Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 283 The Opportunity to Make Big Money Comes

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The next day, Li Tianyu didn't go out and just slept in the Bulgari Hotel.

After all, the purpose of the trip to the magic city has been achieved, so you can relax.

Although I haven't worked much during this period, it is strange that I still feel a little tired. It may be too much effort, and occasionally requires some physical effort.

Li Tianyu woke up until ten o'clock in the morning, but didn't want to get up, so she watched TV in bed.

At this time, the cell phone placed next to him rang.

Li Tianyu saw that the telegraph was called by Lu Hui.

Li Tianyu pressed the answer button, and Lu Hui's voice came from over there.

As soon as Li Tianyu came up, he joked: "Comrade Xiaolu, you have become a boss. Can you look like a boss, calm down?"

Lu Hui gasped for a second breath: "I just came back from outside. It's too hot today. It's the end of September and the temperature hasn't cooled down yet! Boss, I suspect that the end of the world is coming, so let's not set up factories. "

Li Tianyu: "What the hell is that?"

Lu Hui: "If you set up an underground shelter, you will definitely make money by charging per capita."

Li Tianyu: "Don't bully me, just talk about it, what can I do?"

Lu Hui: "Boss, didn't you say you want to engage in LCD panels last time?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes, let you do research, write plans, and do PPT. Have you done it well?"

Lu Hui: "I didn't do it well."

Li Tianyu: "I haven't done a good job of calling me, so hurry up."

Lu Hui quickly said, "Boss, don't worry, I have new discoveries."

Li Tianyu lay down to make himself more comfortable: "Then speak quickly."

Lu Hui: "In fact, there is an LCD panel factory in our Langzhou Economic Development Zone."

Li Tianyu sat up again: "Go on."

Lu Hui: "And on that LCD panel, it is applying for bankruptcy and liquidation."

Li Tianyu: "Bankrupt? So, is the efficiency bad?"

Lu Hui: "No, that factory mainly produces LCD liquid crystal panels, but you should know that the boss is that OLED panels are popular now, self-luminous ones, so that factory is too backward, and there are almost no orders. Up."

At this point, Lu Hui added: "This is a bit like Jiaxin's previous situation, and it's more serious, the kind that has been hopeless."

Li Tianyu: "They can't switch to OLED, is it because the production equipment is too backward?"

Lu Hui: "Yes, now the advanced domestic manufacturers are at least producing eight-generation production lines, and even the newly built ones are eleventh-generation lines, but this factory is still a fifth-generation line, and the technical standards are too poor, and the cost cannot be reduced. , So it was eliminated."

Li Tianyu: "Do you think you can buy this factory?"

Lu Hui hesitated and replied, "Boss, the acquisition of this factory is very easy. It does not require much capital. However, after the acquisition, it will take a huge amount of money to upgrade the production line before it can be used. In fact, I think this factory is the most valuable. Not the factory itself."

Li Tianyu understood what Lu Hui meant: "You mean those technicians, skilled workers?"

Lu Hui: "Yes, they are all insiders. I know some of them. They are very talented, but they suffer from the fact that the factory has no money and the production line specifications are too low to perform at all levels."

"Boss, it depends on what you mean."

Lu Hui's subtext is also very clear.

It doesn't mean to look at Li Tianyu, but to see if there is money in Li Tianyu's pocket and how much money is there.

Upgrading the LCD panel production line is a huge sum of money. You must invest hundreds of millions of millions of dollars in it. After all, the equipment is costly if you just take out one.

Li Tianyu pondered: "How much money is needed to acquire this factory?"

Lu Hui: "The factory itself is not worth money. I think it is enough to talk about the price, one or two million."

One or two million soft sister coins, for Li Tianyu now, this is a small amount of money.

Buying a factory at this price is equivalent to picking it up for nothing.

The point is that Li Tianyu is different from everyone else. He is a bull who brags, no matter how nonsense that bull is, he can basically achieve it.

Upgrade the production line?

Is the equipment expensive?

It's nothing more than boasting. Those expensive machinery and equipment that cost tens of millions or hundreds of millions of yuan will drop to the freezing point, just like buying a TV, refrigerator, and air conditioner.

