You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu's words stunned everyone else.

Especially Zhao Houqiang.

He brought Huang Meiyun over, didn't he just come to watch and play?

This kid named Li Tianyu is just a follower.

Why did he suddenly say that Zone A on the 116th floor belongs to him?

The point is that not everyone can buy this writing area.

First, the office space in Area A on the 116th floor has a total price of 450 million yuan for a thousand square meters.

This is a huge purchase price that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Although there are many wealthy people in China, how many really rich people can come up with 450 million cash at a time?

Even if it is possible to obtain a loan, it requires conditions.

Either own a large company or be a partner of a large company.

No matter how bad, there should be dozens of houses under his name.

Otherwise, which bank would be stupid enough to grant you such a large loan?

Second, even if you have a wealth of money and have collected enough money, but your status and status cannot be reached, it will not be sold to you.

It's not that the property management company of the Magic Center Building does not make any money.

In addition to making money, personal connections and relationships are also very important.

This so-called purchase qualification is also to give those real big shots a sense of psychological superiority.

This kind of thing is not easy to buy with money.

Like Ai Baoquan and Fu Yurong, are they really short of office buildings?

Can someone like this kind of person standing at the top of the pyramid lack this thing?

Why do they have to buy real estate in this magic city building?

What is missing is the symbol, the symbol of status.

And this Li Tianyu, not well-known, is nothing more than something related to Ai Baoquan, but it is not enough to be among the "big men".

At least Zhao Houqiang had never heard of this person.

Of course Wang Zhenjiang had never heard of it.

At this time, Wang Zhenjiang certainly didn't believe it, and he laughed instead: "Impossible, how could these 116 floors be sold? If they are sold, why should I take Mr. Fu to see him?"

Zhao Houqiang also whispered to Li Tianyu: "You, don't talk nonsense, there really is a problem, but I have to bear the responsibility."

Fu Yurong said lightly: "Xiao Wang, you must solve this matter. Give you five minutes, let this person apologize to me, and then disappear immediately."

At this time, Huang Meiyun was very anxious.

She wondered, is she going to call the boss Ai Baoquan and ask him to come to the rescue?

But I am not sure whether this will make the scene worse.

Now it is best for Li Tianyu to be "acquainted" and to apologize to Fu Yurong quickly, and then immediately flash people, and it would be best to calm people down.

But looking at Li Tianyu like this, he didn't mean to apologize at all. Instead, he looked like he was light-hearted, confident, and under control.

Where does Li Tianyu's confidence come from?

Is it because he has a good relationship with Ai Baoquan?

But no matter how good the relationship is, there are limits.

Moreover, Li Tianyu said that he had already bought this place, and he was really talking nonsense and shooting.

how can that be possible?

Although Li Tianyu looks talented and has a good temperament, he does not seem to be someone who can spend so much money at once.

What's more, other sales staff have already said that not just one person can place an order for purchase.

However, why did Li Tianyu come to see these 116 floors?

This made Huang Meiyun suspicious.

She is a smart woman, knowing that there may be something strange in it, but she can't think of what it will be.

In fact, Huang Meiyun really thought about it.

At this time, Li Tianyu did not speak any nonsense, and was full of shots.

As Wang Zhenjiang was about to speak, Li Tianyu intercepted his words first.

"Xiao Wang? You can call your sales department."

Wang Zhenjiang was stunned: "What are you doing on the phone?"

Li Tianyu: "Take a good look, whether the 116-story A area has been sold."

Wang Zhenjiang sneered: "This gentleman, what do you think I do? I am a gold medalist here. Can I not know which one is sold and which is not? What do I eat?"

"I solemnly say to you, here, it is impossible to sell, if you want to sell, it must be sold to President Fu."

Li Tianyu: "Xiao Wang, I advise you to make sure that the more confident you are, the easier it is to go wrong. This kind of problem is not a small problem."

Wang Zhenjiang looked at Li Tianyu with a serious and serious appearance, and it was a little frustrating to be made.

Would you like to make a call to confirm?

But is this necessary?

At this moment, Wang Zhenjiang's cell phone rang.

He saw that the teledisplay was the landline of their sales department.

Wang Zhenjiang answered the phone smoothly.

"Hello, Mr. Liu."

"Yes, I'm with Mr. Fu on the 116th floor, Mr. Liu, what's the matter?"

