Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 311 See again Director Wang of

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu knew that Wang Wen would say this for a long time.

For the planning director, Li Tianyu had mastered her basic information when shaking hands with her just now.

In fact, Wang Wen had already decided to use the Light of the North in his heart.

This person values ​​human relations, and the boss of the North Light has a good relationship with her and has eaten several meals together.

Moreover, Wang Mei has personally visited the Emperor Beizhiguang Hotel. Although there are some minor flaws, it can basically meet the needs of program recording.

To put it bluntly, the Light of the North also left the relationship and walked through the back door.

In addition, the conditions of the Light of the North are indeed not bad.

No wonder Zhu Hesha and Hao Lin are so self-confident that they don't look down on Tianyu Palace.

In fact, it is not only Tianyu Palace and Emperor Beizhiguang who are negotiating cooperation, but also other luxury hotels, including Banshanju, are also very active.

But the light of the emperor is almost certain, and there is little suspense.

Zhu Hesha: "Our Emperor Beizhiguang is now a five-star hotel. How many stars is your Tianyu Palace?"

Li Tianyu did not speak.

The Emperor Beizhiguang should have been rated as a five-star hotel recently.

In fact, the area of ​​Dibei Light is less than 10,000 square meters, but because it is in the Dibei Water Town scenic area, and both the hardware and the service level have reached the standard, and even exceeded the five-star standard, it made an exception. A five-star label.

In this regard, Tianyu Mansion is really incomparable.

But did Li Tianyu just give up like that?

Of course not.

It's not easy for him to come over, how can he return without success?

Li Tianyu: "Director Wang, I admit that the conditions in all aspects of the Imperial Light are indeed very good, but then again, you may have never been to our Tianyu Palace. I sincerely invite you to visit our hotel. , And then make a decision, okay?"

There was nothing wrong with what Li Tianyu said, but Wang Mei's expression was indifferent and didn't seem to be touched.

Wang Wen: "Okay, you can put your hotel information here first."

Wang Wen looked up at Li Tianyu, and added: "To be honest, the show will be launched soon. Time is too tight, but if we have time, we will let someone go over and take a look."

Leave the information here and leave?

It must be out of play.

People might not even take a look.

It looks like it's still out of play.

Wang Wen is determined to cooperate with Emperor Beizhiguang.

Even if Li Tianyu had a super cheat sheet, he was a bit weak at this time.

I wondered whether to go out and brag, and see if I could forcibly snatch the name of this cooperative hotel.

Zhu Hesha said in a weird manner: "I've said it a long time ago. Some people just don't know what they can do, and they have to fight for their strength."

Hao Lin: "You can't say the same thing. The people below can just follow the decision of the leader."

Zhu Hesha: "I'll just say that the leader is not overpowered, and the people below don't remind me."

Li Tianyu glanced at Zhu Hesha, this guy really owed a beating.

With his violent temper, he had to scold the boy named Zhu a long time ago.

Just then, someone knocked on the door.

Wouldn't it be that another hotel came to talk about cooperation?

Wang Wen walked over and opened the door.

"Yeah, Director Wang, you are here."

When Li Tianyu heard that Director Wang was still not working, why did he run out of Director Wang again?

"Yeah, I'll come and have a look." The man said.

When Li Tianyu heard it, he felt that the sound was familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

Seeing the appearance of the person who came in, I couldn't help being surprised.

This is really the Wang director.

So is Wang Zhigang, the deputy director of "Sword Dance Chang'an"!

I didn't expect to meet him here.

Is the new edition of "The Runner" to be recorded in collaboration with the crew of "Sword Dance Chang'an"?

Wouldn't it be inevitable to meet Qin Xuetong?

The cooperation between the two parties should be to promote "Sword Dance Chang'an", and the heroine has no reason not to appear.

But thinking about it is not necessarily, with Qin Xuetong's unscrupulous temperament, no one can stop life and death without participating.

Anyway, as soon as Wang Zhi came out, Li Tianyu's situation changed.

Wang Zhigang: "Hey, why are there so many people in the house?"

Wang Wen: "Oh, we are discussing hotel cooperation."

Wang Zhigang: "The hotel in Dibei Water Town? Have you chosen it?"

Wang Wen: "Yes, we are initially planning to choose the Light of the North. After all, it is the signature hotel in the town of the North. It is also the most famous. We went to the site to see it. The hardware and software conditions are also good. ."

With that, Wang Wen invited Wang Zhigang in and asked him to sit down.

