Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 302: I'm Going, Don't Think About It

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Wu Huiying: "Sister Shen, what's the matter with you today? So angry."

Shen Yanhe: "I'm not angry, do you think I am angry?"

Shen Yanhe did not feel angry, Wu Huiying was speechless for a while.

Wu Huiying: "Then what are you going to do?"

Shen Yanhe: "What else can I do, take this opportunity to resign."

Wu Huiying was taken aback: "Sister Shen, are you really leaving your job?"

Shen Yanhe: "So there are fakes?"

Wu Huiying: "Then you, do you have other places to go? Or do you want to rest for a while?"

Shen Yanhe took a close: "Let's rest for a while, I haven't taken a vacation for a long time."

Wu Huiying: "It's okay to take a break, but you are too impulsive. Now it is not easy to find a job."

Shen Yanhe hesitated: "Huiying, have you ever thought about changing your work?"

Wu Huiying was startled: "You mean...change job?"

Shen Yanhe nodded.

Wu Huiying seemed to be at a loss for this question: "This, this, I can't say that, now there should not be many hotels comparable to Junlun."

Wu Huiying's meaning is already obvious, that is, there is no plan to change jobs.

Of course, Shen Yanhe would not force each other.

The Emperor Junlun Hotel is a four-star hotel after all, with a good working environment and good treatment. It is a rare good unit.

And Wu Huiying has been here for two years, and she is already familiar with all aspects.

Unless it is very uncomfortable in the unit like Shen Yanhe, most people will not move randomly.

Shen Yanhe: "That's OK, then I'll go back and fill out the form, there are a lot of things."

Seeing Shen Yanhe leaving behind, Wu Huiying showed a thoughtful look.

Shen Yanhe spent a lot of time filling out the form.

It was hard to fill it out, and it became a pile together with the resignation letter.

I was wondering whether to go to the general manager's office now and ask Hu Zhou to sign.

At this moment, Yu Xuheng came over.

Yu Xuheng: "Manager Shen, are you really going to withdraw?"

Shen Yanhe raised his head and glanced at him, and replied, "Why do you all see me like this."

Yu Xuheng is the manager of the housekeeping department.

Of course he was also in the conference room just now, so he witnessed the whole process of Shen Yanhe's awe.

In this regard, Yu Xuheng admires him.

But I also felt a bit deeply about Shen Yanhe's situation.

After this trouble, Shen Yanhe would never stay in the hotel unless he bowed his head to Hu Zhou and Fan Yuping and admitted his mistake.

Yu Xuheng works closely with Shen Yanhe's department and the relationship has always been good.

Yu Xuheng: "Actually, you can spend some time with them, anyway, you are still getting paid."

Shen Yanhe shook his head: "Old Yu, I really can't consume them anymore. I just want to leave here right away. It's too disgusting to stay, and I don't want to stay there no matter how much money is given."

Yu Xuheng: "Yeah, do you still treat money as dung? Don't you worry about being nervous at home?... By the way, I remember now, your husband has changed a good job now and is making a lot of money. Full-time wife?"

Shen Yanhe: "How is it possible? I can't stay free at home."

Yu Xuheng sighed: "I knew it was such a result a long time ago. There must be someone who can't bear it and it will break out, but I didn't expect this person to be you. You are not usually very tolerant."

Shen Yanhe: "I couldn't bear it today. I didn't notice the meeting in advance, and I criticized people indiscriminately. This is not bullying!"

Yu Xuheng lowered his voice: "Let me tell you, you really blamed Mr. Hu, he did let someone go to notify him."

Shen Yanhe had a strange look on his face: "I was notified? Why didn't I receive the message?"

Yu Xuheng lowered his voice: "You were off work yesterday. I remember Hu always let Wu Huiying inform you."

Shen Yanhe was startled: "Wu Huiying?...I didn't receive her call yesterday. Did she forget?"

Yu Xuheng smiled faintly, and said inexplicably deep: "I'm telling you something, just listen to it, don't be angry."

Shen Yanhe saw that Yu Xuheng's expression was a little weird, and said, "Don't worry, I can't get angry now."

Yu Xuheng: "In the past two days, I discovered that Fan Yuping and Wu Huiying had contact in private."

Shen Yanhe's complexion changed.

Wu Huiying is her deputy, and she has a very good relationship with Shen Yanhe. Why did she get involved with Fan Yuping?

Shen Yanhe thought for a while: "Could it be pure work communication?"

