Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 306 I am a promising cousin

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu was really busy during this time.

Since becoming the host of the bragging tax system, he has never been so busy.

Doing a hotel business is really not as easy as imagined. A lot of energy must be invested in preparations.

Fortunately, the hotel’s management team has been finalized. Now as long as the foundation of the team is well laid, it can open for business, but it does not necessarily have to recruit everyone.

Li Tianyu was idle for a while, and let Shen Yanhe, Han Lei and Yu Xuheng do the rest.

He drove back to the Imperial City area, and spent two days resting in Yunmeng Zhizun, and finally healed.

This morning, Li Tianyu leisurely drank the Arctic Ocean in the room and watched TV.

The phone rang suddenly.

Li Tianyu picked up the phone and saw that it was his father Li Guohua who called.

This is surprising. In the past, his mother, Ye Cuiping, was the one who beat him up when he had problems at home. Why did he change people today?

Nothing will happen, right?

Li Tianyu immediately pressed the answer button.

Li Tianyu: "Dad, nothing happened, right?"

Li Guohua: "Why, what else do you want to cause at home?"

Li Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief: "Hey, it's fine if nothing happens. Why did you remember calling me today? Is the car broken?"

Li Guohua was surprised: "How did you know?"

Damn it!

It was really right by Li Tianyu.

Li Guohua said that the car is not a big problem, because the engine is leaking oil, which wiped out the few roses at the gate of the community.

Li Guohua: "It was repaired a few days ago, and it has been opened. It's ok, everything is normal."

Li Tianyu thought to himself, this Mercedes-Benz is getting more and more nonsense. It is a million-dollar luxury car, so the quality is not better.

This imported Mercedes-Benz won’t work either. Isn’t it a German quality beef batch?

Then, Li Guohua said the business.

Li Guohua: "That's it. You Xiaohai may go to the Imperial Capital tomorrow to play. If you are not busy, you will be responsible for receiving it."

Li Tianyu was startled: "Xiaohai? Is he alone?"

Li Guohua: "It seems to be a classmate with him, or a friend, I didn't ask carefully."

Li Tianyu pondered for a while, and there hasn't been anything wrong recently.

Xiaowei, whose real name is Li Junhai, is the son of Li Tianyu's third uncle, Li Caijun, and Li Tianyu's cousin.

This hall is going to university in Jinwei City. Li Tianyu has seen it rarely in recent years. At most, he meets during Chinese New Year, and sometimes he does not even see it.

After talking with his father, Li Tianyu hung up the phone, after thinking about it, he sent some WeChat messages to Li Junhai.

The main idea is to ask him when he will arrive in the imperial capital tomorrow, and to make an appointment for a meeting place.

After a while, Li Junhai returned the news.

From Jinwei City to the imperial capital, generally take the intercity railway, which takes more than half an hour.

The station is at the Imperial Capital South Station.

Li Junhai sent another message: "If you have something to do, just busy with you, let's just have fun."

Li Tianyu: "How can I do it? Our brothers haven't seen each other for a long time. You finally come here, and you have to receive it, and I'm really fine."

Li Junhai: "That's OK, see you then."

Li Tianyu: "By the way, do you want to bring friends here? Men and women?"

Li Junhai: "Guess?"

As soon as Li Tianyu saw it, there was no need to guess, she must be a female, and most of it was Li Junhai's girlfriend.

The young man was pretty good, he didn't go to the university for nothing, and he found a girl as his company.

At this moment, another call came in.

This time Qiu Jian called.

It is said that although Qiu Jian is Ai Heping's best friend, his relationship with Li Tianyu has gradually become closer recently.

If Qiu Jian is okay, he will send a WeChat message to Li Tianyu to ask his boss hello.

Li Tianyu still has to answer his phone calls.

Li Tianyu: "Xiao Jianjian, you are so busy, why call me when you have time?"

Qiu Jian: "Boss, don't say that. No matter how busy I am, I have to make time to greet you."

Li Tianyu: "Stop nonsense and talk about business."

Qiu Jian: "Do you have time on weekends?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes, what are you doing?"

Qiu Jian: "Our company's high-end restaurant is about to open to the hundredth soon. There will be a small celebration on the weekend. If you have time, boss, please attend."

Li Tianyu: "Your company?"

Qiu Jian immediately added: "My dad's company."

Qiu's family is a professional catering, named Shifeng Catering Group.

Originally specializing in mid-end chain buffet restaurants, they spread all over the country and even opened in Japan and Southeast Asian countries.

