Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 267 Fooling Me? You are still very tender!

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The waiter took the trolley case and went to the one on the left.

Entered the elevator.

Good guy, I went up to the 42nd floor.

Following the waiter, he turned left and right, and stopped in front of a door.

"This is your room."

With that, the waiter opened the door with his room card.

Of course, Li Tianyu would not be stingy and threw a big red ticket directly to the waiter.

"Thank you."

The waiter was very happy and added: "This is a luxurious Bund view suite, the best room type in the hotel. The room rate includes a lot of services. If you need it, you can call the service department inside."

Li Tianyu nodded: "Okay, thank you."

The waiter respectfully bowed, turned and left.

Li Tianyu closed the door and checked the room type and configuration of this so-called luxury Bund view suite.

Not to mention, this suite is really good.

There are two large bedrooms, a large living room, and an open-plan dining room, meeting area, and entertainment area.

All furniture and home appliances are all brand-name environmental protection types, and they are full of high-end feeling.

There are also two bathrooms, one large and one small. The larger bathroom has a round luxurious jacuzzi, which is comfortable to look at.

The whole house is probably more than 100 square meters in visual inspection.

Later, Li Tianyu found the room service list and hotel introduction on the desk in the room.

This room is about 120 square meters, no wonder it is so spacious.

It may be due to personal preference.

Li Tianyu prefers this simple-decorated room type, which feels better than the presidential suite he has lived in before.

The living room and bedroom in the suite have a huge floor-to-ceiling window, through which you can see the view of the Bund.

You can imagine how beautiful the night scene is at night.

This room is not worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Ai Baoquan is really interesting. He cares about his "men" very much.

Li Tianyu browsed the list of services.

The service items of luxury hotels are much the same, nothing more than catering, SPA and other services.

Li Tianyu made an internal call and ordered a Blue Mountain coffee set to relieve his fatigue.

Within ten minutes, the coffee was delivered.

Li Tianyu sat in front of the French windows, enjoying the view of the Bund and drinking coffee.

To be honest, Li Tianyu prefers to sit here, drinking coffee and watching the scenery, rather than going to have lunch with Ai Baoquan.

While talking, Li Tianyu's cell phone rang.

Sure enough, Ai Baoquan called.

Li Tianyu immediately pressed the answer button.

Ai Baoquan: "Brother Li, you should be in the hotel room, right?"

Li Tianyu: "Here, Mr. Ai, thank you for booking a good room for me. It is so comfortable. By the way, Ai, where did Ai Heping go?"

Ai Baoquan: "He, I don't know where to go fooling around, but he said, he will come to play with you at night, do you miss him?"

Li Tianyu said "Bah": "What do I want him to do? I'm just curious to ask."

Ai Baoquan: "Hey, my son is too naughty, but since I met you, he seems to be more serious. You should teach him more."

Is Ai Heping more serious?

Li Tianyu thought to himself, Mr. Ai, your illusion.

But he promised, saying that Ai Heping would be on the right path of life and become an elite successor.

Ai Baoquan laughed loudly, and said, "I just chatted, and forgot to talk about business. It happened that a few friends had an appointment with me for dinner. I will find someone to pick you up later."

Li Tianyu was startled: "A long way away?"

Ai Baoquan: "Not far, it's on the Bund, but it takes ten minutes to walk from the Bulgari Hotel."

Li Tianyu: "Then you don't need to pick it up. I'm not unable to walk. It's good to take a walk on the Bund. Just tell me the name of the hotel."

Ai Baoquan: "That's fine. I will send you the name and address of the restaurant in a while. If you have any problems, you can call MCA and he will solve it."

Li Tianyu agreed, said goodbye to Ai Baoquan, and hung up the phone.

Anyway, there was still some time before Li Tianyu finished his coffee.

At this time, Ai Baoquan also sent the hotel's name and address.

Li Tianyu put on his coat and walked out of the hotel.

It is a super-star hotel, and all the waiters encountered along the way will greet politely.

The capital of the devil was already in the south, and the weather was slightly wetter than the capital.

Walking on the Bund in summer, I didn't feel too uncomfortable.

The Bund is actually the bank of the Huangpu River, also called the Wai Huangpu Beach.

It was a British concession in the old days, and the buildings are basically preserved. It has a sense of history and is a representative building complex of the magic capital.

