You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Shen Yanhe: "Did they really agree to come over and watch it? That means there is a show?"

Han Lei: "It's amazing. When I contacted the "Runner" program group last time, they said that if they had time to watch it again, it would obviously mean rejection."

Yu Xuheng: "After all, it's the boss, it's really extraordinary."

Han Lei: "Old Yu, your flattery is also extraordinary."

Yu Xuheng: "How can I be flattering? This is from the bottom of my heart!"

Shen Yanhe: "Well, don't interrupt, discuss how to prepare tomorrow."

Shen Yanhe: "Mr. Li, please make your request now, so we might have a reference."

Li Tianyu: "Actually, don't be nervous, we don't need too much traces of taking the test. I only make two requirements.

Yu Xuheng: "Applause [Expression]."

Han Lei: "Quiet [Expression]."

Li Tianyu: "First, neither humble nor humble."

Li Tianyu: "Secondly, sincere and practical."

Shen Yanhe: "..."

Han Lei: "..."

Yu Xuheng: "..."

What the hell is this?

Saying it is the same as not saying it.

Han Lei really wanted to say that the boss's brain was broken and he was playing the piano indiscriminately.

Fortunately, Han Lei is relatively sensible. He can say anything in private, but he can't say that the boss is not in public.

Li Tianyu: "Okay, let's discuss it slowly. I'm going to watch TV first. Yo, no beer. I have to order some takeaway."

Then, Li Tianyu said nothing again.

He should have ordered takeout, drank beer, and watched TV.

The three of them are really speechless, and the shopkeeper has done it so well, and it is simply perfect.

But work still has to be done. Shen Yanhe, Han Lei, and Yu Xuheng began to discuss how to do tomorrow to satisfy the "joint inspection team."

After all, this matter is too important to be careless.

If you can really cooperate with "The Runner", it is equivalent to Tianyu Palace becoming a hit.

From now on, I will lie down and count money.

The next day, in Dibei Water Town, the sky was just bright.

The lights inside the Tianyu Palace Hotel are bright.

Almost half of the hotel operations team arrived.

First, there was a small meeting to arrange tasks, and then the meeting ended.

Two employees were chatting while decorating ribbons in the lobby.

Liu Rui: "I'm going to die this time. I also said that I will ask for leave today. I didn't ask for leave. Instead, I have to come as soon as possible. Do you know when I'm going out? Five o'clock!"

Zhou Guangpeng: "What are you! I didn't go out until five o'clock, I tell you, I will be out at half past four."

Liu Rui: "You said so suddenly that we are here to fix this thing, what important person is coming?"

Zhou Guangpeng: "Who knows, but let's not ask any more. Anyway, do whatever you want."

Liu Rui: "Don't ask how it works. Although this hotel is well built, it hasn't been opened for business until now. Does it run out of operating funds?"

Zhou Guangpeng: "No operating funds? If you have money to build a hotel, you will have no money to operate? Do you think too much?"

Liu Rui: "That's not necessarily true. You might spend all your money when you build a hotel. Now I'm looking for investors everywhere."

At this moment, Liu Rui and Zhou Guangpeng suddenly felt a chill coming from behind.

I couldn't help turning his head to look, and scared the seven or eight souls of the two people away.

Han Lei was standing behind.

Where is Han Lei?

She is now one of the three vice presidents.Error-free novel

Speaking of the organizational structure of Tianyu Palace, it is quite magical.

The general manager has always been there, but it never seems to have appeared before. Now it is the three vice presidents in charge, and they are called the Big Three of Tianyu.

Han Lei is one of the Big Three.

Because of the straightforward, courageous, and direct style, employees privately call it "tough women".

Zhou Guangpeng: ", Mr. Han is good."

Zhou Guangpeng almost said that he missed his mouth, but fortunately he was still quite sane, so he corrected it in time.

Liu Rui was scared a long time ago.

He didn't know when Han Lei was standing behind.

Those few words he said didn't sound good, if Vice President Han listened to it, it would be miserable.

Han Lei stared at Liu Rui and said, "Do you still want to do it?"

Liu Rui: "I want to do it, I want to do it, President Han, I just said it casually, I didn't mean anything else."

Han Lei: "I tell you, if you don't want to do it anymore, you should immediately go to the personnel department to submit your resignation application, submit it on the same day, and leave on the same day!"

Liu Rui was frightened like a chicken.

What he said just now was quite disgusting, but in his heart he looked like a mirror.

A hotel like Tianyu Palace is not easy to find even in the Imperial City.

First of all, the working environment is first-class, and although the salary is not top-notch, it is at least medium-to-high.

The most important thing is that Tianyu Palace has not yet opened for business.

According to convention, if the hotel's profitability is relatively good, then operators like them will get very substantial bonuses every month.

How much money will Tianyu Plaza make?

At least the employees working here are very optimistic and find it incalculable.

If you lose this job because of some nonsense of your own, that's a grievance.

Han Lei had a violent temper. He was still puzzled after saying these words. Just about to speak again, he heard someone shouting behind him.

"Mr. Han, you are here."

Han Lei turned her head to see that it was Shen Yanhe who was here.

Han Lei: "Mr. Shen, what do you want me to do?"

Shen Yanhe: "Well, there are still some details to discuss with you, do you have time?"

Han Lei turned his head and glared at Liu Rui again: "Hurry up and go to work and talk nonsense, and I will drive you on the spot!"

Liu Rui nodded like a little chicken pecking at rice, and quickly began to work with Zhou Guangpeng.

Han Lei and Shen Yanhe walked side by side, arrived at a rest area, found a seat and sat down.

The stream passes through here.

The sound of water is really nice.

Although the lobby is empty, it makes people feel very lively.

This is a very wonderful design.

Shen Yanhe smiled and said, "Xiao Lei, why are you so magnificent?"

The relationship between the two is excellent.

In public, they call each other "general", but in private, they are called nicknames like friends.

Han Lei: "It's not the employee yet. I'm talking bad about our hotel behind the back. According to my previous temper, I would have slapped him twice!"

Shen Yanhe: "Okay, the employees give us the nickname, no, it's okay, as long as they do the work, and if the work is not good, then clean them up."

Han Lei said "Yes": "Sister Shen, do you think this can happen?"

Shen Yanhe pondered for a moment: "I think as long as it is President Li, it seems that there is nothing to be done. Are you weird?"

Han Lei nodded: "The boss is lazy, but it's still reliable."

Shen Yanhe sighed: "It's great."

Han Lei: "What's so good?"

Shen Yanhe: "I can jump over from Junlun Hotel decisively. This step is really right."

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