Yu Xuheng curled his lips: "Can I go to the coffee shop outside the company to talk about normal work communication?"

It turned out that Yu Xuheng went downstairs to buy things in a convenience store during working hours, and happened to see Wu Huiying and Fan Yuping meeting in a nearby Starbucks.

According to Yu Xuheng's description, the two women were absolutely whispering at the time, with a treacherous look on their faces, which was obviously unkind.

Shen Yanhe is not a white lotus, and I know that Yu Xuheng's suspicion is 80% accurate.

Wu Huiying has already "taken refuge" in Fan Yuping.

As for what they discussed in Starbucks, it is not known.

Anyway, nothing good is right.

Although Shen Yanhe said just now that she would not be angry when she heard anything, she was still wrong.

She was so angry that her hands were shaking.

You must know that Shen Yanhe is not weak to Wu Huiying.

When Wu Huiying first started, she didn't understand anything. Shen Yanhe brought her out by hand.

Originally, Shen Yanhe thought Wu Huiying was pretty good and could share a lot of things for her, but he did not expect to raise a white-eyed wolf.

No wonder Fan Yuping knew a lot about the front office before. It turned out that Wu Huiying was an insider who informed her.

Really unlucky.

Fortunately, Shen Yanhe's temperament is relatively calm, otherwise she would really catch Wu Huiying and scold her.

Yu Xuheng watched Shen Yanhe's face change, apparently suppressing his anger, and comforted: "In fact, these bad things are more common and normal. Wu Huiying may still think that as long as you go, she will be able to take the position."

Shen Yanhe said coldly: "What does she think? It's so beautiful."

Yu Xuheng: "Okay, as long as you know this, I won't say much about other things."

Seeing Yu Xuheng was about to leave, Shen Yanhe stopped him.

"By the way, Lao Yu, what do you plan to do in the future? You don't seem to have a good life these days."

Yu Xuheng smiled bitterly and responded: "What else can I do? I can only hold on. I want to see how long Mr. Hu and the lady surnamed Fan are going to toss. If I really can’t hold it, I’ll follow They fought a battle, patted their butts and left."

Shen Yanhe hesitated: "Old Yu, or else, when we get off work, let's find a place to talk."

Yu Xuheng suddenly realized something and asked in a low voice: "Are you looking for a good next home?" Tsinghua Novels

Shen Yanhe smiled mysteriously: "I will tell you in detail then."

Yu Xuheng was overjoyed.

He is indeed going to the limit, and it is very uncomfortable to stay here.

Thinking of Shen Yanhe's performance at the meeting today, combined with the remarks she said just now, 80% of them indeed found the next home.

Shen Yanhe's favorite place must be no different from Junlun Hotel.

Maybe the conditions are better.

Shen Yanhe was also willing to pull Yu Xuheng over.

You must know that the room manager of a four-star hotel is not simple and experienced, especially the understanding of high-end customers, that is quite outstanding.

Otherwise, Yu Xuheng would not have stayed at Junlun Hotel for so many years.

As long as Yu Xuheng is in place, with his contacts, a housekeeping team will inevitably be formed quickly.

At the same time, in the general manager's office, Hu Zhou was talking to Fan Yuping.

Hu Zhou's expression was quite serious, no, it was serious.

Fan Yuping was slightly at a loss.

Hu Zhou: "Yuping, what do you think about this?"

Fan Yuping: "Hu, don't worry, I don't think Shen Yanhe will leave."

Hu Zhou was stunned: "Why? She said that at the meeting, she must want to leave."

Fan Yuping: "She might want to leave, but she may not necessarily leave. Think about it. Now there is no fourth-level star hotel in the Imperial City that can accept her."

Hu Zhou pondered for a moment: "It doesn't seem to be true."

Fan Yuping: "So, she would give up such a good job and go to those cheap hotels? Anyway, I don't believe it."

Hu Zhou: "But she can quit her job first. Maybe she wants to take a rest for a while and then work. There may be high-end hotels that will accept her in the future."

Fan Yuping: "Mr. Hu, think about it, even if Shen Yanhe really quits, we don't have to panic, it's not that nobody uses it."

Hu Zhou: "Someone uses it? Who?"

Fan Yuping: "Isn't there still Wu Huiying."

Hu Zhou: "Wu Huiying, can she do it?"

Fan Yuping: "Hey, she has been working under Shen Yanhe for more than two years, and she is already familiar with business. I recently learned that Shen Yanhe is now directly responsible for a lot of work, so I think it's okay. "

Hu Zhou got up from the boss chair, walked back and forth in the house a few times, and sighed: "Okay, something is better than nothing, Wu Huiying is also a backup plan."

