You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Meetings are generally held in the large conference room of the hotel management department.

When Shen Yanhe entered the meeting room, almost everyone who should be there was there.

Wu Huiying waved to Shen Yanhe.

She took a seat for Shen Yanhe next to him, and Shen Yanhe walked over and sat down.

As the general manager, Hu Zhou certainly sat in the lead.

The other two vice presidents belong to both sides.

The two vice presidents, one surnamed Liu and one surnamed Cai, are both relatively weak. They don't care much anymore. The meeting also echoed Hu Zhou's speech, without any temper.

After seeing Shen Yanhe coming, Hu Zhou said: "Manager Shen, why are you here so late?"

Shen Yanhe was startled, how do you call it "late"?

She is not late for work.

No one told her that there would be a meeting today!

And besides Shen Yanhe, there are one or two people who haven't arrived yet.

But no matter how unwilling Shen Yanhe was, it would be hard for him to question at the meeting.

Originally, Hu Zhou's criticism passed, and then the meeting began, but Fan Yuping would have missed such a good opportunity. Shen Yanhe must be more uncomfortable.

Fan Yuping: "Mr. Hu, I think the discipline of our management team should be strengthened. The behaviors like Manager Shen are too casual. Even meetings cannot be guaranteed on time, so let alone other tedious tasks. "

When everyone heard it, this was the rhythm of tearing up criticism in public.

Similar things have happened several times recently.

Except for a few bosses, Fan Yuping can attack anyone at the meeting.

Once someone talks back to her, the trouble becomes big.

On the one hand, Hu Zhou supported Fan Yuping behind her back; on the other hand, Fan Yuping would definitely stumble the other party afterwards, with extremely shameless and vile methods.

Anyway, Fan Yuping will do whatever it takes to make people disgusting.

So now people have learned to be smart, and even if Fan Yuping flaunts her teeth and claws at the meeting, she will never say "no" again.

Not to mention others, Shen Yanhe is very rigid at work, but then he won't fight with Fan Yuping anymore.

If you speak quickly, you will be overwhelmed by Fan Yuping's all kinds of difficulties when you look back, which is really not worth it.

But it's different now.

Shen Yanhe didn't need to look at Fan Yuping's face again.

Shen Yanhe said lightly: "Fan Yuping, you have to make it clear. Why am I late for this meeting?"

When everyone heard it, they were quite surprised.

Shen Yanhe unexpectedly opened again.

This is not uncomfortable.

Some had a good relationship with Shen Yanhe, and couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing.

Some people have a mediocre relationship with her, but they have a "good show" look.

Wu Huiying touched Shen Yanhe with her foot under the table, reminding her to HOLD and not to entangle with Fan Yuping at the meeting. It didn't make any sense.

However, Fan Yuping smiled at Wu Huiying, meaning she should not worry.

Wu Huiying was startled, very strange in her heart.

Shen Yanhe has a relatively calm personality and is a rather low-key person. What kind of wind is blowing today and why has he suddenly started to fight back?

Originally, Shen Yanhe's situation in the hotel was not good. If you make things worse and provoke Fan Yuping, it will be of no benefit to her!

At this moment, I saw Fan Yuping's face pulled down, but her eyes flashed with excitement.

Fan Yuping is a typical "warrior" character.

Most of her energy is not on how to do a good job and benefit the company and herself more, but on how to step on the people she dislikes.

The harder the opponent counterattacked, the more excited Fan Yuping became.

There is a saying how to say, fighting with people is endless.

She really enjoys it, and it doesn't seem like a big deal.

Fan Yuping: "Manager Shen, you are wrong to say that. We have been in meetings these days, and they are all at this time every day?"

Shen Yanhe: "You have said that there are frequent meetings, not every day. No one told me in advance that there will be a meeting today, and I haven't received an official email from the company. Do I have to rely on guessing?"

Fan Yuping was about to open her mouth to fight back, but Shen Yanhe intercepted her words again: "And I'm not late. It's just now the official time for work. Could it be that our schedule has been changed? But I haven't received an official email either. Is it possible to rely on your Fan Yuping's mouth?"

After Shen Yanhe said these words, the air pressure in the conference room was extremely low.

Everyone's eyes widened, feeling that something is wrong with Shen Yanhe today.

