Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 310 Dragon and Tiger Fight, Hotel Controversy

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Han Lei: "Then we are very unlikely to be selected."

Li Tianyu: "Have we signed up yet?"

Han Lei: "I have already called to apply, but I still need to submit some information and fill in the application form."

Li Tianyu pondered for a while and felt that this time was a great opportunity for publicity.

"The Runner" is a reality show that has been popular for several years, and it can be said to be one of the most well-known variety shows in China.

Online video sites and offline TVs have very high broadcast volume, and the number of viewers can even exceed 100 million.

If Tianyu Palace can really make it into the first issue of "The Runner", it will quickly become popular, become hot, and out of control.

The so-called Internet celebrity hotel is so practiced.

But just like Han Lei said, Tianyu Mansion has just been completed and has not yet opened for business, and has no reputation.

On the other hand, those competitors, such as Dibei Light and Banshanju, are quite popular hotels in Dibei Water Town.

There really is no reason for the program team to choose a new hotel of unknown quality.

Of course, if the sponsorship fee is in place, it is not impossible, but are other hotels short of money?

In such a popular scenic spot as Emperor Beizhiguang, all the hotels have made a lot of money.

Sponsorship fee?One is higher than the other.

On popular variety shows, but the best in-depth placement of ads!

Han Lei: "Boss, are you still there?"

Li Tianyu came back to his senses: "Ah, yes."

Han Lei: "I think I have to try whatever I want. I'll find someone to go to the "Runner" program group to go through the application procedures. Boss, it's okay, I'll hang up first.

Li Tianyu gave a "um" first, then immediately stopped Han Lei: "Wait a minute, don't hang up."


Already hung up.

Li Tianyu was speechless, this Han Lei was really impatient, and he couldn't stop shouting.

Li Tianyu had to fight back again.

Han Lei: "Boss, I have a lot of things, I really don't have time to make fun of you."

Li Tianyu: "Who, who is making fun of you, don't I have a business deal?"

Han Lei: "Don't make trouble, what business do you have?"


Li Tianyu cleared his throat: "Go to the "Runner" program group to register for our hotel, leave it to me."

Han Lei was obviously suspicious: "Give it to you? Boss, have you been idle a little pain?"

Li Tianyu rolled his eyes: "Don't be big or small, I am not sharing the workload for you, I am afraid you will be tired."

Han Lei: "Really?"

Li Tianyu: "Really, you send me all the information, I'll take the time to visit."

hang up the phone.

Li Tianyu just picked up the coffee cup, and before he took a sip, the computer received an email.

The emails contained all the materials prepared by Han Lei, as long as the materials were printed out and sent to the program group of "The Runner".

Li Tianyu suddenly had a headache.

There is no printer at home.

It's so unprofessional.

As a boss, I don't even have basic office equipment.

But looking back, the boss always pays to find people to do work. What kind of office equipment does he need?

But now Li Tianyu's brain is getting hot and he has taken over the job, so he has to put on his clothes and go to the printing shop outside to print things.

This hot day is really enough.

In fact, Li Tianyu did not take over this job to share the work of Han Lei and others.

He felt that he might get a miraculous effect if he took a look.

For example, use the intelligence master's ability to eliminate other competing hotels.

Anyway, it's nothing more than submitting information and filling in the form. Others do the same. Li Tianyu is the boss, and he has a gold finger against the sky. The chances are after all.

After Li Tianyu printed the things, he drove to the program group "The Runner" according to the address given by Han Lei.

In fact, the show "The Runner" was produced by Nanzhou Satellite TV.

Nanzhou Satellite TV’s nest is of course in Nanzhou Province.

However, because "The Runner" is coming to the Imperial Capital for a show, it also set up an office here in advance.

And this office is in a hotel in the Imperial Capital.

It was also Li Tianyu's good luck. The hotel was called Imperial Capital Fengrui Hotel, located in the International Trade Area.

But he was too hot and drove there.

About ten minutes later, Li Tianyu drove into the underground parking lot of Fengrui Hotel and took the elevator to the first floor.

"The Runner" program group is actually on the 25th floor, but the structure of this hotel building is more complicated. The elevator from the basement can only reach the third floor of the hotel, so Li Tianyu had to go to the first floor to find the 25th floor. elevator.