Wang Zhigang: "Oh, I've been to that hotel, it's really good...huh?"

Wang Wen: "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Wang Zhigang didn't think anything was wrong, he just happened to see an acquaintance-Li Tianyu.

"Yeah, why are you here?"

Li Tianyu stood up long ago and greeted Wang Zhigang.

The two shook hands cordially.

"I just arrived, Director Wang, it's been a long time since I saw you."

The two exchanged a while, but don't shock everyone present.

Especially Wang Wen, she knows best that Wang Zhigang, the director, has a very strange temper. He is very polite to ordinary people, and never has a close relationship with others.

But looking at his attitude towards Li Tianyu, he was surprisingly enthusiastic, and he felt like an old friend for many years.

Moreover, isn't this person a staff member of Tianyu Palace?How did you know Wang Zhigang?

These are two different worlds, people who can't beat eight poles!

And the few people of Emperor Beiguang couldn't sit still.

The identity of the director Wang was obviously unusual, and Wang Wen was very polite.

At this moment, seeing Wang Zhigang and Li Tianyu talking on their own accord gave them an ominous premonition.

Wang Zhigang: "You won't also work at Emperor Beizhiguang, do you?"

Li Tianyu laughed: "How is that possible."

Wang Zhigang: "I don't think it is possible. I heard that you are all big bosses."

Li Tianyu: "Director Wang, in fact, I just want to talk about cooperation with Director Wang."

Wang Zhigang asked in surprise: "Talk about cooperation? What kind of cooperation?"

Li Tianyu glanced at Wang Wen: "That's it. I heard that the first issue of "The Runner" is going to be recorded with a hotel in Dibei Water Town. It's a coincidence that I have a hotel in Dibei Water Town. , So I want to have a chat with Director Wang to see if we can cooperate with each other."

Wang Wen's face changed, and he was obviously embarrassed.

At this time, Zhu Hesha yelled: "You have a hotel? You work in the hotel. What are you talking about?"

When Wang Zhigang heard this, he became unhappy and asked Wang Wen, "Director Wang, who is this? Why is it so rude?" Wuyou Literature Network

Wang Wen quickly explained: "Several of them are from the Emperor Beiguang Hotel."

Wang Zhigang: "This is the quality of the people of the Northern Light?"

Zhu Hesha is also a mad dog, and he was about to stand up and fight Wang Zhigang, but was held back by Hao Lin.

Hao Lin stood up: "Director Wang, can you introduce to us, this director Wang is..."

Wang Zhigang snorted and said nothing.

Wang Wen quickly explained: "This director Wang is the deputy director of the Chang'an Sword Dance crew, director Wang Zhigang."

Zhu Hesha "cut": "It turns out to be a deputy, what a cow."

Hao Lin glared at Zhu Hesha.

Although Zhu Hesha's voice is not loud, everyone in the room can hear it clearly.

In order to ease the atmosphere, Hao Lin immediately shook hands with Wang Zhigang very diligently.

Wang Zhigang turned a blind eye, and Hao Lin was quite shameless.

Wang Zhigang said to Wang Wen: "Director Wang, I don't want to intervene in what kind of hotel your program group chooses, but I can make it clear that our requirements for hotels are not low. It depends not only on the surface conditions, but also the service attitude is very important. "

Wang Zhigang pointed to Zhu Hesha and said: "With their attitude, how can our crew go to work in their hotel?"

Wang Wen: "This... they are not..."

Wang Zhigang intercepted the conversation and continued: "I don't care what they do in the hotel, anyway, I just can't understand their attitude of bullying customers! Could it be that there is only one hotel in Dibei Water Town!!"

When everyone heard it, they felt that it was a big trouble.

The upcoming issue of "The Runner" is for pre-heating publicity for the TV series "Sword Dance Chang'an".

The relationship between Li Tianyu and Wang Zhigang is absolutely extraordinary.

Now that Wang Zhigang is getting annoyed again, it will be even more troublesome, and the unresolved cooperation may be disturbed.

Zhu Hesha was not an idiot. Knowing that he was in trouble, he immediately stood up and smiled flatteringly: "Director Wang, it was my bastard just now. Don't be familiar with me."

Wang Zhigang snorted coldly, "How dare I be as knowledgeable as you."

Wang Wen pulled Wang Zhigang down and said, "Come on, calm down."

Hao Lin also said something nice next to him: "I'm sorry, it's our fault. I hope it won't affect our cooperation with the program group."

Wang Wen: "Yes, Dibei Light is generally a more suitable venue, and the hardware and software meet the requirements."

