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This is the consensus of the entire technology industry.

Of course, unless you do not go to the high end and only go to the low end, you can also control the initial investment.

But in that case, it's just a little trouble.

The more low-end products, the lower the profit, and there is no way to feed so many workers, not to mention that there is no need for R&D investment.

Thinking of this, Han Minghai became more and more worried.

If Jiaxin or Lu Hui did not fulfill his promise in the end, then all the time would be wasted.

Seeing Han Minghai's expression shaken, Zhou Dafa became more and more proud: "I'll just say, think about it, is it a good opportunity to get the boss here this time?"

Everyone nodded fiercely again, and one of them shouted: "The supervisor is the supervisor. You still have to get ahead at the critical moment."

Zhou Dafa chuckled twice, laughing without speaking.

The name of the person shouting just now was Zhao Meng. He could only say that he was able to make peace, and his character was difficult to describe.

When Han Minghai first took power, he tried his best to flatter him, but there was no use.

Han Minghai is relatively straightforward, even if he is flattering him, it will not do any good.

So Zhao Meng started again to fudge Zhou Dafa Zhou's supervisor again.

Sometimes he would help Zhou Dafa and challenge Han Minghai to embarrass him.

At this time, Zhao Meng must spare no effort to stand by Zhou Dafa's side.

According to Zhao Meng's judgment, Zhou Dafa's chances of being on the top are still relatively high, at least greater than Han Minghai.

It used to be, and it still is.

Han Minghai is just a dumb, pure science and engineering, who can only do work, not relationships.

Waiting for Jiaxin's boss to come over for a while, maybe Zhou Dafa will be able to take advantage of his tongue and get the boss done.

At that time, Zhou Dafa was in charge, so there would be nothing to do with Han Minghai.

Han Minghai is not a fool, of course he knows Zhao Meng's virtue.

But he had no choice but to remain silent, leaving the two men flaring their teeth and claws.

At this moment, the door opened and someone came in.

Everyone saw that it was Lu Hui, the current general manager of Jiaxin.

It was a woman who came in with Lu Hui.

This woman's name is Wang Nanrong, she is very beautiful, she has a top-notch figure, and she is a very XING type.

She is Lu Hui's newly recruited assistant.

Of course, people like Lu Hui won't get Wang Nanrong in because she is beautiful. The main reason is that she is really good. She used to work as the secretary to the general manager of a large company.

When Lu Hui came over this time, Wang Nanrong followed, helping to record and deal with matters.

When Han Minghai saw Lu Hui, he couldn't help saying: "Mr. Lu, you..."

Unexpectedly, before Han Minghai finished speaking, a figure rushed forward.

fight?Of course not.

Zhou Dafa directly shook Lu Hui's hand: "Oh, Mr. Lu, we have been waiting for you for a long time, you can count it."

Lu Hui was a little uncomfortable, and intentionally or unconsciously struggled with Zhou Dafa's grip, and replied, "I have been here many times, but it is not as difficult as you said."

Since Lu Hui became the general manager, his temperament and the attitude of talking to people have also changed a bit. He has become more and more like a manager of a company, instead of being a migrant worker like before.90 look at the novel

It is quite reasonable that the environment can change and affect a person.

As for Zhou Dafa, he changed his generous statement just now, and became a pug with awe-inspiring righteousness. He shook his head and shook Lu Hui into the seat.

That seat is of course the most comfortable seat here.

Everyone saw that Zhou Dafa's operation was too irritating and dazzling, and they couldn't help but admire it.

In addition to Zhou Dafa, of course there are also diligent people.

Zhao Meng quickly took a disposable cup and poured two glasses of water quickly.

One cup is for Lu Hui, and the other is for Wang Nanrong of course.

However, Zhao Meng suddenly thought about it, ran over to pour a cup, and handed it to Zhou Dafa.

"Brother Zhou, you drink."

Zhou Dafa smiled slightly, quite proud.

I have to say that Zhao Meng's flattery is really loud.

When everyone saw it, they admired it again.

Zhou Dafa naturally sat opposite Lu Hui and said, "Mr. Lu, are you two here today?"

Knowing what he meant, Lu Hui said, "The boss is still on the way, he should be there in a while."

Zhou Dafa said "Oh": "Mr. Lu, this time the boss will come in person, how do we need to receive it? Do you want to talk to a nearby restaurant?"

Lu Hui waved his hand: "The boss doesn't engage in this kind of thing, so please don't be busy."

At this time, Lu Hui said: "By the way, you have to talk to the boss about any questions. Have you made preparations in advance?"

Zhou Dafa couldn't help but glance at Han Minghai, then smiled and said, "Actually, a few of us, just want to talk to the boss about the salary."

Lu Hui was stunned: "The treatment? What is the treatment?"

It's really weird.

That's not what Zhou Dafa told Lu Hui at the beginning.

Although Zhou Dafa was very vague on the phone at the time, he clearly wanted to talk about the production line, machinery and equipment.

Why did you change your salary when you met?

Zhou Dafa quickly explained: "That's it. Although our technical department hasn't achieved much in the last two years, it is also because the investment in the factory is too small. In fact, we have several large projects in hand, and the progress is very smooth. Increase investment, I believe it will definitely produce results."

Lu Hui nodded: "I know this, then what?"

Zhou Dafa: "Then we are all the main force of technology research and development, Mr. Lu, you know, we are very hard, ninety-nine and sixty-one every day, no, zero and seven, so exhausted, that really burns lives. ."

Lu Hui waved his hand: "Hurry up and talk business, don't go around in circles."

Zhou Dafa: “Before Jiaxin’s administration contacted me and said that the salary structure in the factory would be adjusted in the future, so we wanted to make it clear before the adjustment, and let the boss personally consider it. Can't... raise your salary."

Lu Hui was silent.

Zhou Dafa immediately said: "Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't increase your salary, as long as you can add some other benefits, such as overtime pay, bonuses and the like."

"By the way, this is the result of my discussion with Han Minghai."

Lu Hui looked at Han Minghai, "Leader Han, is this what you mean?"

Han Minghai moved his lips and hesitated for a while before he said, "It's not like that. The main thing is the production line. As long as it can be upgraded normally, then we will..."

Zhou Dafa immediately stopped the conversation: "But we also know that upgrading the production line requires a huge amount of funds, so we can understand that if the funds are temporarily not available...we can also understand."

Lu Hui finally understood what Zhou Dafa meant.

In other words, if the production line cannot be upgraded, then give them more benefits, and they can work with peace of mind.

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