In recent years, it has begun to enter high-end catering again, and the development momentum is very good.

Qiu Jian now works at Shifeng Catering, his father's company.

Li Tianyu doesn't know if he is doing well.

At this time, Li Tianyu heard that Shifeng Catering had opened its 100th high-end restaurant, which was really amazing.

Li Tianyu: "Your dad has invited so many famous people, why did I go there?"

Qiu Jian: "What big coffee, in my opinion, is not as good as your toenails on one toe."

Li Tianyu was disgusting.

This Qiu Jian is guilty of being cheap, and he is absolutely equal to Ai Heping.

Li Tianyu: "It's OK, I will look back and go when I have time, okay?"

Qiu Jian: "Okay, boss, then you are busy, I will hang up first."

After hanging up the phone, Li Tianyu didn't care too much, let's talk about whether or not to go.

The next day, the Dijin Intercity Train.

A man and a woman are sitting next to each other.

Both of them are very young, and they seem to be around twenty years old.

The young man's name is Li Junhai, and he is naturally Li Tianyu's cousin.

The girl's name is Tan Jing.

When you look at the state of the two, it is a romantic relationship.

Li Junhai: "I will be here soon, and my cousin will pick us up in a while."

Tan Jing: "Your cousin drove over to pick him up?"

Li Junhai: "It should be driving."

Tan Jing: "What do you mean by it? Didn't you say that he has been in the Imperial Capital for several years? He doesn't even have a car, right?"

Li Junhai hesitated for a moment, and didn't know how to answer.

At this time last year, my cousin Li Tianyu did not have a car, but the situation this year is unknown.

But Li Junhai heard from his parents on the phone.

It is said that Li Tianyu seems to have switched jobs and jumped to a large company with an annual salary of several hundred thousand, which is quite good.

Although the specific situation is not known, the car should be bought.

But thinking about it is not necessarily true.

The license plate of the imperial capital is very difficult to get. You can't shake the number, so you can only get the license plate of the field, and the range of activities is very limited.

After a while, the train entered the Imperial Capital South Station.

Li Junhai pulled Tan Jing and walked towards the exit with the flow of people.

He was a little worried, hoping that his cousin Li Tianyu would fight for a bit and at least drive a car.

This way, in front of Tan Jing, there is even more face.

Nowadays, in universities, the trend of comparison is increasing day by day. Some rich second-generation, rich third-generation and even drove luxury cars to school.Heshun Novel

Li Junhai was able to catch up with Tan Jing, it was a bit of luck, and the relationship was not stable.

Although having a car is not a bonus item, it will be deducted if it is not.

At the exit, Li Junhai looked around, looking up and down.

Tan Jing: "Your cousin hasn't come yet?"

Li Junhai: "I have sent him a message. It should be here. Let me call him."

With that said, Li Junhai took out his cell phone and was about to dial the number.

"Little sea!"

Li Junhai raised his eyes and saw that it was his cousin Li Tianyu.

I saw him beckoning, while walking this way.

When the three met, they exchanged greetings.

Li Junhai introduced Li Tianyu and Tan Jing to each other.

Of course, Li Junhai didn't say that Tan Jing was his girlfriend. Everyone just tacitly stated.

Li Tianyu: "Let's go, don't stand outside on this hot day, say in the car."

Li Junhai put his heart down, it seems that his cousin is really good, and he really bought a car.

This way, playing in the Imperial Capital is much more convenient.

Li Junhai did not expect his cousin to buy a good car, as long as he could travel.

However, Li Tianyu took the two to the parking lot and came to a car.

Li Junhai and Tan Jing were both stunned.

This is a luxury car.

The sky blue Porsche!

Li Junhai also studied cars quite well, and couldn't help asking: "Brother, is this Cayenne?"

Li Tianyu reached out and opened the door: "Yes, get in the car."

Tan Jing couldn't help but whispered: "Your cousin seems to be pretty good."

Li Junhai laughed and sat in the back seat with his girlfriend.

Li Tianyu checked the time, and it was half past eleven.

Li Tianyu asked: "You two should be hungry? What do you want to eat?"

Li Junhai: "I can do whatever you want."

Tan Jing: "I can eat anything."

Li Tianyu pondered for a while and said, "Okay, then I'll choose."

Li Tianyu started the car and drove towards the center of the imperial capital.

He has no idea now, so he simply drove to China World Trade Center.

There are many shopping malls and more restaurants, and it is convenient to choose.

