Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 329: Too Lucky to Have Such a Cousin

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Tan Jing suddenly became like Li Junhai, unable to think.

At this moment, Sun Jiangmin couldn't help asking: "Yes, is that the boss of that hotel?"

In fact, everyone present knows that what Sun Jiangmin said is nonsense.

This girl named Lu Xiaoyuan came out of the hotel. Since Li Tianyu is their boss, then Li Tianyu must be the hotel owner.

Deng Wei looked at the three-story building that was not far away, and then at Lu Xiaoyuan, really wondering what the number of the hotel was.

It stands to reason that even if a new hotel can be built there, can it be built and renovated in just two months?

Isn’t it an empty shell now with a rough house inside?

In any case, it is a human or a ghost, and you will know it after a while.

Deng Wei didn't believe it anymore. How could Li Junhai's cousin go to the sky?

Li Junhai: "By the way, where did my brother go?"

Lu Xiaoyuan: "He...he has to deal with something urgent, and he is still outside. Mr. Li asked me to pick up a few people first and wait for him a while."

Lu Xiaoyuan reminded again: "A few of you come with me."

Li Junhai and Tan Jing followed behind Lu Xiaoyuan and walked towards the new hotel.

Li Junhai whispered to Tan Jing: "I didn't expect the hotel to be in the scenic spot."

Tan Jing: "The problem is not here at all, OK?"

Li Junhai was startled: "Where is the problem?"

Tan Jing: "Your cousin is the owner of the hotel. Did you know that before?"

Li Junhai touched his head: "Also, if I know, I won't let you know."

While talking, several people had already followed Lu Xiaoyuan to the door of the hotel.

The hotel's LOGO is also very cleverly designed, like a plaque from a large family in ancient times, with four characters written on it-Tianyu Palace.

The more Sun Jiangmin and Deng Wei walked here, the more shocked they were.

Although the decoration of the exterior wall of this hotel is very simple and simple, but it looks very simple, and it is integrated with the overall style of the Dibei Water Town, which is obviously quite tall.

Sun Jiangmin whispered: "I didn't expect Li Junhai to have such a Niubi cousin. I have never heard him mention it before."

Deng Wei: "Let you say that, I think something is wrong."

Sun Jiangmin: "Why is something wrong?"

Deng Wei: "You think, if he really has a cousin who is a hotel owner, and this looks really good outside, then why should he worry about finding a job?"

Sun Jiangmin: "He doesn't seem to know that his cousin is the boss."

Deng Wei smiled openly: "Then this cousin is too low-key, even the relatives don't know what he is doing? Anyway, let's go in and have a look, maybe it's a poop ball or a sheep dung egg."

Sun Jiangmin was startled: "How to say?"

Deng Wei: "The surface is shiny."

Sun Jiangmin understood.

In fact, he didn't really believe that Li Junhai's cousin was really such a big deal.

Li Junhai: "By the way, why is the hotel closed now?"

Lu Xiaoyuan: "It's not open for business yet."

When Sun Jiangmin heard this, he suddenly realized.

Deng Wei also showed a look of "it really is."

Inside this hotel, it is mostly in a rough state.

In fact, to build a house, the main building is quickly built, and relatively speaking, the cost is not high.

But the cost of decoration will account for the bulk.

Not to mention that it is going to be renovated into a hotel like the Emperor Beizhiguang. Even if it is an ordinary express hotel, the overall decoration cost will cost tens of millions of soft sister coins.

Like Tianyu Hao Ting, it is so criticized outside for the purpose of propaganda, or to raise funds and attract investment.

Although Deng Wei and Sun Jiangmin are not young, they have already heard some "capital games".

At this time, several people had already reached the door of Tianyu Palace.

Lu Xiaoyuan said, "Wait a minute," and saw that she swiped the access control at the door with her work card.

With a click, the door opened automatically.

To be honest, Li Junhai and Tan Jing are a little nervous.

The appearance of Tian Yu Hao Ting has lifted the appetites of the two of them, and the expectations are full.

If the inside of the door is not very good, then you will be disappointed.

The four followed Lu Xiaoyuan into the hotel lobby.

This time, these young people were shocked.

Sun Jiangmin: "Fuck! Does the imperial capital have such a nicely decorated hotel?"

Deng Wei was speechless for a long time, and words like dumbfounded and dumbfounded could no longer describe the extent of his shock.