Therefore, having a factory and operating qualifications is a great gain.

Not to mention those very professional technical R&D personnel and skilled workers.

To say that upgrading to the latest production line is a matter of minutes for him, Li Tianyu.

Once the production line has been upgraded to produce the latest generation of LCD panels, there is no need to worry about orders.

Lu Hui said again.

The application range of LCD panels is very wide, and there are a large number of orders for mobile phones, notebooks, and LCD TVs.

The key to getting the order is actually two points.

One is technical quality.

In fact, as long as OLEDs can be made, there is basically no problem in terms of technology.

The second is whether there is a price advantage.

The price is lower than the peers, and the quality is up to the standard, the order will float over like snowflakes.

Even if the first- and second-tier manufacturers have fixed suppliers, there are also a large number of small third- and fourth-tier manufacturers. Just by eating orders from those customers, you can eat your belly.

Li Tianyu waited for Lu Hui to finish, and asked, "How much money do we have in Jiaxin's account now?"

Lu Hui: "It's nearly 30 million yuan. Excluding daily operating expenses, the cash that can be used is about 20 million yuan."

When Li Tianyu heard this, the situation was very gratifying.

"That's OK, let me take down the factory. I'm in the magic city now, and I won't be able to go back for a while. You can operate it specifically.

Lu Hui was stunned: "Boss, what did you do when you went to the magic city?"

Li Tianyu joked: "Make money, how can you raise two factories if you don't make money."

Lu Hui rejoiced: "Boss, then you have to roll up your sleeves and work hard. The hundreds of us can count on you."

Li Tianyu also told Lu Hui to let him operate as soon as possible, and then carefully, seriously, seriously, and rigorously study the upgrade of the LCD panel production line.

Li Tianyu: "Similar to the previous upgrade of the Jiaxin factory's production line, the machinery and equipment are organized into a table, with more detailed information on all aspects, and then sent to me."

Lu Hui: "Boss, understand, as long as the acquisition is completed, I will start to do this."

Li Tianyu added earnestly: "The machinery and equipment should be up-to-date and best. Don't be afraid of expensive. I'm not afraid. What are you afraid of?"

Lu Hui agreed, obviously becoming very excited.

Listening to Li Tianyu's meaning, it is not just to get a good LCD panel factory, but to make the top LCD panel.

Although it was difficult, Lu Hui felt that Li Tianyu could do it.

Of course, the premise is that the LCD panel production line must be in place.

At this point, Lu Hui had no doubts about Li Tianyu.

After all, when the Jiaxin factory's production line was upgraded last time, the young boss showed a very strong ability.

Many people were deeply impressed at that time.

The Xie's Technology Group, which was once indisputable in the past, has now been robbed of a large number of orders by Jiaxin, and it has been beaten up.The second Chinese website

How long it was, people couldn't believe it.

Now the entire Jiaxin factory, both the workers and the employees in other departments, are full of enthusiasm, and they are many times stronger than when Lu Hui first arrived here.

All this is thanks to Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu casually chatted with Lu Hui about Jiaxin's recent business conditions, and hung up.

The Jiaxin factory can now operate independently, and Li Tianyu does not have to continue investing, which makes him very pleased.

Not only that, but the current profit situation is quite gratifying.

Just now, Lu Hui said that since he successfully received the order from Ivida, it has caused quite a stir in the industry. Recently, many people have come to visit, and these are all potential customers in the future.

Jiaxin is not like before now.

In the past, no matter what order, it would be good.

Now, we must divide all customers into three, six or nine grades, and finally choose the best quality customers based on production capacity and scheduling.

Everything is developing towards Li Tianyu's ideal direction.

But I have to mention that Li Tianyu is still short of money.

Although the deposit of tens of millions of soft sister coins is in hand, it is only enough for "spending money". It is no problem to pay some taxes in the bragging system, but it is impossible to do something big.

What is a major event?

For Li Tianyu, the most important thing right now is to get the big hotel in Dibei Water Town out and put it into operation.

Dibei Water Town is full of tourists, and there are relatively few hotels in the scenic area, so the price is high.

As long as you can build a team to get the hotel up, you can immediately enter a profitable period.

Doll bar.

