His friend sent someone to pick him up, and he didn't know who it was. It was pretty big.

And Qi Juntao let out an "Oh", taking it for granted.

After all, the "strength" that Li Tianyu showed in Jin Jingmei Heyuan last time was not trivial, and his friends must also be incredible figures.

Of course, if Qi Juntao knew that it was the person arranged by the "leader" of Aihua Real Estate last time, he would still be surprised.

While talking, a person came over.

This man was about 30 years old, wearing a white shirt, gray trousers, and a tie. His hair was neat and his outfit was quite formal.

It must be the MCA who called just now.

Li Tianyu shook hands with Ma Hua.

MCA: "Good for Mr. Li."

When the others heard it, they were surprised again.

Unexpectedly, this person is still a "general."

Just how big is his "total"?

Is it the director, general manager, or president?

At most, it's the first one, but not the latter two?

In fact, Li Tianyu is nothing at Aihua Real Estate.

Strictly speaking, he is also the tortoise lion of Aihua Real Estate.

It's just a tortoise lion that hasn't shown up for a long time.

At this time, MCA asked again: "Mr. Li, are these your friends?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "Yes."

MCA: "Do you want to go together?"

Li Tianyu turned around and said to Juntao, "The person who picks you up will have to wait for a while?"

Qi Juntao: "Yes, Brother Li, you go first, and you will contact me later."

Li Tianyu nodded, then turned around and said to MCA: "Just me, let's go."

MCA said goodbye to the others politely, picked up Li Tianyu's trolley case and walked in front to guide him.

Li Tianyu waved to Qi Juntao and left behind.Today's Literature Network

Looking at Li Tianyu's back, Zhang Xiaomeng couldn't help asking: "Qi Juntao, what is your status as Brother Li?"

Qi Juntao chuckled, "Didn't I tell you, Brother Li has a lot of face, but I don't know how big it is."

Zhang Xiaomeng gave an "Oh", still not sure why.

Ren Congyang showed a disdainful expression: "It's nothing more than playing mystery. Now, it's not surprising that anyone dares to be called the boss."

Qi Juntao glanced at Ren Congyang, but said nothing.

At the same time, Li Tianyu followed MCA and came to the parking lot.

MCA is driving a Maybach, or an extended version.

Li Tianyu sat in the back, like sitting on his own big sofa, infinitely close to the big bed.

It's so comfortable.

Li Tianyu wondered if he wanted to find a full-time driver and bodyguard to drive the entire super luxury car.

But then I thought about it, and when I was young, I didn't move my hands and feet much. That was not a good phenomenon, so I temporarily dispelled this idea.

MCA drove fairly balanced and not slow.

The traffic situation in the Devil City area seems to be better than that of the emperor, which is also quite bizarre.

Li Tianyu: "Where shall we go?"

MCA: "First take you to the hotel, and then Mr. Ai will arrange lunch."

Li Tianyu nodded.

Now that Ai Baoquan has begun to "have everything", what else does Li Tianyu worry about? Just wait to enjoy it.

The hotel that Ai Baoquan arranged for is definitely not bad.

The fact is also true, Maybach stopped slowly, it should be at the hotel.

Soon a hotel waiter helped open the car door.

Li Tianyu got out of the car and was shocked.

Damn it!

Where is this special?

Did you cross suddenly?

It turned out that the building in front of Li Tianyu was a large bungalow.

This bungalow is the main building. It looks like a private house. It is U-shaped and covers a large area. However, the floors are different, only three floors.

There is a very large square in the middle.

In the center of the square, there is a European-style statue fountain.

The middle of the building is the main entrance, and above it is a bell tower, which is very Renaissance style.

Several very fine English letters-BVLGARI are engraved on the entrance of the hotel.

Li Tianyu understood.

Isn't this the famous Bulgari Hotel in Magic Capital?

The location of the Magic City Bulgari Hotel can only be described in three words-no choice.

This hotel was built at the core of the Bund. It is said that in some rooms, the Bund can be seen from the window.

Of course, this kind of room is definitely at a good price.

MCA personally guided Li Tianyu into the hotel door and into the lobby.

Then, he asked Li Tianyu to sit on the sofa and wait, and went to help him check in.

A moment later, MCA handed the room card to Li Tianyu's hand.

"Mr. Li, there will be a waiter who will take you to the room in a while. If you encounter anything, please call me and I will solve it for you."

Li Tianyu nodded: "Okay, thank you."

MCA: "You're welcome, it's all Mr. Ai confessed. You have a good rest. Mr. Ai should contact you soon."

After speaking, MCA left respectfully.

Li Tianyu thought, MCA didn't know where Ai Baoquan came from.

He is very careful in handling affairs.

Then, the waiter came to carry Li Tianyu's luggage and walked inside.

It turned out that behind this western-style main building, there were two high-rise buildings, which were added later.

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