Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 321 Appeared, Mysterious Boss!

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If it weren't for Lu Hui's recent skill training, he wouldn't be able to tell.

Lu Hui frowned. He had long seen that Zhou Dafa was a glib and opportunist, so he greeted the company's human resources department and lowered his salary.

To be honest, Lu Hui is already very kind.

People like Zhou Dafa don't need to keep it at all, just let him go directly is the best and most worry-free.

But because of the stability of the entire team, he was temporarily allowed to stay.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Dafa, an old boy who didn't know anything about himself, started to talk about conditions with Lu Hui.

However, Lu Hui was also able to calm down and didn't immediately turn back against Zhou Da.

After all, Zhou Da's presentation is now speaking for the entire technical research and development department of Guanglan Electronics. Lu Hui can't be too unkind.

Lu Hui pondered for a moment: "Director Zhou, you can talk to the boss directly at that moment. As long as the boss nods, Jiaxin can be satisfied."

When Zhou Dafa heard it, his face suddenly became happy.

The people around also showed unexpected expressions.

Unexpectedly, the boss of Jiaxin actually verbally approved Zhou Dafa's conditions.

Han Minghai couldn't help showing a wry smile.

He originally thought that Lu Hui would directly reject it, but now it seems that he thinks too much.

A person who can speak and engage in relationships is more promising than a wooden person like Han Minghai, has a voice, and can get more benefits.

When Han Minghai thought of this, he secretly sighed and made up his mind. After this acquisition, there is no major improvement in the production line, and if the R&D funds are not available, then he can only find another place.

Good birds choose wood to live.

People go to higher places, and water stays in lower places.

Han Minghai has wasted two years, and he can no longer continue to mess around like this.

Tsinghua classmates who graduated with Han Minghai at the same time, now either hold important positions in the R&D department of a large factory, or export for advanced studies, or work in a famous foreign company.

Only Han Minghai, an outstanding student who was still the best student in his school days, has ended up in obscurity.

This is the fault of Han Minghai himself. At that time, his ears were soft and his thoughts were naive. After hearing the words of the boss, he easily left the original good work unit and ran to Guanglan Electronics.

Fortunately now, Han Minghai dared not show up in the group of classmates. His previous appearances were regarded as negative teaching materials by classmates.

It was really angry and sad.

At this moment, music sounded in the room.

It was Lu Hui's cell phone ringing.

He took out his cell phone and looked at it, and said with a smile, "Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here, the boss is here, I will pick it up, everyone, wait a moment."

With that, Lu Hui stood up.

Zhou Dafa also stood up immediately: "Mr. Lu, I will go with you. I won't pick it up. It seems inappropriate."

Without thinking about it, Lu Hui nodded: "Then you come together."

Zhou Dafa was overjoyed again, so he followed Lu Hui and left the office.

Before he left, Zhou Dafa gave Han Minghai a triumphant look, as if saying, "You better stand aside"!

Han Minghai was quite depressed.

He didn't plan to compete with Zhou Dafa for fame or fortune. He just wanted to work hard and do research. Why is it so difficult?

At this time, other people also started to discuss in a low voice.

"It looks like Team Leader Han can't turn over."

"That's right, I thought I was acquired this time, and Team Leader Han might have a chance to take the position. It seems I was thinking too much."

"Hey, what are you going to roll over? It's good not to roll over."

Of course, not everyone is singing bad news about Han Minghai.

Han Minghai is actually quite popular, and most people are quite convinced of his skills and knowledge.

And because of his good character, Han Minghai loves honest and peaceful people.

Among them was a young man from Tao Yue, who was rather unhappy to hear these comments.

"What are you talking nonsense? Now you can see that Team Leader Han will roll over? What will happen in the future, maybe!"

Someone immediately said: "I think so. After the Jiaxin acquisition is completed, there will definitely be investment in R&D funds. At that time, our technology R&D department must rely on Team Leader Han."

Tao Yue: "Yes, that's right. Team Leader Han is so capable. As long as the R&D funds are in place and the project is on track, I believe that results will be achieved soon."

The sound of such controversy made Han Minghai a headache.

He is a little bit more introverted and doesn't want to be the focus of discussion.