Then, Wang Zhenjiang's face changed, as if he had heard something terrible.Ranwen Novel

"...Wh, what!? No, Mr. Liu, you, are you wrong? The 116th floor A area shouldn't have been sold out!"

"Ah? No, that's right? So, what should I do now?"

When everyone heard what Wang Zhenjiang said, they were all startled.

What did he say just now?

Area A on the 116th floor was sold?

Really sold!?

how can that be possible!?

Fu Yurong's face also became very ugly: "Xiao Wang, what's the matter? You just said it was sold, what did you mean?"

Wang Zhenjiang showed an unspeakable bitter pen: "Mr. Fu, I'm really sorry. I didn't expect this 116-story A area to be sold."

Fu Yurong was furious: "I was sold!? What would you take me to see if I was sold!? You fool me!?"

Wang Zhenjiang: "I really don’t know. This morning, Manager Liu told me that he would take you up to see it. You also communicated with him. It’s impossible to be wrong. Just now, Manager Liu told me that it was from the headquarters. Side orders."

Fu Yurong calmed down a bit: "Who is the buyer?"

Wang Zhenjiang: "Yes, it's a buyer named Li."

Zhao Houqiang's face was uncertain: "The last name is Li? What is his name? Did Mr. Liu tell you?"

Wang Zhenjiang: "It's called Li Tianyu."

"What, what!?"

"Li Tianyu!?"

"You heard me right!?"

Wang Zhenjiang: "I heard you right, I can hear you clearly, why? Do you know Li Tianyu?"

Huang Meiyun and Zhao Houqiang looked at Li Tianyu together.

That's right, the deity is far away in the sky, right in front of you, right here.

Li Tianyu said lightly: "I said, I have already bought it, you don't believe it."

Fu Yurong came to understand at this time, what this kid said was true.

Fu Yurong: "Did you...Did Ai Baoquan let you buy it!?"

Li Tianyu smiled: "If Mr. Ai wants to buy it, why should I buy it on his behalf? Mr. Fu, your mind is not bright. Have you been abroad for a long time and feel uncomfortable when you come back?"


Fu Yurong pointed at Li Tianyu, unable to speak for a while.

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Fu, this is my site. I think you should leave as soon as possible. I will have to clean up in a while. Don't mess with your soil then."

Li Tianyu is talking nonsense.

It's spotless and terribly clean, where it needs to be cleaned.

Not even the Saturnian, let alone any "soil".

He is making an eviction order.

It is said that in 30 years Hedong and Hexi in 30 years, Feng Shui turns in turn, but this turns a bit too fast.

Fu Yurong was chasing them away just now, but now he was the one who was chased away.

Li Tianyu: "Xiao Wang, see off the guests."

Wang Zhenjiang had no choice but to look bitterly at Fu Yurong.

Fu Yurong's face was blue and white, and he waved his hand and took the person away.

Wang Zhenjiang hurriedly followed behind, planning to comfort President Fu Yurong.

At this time, Zhao Houqiang was uncomfortable and didn't know how to face Li Tianyu.

His attitude towards Li Tianyu just now was really bad.

At this time, they changed their lives and became the big owners, and also the big owners.

People bought real estate worth 450 million yuan.

It's incredible.

Li Tianyu turned his head and said to Zhao Houqiang: "Okay, you go first, I plan to stay here for a while."

Zhao Houqiang quickly agreed, and then winked at Huang Meiyun.

It means to go down together.

Who knows Li Tianyu said, "Assistant Huang stayed with me, I have something to tell you."

Zhao Houqiang had no choice but to "go down" alone.

Huang Meiyun looked at Li Tianyu again, feeling that this person was really amazing.

Not only is young and promising, but there is so much money.

Huang Meiyun has worked here and understands the value of Zone A on the 116th floor.

"Li, Li, what do you want to tell me?"

Li Tianyu: "Hey, it's okay, we have been around for a long time, so let's find a place to rest."

Huang Meiyun was thoughtful at first, then nodded.

Li Tianyu: "I want to see the boss's suite again."

Huang Meiyun suddenly smiled: "Okay, I'll accompany you."

The two sat in the outside office of the boss for a while, and then went to the inside bedroom.

Let alone, there is still a bottle of red wine in the apartment.

It doesn’t matter what brand, what’s important is that it’s really good to drink.

The two chatted while drinking.

After drinking the wine, he stayed in the bedroom for about two hours before leaving.

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