Opposite the Bund across the river is the famous Lujiazui, which has a completely different style from the Bund. There are many tall buildings, all of which are landmark-level buildings.

For example, Oriental Pearl Tower, Magic City Center Building, Jin Mao Tower, Magic City World Financial Center, etc.

The last three are the "three brothers" of the magic capital, one taller than each.

The tallest one is the Magic City Center Building. This "big brother" is Li Tianyu's goal.

If you buy an office building on the top of such a super-tall building, the rent will definitely go up.

Li Tianyu is not in a hurry to implement the "House Purchase Plan", he will talk about lunch before he finishes it.

He just walked while watching the scenery, and came to the hotel without knowing it.

This restaurant is terrific, it is the famous "Peace Hotel" in the capital city.

Famous places that have appeared in many film and television dramas.

It sounds as famous as Longmen Inn.

The Peace Hotel is a typical British building. It looks very classic, but it is actually very classic. It has a long history.

The front entrance is also quite impressive, and there is still a clock hanging on it.

It reads the four characters "Peace Hotel".

There is also English-PEACEHOTEL underneath.

Li Tianyu looked at the pointed "green hat" on the Peace Hotel with his head raised outside, and found it funny.

At this moment, I heard someone talking next to me.

"Who is this, how can you look up at the sky? There are flying saucers?"

"Where is there any flying saucer, I think his spirit may not be normal?"

Li Tianyu turned his head and saw that they were two girls.

The two girls are very beautiful, and they look alike, except that one has long hair and one short hair.

Mostly they are twin sisters.

Li Tianyu said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I feel stiff."

The twin sisters were startled, and didn't know if what Li Tianyu said was true or false, but I was afraid that they didn't want to talk to him, so they turned their heads to avoid Li Tianyu's gaze.

"Hurry up and don't let anyone wait for us."

"Oh, don't worry, it's still early!"

The two chatted, and they entered the door of the Peace Hotel.Lele Literature

Li Tianyu touched his head and felt that his IQ was not enough, so he followed into the Peace Hotel.

In fact, the Peace Hotel is also a hotel, but the most famous part is the restaurant.

So Li Tianyu went straight to the restaurant as soon as he walked in.

Outside the restaurant is a seating area.

Before Ai Baoquan came, Li Tianyu found a place to sit down in the rest area.

The waiter immediately brought a cup of coffee and small desserts.

As expected of my Grand Peace Hotel, the service is attentive, even the waiting guests are treated like this.

At this time, Li Tianyu heard the voice of girls chatting softly.

He looked up and found that the beautiful sisters were sitting in a deck not far away.

Li Tianyu didn't guess wrong, the two of them are indeed twins.

Her surname is Zhou, her sister has short hair and her name is Zhou Ruijin.

My sister has long hair and her name is Zhou Ruiling.

Both of them are 19 years old and go to college in Modu.

This time they obviously came to the Peace Hotel for dinner, so they sat in the rest area outside the restaurant.

Perhaps the twin sisters looked at Li Tianyu's sight.

Although Zhou Ruijin is an older sister, she seems to be a little bit introverted, and when she meets Li Tianyu's gaze, she quickly hides.

The younger sister Zhou Ruiling is much bolder.

Zhou Ruiling whispered: "Sister, the person outside just followed up."

Zhou Ruijin: "Just leave him alone."

Zhou Ruiling: "How can this work? What if he is a bad guy or a stalker? Our two little flowers will be destroyed."

Zhou Ruijin "pooh": "Why are you so rich in imagination? Which stalker will follow up here? And, he doesn't look like a stalker, right?"

Zhou Ruiling glanced at her elder sister: "There is a saying that people can't look at themselves, and the sea is not enough. Last time I looked at a sociological statistics, it is said that more than 70% of stalkers all look serious. The harmless kind of people, humans and animals, even some stalkers, and violent and bloodthirsty tendencies."

After Zhou Ruijin heard this, her complexion was a bit bad, and she was obviously scared in her heart.

Zhou Ruijin: "What should I do? Call security?"

Zhou Ruiling: "Sister, don't act rashly, in case he is not a stalker, won't he get into trouble by calling the security?"

Zhou Ruijin: "Neither does this, nor does that work, so what do you say?"

Zhou Ruiling's eyes rolled: "Yes, we can let Brother Jin Peng help."