In the blink of an eye, I arrived at the International Trade Area, passing by the Jinyuan Center Mall.

Tan Jing's eyes lit up: "So this is the Jinyuan Center. I heard that this mall is full of top international brands, and it's a shopping paradise."

The so-called "shopping paradise" is aimed at girls.

The top international brands also refer to luxury brands.

Leather goods brands such as Bulgari, Donkey Brand, Hermes, etc. have specialty stores here.

Of course, there are also first-line famous watch brands like Patek Philippe, Vacheron Constantin, Cartier, and Rolex that also have counters in the Jinyuan Center.

Li Tianyu also remembered that on the fifth floor of the Jinyuan Center Shopping Mall, there was a restaurant street with many good restaurants.

Li Tianyu: "Then go eat here."

With that said, Li Tianyu turned his head at the intersection ahead and drove directly into the underground parking lot of the Jinyuan Center Shopping Mall.

Then the three of them took the elevator to the lobby on the first floor.

Looking at the glittering store logos on the first floor, all of which are top luxury items that often appear on the Internet, Tan Jing's eyes became brighter.

Women are born to like this luxury, without exception, is it amazing?

If you put it in the past, Li Tianyu would not want to enter such a mall.

One month's salary can buy at most one thing inside.

It's different now. He is already a big boss with a wealth of money. No matter where he goes, he is courageous.

At this moment, Li Tianyu's cell phone rang suddenly.

I took it out and saw that it was Shen Yanhe who came over. It is estimated that it is about the hotel to report.

Li Tianyu said: "I will answer the phone first, and you will wait for me."

Li Junhai and Tan Jing nodded and watched Li Tianyu leave.

Tan Jing had the opportunity to speak with Li Junhai alone.

"Junhai, what does your cousin do in the Imperial Capital?"

Li Junhai shook his head: "I only know that he used to work in an Internet company, but now he seems to have jumped to a large company. I didn't ask exactly where it was. I will just ask in a moment.

In Li Junhai's impression, this cousin was not in this state before.

I used to be a little bit scornful, and I felt like I didn't slip away.

To be honest, Li Junhai didn't wait to see this cousin much.

But as soon as we met today, Li Junhai felt that Li Tianyu had become very outrageous.

Not to mention the outfit and the Porsche Cayenne, the temperament is completely different.

The two were talking, and Tan Jing's expression suddenly froze.

Unexpectedly, she would meet an acquaintance here.

The so-called acquaintances are actually her high school classmates.

Tan Jing hurriedly pulled Li Junhai to hide. Who knew that the high school classmate had sharper eyes and saw them both at a glance.

"Tan Jing!"

Tan Jing had a bitter face, so she stopped.

The high school classmate's name was Xu Biru, who was generally on the upper side, not as pretty as Tan Jing, but very good at dressing up.

Xu Biru matured relatively early. When he was in high school, he spent all day in school, attracting the attention of many boys.

Xu Biru is the kind of girl with a particularly strong sense of superiority. She is mainly showing off in front of the same sex, as if she is a beautiful flower, and other girls are like green leaves.

Therefore, Tan Jing didn't like Xu Biru at all.

Fortunately, everyone was admitted to different universities.

Tan Jing went to Jinwei City, while Xu Biru is said to have attended a university in the imperial capital.

With such a big capital, Tan Jing had never thought of meeting Xu Biru.

It should be said that the probability of encounter between the two is only one in a million.

However, I didn't expect this one in a million chance to actually come true.

Tan Jing couldn't help swearing in her heart, why not use this kind of "lucky" in other places?

Xu Biru did not come alone, there was a man walking beside him.

The man was slightly older than the three, but he was good-looking, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and gentle.

Judging by his clothes, the man should still be a rich man.

At this time, Xu Biru had already walked over, with an expression that looked like he had met an old friend whom he hadn't seen for many years.

"Tan Jing, I didn't expect to meet you here, so lucky."

Tan Jing smiled reluctantly: "Yes, really lucky."

Xu Biru looked at Li Junhai: "By the way, is this your boyfriend?"

Tan Jing was speechless for a while and didn't know how to answer.

Xu Biru: "Oh, don't pretend, whoever goes to college and doesn't engage in objects? What's the big deal?"

Tan Jing had no choice but to admit: "Yes, this is my boyfriend."

Tan Jing suddenly asked in surprise: "Huh? Why are you empty-handed? Didn't you buy anything?"

Nonsense, of course the two were empty-handed.

The luggage is in Li Tianyu's car.

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