This Royal Capital Fengrui Hotel is also a four-star hotel.

The lobby is spacious, well-decorated, and has enough style, but compared with the lobby of Tianyu Palace, there is still a big gap.

Gorgeous is gorgeous, without such a strong sense of design.

Li Tianyu went to the front desk directly, and was about to ask the little girl at the front desk where the elevator was going up. At this time, he saw several people line up in front and were also asking questions.

The man who was talking to the little girl at the front desk was a man who was in his twenties and looked ordinary and could not see much.

Mysterious man: "Let me ask, which room is the "Runner" program group in?"

The little girl at the front desk hesitated: "What do you want them to do?"

The mysterious man frowned, his face unhappy: "Of course I am looking for them. You tell me quickly, I'm in a hurry."

The little girl at the front desk: "I'm sorry, we can't disclose the information of the program group casually."

The mysterious man was a little anxious. He gave a "tsk" and was about to spray, but was interrupted by a voice.

Someone not far away was shouting to him: "Zhu Hesha, I found it. Go up to the 25th floor here!"

Zhu Hesha is the name of the mysterious man.

I have to say that this name is very special and domineering.

Li Tianyu has heard everything behind.

They also went to find fellow travellers in the "runner" program group.

This saves trouble, just hitchhike.

Li Tianyu directly followed Zhu Hesha and the others, and walked to an elevator.

There were four people on Zhu Hesha's side, and Li Tianyu entered the elevator with them.

They pressed the button on the 25th floor, and Li Tianyu didn't need to press it.

Zhu Hesha glanced at Li Tianyu, but said nothing.

After a while, the 25th floor arrived.Baihua Literature

Li Tianyu knew that the temporary office of the "runner" program group was in room 2515, so he walked out.

Of course the few people in Zhu Hesha were the same, so they ran together again.

Zhu Hesha couldn't help asking: "My buddy, where are you going?"

Li Tianyu responded lightly: "I'm going to 2515."

Zhu Hesha and others were a little surprised: "You also go to 2515, are you a member of the program group?"

Li Tianyu shook his head and said nothing.

Zhu Hesha frowned, thinking that this person was rather rude.

Of course Li Tianyu also felt that each other.

Everyone walked all the way to Room 2515.

I saw a sign "Do not disturb the idlers" at the door.

Zhu Hesha said to his colleagues: "Aren't we just idlers?"

That colleague was the person named Zhu Hesha before, named Hao Lin.

Hao Lin: "Of course not."

With that, Hao Lin knocked on the door.

Soon, the door opened.

A woman showed her head.

This woman is about forty years old, with short hair and eyes, and she looks quite intellectual.

When the woman saw Hao Lin, Zhu Hesha and others, she smiled and said, "Xiao Hao, Xiao Zhu, you are here."

Zhu Hesha immediately changed a smiling face, the change was quite strange.

"Director Wang, hello."

Director Wang, named Wang Wen, is the planning director of the "Runner" program group.

Wang Wen: "A few of you, come in quickly."

As he said, he let out the door.

Hao Lin, Zhu Hesha and others walked in.

Li Tianyu wanted to go in too, but was stopped by Zhu Hesha.

"Hey, haven't you seen the sign hanging outside? Don't disturb the idlers."

Li Tianyu knocked off Zhu Hesha's arm at once: "Who said I was an idler?"

Wang Wen was stunned: "Didn't he come with you?"

Zhu Hesha: "No, no, he doesn't know what he is doing. He has been following us all the time. He should be a suspicious element."

Wang Wen said to Li Tianyu: "This gentleman, what's the matter with you?"

Zhu Hesha sneered, meaning that there would be nothing wrong with this kid.

Li Tianyu didn't even look at Zhu Hesha, and proactively stretched out his hand to Wang Wen: "I'm from Tianyu Palace, I want to come over to discuss cooperation."

Wang Wen reflexively shook hands with Li Tianyu.

At this time, Wang Wen reacted: "Tianyu Palace? Oh, it's the newly built hotel."

When Zhu Hesha, Hao Lin and others heard this, their expressions changed.

In fact, this group of them is from the administrative department of Emperor Beizhiguang.

