Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 305 Everything is ready, waiting to make money

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu turned to Gao Xi again: "Mr. Gao, how about? Is the facade of my hotel okay?"

Gao Xi was stunned for a long time, and then he came back to his senses: "Pay it back, make it together..."

Yu Xuheng rolled his eyes.

Is this still called Couhe?

I am afraid that the five-star Four Seasons Hotel may not be more stylish than this facade.

Yu Xuheng's anxiety finally eased slightly.

However, the facade is only the first impression. The key lies in the internal standards of the hotel.

Li Tianyu: "Everyone, please come in."

Yu Xuheng couldn't wait to walk in.

Gao Xi and Xing Xiuna looked at each other and followed behind.

As soon as the three of them entered the door, the momentum of the lobby was immediately shocked.

Yu Xuheng's expression was quite exaggerated, and he said several "fuck" in his mouth.

Fortunately, the sound is relatively small, and others did not hear clearly.

Shen Yanhe: "Old Yu, what did you just say?"

Yu Xuheng cleared his throat immediately: "No, nothing. The facade was already very impressive just now. I didn't expect this lobby to be even more powerful."

Shen Yanhe smiled. She felt the same way when she first came here.

For a hotel, the lobby is very important, guests can see the level of hotel services from the lobby.

Therefore, luxury hotels cannot arrange the lobby too casually like an express hotel.

The lobby of Tianyu Palace can be said to be quite atmospheric, cool, and extremely impactful.

More importantly, the design of the functional area is quite reasonable.

She's just like a girl with both talent and appearance, so charming!

Yu Xuheng was completely relieved.

What Shen Yanhe said before was not at all watery.

Yu Xuheng even felt that Shen Yanhe didn't describe the magnificence, exquisiteness, and extraordinary craftsmanship of this hotel.

Bao Press was right, but fortunately Yu Xuheng came out of Junlun decisively.

At this time, Yu Xuheng was in a good mood and looked at Gao Xi, "Lao Gao, how is it? Is this newly built hotel different?"

Gao Xi was stunned, dumbfounded, talking with ducks, like sand sculptures.

He stared at the rockery for a long time, then looked at the gurgling stream at his feet, the fish in the stream, and he didn't know what to say.

He couldn't figure out how he came out of Tianyu Hao Ting.

If it's an ordinary express hotel, it's better to understand that the rich can get it out by simply investing a few million.

But this hotel is different.

It is completely luxurious, no, it should be a higher star level!

Don't say a few millions of investment, tens of millions are not fixed, it must be invested in 100 million units.

Gao Xi has already begun to envy Yu Xuheng.

This hotel must be hot!

As long as it starts operating, the hotel itself is very popular, and then catch up with such a scenic spot, it is estimated that it will soon become an Internet celebrity hotel.

At this time, Xing Xiuna whispered: "Husband, this hotel looks great, I guess the rooms are not bad."

Needless to say.

With such a high level of lobby design, the guest room design is unlikely to be bad.

Xing Xiuna: "I really want to stay here for one night and experience it."

Gao Xi responded awkwardly: "They haven't opened yet."

Then, Li Tianyu answered the phone, and Shen Yanhe took Yu Xuheng, Gao Xi and Xing Xiuna to visit the small garden in the courtyard.

It caused a few people to marvel again.First Reading Network

Gao Xi could no longer hide his shock.

The specific area of ​​this hotel is not known, but it is certainly not small.

Looking at this design again, they are the most popular and leading design ideas in the world at present, and they are definitely the works of well-known international design companies.

Gao Xi knew that the design cost of this hotel alone was a lot of money.

The more Gao Xi watched, the more frightened, and the more jealous he became.

It feels like Yu Xuheng has stepped on dog shit this time. After finding such a great hotel to work, his reputation will not be small after that.

At this time, Li Tianyu came over after the phone call and smiled and said to Gao Xi: "Mr. Gao, are there any surprises or suggestions? How about the Four Seasons Hotel in the Imperial City?"

Gao Xi's expression changed: "Boss Li and Li, do you know that I work at Four Seasons Hotel?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes, I know."

When shaking hands with Gao Xi, Li Tianyu had already got the other party's information, which was quite convenient.

Yu Xuheng joked: "Lao Gao told me just now that he thinks that Dibei Water Town can't have a better hotel than Dibei Light."

Gao Xi was very embarrassed: "I'm just talking casually. Don't mind Boss Li. By the way, we still have something to go."

Li Tianyu: "Leave so soon? Why not eat here."

Gao Xi: "No, no, it's really something. Old Yu, let's talk later."

After that, Gao Xi took his girlfriend Xing Xiuna and hurried away.

If you stay any longer, you will have redeye.

Moreover, Gao Xi felt that Boss Li was unfathomable and unfathomable. He might not be satisfied with only opening a hotel.

Such competitors are quite terrible.

On this side, Yu Xuheng focused on the hotel rooms.

It took a lot of time to read each room type, and I knew it in my heart.

Once Tianyu Palace is in operation, there is almost no possibility of losing money.

After all, the hotel room rates in the Dibei Water Town are definitely the first echelon of the Imperial Capital.

In the next few days, the hotel management team began to enter the preparatory stage.

Shen Yanhe and Han Lei are already in place.

Li Tianyu was afraid that the hotel management would be "too bad", so he promoted Yu Xuheng as deputy general manager and became one of the three giants in the hotel.

Li Tianyu has the ability of "intelligence master", so he is not afraid of using the wrong person.

At least in terms of character, they will be identified and reused.

The rudimentary form of the leadership team of Tianyu Palace Hotel is basically established.

The next step is to establish an operations team.

This is not a one-time thing, the process is quite long.

Tianyu Palace covers an area of ​​more than 8,000 square meters, and there are more than 300 guest rooms of various specifications, which can be regarded as a medium and large hotel in the Imperial City.

The hotel operation department is similar to other hotels, divided into eight.

Front Office Department, Guest Room Department, Food and Beverage Department, Security Department, Engineering Department, Sales Department, Personnel Department and Finance Department.

Shen Yanhe and Tian Xuheng made statistics and estimates that the required staff is about 300-350.

The two of them exerted their influence again, and recruited about twenty people from the Imperial Capital Junlun Hotel.

But this is far from enough, and a large number of open recruitment is required.

So these days, Shen Yanhe, Han Lei and Yu Xuheng are all busy to take off.

But no one complained.

On the contrary, they are all too excited.

After all, this hotel not only has good hardware conditions, but also has a very good location. This is in the scenic area of ​​Dibei Water Town.

Under such conditions, there is no possibility of bad business.

As long as it opens, the heart will be fully booked.

In fact, many tourists want to come in and book rooms, but they are short of staff and dare not pick up guests.

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