So this kind of conversation made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Tao Yue also saw that Han Ming's expression was wrong, and signaled the others to stop talking.

At this moment, footsteps came from outside the house.

Everyone's expressions became serious immediately.

It looks like the boss is about to show up.

Frankly speaking, everyone behind Jiaxin’s boss is very curious, and no one has ever seen him.

There are many rumors with this boss.

Some say that he is a rich second-generation, buying factories is just playing tickets, and they don't make money by pointing to factories.

Some say that this boss is quite young, very talented, and generous in his shots, and he is a man who does big things.

In fact, there is something even more outrageous. The boss is a heavy dandy. He opened the factory to find good-looking girls.

Anyway, the boss was about to show his true colors, everyone couldn't help but crane their necks, and they didn't dare to blink their eyes.

Including Wang Nanrong, she has never seen her boss ever show up since she joined the company. She just heard Lu Hui and Jiaxin's other senior staff mention him from time to time.

Of course, the most nervous thing in my heart is none other than Han Minghai.

This mysterious boss is a dragon or a snake, and you can tell 70% to 80% by looking at his appearance.

Finally, the door opened.

Zhou Dafa took the lead and walked in.

Then there was Lu Hui, Jiaxin's general manager, and then another person came in.

This person is very young, wearing ordinary T-shirts and jeans, but anyone who knows how to wear them knows that the clothes on this body are all famous brands.

Especially the brown casual and breathable shoes, the design, workmanship, and leather texture are definitely not the most popular products everywhere, they must be very expensive European customized models.

Of course, since he is Jiaxin's behind-the-scenes boss, he must be a rich man. It is no surprise to have this outfit.

But although this person is very young, his whole body exudes a temperament of calmness, calmness, and lightness.

Although his expression was peaceful, it was a bit majestic.

Yes, this is indeed what a big boss should be.

At the same time, Zhou Dafa was so busy that he could not touch the ground.

A particularly comfortable boss chair was arranged for Li Tianyu, which Zhou Dafa pulled out of his office.

Even when Lu Hui came over, he didn't receive this treatment.

Lu Hui didn't think much, and said to Wang Nanrong, "Assistant Wang, help the boss pour a glass of water."

Wang Nanrong promised, and immediately went to the water dispenser to take a disposable cup, fetched water, and handed it to Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu said thank you.

He was really thirsty and didn't care about his image. He drank half a cup in one breath and put the paper cup on the table.

Wang Nanrong was very considerate, and she had to pour another cup when she picked it up.

However, Zhou Dafa accepted it: "Assistant Wang, don't worry, I'll go."

With that said, Zhou Dafa poured a glass of water over and placed it gently beside Li Tianyu.

"Boss, you drink water."

The expression was quite attentive, just like the father-in-law in the palace.

Everyone looked a little greasy.

How can this be the same as in the TV series?

It is really a true portrayal of artistic creation from life.

Li Tianyu didn't care, either, and said "Um".

For people like Zhou Dafa, Li Tianyu didn't meet twice.

He inevitably shook his hand with Zhou Dafa just now, and by the way, he also took a peek at the "little privacy" of this old boy. He already knew Zhou Dafa's thoughts and thoughts well.

At this time, Zhou Dafa sat down cautiously.

Li Tianyu: "Director Zhou, do you want to talk to me?"

Zhou Dafa waved his hand quickly: "No, no, boss, you misunderstood, it's not me, this is the wishes of all employees in our department."

Everyone couldn't help looking at each other.

This is really not everyone's wish.

All were operated by Zhou Dafa.

But many people were also moved by Zhou Da's words.

Who would think he earns a lot of wages?This stuff is definitely the more the better.

If you can talk to the boss directly about the conditions, it is best to meet them.

Most people hold this idea.

Of course, Han Minghai is different. He also wants to talk directly with the boss, but it is not about wages, but about whether production line upgrades and R&D funds are available.

Li Tianyu: "Director Zhou, let's do that. Since everyone is here, I will introduce myself. As the boss of Jiaxin, it is the first time I have come to Guanglan Electronics, so I should get to know you formally."

"My name is Li Tianyu and I am the boss of Jiaxin Technology Co., Ltd. Of course, I don't actually have a formal position in Jiaxin. Lu Hui is responsible for all the affairs of Jiaxin, and Lu Hui reports directly to me.