Fan Yuping smiled without saying a word.

In fact, Fan Yuping and Wu Huiying have already been online.

And it was Fan Yuping who Wu Huiying took the initiative to find.

Fan Yuping felt that this girl was indeed more aware of current affairs and could control her well, so she had a snack.

Originally, she thought that Wu Huiying hadn't had the time to succeed Shen Yanhe, but now she was caught up with the ducks and had to let her go.

That's okay, Fan Yuping felt that she was born to be at odds with Shen Yanhe's character.

Having said that, Fan Yuping really felt that Shen Yanhe would not be willing to quit this job.

A four-star lobby manager, that is a rare position.

Although the salary is not too high in the imperial capital, according to the contract, the hotel shares will be distributed in a few years.

Long-term gains are still numerous.

The two were talking, and there was a knock on the door outside.

Hu Zhou shouted "Come in".

The door opened, and Shen Yanhe walked in.

Looking at Hu Zhouyi, Shen Yanhe was holding a pile of documents, and he knew she was here to quit her job.

Shen Yanhe handed the resignation form and resignation letter to Hu Zhou.

"Mr. Hu, this is my resignation application form. Please sign it."

Hu Zhou said solemnly: "Manager Shen, don't be impulsive, as there is a saying, impulsive is the devil, what I said just now is a bit more serious, but you didn’t suffer, otherwise, let’s calm down. Now, let’s think about the resignation."

As the general manager, Hu Zhou has been quite difficult to speak to Shen Yanhe at this point.

This is also trying to keep Shen Yanhe and give the other side a step down.

However, now Shen Yanhe is determined to resign, and he said: "Mr. Hu, I have considered it very clearly. I was actually not angry at all at the meeting. We are all just discussing matters. Since the concepts are different, I Staying here is in the eyes of many people, so you can sign and approve it."

After Hu Zhou heard this, his face darkened: "Shen Yanhe, do you think resignation is such a simple matter? You have to hand over all your things before you talk!"

Shen Yanhe: "Mr. Hu, you have already said it at the meeting. I am leaving today and I will sign immediately. You can't say anything but count."

Hu Zhou's expression stagnated. He wanted to say that he was angry, but he resisted not saying it.

If you really say it, then you can make yourself sobbing.

Hutong patted the table: "Okay, I'll sign it for you, but before that, you have to hand over the work to Wu Huiying!"

Shen Yanhe glanced at Fan Yuping, and found that the woman was smiling with contempt, as if she was watching Shen Yanhe's joke.

Shen Yanhe also understands this mentality.

It's just because of Wu Huiying's existence that Shen Yanhe is insignificant.

Will Shen Yanhe make them feel better?

Of course it is impossible.

Shen Yanhe: "By the way, President Hu, if you want to talk about Wu Huiying, I can hand it over to her, but you have to think clearly to make sure that Wu Huiying is fine?"

The expressions of Hu Zhou and Fan Yuping stagnated at the same time, and they didn't understand what Shen Yanhe meant.

Hu Zhou: "What do you mean? Didn't Wu Huiying do a good job?"

Shen Yanhe: "Really? I'm telling you, that's just on the surface, not to mention that she made mistakes when she was a newcomer. In the past one or two months, she has been complained by tenants three times or so. This time was pretty serious."

Hu Zhou: "What complaints? These are not reported?"

Shen Yanhe: "I've been suppressed, and I don't want to make things worse, but I also left the bottom as evidence for the quarterly assessment."

With that, Shen Yanhe found a piece of paper from the pile of resignation forms.

That piece of paper is the complaint record sheet, printed directly from the hotel management system,

Hu Zhou looked at it for a moment, and his face was pulled down.

He pushed the record sheet to Fan Yuping: "Fan Yuping, look, this is what you said Wu Huiying is fine!? Good job!?"

Fan Yuping also took it over and took a look, her face was uncertain, and finally settled down: "Mr. Hu, these are some minor mistakes, they are nothing."

Shen Yanhe said lightly: "If you have to say that those are minor mistakes, then there is still this."

While speaking, Shen Yanhe threw something on Hu Zhou's desk.

That is a USB flash drive.

Hutong was startled: "What's inside?"

Shen Yanhe: "Surveillance video, the previous video of Wu Huiying fighting with guests, if I hadn't handled it in time, the police would have been called in."

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