Jiaxin Technology Co., Ltd. and the LCD panel factory to be established soon.

Dibei Water Town Hotel.

With three arrows, Li Tianyu can really make money lying down

Li Tianyu thought of this and lay on the bed again, wondering how to make quick money.

At this moment, the phone's ringtone rang again.

Li Tianyu picked up the phone and looked at it. It was an unfamiliar number, local to the magic city.

He pressed the answer button, and the same strange voice came from there.

"Hey, is it Li Tianyu and Mr. Li?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes, it's me, who are you?"

"My side is from the operation department of the Magic City Center Building. My name is Zhang and my name is Zhang Guopeng. I am the operation manager."

Li Tianyu said "Oh": "Manager Zhang, hello, may I ask what's the matter?"

In fact, Li Tianyu doesn't need to ask, it must be his real estate certificate.

Zhang Guopeng: "You bought the 116th floor of our Magic City Center Building in Zone A. You have become our most distinguished owner. We are honored to serve you."

Li Tianyu thought, this set of words is really good, and he casually replied: "Thank you."

Zhang Guopeng: "Mr. Li, you are welcome. By the way, your house purchase contract and real estate title certificate have been down. We can send someone to send it to you."

Li Tianyu: "Is it in your building operations department?"

Zhang Guopeng: "Yes, it's right here."

Li Tianyu: "That's OK, don't give it away, I will pick it up by myself."

Zhang Guopeng: "Well, just give me a call before you come. I'll prepare in advance."

Li Tianyu agreed and hung up.

Although it is convenient for them to send it over, he can't always stay in the hotel.

Li Tianyu took a rest for a while, then finished washing, and ordered another meal in the hotel that I didn't know if it was breakfast or lunch.

After eating and drinking, Li Tianyu called Zhang Guopeng.

Then he took a taxi and went to the Magic City Center Building.

The operation department of the Magic City Center Building is in the annex, and Li Tianyu found it easily.

When Zhang Guopeng saw Li Tianyu, he nodded and bowed, flattered, served tea and poured water, doing everything he could.

Anyway, Li Tianyu did feel what it means to be incomparably noble and what it means to be superior.

Zhang Guopeng invited Li Tianyu to the VIP lounge to bring coffee and desserts.

"Mr. Li, wait a minute, I'll give you the master certificate of the title document."

Li Tianyu nodded and responded casually.

After Zhang Guopeng left, two more people came in, who should also be customers here.

They are about the same age, both around forty years old.

The attire of these two men is not very eye-catching, but they look prosperous and look like a township entrepreneur.

Li Tianyu's ability to fancy now is no longer weak, knowing that these two people are rich masters in their pockets.

No wonder they will be arranged in the VIP lounge.

As soon as the two sat down, they began to talk.

Although the sound is not loud, but with Li Tianyu's ear power, he can still hear it clearly.

"Lao Fang, the rough stone fair in Fengyuan City will open tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, what's the matter? Are you going to see it this time?"

"It's necessary. Last time I was not lucky and I didn't touch anything. This time I might be able to make up for the loss."

"Hey, Lao Jin, let me tell you, ten gambles and nine loses. The same is true for betting on rocks. You can play, but don't play big."

"I know, I can't put all my net worth in, that is, I can't stop it, but Lao Fang, I can't compare to you. If I remember correctly, you got a good jade last year."

"Well, it was the year before last. Last year I got some defective products."

"That's better than me. By the way, let's have a look together tomorrow. Then you can help me to advise."

"Forget the staff, I don't dare, who can say for sure about this."

When Li Tianyu heard this, he basically understood.

The rough stone trade fair mentioned by the two bosses should be for the trading of rough gemstones.

In China, it is mostly jade rough.

Li Tianyu suddenly thought that he is a master of rough identification!

That was the skill that Qin Xuetong's mother had acquired before.

Li Tianyu wondered, should he go to that rough stone trade fair and try his luck by buying two rough stones?

Moreover, Fengyuan City should not be far from the Demon Capital, and it belongs to a nearby city.

Li Tianyu thinks more and more feasible.

Although rough jadeite is not as good as previous years, there are still a lot of fans in China.

As long as the quality is decent, it can be sold at a good price.

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