He didn't leave any affection for Fan Yuping, nor did he leave any room for herself.

Shen Yanhe obviously had completely torn his face with Fan Yuping, and had to injure the other party.

But what benefit can Shen Yanhe get?

Fan Yuping has a backer like Hu Zhou. With a word of him, all Shen Yanhe's spirit can be removed.

Sure enough, Fan Yuping no longer fought with Shen Yanhe, but turned to General Manager Hu Zhouhu.

"Mr. Hu, have you seen it, Manager Shen seems to be dissatisfied with your arrangement, and he is very resistant."

Fan Yuping's trick was quite clever, and he aimed Shen Yanhe's "spearhead" at Hu Zhou.

Hu Zhou is the big boss in the hotel. Among the current management, no one is more critical than him.

In fact, this meeting today was indeed not arranged by Hu Zhou. It was Fan Yuping who took the initiative to put forward some issues and planned to discuss it with the managers of various departments.

But Fan Yuping's words made Hu Zhou's face uncontrollable.

After all, he is the chief executive, and Shen Yanhe really said too much.

Hu Zhou: "Manager Shen, do you think you are not late? And you are on time?"

Hu Zhou's voice was cold, which made many people shudder.

Especially Wu Huiying, she thought that Manager Shen would suffer this time, and even if he didn't die, he would be stripped.

Shen Yanhe's expression did not change, and he calmly responded, "Mr. Hu, according to the company's rules and regulations, I did not arrive late. As for the meeting, I did not receive any notice, and you can see that there are still people who haven't been there yet."

"Pop!" there was a sound.

Hu Zhou slapped the table heavily, shocking everyone else.

"Manager Shen, have you been silly after resting for two days!? Is it time to care about this!?"

Shen Yanhe: "I didn't care, it was Fan Yuping who cares about me. Who wouldn't buckle the hat indiscriminately, but the hat has to be buckled after it is appropriate."

Having said this, Shen Yanhe glanced at Fan Yuping, showing a look of disdain.

"Don't you think? Fan Yuping."

"By the way, I always have a question."

Fan Yuping was startled: "What's the problem?"

Shen Yanhe: "What kind of position are you now? Of course, I am not questioning President Hu's arrangement, but I have never heard of any position that is dictated by other departments."

Hutong and Fan Yuping's faces stagnated at the same time.

Not to mention these two people, the other participants were also confused, feeling that Shen Yanhe was crazy.

However, looking at her expression again, she did not show any uncontrollable emotions.

On the contrary, Shen Yanhe is calm and calm, with a calm attitude, and he is light-hearted and talks freely, which seems to be justified and reasonable.

How did this happen?

Many people began to look at each

Today is really an unusual day, Shen Yanhe is too weird.

Could it be that her aunt came here today and is in a bad mood?

But it's not like it. She smiled and the spring breeze was blowing, which was clearly a sign of a very good mood.

"Mr. Hu, I just said that I am not questioning your authority, but some words have been held in my heart for a long time, and I can't help but say them."

Hu Zhou's face was cold, he was about to speak, but he was snatched by Shen Yanhe.

"Mr. Hu, even if she worked in a five-star hotel, Fan Yuping, but that does not prove that she is professional. We are also four-star here, but you dare to say that everyone is an elite, and everyone does the job. Are they all industry benchmarks?"

"I take a step back and say that even if Fan Yuping is very professional, she can't always be professional in all hotel-related business? She is not a god. Now you can see how arrogant she is. She is defiant, arrogant and domineering. people."

Fan Yuping's face finally turned completely dark. No matter how high her mental quality was, she couldn't bear to hear what Shen Yanhe said.

In fact, what Shen Yanhe said is also the voice of most of the people present.

It's just that they didn't dare, and Shen Yanhe dared it.

Of course, Shen Yanhe is not in the workplace.

She did this for two reasons.

The first is to deliberately provoke Mao Hu Zhou so that the resignation can be smoother.

Second, it is purely to give yourself a breath.

Fan Yuping provoked frequently, and Shen Yanhe had indeed endured it to the limit.

But I was afraid of losing my job before, so I endured it now.

Shen Yanhe is not a newcomer in his twenties. Now that he has become a lobby manager of a four-star hotel, it is not easy to find a job again.

After all, even in the imperial capital, the number of four-star and five-star hotels is very limited.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for the hotel to easily replace the lobby manager because there are more problems involved and the processing cycle is longer.