This is no wonder.

Are the people in the "Runner" program group knowledgeable enough?

Seeing this lobby was still shaken a few times, not to mention these college students who are not even fledgling.

For Li Junhai, this is simply a huge surprise.

When I thought that my cousin Li Tianyu was the owner of this hotel, I suddenly felt that life was full of hope.

Tan Jing certainly feels this way.

Not to mention that the working environment in Dibei Water Town is really top-notch, just say that the momentum of the hotel lobby can be described as exquisite and majestic.

It was even stronger than the light of the North, and it was quite visible to the naked eye.

If Li Junhai can work here, he has a bright future.

Tan Jing couldn't help asking: "Sister Lu, this hotel is great, isn't it a five-star hotel?"

Lu Xiaoyuan: "It's not in operation yet. After the formal operation, we will apply for a rating from the relevant department."

Li Junhai: "It's definitely a star, five-star is no problem!"

Although Li Junhai was a little excited, he still had professional judgment.

After all, he is in hotel management, and he has a lot of theoretical knowledge about hotel ratings.

This kind of hardware condition is already super five-star. If the service can be grasped and meets the standard, even if it does not reach the total area of ​​10,000 square meters, as long as the difference is not too much, it will be rated as five-star. The hotel is not a big problem.

This is too cool!

Just now, Li Junhai was still envious of Sun Jiangmin's ability to go to the Light of the North, but now it's better, and he has developed an inexplicably powerful sense of superiority.

Lu Xiaoyuan took the four to sit down in the small bar.

Although the hotel is not yet open, the service staff in all areas of the lobby are already in place.

Behind the bar, someone was carefully wiping the glasses. It should be an employee like a bartender.

"A few of you wait here for a while, Mr. Li will come here to look for you."

Immediately after Lu Xiaoyuan left, the waiter brought drinks, as well as various pastries and snacks.

Waiter: "Several welcomedrinking, please use it slowly."

After the waiter spoke politely, he left.

These things were particularly eye-catching from the outside, and the four couldn't help but taste them.Shuwu Novel Network

Li Junhai: "Yeah, this drink is good. I don't know what its name is, it's sour and sweet."

Tan Jing was stunned: "What drink is not sweet and sour?"

With that, Tan Jing took a sip and couldn't help but smile.

It is really delicious, sweet but not greasy, a bit sour, but just right.

Tan Jing: "It's refreshing, really good."

Sun Jiangmin: "Yeah, this cookie is baked well, and this cake!"

Looking at these three people, Deng Wei felt very embarrassed.

Just now he was still secretly mocking Li Junhai and ridiculing him.

In the end, it was discovered that they were not bronze, but a special king.

Of course, although Deng Wei felt that he had suddenly become frustrated, his psychological quality was strong enough to still sit here peacefully.

At this moment, several waiters were chatting not far away.

Waiter one: "Xiaohui, you just joined the job, maybe you don't know that something big is about to happen."

Waiter 2: "What's the big deal?"

Waiter 3: "Sister Zhang, don't tease her anymore, the new issue of "The Runner" is about to start recording."

Waiter 2: "I know, I'm a big fan of "The Runner"! I heard that it was recorded on the weekend, by the way, it seems to be in Dibei Water Town!"

Waiter one: "Yeah, you know quite clearly."

Waiter 2: "Of course, I'm in the official forum of "The Runner" every day."

Waiter one: "Then you don't know yet? The "runner" partner hotel in Dibei Water Town."

The second waiter's eyes widened: "Sister Zhang, don't you mean that Tianyu Mansion is the location for the new issue of The Runner?"

Waiter one: "You are smart."

Waiter two was startled first, then almost jumped up: "Really? Don't lie to me!"

Waiter 3: "Who has time to lie to you? By the way, it seems that the program group is recruiting amateurs to participate in the program. If you want to participate, you have to sign up quickly."

Waiter two: "Where are you? I'll go now."

The waiter coughed dryly: "Wait until get off work."

Hearing this, Li Junhai, Tan Jing, Sun Jiangmin and Deng Wei were stunned.

They are college students and basically watch variety shows, especially reality shows, which are quite popular among college students.

Popular shows like "The Runner" are watched by almost everyone.

Unexpectedly, this show will be shot in Dibei Water Town.

More importantly, the partner hotel is actually this Tianyu Palace!