They came here for the same purpose as Li Tianyu, which was to negotiate the cooperation between the hotel and the reality show "The Runner".

Of course, everyone present at this hotel is no stranger to Tianyu Palace.

Regarding the hotel in the Dibei Water Town scenic spot that has only recently been built, the operators of the Dibei Light Hotel feel very strange.

On the one hand, they couldn't understand why there was a hotel in the scenic spot suddenly.

Moreover, these people have all pretended to be tourists and have seen it secretly. The decoration inside is so impressive, radiant and magnificent.

Speaking of which, the light of Emperor Beibei stands out among the many hotels in the scenic area of ​​Emperor Bei Water Town by its hotel design.

But compared with Tianyu Palace, that's how little it is.

But then again.

Emperor Beizhiguang is not afraid of Tianyu Palace, after all, as a luxury hotel, word of mouth is the most important thing.

At this point, Tianyu Mansion is simply incomparable.

It turned out that Tianyu Hao Ting also got involved in the collaboration with the program "The Runner".

Zhu Hesha couldn't help laughing: "What I said, it turns out you were sent by that hotel, but you are too self-conscious, do you think you can be selected after you apply?"

Li Tianyu had no words.

Zhu Hesha also said: "The program group of "The Runner" will only choose one partner hotel. Don't say you compare it with our Emperor Beiguang, other hotels are incomparable."

Li Tianyu didn't pay attention to Zhu Hesha, and said to Wang Wen: "Director Wang, can I go in?"

Only then did Wang Wen react, and Li Tianyu was still blocked by the door.

"Okay, okay, you come in."

Li Tianyu directly knocked Zhu Hesha aside in front of him and walked into the room.

This is actually a hotel suite, and the outbuilding has been turned into an office.

There are two more tables in the room, on which are placed laptops, portable printers, copiers, and some projection equipment.

Wang Wen: "Sit down some of you."

Li Tianyu found a comfortable sofa and sat down.

Zhu Hesha was a little depressed: "Director Wang, we came here to make this decision. You should know that in the Tebei Water Town scenic area, if you want to talk about the hotel, we, the Light of the North, belong to Namba!"

Zhu Hesha glanced at Li Tianyu again: "As for what Tianyu Palace, you may not know, it is a newly built hotel that has not officially opened yet!"

Wang Wen nodded: "I understand this."

Li Tianyu said lightly: "Director Wang, our Tianyu Palace does not have any business, but this is not a disadvantage, but an advantage."

"Everything in our hotel is new and clean. Unlike some hotels, no matter how clean is done, there will always be some places where dirt is hidden."

Zhu Hesha's complexion changed: "What do you mean? Who is hiding the dirt?"

Li Tianyu: "Sir, please do not check in."

Zhu Hesha was so angry, but he didn't expect to fight back for a while.

At this time, Hao Lin began to speak: "Director Wang, what this gentleman said just now is correct. The new things are really good, but the hotel is different. The air in the new hotel is not good. Participants of the program "The Runner" But they are all celebrities, they are quite delicate, and you still need to be cautious."

Li Tianyu took a look at Hao Lin and felt that this person was quite powerful, much stronger than the stupid critic named Zhu Hesha.

It can be seen that Hao Lin should be the core staff of the administrative department of the North Light, with extraordinary ability.

Wang Wen nodded as expected: "Indeed, the new hotel is the same as the new house. It needs a process of de-taste."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Director Wang, you don’t have to worry about the air in the hotel. First, we use all world-class environmentally friendly materials. Second, our hotel has been aired for a long time since it was built. , There is no smell for a long time. Third, we have a test certificate issued by a professional testing agency that there will never be any toxic substances harmful to health in the hotel’s air."

As soon as Hao Lin was about to speak, Li Tianyu took the lead and said: "Moreover, we have invited more than one testing agency, but as many as three, all of which are authoritative third-party agencies and are trustworthy."

Wang Wen was startled: "Have you brought the test report here?"

Li Tianyu: "Of course I brought it. You can watch it at any time. In addition, you can also check it by coding on the website of the testing agency. No fakes can be made."

Wang Wen pondered for a moment: "Mr. Li, I know your hotel is ambitious, but after all, it is a newly built hotel, which is more mature than some old hotels such as the North Light, so..."

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