Zhou Dafa smiled and narrowed his eyes: "Boss, I am the head of the Guanglan Electronic Technology Research and Development Department. My name is Zhou Dafa. These people are my subordinates. Let me introduce you one by one."

Li Tianyu nodded and made a "please" gesture.

Zhou Dafa started to introduce it.

What is very strange is that Zhou Dafa did not start with Han Minghai's introduction, but first introduced Zhao Meng, who is his dog leg.

His intentions are also obvious.

There are three reasons.

First, let the "owners" show off and deepen the impression of the boss.

The second is to show off their muscles to the other people in the department, so that they can understand that there is no good end to going against him Zhou Dafa.

Third, it was purely to suppress Han Minghai.

In fact, Zhou Dafa has recently sensed the threat from Han Minghai.

This kid seems to be "just about to move", seems to be thinking about fighting for the right to speak, even the position of department head.

"This is Zhao Meng, who has joined Guanglan Electronics for more than a year. He has performed very well in the technology research and development department. He is active and conscientious, diligent and studious. He has a spirit of research and is a potential stock of our research and development department."

When Zhao Meng heard it, his face smiled like a flower, and his mouth was full of small golden teeth.

Why do you say Little Golden Teeth?

Because Zhao Meng is a smoker, a very serious one, a pack of cigarettes a day will be a fierce one.

Active and serious, diligent and studious, study spirit?

That was pure nonsense. Before Zhao Meng went to work, he spent at least half of the day outside the office.

Nothing else, just because you are smoking.

But now Zhou Dafa is talking about what is what, and who allows him to take the initiative now.

Li Tianyu did not nod lightly, and shook hands with Zhao Meng directly.

He learned from Lu Hui that there have always been issues of unclear powers and responsibilities within the R&D department of Guanglan Electronics.

If it is other departments, Li Tianyu can be too lazy to deal with it, but he attaches great importance to this department, which is related to the key department that can make epoch-making LCD panel products in the future.

So Li Tianyu decided to explore the details of everyone in the technology research and development department.

There must be people fishing in troubled waters, which is of no use, and there must also be someone who has outstanding skills and is serious and responsible, and can be entrusted with important tasks.

However, using the ability of the "intelligence master" requires physical exertion and is quite tiring.

Fortunately, there are only a dozen people here. Li Tianyu's current physical fitness has been strengthened by the system and should be able to hold it.

So Zhou Dafa introduced them while Li Tianyu shook hands with these people.

Han Minghai's face was green for a while and white for a while, and he felt as though he had received a 10,000-point blow.

Young people, practice is still not enough.

Finally, it was Han Minghai's turn.

Zhou Dafa didn't want to go too far, and didn't arrange him to the end.

The dog jumped over the wall in a hurry, and the rabbit bit people when he was anxious. Zhou Dafa didn't want to let things get out of hand.

Zhou Dafa pointed to Han Minghai and said, "Boss, this is Han Minghai."

Everyone is still waiting for Zhou Dafa to introduce Han Minghai in detail.

He is the leader of the entire technical research group. He graduated from Tsinghua University and is a major in technology. He once served as a core R&D personnel in a well-known domestic company with fruitful results.

However, Zhou Dafa didn't say any of these contents, but simply introduced the name "Han Minghai".

Li Tianyu immediately stretched out his hand and offered to shake hands with Han Minghai.

Han Minghai was shocked by Zhou Dafa's shamelessness, and did not react for a while.

The eyes were dumb and dumbfounded.

Tao Yue quickly reminded in a low voice: "Leader Han."

Han Minghai endured the humiliation and shook hands with Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu smiled and said: "You are Han Minghai, the leader of the technical research group, graduated from Tsinghua University, a major in technology, and once worked as a core R&D personnel in a famous domestic company and has achieved fruitful results.

No word is bad.

Everyone was shocked.

How did the boss know?

Not to mention others, Han Minghai was stunned.

Li Tianyu added: "Mr. Lu mentioned you to me a long time ago and praised you so badly, so I wanted to see you a long time ago, but I have been very busy and didn't have a chance."

As he said, Li Tianyu patted Han Minghai on the shoulder again: "But it's not too late."

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