Wang Zhigang: "The partner has been decided?"

When Wang Wen was about to speak, Li Tianyu cut off the conversation.

"Director Wang, it hasn't been finalized yet. If it is finalized, other hotels will not be allowed to come over and submit information."

With that said, Li Tianyu also patted the folder on the table.

Wang Wen was speechless for a while.

The cooperation hotel has not been officially decided yet. It is also her personal idea to cooperate with Dibei Light.

Wang Zhigang: "Since it hasn't been decided yet, what can I say to them, Director Wang, I suggest you inspect more hotels, such as this one."

Wang Zhigang passed the information that Li Tianyu had brought to Wang Wen.

Wang Zhigang: "Xiao Li, how is your hotel compared to Dibei Light?"

Li Tianyu: "Guide Wang, I don't dare to brag in front of you, our Tianyu Mansion can only be better than Emperor Beiguang."

Wang Zhigang grinned: "Tianyu Hao Ting? That's a good name."

Wang Wen: "Director Wang, the hotel light doesn't look good, and we have to make certain improvements to meet the requirements of our program."

Wang Zhigang: "This is even more okay, right, Xiao Li?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "My hotel, you can change it whatever you want."

Zhu Hesha couldn't help yelling: "What own hotel, aren't you just a part-time worker? Can you make decisions for the boss?"

Wang Zhigang: "The hotel's name is Tianyu Haoting, and his name is Li Tianyu. Do you think it belongs to him?"

When everyone heard it, it suddenly became clear.

It turns out that this kid is the owner of the hotel!

Damn it!

Isn't that awesome!?

Several visitors from Emperor Beizhiguang had visited Tianyu Mansion in person.

Just the magnificent hall, the design, construction, and then the decoration does not know how much it will cost!

I didn't see it, this kid is so rich at such a young age, he wouldn't be a super rich second generation!?

Li Tianyu: "Director Wang, Director Wang, otherwise, if the two of you have time, let's go over and take a look at me. If it's really bad, then I won't talk about cooperation."

Wang Zhigang: "I think it works."

Wang Wen's face was distressed: "Time is too tight, I still have a lot of things to deal with, how can I find time to visit the hotel?"

Wang Zhigang raised his eyebrows: "That's OK. Since Director Wang is not free, then I will ask your Director Feng to talk about it."

With that said, Wang Zhigang was about to get up and leave.

Wang Wen hurriedly stopped him.

"Director Wang, don't worry, there will be no time to squeeze."

Wang Zhigang: "Are you free?"

Wang Wen nodded quickly: "If we are free, let's check it out tomorrow, okay?"

Wang Zhigang: "Well, tomorrow I will also go to see Xiao Li's hotel, how is it going?"

Li Tianyu said: "Then it's settled, and I will personally pick up two of them tomorrow."

Wang Wen couldn't help but nodded.

No matter how she leans towards the light of the emperor, she can't say "no" now.

Although Wang Zhigang is the deputy director, he is fully responsible for the promotion of "Sword Dance Chang'an".

Moreover, Wang Zhigang has very close ties with the top executives of Nanzhou Satellite TV, and can even be called brothers and sisters together.

Wang Wen is just a planning director, so how can he upset the great Buddha Wang Zhigang?

Zhu Hesha, Hao Lin and others looked at the situation and seemed to be facing an enemy.

Although the members of the program group will only visit Tianyu Mansion tomorrow, this is already a very unfavorable signal for Emperor Beiguang.

The design and decoration of Tianyu Palace are really not comparable to ordinary hotels.

Even if compared with the Light of the North, it can win a lot.

The people in this show group, including Wang Zhigang, will be amazed when they watched it.

When the time comes, the Light of the North will definitely be out of play!

But now all the capable people of the Light of the North are fidgeting, unable to do anything, and helpless, throwing rodents.

Even Hao Lin, who had the most idea, had no idea at all and was completely panicked.

Originally 80% was settled down, why did you leave after chatting?

How do you tell the boss when you go back?

Li Tianyu, no matter what these people think, now he also feels that this matter is half done.

As soon as he got home that day, Li Tianyu announced this message in the senior leadership group of Tianyu Palace.

Li Tianyu: "Comrades, tomorrow the director of "Sword Dance Chang'an" and the planning director of the "Runner" program group will visit our hotel. Everyone will cheer me up and be prepared."

As soon as Li Tianyu's words were sent out, the group immediately exploded.

The hotel leaders who were all diving came out with lightning speed.

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