Zhou Ruijin: "Brother Jin Peng? Isn't he not here yet?"

Zhou Ruiling pointed to the door, and she saw a man walking towards this side.

The man was in his twenties, about the same age as Li Tianyu.

This man is about 1.8 meters tall, in a suit and leather shoes, brightly dressed, and hair sprayed with hair spray.

Looks like a talent.

This seemingly elite talent is Tian Jinpeng, which is what Zhou Ruiling referred to as Jin Peng.

Of course Tian Jinpeng came to eat too, and he was obviously with Zhou Ruijin and Zhou Ruiling.

After he walked over, as soon as he saw the beautiful twin sisters, he beckoned happily, and then walked over at a pace that the six relatives did not recognize.

Zhou Ruiling stood up, took Tian Jinpeng and said something in a low voice.

To the effect, a stalker discovered that their sisters were young and beautiful, so he coveted their beauty and kept following them...

Moreover, the stalker followed up with the Peace Hotel and sat in the deck not far away.

After listening, Tian Jinpeng looked at Li Tianyu, his face was green.

"Don't be afraid, if you have me, I will meet him."

With that said, Tian Jinpeng stood up, tidyed up his clothes, and walked towards Li Tianyu.

When Zhou Ruiling saw it, she immediately pulled her sister Zhou Ruijin and followed behind.

This girl looks like a "good guy", and when she sees a good show, she gets excited.

Li Tianyu is still holding his mobile phone to scan the news.

Suddenly felt the top of his head dark, so he looked up.

Li Tianyu looked at Tian Jinpeng in amazement and made sure that he did not know this person.

"Who are you?"

Tian Jinpeng sneered: "I want to ask first, who are you?"

Li Tianyu: "I am me? How about you?"

Tian Jinpeng: "I am..."

Tian Jinpeng wanted to say "I am me", but suddenly found that he was silly to answer this way, as if he was taken into a pit by the other party.

Tian Jinpeng: "I ask you, what are you doing here?"

Li Tianyu was very happy, this kid looks like a dog and doesn't look very clever.

At this time, Li Tianyu saw two sisters Zhou Ruijin and Zhou Ruiling behind him again.

As for Zhou Ruiling's face, there was obviously a somewhat elusive smile.

Li Tianyu understood that this little girl was making a ghost.

Tian Jinpeng saw that Li Tianyu was speechless for a long time, and asked again: "I want to ask you something!"

Li Tianyu: "What do you think I can do here?"

Tian Jinpeng: "I think you have a bad heart."

Li Tianyu showed a surprised expression: "Why am I ill-intentioned? Don't I just sit here and drink coffee?"

Tian Jinpeng was startled.

What the other party said was right, he did nothing else, just sat down honestly.

But he is a stalker, how can he be "unpunished"?

Tian Jinpeng: "This is the waiting area of ​​the restaurant. If you don't eat, the co-author came to grab coffee and drink?"

Li Tianyu: "Who said I didn't come to eat? Am I waiting for someone."

Tian Jinpeng: "Who are you waiting for?"

Li Tianyu: "Do you know the person I'm waiting for?"

At this time, Li Tianyu got up and got up, and said in surprise: "Oh, you are here, my dear, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

With that, Li Tianyu walked over and shook a person's hand.

And the owner of that hand is not someone else, it is Zhou Ruiling who initiated it.

Li Tianyu's reaction made Zhou Ruiling pale in shock, and he lost the quirky look just now.

"You, don't talk nonsense!"

With that said, Zhou Ruiling immediately threw Li Tianyu's hand away.

Li Tianyu laughed. He had already used the power of the "intelligence master" to search Zhou Ruiling's basic information all the time and put it all in his head.

Li Tianyu: "What am I talking nonsense? My cute little Ruiling, I waited so hard for you!"

The other three were shocked.

How did this kid know Zhou Ruiling's name?

Zhou Ruiling was inexplicably horrified, and suddenly realized that this kid might really be a stalker!

Zhou Ruiling: "How do you know my name?"

Li Tianyu continued to be a demon: "Xiao Lingling, how can you say that? We had a good time a few days ago. Even if I did something that I was sorry for, I apologized. You can't be so heartless and pretend not to Know me?"

When the other two heard it, they thought something was strange.

Zhou Ruijin: "Ruiling, what is going on?"

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