In other words, the lobby manager of the imperial city star hotel is always a carrot and a hole, and there are few vacancies.

Shen Yanhe can't go to cheap hotels or fast hotels to work unless she doesn't care about her career anymore.

It's different now.

Although that hotel has not been rated yet, in terms of hardware facilities, it is only strong or not weak compared to the four-star Imperial Capital Junlun Hotel.

It doesn't matter if it is not rated as a star, the luxury hotel in Dibei Water Town has its own halo, and its reputation will not be low in the future.

Therefore, Li Tianyu's new hotel gave Shen Yanhe a feeling of stepping from hell to heaven.

Shen Yanhe's goal was achieved.

First is Fan Yuping, her face pale with anger.

The others are gloating.

It couldn't be better for someone to speak out for them.

As for Shen Yanhe's end, it can only be said that each has his own mind.

Looking at Hu Zhou at this time, he has become a black-faced demon, and his anger can no longer be suppressed.

General Manager Hu Zhou stood up and shouted loudly, "Shen Yanhe, do you like the lobby manager don't want to do it!?"

Shen Yanhe did not answer, she knew it was not the time yet.

Fan Yuping sneered: "Mr. Hu, isn't it obvious, she just doesn't want to do it."


Hu Zhou patted the table again: "Shen Yanhe, do you want to do it anymore!? I tell you, if you really don't want to do it, immediately resign and I will sign for you today!"

When everyone heard this, Hu Zhou was really angry.

Even such angry words came out.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Shen Yanhe is a capable cadre of the hotel. Without her, it would be difficult for the front office to maintain the current high-quality service.

Of course, angry words are only angry words.

No matter what, Hu Zhou is also the general manager. He is not a fool. He knows what kind of people are easy to use, and what kind of people can only use their lips.

As long as Shen Yanhe is willing to be soft in public, Hu Zhou will not "rush to the end".

Wu Huiying has been winking at Shen Yanhe, meaning that he must either apologize or stop talking, adding fuel to the fire.

However, Shen Yanhe's next words shocked everyone again.

Shen Yanhe stood up and said to Hutong: "Mr. Hu, I will send you a resignation application form at that time. Please help sign it."

After speaking, Shen Yanhe left the meeting room in full view.

The door opened and closed again.

One less participant.

There was no sound in the conference room, and the needle drop could be heard. Everyone was afraid to take a mouthful for fear of attracting attention.

Hu Zhou is going crazy.

Does Shen Yanhe really want to leave?

And it seems to be determined to leave.

This is so difficult.

Shen Yanhe is the lobby manager, and both the guest room department and the catering department are inextricably related to him.

Moreover, her abilities are obvious to all, even if Hu Zhou is blind, she can understand Shen Yanhe's great effect on the hotel.

Shen Yanhe is gone, who can replace her?

Oh Hye Young?

Or Fan Yuping?

Not reliable!

At this time, Hu Zhou's anger had already disappeared for the most part.

Only some lingering anger is still rushing from the left to the right in the chest, if the trapped beast is getting weaker and weaker.

He was still in the mood for a meeting now, without saying a word, he turned around and left the meeting room.

The atmosphere in the conference room was quite strange. Hu Zhou Yi left, and the rest of the people didn't know what to do.

Including Fan Yuping also felt that this time the incident was indeed a bit serious.

She just wanted to suppress Shen Yanhe's spirit, but she never thought of driving her away.

Shen Yanhe is gone, but it's not good for anyone, at least there is no obvious benefit.

At the same time, Shen Yanhe really went to the Human Resources Department to request a resignation application form, and then wrote a resignation letter.

She no longer wants to stay in this four-star hotel for another minute.

If you leave your job, you must strike while the iron is hot and make a quick decision.

If Hu Zhou were to recover, maybe things would not be that simple.

At this time, Wu Huiying came over.

"Sister Shen, are you really leaving?"

Shen Yanhe put down the pen and dragged Wu Huiying to a remote corridor.

The two chatted.

Shen Yanhe wanted to take Wu Huiying away.

Her ability to work is not bad, and it has been useful in the past.

But Shen Yanhe didn't tell the truth about what he had found his next home.

At this time, the resignation is undecided, so it is better to be more cautious.

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