This is too awesome!

As long as the show is broadcast, it will be difficult for Tianyu Palace to be popular!

As long as it is open, it is estimated that a room is hard to find.

Li Junhai and Tan Jing were very excited, and even Sun Jiangmin was shocked and shouted "Niu Pian" several times.

Only Deng Wei was even more embarrassed, his mentality collapsed now and he couldn't sit down at all.

Deng Wei found an opportunity to pretend that something was going on, so he took Sun Jiangmin to leave.

Sun Jiangmin didn't seem to be staying enough, but he had to take care of Deng Wei's emotions and had to agree to leave.

Before leaving, Sun Jiangmin also said to Li Junhai: "Junhai, you can help me introduce your cousin when you turn around, I am so..."

Having said that, Sun Jiangmin looked at Deng Wei and quickly stopped talking.

Everyone knows that Sun Jiangmin also wants to work in Tianyu Hao Ting after graduation.

Although it has not officially opened yet, not to mention the hardware conditions of this hotel, it is said that it has become the filming location of "The Runner", which is already very telling.

This hotel will soon become the hottest Internet celebrity hotel.

I am afraid that people from all over the country will follow in the footsteps of reality show stars and come to experience the hotel services.

Soon after Sun Jiangmin and Deng Wei left, Li Tianyu finally appeared.

Li Junhai is not an outgoing person, but at this time he was already very excited, and he asked Li Tianyu to ask questions.

Tan Jing cares most about the "runner" program group.

Tan Jing: "Brother Li, will "The Runner" really come to the hotel for shooting?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes, this one didn't run away. Now everyone in the program group is doing the layout here. Look over there."

Both Li Junhai and Tan Jing looked in the direction of Li Tianyu's fingers, and saw that several people were sorting out some strange props, which seemed to be some Shiatsu boards.

Tan Jing was also excited: "Really! Brother Li, can we come to visit then?"

Li Tianyu: "Of course there is no problem."

Li Junhai: "Xiao Jing, we are all going back to Jinmen, how do we visit?"

Tan Jing was a little disappointed: "Yeah, it's a pity, I still want to ask them for an autographed photo."

Li Tianyu chuckled: "That's not easy, I will ask you two sets later."

Tan Jing was so happy that she quickly thanked her.

At this point, both of them are already satisfied.

They were afraid that Li Tianyu was busy, so they wanted to leave.

Li Tianyu: "It's hard to come here, it's better to stay one night before leaving."

Li Junhai and Tan Jing looked at each other: "Can you?"

Li Tianyu: "What's wrong with this? You haven't been here before. I don't know how beautiful the night view of Dibei Water Town is. By the way, there are hot spring baths in the hotel. The real hot spring is not the one that uses dry water and hot spring powder. Kind of counterfeit goods."

Both Li Junhai and Tan Jing were touched.

Li Tianyu: "Don't worry, I won't take your money, I will let you open... two rooms?"

Tan Jing's face flushed: "Yes, just open two."

Li Junhai smirked, and said nothing.

Li Tianyu is fine, anyway, the hotel is now full of empty rooms, one and two are the same.

Li Tianyu called Yu Xuheng and asked him to arrange "overtime".

After a while, Li Junhai and Tan Jing wanted to go to the scenic spot to have fun, so they left the hotel.

Li Junhai: "This time I'm at ease. Once we graduate, we will move to the Imperial Capital!"

Tan Jing also had a relaxed look on her face, and nodded: "You are really lucky to have such a cousin. Didn't you envy Sun Jiangmin just now?"

Li Junhai: "I see, he probably wants to come over too."

Tan Jing: "But don't be overwhelmed. Your cousin is the boss. He will definitely focus on the overall situation. When you come here, you will start from the bottom and you can't be arrogant."

Li Junhai: "Don't worry, I know myself and I won't be ashamed of my cousin."

As a result, the little couple can finally relax their worries and play in the scenic spot.

At the same time, Li Tianyu dialed Ai Heping's phone.

Ai Heping hasn't returned to the magic capital yet, but went to Linhai City and turned things upside down.

Linhai is the only tropical island in China, a tourist destination, and beautiful scenery.

According to Ai Heping, the annual Haitian Feast is about to begin, and he has gone ahead to take a good place.

Li Tianyu: "I care about you, Haitian feast, Man and Han banquet, you first lend me 20 supercars."

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